Bernard Baruch: The Adventures of a Wall Street Legend
Page 47
Hale, Dorothy Donovan 343
Halifax, Edward 347
Hamilton, William P. 283
Hammond, John Hays 92–93
Hancock, John M. 339, 359–360, 362, 364
atomic policy and 199–200, 371, 373–375
Hand, Charles S. 326
Harding Administration 252
Harriman, Edward H. 49
Harrison, Byron P. (Pat) 240, 253, 256
Harrison, J. W. 148, 150–153, 155
Harvard Business Review 340
Havemeyer, Henry 0. 56, 128
Hawley, Edwin 86, 139
Hazeltine, Mr. 64–66
Hearst, William Randolph 139, 341
Hellman, Geoffrey 350–351
Helm, Edith 213
Henry, Robert L. 169
Hentz & Company 268
Herter, Christian 217
Hertz, John 269, 284–285
Higgins, Blanche 349, 361, 394
“High Court of Commerce,” Baruch’s proposal for 305, 370, 390
Hilgenbach, Heinrich 112
Hill, James J. 62, 73
Hillman, Sidney 340
Hiss, Alger 330–331, 375
Hitler, Adolf 336, 339, 344, 347
Hobcaw, barony of 111–132, 164, 275, 335, 369
black church in 115
fire at 287
guests at 114–115, 197, 219, 238–240, 249, 272, 343, 347
hunting at 115
inaccessibility of 114
“Hohenlinden” (Campbell) 6
Hollander, Jacob H. 307–308
Honigman & Prince 30
Hoover Administration 237, 296, 298
Hoover, Herbert 212, 224, 348
Hopkins, Harry 342, 344, 358, 361
Hopkins, Louise Macy 361
House, Edward Mandell 126
House Un-American Activities Committee 391–392
Housman, A. A., & Company 28, 67, 131, 170
Baruch as junior partner in 34, 61, 86–88
earnings of 63, 67
Panic of 1893 and 39
Sulzer’s alleged dealings with 131–132
Housman, Arthur A. 26–28, 34, 36, 39, 63, 78–80, 128, 139, 282
alleged death of 79
death of 103
decription of 26
in financial straits 85–87
in tobacco mergers 64–65, 67
New York Times tribute to 61–62
observation-car tour 69
Housman, Clarence 12, 62, 131
Housman, Fred 27
Housman-Gwathmey & Company 87
Houston, David F. 160
Howard, Frank A. 353
Howe, Louis M. 317, 319–320
Hubbard, Thomas H. 140
Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company 251
Hughes Commission 57
Hull, Cordell 250, 318–320, 348, 350
Hutton, E. F. 177
Hylan, John F. 12, 206
“hyphenates” 345
Ickes, Harold 219, 342, 344, 350, 351, 373
income tax, federal 42, 115, 179
industrial management 55
industrial renaissance 272–273, 301
Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) 99
inflation 271, 356, 369–370
as risk to bond market 51–53
Baruch’s distaste of 1, 316, 320–322, 393
Baruch’s neglect of monetary side of 340
during World War I 184–187, 193, 232, 300
Ingalls, Howard 202
Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT) 288, 295
Intercollegiate Athletic Association 19
Intercontinental Fertilizer Company 108
Intercontinental Rubber Company 116
interest rates 53, 130, 186, 232, 294
decline in long-term 50–52, 271
Intermediate Credit Banks 236
Internal Revenue Service 169
International Mercantile Marine Company 164
international monetary system 319
International Nickel 264
International Paper Company 150
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) 49–50
investment research 105
involuntary voluntary method 237, 313
Irving Air Chute 301
Italy 220, 230
Jackling, Daniel 92–93, 107–109, 156, 190–191, 294
James, Marquis 326
Japan 174, 297, 348, 364
Jefferson Islands Club 275, 343
Jewett, George C. 258
Johns Hopkins University 246, 307
Johnson, Alvin 229
Johnson, Hiram 225
Johnson, Hugh S. 184, 200
Johnson, Louis 337
Joint Chiefs of Staff 374
Jones, Jesse 115, 257–259, 385
Journal of Commerce 161
Juliana, Princess of the Netherlands 384–385
Justice Department, US 180
Kahn, Otto H. 166
Kamp Kill Kare 118
Kansas State Board of Agriculture 233
Karsh, Yousuf 71
Keene, James R. 25–26, 60
Keene, Jessica 80
Kendrick-Strahan, Sarah 88
Kennebunk Savings Bank 137
Kennedy, John F. 334
Kennedy, Joseph P. 303, 317, 385
Kent, Frank 144, 240, 253, 272, 305, 321, 326–328, 340–342
death of 398
Keppler, Rudolph 46
Kershaw County, SC 8, 10
Keynes, John Maynard 18, 217, 222, 223, 227–230, 393
Kiroack, Howard 317
Klotz, Louis-Lucien 211, 222
Knickerbocker Trust Company 102
Knudsen, William S. 340
Kohn, Julius A. 23–24
Korean War 386–387
Krassin, Leonid 249–250
Krech, Alvin W. 140
Kreuger, Ivar 298
Krock, Arthur 235, 246, 253, 257–258, 260, 265, 294, 321, 324–326, 328–329, 340–341, 350, 386
Baruch interview by 218–219
defense of Baruch 233
first employment by Baruch 240–242
Kuhn, Loeb & Company 122
Ku Klux Klan 8, 255, 398
Kurusu, Saburo 348
labor 185, 218, 362, 370
automobile industry and 206, 304
reform 315, 364
unrest 99–101, 220, 232
Lacey (Baruch’s valet) 210, 219, 331, 350
Ladenburg, Thalmann & Company 30
Ladies’ Home Journal 205
Laimbeer, Mrs. William 123
Lamar, David 168, 234
Lamont, Thomas W. 156, 213, 224, 282, 284
Land, Emory S. 363
Lane, Franklin K. 194
Langtry, Lillie 25
Lansing, Robert 166, 177, 203, 222, 226
Lardner, Ring 242
Lasker, Albert D. 269, 387
“Latins Are Lousy Lovers” (Lawrenson) 116
Lawrence, David 195, 240, 326
Lawrence, William A. 103
Lawrenson, Helen 116, 361
Lawson, Thomas W. 60, 81, 165, 166, 171, 177
League of Nations 211, 227, 256, 374
League to Enforce Peace 227
Leeds, William B. 40–41
Legge, Alexander 199
LeHand, Marguerite 324
Lehman Corporation 274, 279, 285
Lehman, Robert 286
Lewis, Fulton, Jr. 354, 363
Lewis, Sinclair 325
Liberty Bonds 180, 186, 232, 331
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company 63
Lilienthal, David E. 368–369, 371–379, 387
Baruch wooing of 371–372
Limburger, Richard 30
Lindbergh, Charles A. 311
Lippmann, Walter 241, 306, 427
Livermore, Jesse 164, 176
Lloyd George, David 174, 222, 227
Lodge, Henry Cabot 226
London Metal Exchange 395
London Stock Exchange 53
Long Branch, NJ 22–23, 62–63, 94, 111
Long, Huey 325, 328
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 203
Louisville & Nashville Railroad 133
Lovett, Robert 194
Lubell, Samuel 352, 392, 400
Luce, Henry and Clare 361, 391, 400–401
Lydon, Richard P. (Dick) 24, 118, 160, 279, 287
Lytton, Harry C. (uncle) 30, 405
Mabon, James 119, 130
Mackay, Charles 101, 301
MacNeill, Charles 93, 102
Making of the Reparation and Economic Sections of the Treaty, The (Baruch) 228–229
Malcolm McAdoo 171
Malone, Annie 396
Manchester Guardian 229, 378
Mandel, Georges 347
Manhattan Bank 103
Manhattan Elevated Company 295
Marcus, Bernard K. 55, 308
margin calls 274, 283
margin trading
advantage of 32–33
requirements of 58
Marks, Deborah (great-grandmother) 5
Marks, Samuel (great-great-grandfather) 5
Marques, Isaac Rodriguez 5
Marshall, George C. 337, 391
Martin, Franklin H. 163
Marx, Karl 305
matched orders 58
McAdoo, Eleanor Wilson 261
McAdoo, Malcolm 171
McAdoo, William G. 231, 249–261, 311, 385
as Treasury Secretary 117, 160, 162, 171, 176, 184, 194–195, 209
description of 254
financial problems of 251
presidential ambitions of 232, 245–246, 252–257
McCombs, William 126, 160
McCormick, Vance 194, 211, 213, 219, 224
McCue, Marcia Kendrick 88
McKinley, William 53
McNary-Haugen Bill 236
McReynolds, James C. 323
Medical College of Virginia 2
Mellen, Charles S. 72, 74, 77
Mencken, H. L. 315, 325
Mercantile National Bank 102
Meredith, E. T. 234
mergers and consolidations 47
of distilleries 68
of railroads 49–50
of Standard Brands 311
of US Steel 41
Merrill Lynch & Company 87
Metropolitan Street Railway Company 88, 295
Mexican Revolution (1910) 105
Baruch’s visit to 104–105
copper in 93, 102
Meyer, Eugene, Jr. 92, 111, 122, 164, 195, 284, 288, 354
as a non-Baruch man 200–201, 235
as Washington Post publisher 354
Beruch short selling scandal and 168–169
Beruch’s venture capital investments and 105–109
“involuntary voluntary” method and 181
Sulzer’s reforms and 130
Meyer, Theodore F. 148, 150, 153–156
Mezes, Sidney Edward 160–161
Michelson, Charles 240
Millar, Helen 269, 390
Mills, Darius 70, 94–95, 148
Minerva (nanny) 6, 10
mining 22, 28, 54, 88, 90–92, 108–109, 113, 122, 145, 147, 156, 190, 200–201, 276, 280–281, 297, 298, 310, 318, 350, 371, 374. See also specific mining companies
Mining Exchange 28
Mining & Scientific Journal 99
Minneapolis & St. Paul Railroad 86
Mises, Ludwig von 186, 187
Missouri Pacific Railroad 47, 316
Mitchell, Charles E. 271, 277, 308, 311
mobilization, wartime 184, 246–248
in World War I 161–162
in World War II 335–339
Moley, Raymond 306, 317–321, 338
Moline Plow Company 237
Molotov, Vyacheslav M. 381
Money Trust 57, 59, 123, 127
monopoly 47, 50, 126, 368, 369, 370, 380
Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids (New York) 12
Moore, William H. 40–41
Morgan, J. P., & Company 145, 155, 267, 270
“preferred list” of 311
Morgan, J. P., Sr. 77, 81, 102–104, 106, 197, 254, 270, 272, 282, 309, 311, 378
at dedication of new Stock Exchange 46–47
Bryan’s attack on 125
death of 103
railroads and 49, 73–74
sulphur mining and 145–147, 155
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. 126, 319–320, 323, 345, 355–356, 364, 367, 373
Morron, John R. 265, 286–287
Moulton, Harold G. 340
Mudd, Harvey S. 346
Mudd, Seeley W. 346
Muggeridge, Malcolm 298
munitions plants 189, 330
Murphy, Charles F. 130, 160
My Own Story (Baruch) 398
Nast, Conde 306
National Acme 280
National Cigarette & Tobacco Company 65
National City Bank 271, 277, 281, 284
National Cordage Company 47
National Industrial Recovery Act 313
National Lead Company 59, 293
National Recovery Act (1933) 309
National Recovery Administration (NRA) 200, 312–315, 320, 328
national security 368–369, 374, 380
National Steel Company 41
National Transportation Committee 296
National War College 383, 388
Navarro, Elizabeth 398–399, 401
Navy 64, 163, 183, 194, 199, 200, 204, 210, 334, 338–339, 350, 392
Du Pont and 187
Nazism 223, 248
Baruch and 134, 344–345, 350
Nelson, Donald M. 349
Nethersole, Olga 37
Nevada Mining News 100
Newcomb, George Benton 17–18
New Deal 85, 200
“New Economics” 301
New Era (in stock market) 73, 283
Newmont Mining Corporation 371
New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor 13
New York Call 161
New York Central Railroad 45
New Yorker 241, 294, 325, 350–351
New York Evening Post 229, 240, 299
New York Federal Reserve Bank 42
New York Herald 56, 80, 115, 139, 244
New York Journal American 341, 436
New York Morning Telegraph 120
New York Orient Mines Company 107
New York Railway Company 295
New York Stock Exchange 23, 26, 37, 47, 51, 62–63, 67, 73–74, 76, 81, 86, 88, 96, 119, 121, 127, 139, 142, 157, 167, 173, 180, 186, 196, 213, 232, 268, 368
1907 Panic and 102–103
and its place among other exchanges 53–59
Baruch’s case against governmental intervention with 123–124
Building Committee 46
clubby nature of 42–43
commissions on 43–44, 54, 58, 91
Committee on Stock List 56, 90
Committee on Unlisted Securities 90
constitution of 43–44
Crash of 1929 and 281–282
death duty of 44
description of 39–47
disclosure requirements of 56
grand opening of (1903) 46
Gratuity Fund 44
hazing of new members by 43
Law Committee 130–131
mining issues and 90–93
“Morgan’s broker” in 26
new quarters built for 45–47
penalties and fines used by 44–45
rules of 45, 56–57
seats on 26, 37, 39–40, 44, 47, 123, 180
standards of conduct 44–45
Sulzer’s proposed reform of 130–132
New York Times 11, 60–63, 141, 168, 176, 186, 242, 248, 343, 357, 371
, 382
New York World 120, 131, 199, 217, 219, 239, 241–242, 250, 254, 258, 326
Neylan, John Francis 370
Niehans, Paul 399
nitrogen, recovery of 187–188
Nixon, George 98–101
Nixon, Richard 391
Nock, Albert Jay 124
Nonpartisan League 236, 249
Norfolk & Western Railroad 49
Norman v. B&O Railroad Co. 323
Norris, George W. 249
North Dakota 236
Northern Pacific Railroad (NP) 51, 60, 72–82, 104, 165
Norton, Eddie 81–82, 104
Noyes, Alexander Dana 73, 186
Nye, Gerald P. 330
Oakland Golf Club 118, 126
Ochs, Adolph S. 242
odd-lot business 54
Office of Economic Stabilization, US (OES) 356, 364
Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, US (OPACS) 339
Office of Production Management, US (OPM) 338–340
Office of War Mobilization, US (OWM) 364
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta) 327
Oppenheimer, J. Robert 371, 375, 377–378
Oregon & Trans-Continental bond 32
Otis Elevator 48
Outlook 235
Page, Howard 116
Page, William H. 65, 94
Palestine Restoration Fund 195
Panic of 1893 32, 39, 47
Panic of 1903 101
Panic of 1907 123, 136
Parker, Edwin 206
Patterson, Eleanor (Cissy) 344
Patterson, Robert P. 350
Patton, George S., Jr. 362
Pearl Harbor, bombing of 349
Pecora, Ferdinand 309, 311–312
Peek, George N. 193, 200, 237, 312, 337
Pegler, Westbrook 385–387
Pennsylvania Railroad 135
Perigny, Roger de 100
Perkins, Frances 118, 310–311, 313, 350
Pershing, John J. 193, 207, 220, 240, 246, 248, 268, 278–279, 281, 286, 311
Phipps, Henry 40–41
phrenology 21
Pierce, E. A., & Company 87
Pierce, Winslow S. 140
Pittman, Key 249, 287, 309, 318–319
Poland 4, 216, 248, 294
atomic policy and 378, 381–382
Polaroid Corporation 329
Political Economy (Walker) 18, 404
Pomroy, H. J. 119
Poor’s Manual 27
Post, George B. 45
Prag, Motz 89–90
price controls 184–185, 339–340, 370, 390, 399
Price, William W. 177
Produce Exchange 76
Prohibition 207, 254–255, 304
public debt 40, 179, 300
Public School 69 (New York) 12
Public Years, The (Baruch) 400
Pujo Committee 57
Pulitzer, Joseph 240
Pulitzer, Ralph 239–240
“Putting Farming on a Modern Business Basis” (Baruch) 235
auto 112
boat 111, 223
horse 23, 29, 41, 119, 238, 241, 273, 334, 390, 394
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) 269, 279
railroads. See also specific railroad companies