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Page 95

by Jim Marrs

  Gonzalez, Henry (Congressman),

  Connally’s clothing, 277, 429

  HSCA, 429, 485–491

  Goodrich, Herbert F., 450

  Goodwin, Richard, 278

  Google, Barney, 371

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 554

  Gossett, B. D., 319

  Gottlieb, Sidney Dr., 171–172

  Grammer, Billy R., 400

  Granady, Octavious, 163

  Granello, Salvatore, 159, 534

  Grant, Eva (Jack Ruby’s sister), 295, 357, 371, 367

  Grassy Knoll,

  and Gordon Arnold, 79–80, 82

  and Lee Bowers (RR man), 77–79, 82

  defined, 66

  and Ed Hoffman, 83–88

  Holland’s eyewitness report, 82–83

  Julie Ann Mercer, 16–17

  and one-gunman theory, 293–302

  shots heard from, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 39, 75

  smoke smelled and seen on, 15, 58–61

  also mentioned on pgs. 10, 17, 27–31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 44, 46, 62, 68, 69, 72–74, 81, 88, 179, 192, 197, 303, 305, 309, 310, 312–314, 316, 318, 319, 329, 415, 452, 456, 498–501, 534, 537, 540, 551

  Graves, L. C. (Dallas detective), 404

  Gray, L. Patrick, 492

  Green, Hollis de Lois, 325

  Greer, William (Secret Service agent),

  applies brakes, 11, 228

  Wm. Cooper alleges possible shooter, 229

  in motorcade, 8, 10

  Parkland Hospital, 351–352

  Gregory, Charles Dr. (Connally’s physician), 534

  Gregory, Dick,

  on Tramp picture, 323

  on Zapruder film release, 70

  Griffin, Burt (WC attorney), 385, 387, 396, 408, 450, 454

  Griffin, Will Hayden (Dallas FBI agent), 212

  Grinnan, Joseph, 237

  Groden, Robert (researcher),

  autopsy photos altered, 369–370, 501–502

  on Charles Bronson film, 21

  on Zapruder film release, 70

  Gromyko, Andrei, 129

  Groody, Paul (funeral director),

  FBI placed Oswald’s dead hand on rifle, 422–423

  Secret Service questions Oswald’s identity, 525

  new questions on Oswald body, 527–528

  Gruber, Al (Ruby associate), 376

  Guerini, Meme, 197

  Guevara, Ernesto “Che” 128

  Guingano, Momo Salvatore, 173

  Guinn, Vincent P. Dr. (WC expert), 425–427

  Guiteau, Charles, xv

  Gurfein, Murray, 153

  Guthrie, Steve (Dallas County sheriff), 373–374

  Habighorst, Aloysius J. (New Orleans jailer), 480–481

  Haffenden, Charles Radcliffe, 153

  Haggerty, Edward Aloysius (New Orleans judge), 480–481

  Haig, Alexander, 252

  Haire, Bernard J. (Oswald arrest witness), 344

  Haldeman, H. R., 251–252

  Haley, J. Evetts, 271, 274, 411

  Halfen, Jack, 273

  Hall, Hampton, 528–529

  Hall, Kermit (ARRB board member), 507

  Hall, Tammany, 150

  Hamblen, C. A., 215, 219

  Hamilton, Charles A., 411

  Hanson, Lars, 229

  Hardie, Julius (witness), 17

  Hardiman, James (New Orleans mailman), 479

  Hargis, Bobby W. (police officer),

  in motorcade, 13

  splattered with blood, 13–14, 75

  Harkness, D. V. (Dallas police sergeant), 42, 311, 322

  Harper, Billy (recovered skull fragment), 307

  Harrelson, Charles Voyde (convicted Texas hit man), 36, 323–326, 377

  Harrelson, Jo Ann (Charles Harrelson’s wife), 324

  Harrelson, Woody, 36, 324

  Harris, Larry (researcher), 339

  Harrison, John F. (Dallas Police reservist and JFK assassination researcher), 294

  Harrison, Richard E. “Dick” (FBI special agent), 423

  Hartman, Edna (witness), 305

  Hartman, Wayne (witness), 305

  Hartogs, Renatus Dr. (psychiatrist who examined Oswald as an 11 year old boy), 96

  Harvey, William (CIA official), 147, 173, 175, 196, 534, 537, 550

  Haslam, Edward T. (author, Dr. Mary’s Monkey, 2007), 147–148

  Hathaway, Phillip B. (witness), 16

  Haygood, Clyde A., 62–63

  Hearst, Patty, 414

  Helms, Richard (CIA Deputy Director),

  ZR/RIFLE, 195

  DeMorenschildt reports, 189–190, 259

  also mentioned on pgs. 124, 171–172, 174, 182, 195, 471

  Hemming, Gerry Patrick, 103, 136, 180, 383

  Henderson, Ruby (witness), 20

  A Heritage of Stone (book), 214–215

  Hernandez (man with Oswald and Robert McKeown), 382

  Hess, Jacqueline, 530

  Hester, Patricia (Dallas photo developer), 431

  Hester, Robert (Dallas photo developer), 431

  Heymann, C. David (author, The Georgetown Ladies’ Social Club, 2004), 537

  Hickey, George W. Jr. (Secret Service agent), 84, 234

  Hidell, Alek James (Oswald alias aka Alek and A. J.),

  as president of Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 137, 211

  false ID in name of, 262, 344

  in military intelligence files, 288, 292

  Dallas Police and FBI letter, 219

  rifle ordered by, 262, 419–420

  also mentioned on pgs. 298, 334, 349

  Hill, Clinton J. “Clint” (Secret Service agent assigned to Mrs. Kennedy), 12–13, 15, 228, 352, 368

  Hill, Gerald (Dallas police sergeant), 333, 340

  Hill, Jean (witness),

  in Dealey Plaza, 15, 37–38, 312–313

  sees Jack Ruby in Dealey Plaza, 316

  and Secret Service agents, 58, 223, 313

  Warren Commission treatment, 453, 456, 543

  also mentioned on pgs. 62, 82

  Hill, Jimmy, 231

  Hilsman, Roger, 284

  Himmler, Heinrich, 201

  Hine, Geneva L. (witness), 52

  on electricity going off at TSBD, 43–44

  Hiss, Alger, 247

  Hitler, Adolf, 206

  Hoffa, James Riddle “Jimmy,”

  on background, 160–162

  Paul J. Dorfman, 157

  Nixon pardons, 162, 249

  and organized crime, 158–160, 248

  payoffs to LBJ, 273

  also mentioned on pgs, 247, 375, 376, 377, 478, 534

  Hoffman, Virgil Edward “Ed” (witness),

  background and testimony, 83–88

  warned by FBI, 223, 309, 543

  also mentioned on pgs. 234, 304

  Hoffman, Robert (Dallas policeman, relative of Ed Hoffman), 85

  Holland, Sam M. (witness), 58–60, 82–83, 310, 318, 452, 454

  Hollingsworth, Bob (Times Herald reporter), 9

  Holt, Chauncey (aka Charles Frederick Rogers), 323, 330

  Holt, Gloria Jeanne (witness), 57

  Hood, Bill, 182

  Hoover, Annie M. Scheitlin, 201

  Hoover, Dickerson N., 201

  Hoover, J. Edgar (Director of the FBI),

  on Inga Arvad, 2, 3, 206

  background of, 200–201

  bullets strike on curb, 64

  comparison of Walker bullet, 242

  FBI involvement, 209, 213–214, 216, 218, 222–223, 279, 346, 349, 436, 445, 449, 457, 540, 552–554

  Hoover’s reluctance to pursue Mafia, 203–206, 550

  Hoover reports assassination to RFK, 166, 346

  KGB defector “Fedora,” 124

  as LBJ’s neighbor, 207–208, 223–224, 276

  Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, 470–471

  Martin L. King, 207, 243–244

  Mannlicher-Carcano, 421–422

  Masters of Deceit (book), 202

  Oswald as FBI informant, 214–215, 448�

  Oswald imposter, 116–118, 209, 516, 525

  “printing error” (reversing Zapruder frames), 69

  Ruby as FBI informant, 219, 383

  Ruby’s polygraph exam, 410

  Spectrography tests, 242, 425–426

  also mentioned on pgs. 39, 124, 145, 154, 163–165, 196, 199, 236, 251, 291, 441–442, 534–535, 540, 546

  Horne, Douglas P. (author, Inside the Records and Review Board, 2009),

  ARRB, 365, 507

  on autopsy, 365–366, 507–509

  on single bullet theory, 460

  on Zapruder tampering, 507–513

  Hosty, James P. Jr. (FBI agent),

  Oswald interview, 53–54

  destruction of Oswald note, 214, 217–218, 223, 237, 287

  Oswald known to FBI, 205, 214

  on omission of Oswald connection with Hosty, 214, 314, 451

  with Army Intelligence officer, 287, 516

  also mentioned on pgs. 125, 219

  House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA),

  on Altgens photo, 46

  on ammunition used at assassination, 28, 61, 242, 306, 420, 424–425

  acoustical studies, 61, 339, 500, 541

  Bronson film, 21

  conclusions of, 186, 192, 199, 234, 316, 387, 402, 450, 482

  conspiracy theory, 91, 326

  on Edward Browder, 263

  and G. Robert Blakey (chief counsel and director), 166, 483, 491–497

  on gunman issue, 460–491

  history of, 31, 485–491

  investigation scaled down, 495

  Kennedy’s assassination, 156

  and Kennedy’s wounds, 24–25, 360, 366, 368, 369

  on Lovelady in doorway, 46

  and Milteer’s assassination plot, 245

  and Moorman photograph, 80–82, 540

  non-disclosure agreement, 492–494

  on Oswald murder, 265, 398–400

  on Soviet government, 114–115, 121, 126

  on Tippit murder, 552

  on “umbrella man,” 29–31

  also mentioned on pgs. 28, 36, 43, 55, 74, 80, 98, 103, 111, 113, 115, 119, 139, 140, 155, 160, 164, 182, 187, 190, 196, 212, 213, 218, 226, 265, 266, 272, 288, 289, 314, 318, 324, 328, 352, 357, 377, 378, 380, 381, 383, 384, 386, 387, 396, 398, 400, 413, 426, 531

  Houston, Lawrence, 133, 165

  Howard, Larry (researcher), 335

  Howard, Tom, 195, 398, 402, 406, 553

  Howe, Kenneth, 218

  HSCA. See House Select Committee on Assassinations

  HT-Lingual (CIA mail intercept program), 190

  Hubert, Leon D. (WC assistant counsel), 21, 385, 387, 396, 408, 450, 461

  Hudkins, Alonzo (newsman), 448, 452

  Hudson, Emmett J. (witness), 73–75, 82

  Hughes, Howard, 160, 248

  Hughes, Robert J. (witness), 20–21

  Hughes, Sarah T. (Federal Judge), 276, 358

  Hull, Cordell, 220

  Humes, James J. (Navy Commander, autopsy doctor), 359–362, 365–367, 495–496, 509

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 3, 276

  Hundley, William, 223

  Hunt, David (brother to St. John), 537

  Hunt, E. Howard (CIA officer),

  with Carlos Bringuier, 137–138

  Cuban Revolutionary Council, 129–130, 138

  deathbed confession, 147, 537

  identified as Tramp, 323

  Oswald note, 187

  Watergate involvement, 251–252, 537

  Hunt, H. L. (Dallas oilman),

  Gambling, 272

  George Butler, 374

  Hunt note, 186–187

  Jim Braden, 327

  John W. Curington, 257

  Madeleine Brown, 375

  W. C. Kirkwood, 377

  also mentioned on pgs. 240, 375, 550

  Hunt, Lamar, 327

  “Hunt, Mr.” (addressee of L. H. Oswald note), 186–187

  Hunt, Nelson Bunker, 187, 237

  Hunt, St. John (son of E. Howard Hunt), 537

  Hunter, Bill (Deputy Constable), 533

  Hunter, Morgan Bennett, 510–511

  Hurt, Henry (author, Reasonable Doubt, 1985), 100, 362, 367, 423, 426

  Hussein, King, 170

  Hutchinson, Leonard E., 215, 518

  Hutton, Bill (deputy constable), 75

  Huxley, Aldous, 136

  Hyer, Judge Julian C., 54

  Ickes, Harold, 256

  Ida, Joseph, 156

  “Inga binga.” See aka Arvad, Inga

  Iran-Contra, 7, 175–178, 256, 554

  Israel, Lee, 406–407

  Ivanov, Boris Col. (Chief of the Soviet Committee for State Security), 126

  Ivon, Lou (Garrison aide), 473

  JFK (movie, 1991), 503–505

  J. M. P. (initials of police officer Poe inscribed on cartridges at Tippet murder scene), 333–304

  Jacks, Hurchel D. (Texas State trooper), 8

  Jackson, Andrew, 224

  Jackson, C. D. (publisher, Life magazine)

  on Zapruder film, 68, 533

  Jackson State Mental Hospital, 145

  Jacob, Stella Mae (witness), 57

  “Jada” (Ruby dancer), 389

  James, Billy V., 311

  Janney, Peter (author, Mary’s Mosaic, 2012), 511, 535–536

  Janney, Winstar (CIA, father of Peter Janney), 535

  Janos, James George. See aka Ventura, Jesse

  January, Wayne (Red Bird Airport manager), 345

  Japanese Communists, and Oswald, 102

  Jarman, James E. Jr. (TSBD witness), 20, 48–50

  Jarnagin, Carroll (Fort Worth attorney who overheard Ruby/Oswald plotting), 393–394

  Jaworski, Leon (WD Special Council), 252, 408, 437, 491

  Jefferson, Thomas, 224

  Jenkins, James, 509

  Jenkins, Marion, Dr. (Parkland Hospital), 12

  Jenkins, Walter (LBJ aide), 189, 436

  Jenner, Albert E. (WC attorney), 252, 264, 458, 461, 526

  Joannides, George (CIA), 488

  “John” (Dallas jail prisoner who received letter from Jack Ruby), 411

  John Birch Society, 1, 181, 220, 225, 237

  Johnsen, Richard (Secret Service agent), 356

  Johnson, Blaney Mack, 379

  Johnson, Clemon E. (witness), 60

  Johnson, Clyde (Reverend), 534

  Johnson, Josefa (LBJ’s sister), 294

  Johnson, Lady Bird. See Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon

  Johnson, Lyndon B.,

  1960 election, 3–5

  on assassination plot, 7, 22, 268–269

  as suspect, 81, 278, 438, 537, 539–540, 549, 554

  background, 269–274

  blunts investigation, 149, 234, 277, 279, 346, 350, 353, 456, 542, 552

  Brown & Root Construction, 270–271

  cancels Vietnam withdrawal, 279, 284–289

  Connally’s clothing, 277, 429

  Dallas Trade Mart, 226–227

  death of Henry Marshall, 275, 294

  Earl Warren, 93, 438–440

  General Dynamics TFX case, 91, 540

  neighbor of Hoover, 207–209, 224, 276, 550

  Jack Ruby on letter and death of, 371, 411–412

  knowledge of conspiracy, 436

  in motorcade, 8, 14

  Murder Inc., 173

  Nixon on, 250–252

  Parkland Hospital, 276, 353

  reaction to assassination, 276, 279

  SS Agent Rufus Youngblood, 232–233

  Sam Rayburn, 270–271, 274

  Soviet view of, 125–126, 408

  sworn in as President, 276–277, 357–365, 552

  Texas Democrats, 3–6

  to be dropped from Democratic ticket, 250, 275

  Warren Commission, 93, 436–466

  W. C. and Pat Kirkwood, 272, 377

  also mentioned on pgs. 23, 80, 135, 141, 189, 198, 235, 236, 255, 258, 261, 375, 409, 436, 491, 512, 549

ohnson, Mrs. Lyndon “Lady Bird,” 8, 82, 233, 269

  Johnson, Mrs. A. C., 40

  Johnson, Priscilla (aka Priscilla Johnson McMillan, journalist and author, Marina and Lee, 1980), 114–115

  Johnson, Sam Ealy, 269

  Johnson, Sam Houston (LBJ’s brother), 274, 278

  Johnston, Carolyn (aka Carolyn Arnold, witness), 51

  “Jolly Green Giant” (nickname of Jim Garrison), 466

  Jones, Penn Jr. (researcher), 31, 186, 187, 237, 240, 287, 316, 374, 411

  Jones, Milton, 452

  Jones, Paul Roland, 373–374

  Jones, Robert E. Lt. Col. (military intelligence officer), 288–289

  Jonsson, Erik (Dallas mayor), 205

  Judge, John (researcher), 477

  Junta Revolucionaria (Cuban Revolutionary Junta or JURE), 142

  Kaack, Milton R. (FBI agent), 210

  Kantor, Seth (Dallas journalist/author, Who Was Jack Ruby? 1978),

  George Senator, 402

  Jack Ruby in Las Vegas, 397

  HSCA, 357, 501

  Ruby at Parkland, 316, 356–357

  Ruby’s suicide attempt, 411

  Testimony to Warren Commission, 356–357

  Thomas Eli Davis, 195–196

  also mentioned on pgs. 385, 406, 408

  Karamessines, Tom, 182

  Kastel, Phil, 154

  Katzenbach, Nicholas D. (deputy attorney general),

  Bill Moyers’ memo, 154

  also mentioned on pgs. 437, 440, 441, 491

  Kaufman, Stanley M. (Ruby’s attorney), 21

  Kavner, Richard, 376

  Kay, Kathy (aka Kathy Coleman, Ruby stripper), 390, 399

  Kaylor, Donald, 535

  Kearns, Ed, 544

  Kefauver, Estes, 3, 152, 154

  Kellerman, Roy (Secret Service agent),

  in motorcade, 8, 10, 11, 228

  Testimony to Warren Commission, 228

  also mentioned on pgs. 229, 352

  Kelly, Clarence, 186

  Kelly, Thomas J. (Secret Service inspector), 363

  Kelly, William E. Jr. (COPA), 514–515

  Kendall, Don, 250

  Kennedy, Caroline, 398

  Kennedy, Edward,

  with Frank Sinatra, 164

  also mentioned on pg., 549

  Kennedy, Jacqueline,

  Bethesda Naval Hospital, 277, 359, 364–365

  connection to DeMohrenschildt, 264

  in motorcade, 5, 8, 10–12, 27, 67, 73

  request for Agent Clint Hill, 13, 228

  Parkland Hospital, 352–353

  “They Shot Jack,” 72

  Warren Commission, 10, 369, 446, 463

  also mentioned on pgs. 5, 75, 258, 264, 295, 398, 402, 536

  Kennedy, John F.,

  1960 Presidential election, 5–7, 164, 166, 274

  1962 Kennedy Act, 256

  ARRB, 507–515

  assassination, 8–16, 23, 26–28, 30, 45–46, 48, 59, 60–63, 65, 142, 148–149, 162, 174, 181, 188, 190, 192, 212, 219, 244–245, 268–269, 293, 295–299, 312, 325, 389–395, 443


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