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Where There's Smoke

Page 28

by B L Morticia

  “Yeah. Come down to the garage. I’m in front of my car.”

  “Okay, I’ll be down.”

  The call disconnected, and I dropped my cell on the pavement. I had no strength in any part of my body at this moment. Only pain. Nothing but, flowing throughout my joints and muscles.

  “Myles? Oh fuck!” I heard the footsteps running towards me. Thankfully, my vision was clearing up a little, but I wouldn’t be able to drive or anything.

  “Who did this to you? I’m calling an ambulance!”

  “No, Garrett. I’m fine. I need to lie down. You can get me ice packs and all that. I’ll be good as new.”

  “What if you’ve got broken ribs or something?”

  “I seriously doubt that. Myrna and her pimp didn’t stay long enough to do that kind of damage.”

  “Myrna was here? We banned her from the building!”

  “Yeah, well, we should’ve banned her from the garage too. Please just help me off the ground. I need to get up so I can −”

  As I talked, my phone buzzed on the concrete. I didn’t have a clue who it was because I couldn’t see the screen.

  “Garrett could you…” I got those words out.

  “Yeah, man. We need to get you to a doctor though. Hello?”

  I held out my hand so Garrett could try pulling me up. When he did, my head felt like a fifty-pound weight on my body and I nearly gagged from all the blood gathering in my mouth.

  “What? Okay Santiago, calm down, man. Myles is… he isn’t well, but−”

  “Santiago? Oh no, what’s wrong with him?” With the little strength I had left, I snatched the phone from Garrett. “Put it on speaker.”


  Santiago was sniffling. Instantly, I worried about what was to come out of his mouth.

  “Myles, what’s wrong? Oh, my God, is something wrong with you too?”

  “Nothing I can’t handle, sweetheart,” I said.

  “All right. Please come down here. Jonas is hurt. He was downtown fighting a blast, and he ran in after someone else and they don’t know the extent of his injuries. Please come −”

  “I’m on my way. Don’t worry. I need to get cleaned up and I’ll be down there okay? Stay calm.” Garrett eyed me as if to say “really?”. I glared at him. Once I changed and washed myself, I would go down to Cobalt with or without his help.

  “Okay. Please hurry. His father and brother are on their way too. You should be here.”

  I nodded. “Of course, I should, and I will.”

  * * * *


  The minute I received the call from the hospital, I broke down and cried. They had no idea the extent of Jonas’s injuries, but they said he should recover. He’d gotten burned, and suffered from smoke inhalation, which was damn serious enough.

  Since me and Pamela had been drinking, we took a cab. The moment we got there, we ran to the emergency room and stopped at the triage desk.

  “Hello? Hi, um. I’m Jonas Sandbauck’s partner, and this is my friend, Pamela. Has he been admitted?”

  The nurse looked up. “Yes sir. His family is here too. Let me take you to the waiting room.”

  “Thank you.”

  She gave us passes, and we walked through the locked doors to the end of the hall. I caught sight of Gloria and she immediately came over, hugging me close.

  When she wrapped her arms around me, I leaned on her shoulder and let my tears flow. We did it together and soon, his father and brother came over too.

  “Shh, c’mon, now, boy. Ya gotta be strong for Jonas, all right. He’s gonna be fine.” That was Jonas’s dad, Ezekiel.

  I felt more pats on my back and I raised my head up to look at him. He was the spitting image of Jonas, only older.

  “What happened?”

  Bo stepped over and gave me a hug too. “The chief told us he was doing his job and had come out of the burning building. Then he heard screams sounding like someone else inside and went back in even when the chief told him not to.”

  “Oh, My God!”

  Pamela gasped behind me.

  I shook my head, knowing Jonas was that kind of man. He was a former Army serviceman, and he was programmed never to leave anyone behind.

  I sniffled and wiped my eyes. “So, have they said the extent of his burns or−”

  “Second degree on his arms and hand,” Ezekiel chimed in. “That boy I tell ya. He dunno when to quit.”

  We all chuckled nervously, and I agreed with him. To continue waiting, all of us walked over to the group of chairs.

  “Sweetie, you need some coffee or something?” Pamela held my hand tightly in hers.

  “That would be great, thanks.” I nodded at her.

  “Anyone else?” Pamela asked them.

  They all nodded and Gloria took the walk with her.

  Right then, I broke down again. Ezekiel held my shoulder and rubbed my head, telling me everything would be okay. I knew this, but it was still hard. My lover went back in because he tried saving someone else’s life. That was his job. I got that. Just like he’d done in Afghanistan and here, Jonas risked everything, not thinking about what he had at home.



  And now, Myles.

  We all needed him.

  It sounded selfish. Childish, but I didn’t give a fuck. Jonas was ours and I didn’t want him to put himself in this kind of situation again, no matter what.

  Within moments, Gloria and Pamela came back with our coffee.

  “Thanks.” I nodded and took a sip then laid back on Ezekiel’s shoulder for comfort. This was only temporary until Myles got here. Then, I’d be on him instead because I needed Myles to console me.

  Just as I got comfortable, a voice called my name.


  It was Myles, and I got up from my chair, to watch him coming down the hall. He had a bandage on his head and he was limping with Garrett’s help. After I placed my coffee down, I hurried to him to see what was wrong.

  “What happened?” I ran my hand over his bald head where the bandage didn’t cover.

  “Long story, love. How is he?” Myles replied.

  “We heard second degree burns on his arm and hand along with smoke inhalation.” I shook my head because I felt terrible for not saying hello to Garrett. “I’m sorry, hi, Garrett.”

  “Hi. I wish we were seeing each other again on better circumstances. We gotta stop meeting like this, Santiago.”

  I smiled, then kissed Myles on the head.

  “C’mon so I can introduce you to the family.” I walked on his other side and helped him to a chair. Once he made it, he plopped down and huffed as if he was out of breath.

  “Ezekiel, Gloria, Bo, this is Myles, Macy’s uncle, legal guardian and his friend Garrett.”

  “Oh.” Gloria said aloud.

  Bo and Ezekiel got up to shake his hand and Garrett’s. They exchanged pleasantries.

  “You got yourself a beautiful little girl, my man. You gotta bring her around sometime.” Bo said.

  “Ya’ sure do. I would love to take her on a pony ride when she gets older.” Ezekiel laughed.

  Myles appeared to be happy about the welcome he’d received. I sat on the side of him and clasped his hand.

  Ezekiel looked at the two of us with a strange expression. “So um, where do ya’ll know one another from?”

  “We met several years ago when Santiago lived in Chicago and now−,”

  I looked up at Myles who appeared as if he wanted to say more.

  “I don’t know if Santiago told you all, but we’re going to be in a relationship together. Me, Santiago, and Jonas. We’ll be raising Macy as a family,” Myles said with confidence.

  At first, there was total silence. Only the hospital’s noises along with everyone’s breathing.

  “Well, um, wow. Jonas did actually tell us he was contemplating it,” Gloria said. “We told him we’d love him no matter what.”

  Ezekiel hmmed and stoo
d in front of us. “Well damn, I tell ya. You young people don’t believe in doing anything boring do you?”

  We all laughed at that. Ezekiel’s statement apparently took away some of the tension.

  “Sir, I’m not all that young,” Myles said in response. “I’m thirty-eight.”

  “Still younger than me.” Ezekiel chuckled. “Listen, I’m happy for ya. I love my son and whatever makes him happy, I stand by him. I always have and always will. That kid ain’t never been normal and I’m perfectly okay with that. He’s a good son and man. That’s all that matters.”

  “Dad!” Bo chuckled as did Gloria.

  We all had a little laugh, even though his comment about Jonas not being normal was bogus. More importantly, Ezekiel accepted our union. Myles actually said it, meaning he believed in it just like we did. That made me happier than anything.

  “So, if all of ya’ll gonna be family, you need to make sure he don’t do this. He’s gonna give his ol’ man a heart attack with these antics!” Ezekiel harrumphed.

  Since it was time for revelations, I talked with Ezekiel for Jonas. “Um, Ezekiel, Jonas actually wanted to leave the station and come work with you and Bo.”

  “Really? I’ve been wanting both my sons with me so I’m glad to hear it. Bo, you could use the help, right?”

  “Sure could. I was tellin’ Jonas to do it for years, but he wanted to live dangerously,” Bo chuckled. “It’s about time he chipped in with the family business. We’re about to expand.”

  “Oh, and may I ask what it is you do?” Myles asked sounding like the opportunist he is.

  “We got our own construction company,” Bo said. “Daddy built this from the ground up. We been building here and in Highland.”

  I felt Myles nudge my side.

  “Well, that’s exciting. We’d love to help you guys with some financial planning. My partner Garrett and I run a financial firm in Chicago. And well, since we are all moving in together, we need a house.”

  “Of course, ya do. Ya’ll ain’t gonna live in that little apartment. There are too many of you.” Ezekiel said laughing.

  “You’re exactly right,” Myles said with a chuckle. Then he groaned.

  “Santiago, you’re leaning on my side.”

  “Oh sorry.” I adjusted myself and Myles seemed okay after that.

  “Myles, I think since we’re here, in a hospital, you need to let someone look at you.” Garrett admonished.

  “I will, but not until I hear that my other lover, Jonas, is okay.”

  I smiled to myself and patted his leg. I was worried about Myles too, however, but I didn’t know what happened.

  “Well, we’ll talk about that after my boy’s outta the woods. The Chiefs’ here, so he’ll fill us in on everything once they finish filing the reports.” Ezekiel patted both of us.

  Gloria looked over. “Well, welcome to the family, Myles. Anytime you guys need a sitter, I’m available. The kids love little Macy.”

  “Thank you, Gloria. I do have a nanny, but I’m sure she’d love some time off. So we will take you up on that offer,” Myles answered.


  “You guys have me too. She’s such a sweet baby,” Pamela chimed in.

  “She is. I was due to take her to the park and then all this happened,” Myles said, sounding exasperated.

  I sighed. “Myles, I wish you’d fill me −”

  The doors opening cut me off and the doctor walked out with a look of satisfaction on his face.

  “Doctor, is my boy gonna be all right?” Ezekiel got up from his chair and spoke first.

  “He is. He’s got second degree burns on his arm and parts of his shoulder. The smoke inhalation was pretty bad, but he’ll be able to go home in a couple of days. He’s very lucky. That building downtown was engulfed by flames. He’s a brave man risking his life for another firefighter.”

  Myles grabbed my shoulder and kissed my head.

  “Doctor, can we go see him?” I asked.

  “Give him some time. He hasn’t woken up yet. I’d say you can all go in, separated in pairs, to visit.”

  “Thanks, doc!” Bo said.

  Bo got up from his chair as well to talk with Ezekiel and the doctor.

  With this news, I could breathe again and my anxiety level went down, knowing our lover would be okay.

  “Now, Myles. How about that check-up?” Garrett asked him.

  “I suppose, but I want to see him first. Then I’ll see someone here about treating my injuries.”

  “And then you’ll tell me what happened right?” I asked.

  “Yes, I will,” Myles answered as he grimaced. “No worries there.”

  * * * *


  After Jonas’s father, brother, and sister-in-law came out, the nurse told me and Santiago we were free to go in. Garrett and Pamela followed to give their regards so both of them could go home for the evening.

  When we walked in the familiar smells of ammonia infiltrated my nostrils and it took me back to being at Momma’s side when she passed. In all honesty, it brought back bad memories, but I wouldn’t have avoided it especially since Jonas sat with me through the last parts of that ordeal.

  Santiago and I made our way to his bed with our hands clasped together. Santiago trembled under my grasp and I squeezed his hand to remind him I was here.

  “Baby?” Santiago spoke softly and stroked the top of Jonas’s head with his free hand. He had a bandage there, and one covering his entire arm to the knuckles on his fingers.

  Jonas opened his blue eyes and smiled at us.

  “Hey, Santi… Myles.”

  “Pamela and Garrett are here too.”

  Garrett and Pamela stepped forward, each waving at Jonas and he greeted them before turning his eyes back to us.

  “God, I’m so glad to see you. If lil Macy was here, it would’ve been perfect.”

  Santiago and I chuckled.

  “Yes, well, no worries. I’m going to be down for a while, so I’m sending for Sarah and Macy to stay for a bit,” I said to him.

  “What happened to you? Why are you wearing a bandage?”

  I shook my head dismissively. “It’s a long story. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Just concern yourself with getting better. You know you scared the beejesus out of all of us, right?”

  Jonas held out his unbandaged hand towards us.

  Santiago took it first, then I put my hand atop Santiago’s.

  “Yeah, and I know what you’re gonna say. Both of you. I went in there because that’s what’s built in me, you know? I didn’t want to give up on one of my fireman brothers just because it was dangerous. I had to try and if I died trying, then it was meant to be.”

  “Oh, my God, Jonas don’t say that!” Santiago shuddered and pulled his hand away from underneath mine and sobbed.

  I grasped Santiago’s shoulder and then placed my palm atop Jonas’s hand.

  Although that statement shocked me, I understood. One of the many reasons I didn’t become a military serviceman of any kind was I didn’t have that kind of unselfish bone in my body. Jonas did. Perhaps yet another reason he was so easy to fall for.

  “I get it, lover. I really do, but you have way too much to live for now. You have us and more importantly, a little girl that knows you as Jo Jo.” I said to him.

  Jonas smiled. “It’s true. I recognize that, but my men, my brothers at the fire station need me too. That’s why I’m a firefighter.”

  “Was a firefighter,” Santiago interjected through tears. “I let Ezekiel know that you wanted to work with him and Bo.”

  “Yeah. Dad told me. Look, Santi, every job comes with some danger.”

  “Yes.” Santiago sniffed.

  “And well, being in the military and a fireman, we risk our lives for people no matter what. I’m gonna take that with me into whatever occupation I go into.”

  “Yes, believe me, Jonas, we get it. Doesn’t mean we have to like it,” I said as I squeezed Santiag
o’s shoulder.

  “Right. I hate it that’s all. I was so scared when I got that phone call. If Pamela wasn’t there I would’ve collapsed,” Santiago responded in kind.

  “Yeah, but I came out okay, right? I’m here. A little crispy, but I’m fine.” Jonas said with a small chuckle.

  “Oh. Em. Gee. He said crispy.” Pamela said and Garrett laughed along with us.

  I shook my head at Jonas and sighed. “Maybe. The most important thing is you’re still here. Alive and well. Don’t forget we have plans to make, Jonas. Lots of them.”

  Jonas grinned at me, then winked. “I know, babe. And I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  When Jonas was released from the hospital, I officially played nurse to my ailing men and my daughter. Pamela was a sweetheart to take time off to help. Along with Sarah, the two of them made this easier on all of us.

  With Sara and Pamela taking Macy to the park, this was the first day I’d be taking care of my men alone. I’d looked forward to it for some time. Although sad both Jonas and Myles had endured physical harm, I loved tending to their needs as we prepared to spend the rest of our lives together.

  Walking into the bedroom with our lunch on a tray, I eyed my twosome lying on the bed with their hands laced together. Neither was on exclusive bed rest, but I’d warned them about moving around too much because I wanted them to recover.

  “Okay, my loves. I made tuna salad with extra mayo for my big man.” I placed the plate on Jonas’s lap. “And my tuna with less mayo, more mustard, and celery for my other big man.” I sat the other plate on Myles’s lap.

  “Thanks, Santi. Where’s yours?” Jonas asked me.

  “I’m eating these chips. I’m not in the mood for tuna right now. I asked Pamela to bring me back a sub or something, with ham and real meat. Once I get you two settled, I’ll go grocery shopping.”

  “Santiago, we aren’t invalids. Only hurt for the moment. I told you I’d take you.” Myles admonished.

  “No, you’re supposed to rest. You have a cracked rib, two stitches over your eye, and sprained wrist.”

  “Yeah, besides, I want you to keep me company,” Jonas snorted. “That way, both of us can be babied together.”


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