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Page 98

by Jim Marrs

  death of, 534

  with Jack Ruby, 295, 377, 391–392

  meeting with Garrison, 477

  on Ruby ordered to kill Oswald, 403

  William Harvey, 196

  also mentioned on pg., 381

  Rosenberg, Ethel, 97

  Rosenberg, Julius, 97

  Rosenfeld, Stephen (senior editorial writer, the Washington Post), 504

  Ross, Barney, 371

  Ross, Thomas B., 170

  Rostow, Eugene (Yale law professor), 437

  Rothman, Norman “Rough-house,” 379–380

  Rothstein, Arnold “The Brain,” 151

  Roundtree, Dovey J. (attorney for Raymond Crump), 537

  Rousselot, John, 181

  Roux, Michel (French assassin deported from US) aka Jean Soutre and Michael Mertz,

  on French connection to the assassination, 192, 194, 197

  Rowan, Dan (comedian), 165

  Rowland, Arnold L. (witness), 18, 19, 51, 319, 321

  Rowland, Mrs. “Barbara” (witness), 18, 19, 51, 319

  Rowley, James J. (Secret Service chief), 230–231

  Rubenstein, Earl (see also 373

  Rubenstein, Fannie (mother of Jack Ruby), 372

  Rubenstein, Hyman (brother of Jack Ruby), 373–374

  Rubenstein, Jack (aka Jack Ruby), 144, 249, 371–373, 381, 387

  Rubenstein, Jacob (birth name of Jack Ruby), 371

  Rubenstein, Sam (brother of Jack Ruby), 373

  Ruby, Earl, 373, 413

  Ruby, Jack,

  accuses LBJ, 412

  background, 370–385

  as “bag man,” 552

  entry to basement, 356, 374, 402–405, 502, 552

  and the Cellar, 13, 230–231

  Rose Cheramie, 386

  on Conspiracy quote, 371

  and Cuba, 380–390

  at Dallas Morning News, 315–316, 387–388, 398

  at Dallas YMCA, 520

  in Dealey Plaza, 22, 43, 315, 317

  death of, 410–415

  Thomas Eli Davis, 195–196

  Paul Dorfman, 157

  as FBI informant, 219, 379–385, 493

  James Files, 295

  financial problems, 397

  Gambling connections, 148, 156, 272, 375–379

  Gangsters, 324–325, 327–328, 333, 375–379, 483

  Gun runner, 139, 379–385

  held incommunicado, 406

  recognized by Jean Hill, 38, 314

  motive from Tom Howard, 398

  in Hunts office, 327–328

  injection of cancer cells, 414, 532

  Dorothy Kilgallen, 406–407

  letter from jail, 411–412

  meeting with Kathy Kay and Harry Olsen, 400

  Lewis McWillie, 159, 167, 272, 380–381, 383

  and Julia Ann Mercer, 17, 387, 454

  Lawrence Meyers, 328

  mind control, 172, 414

  at midnight news conference, 399–400

  money order to Karen Carlin, 389, 401

  working for Nixon in 1947, 249

  and Beverly Oliver, 36–37, 302, 389

  link with Oswald, 387–396, 543

  and Marguerite Oswald, 92–93, 314, 387

  at Parkland Hospital after assassination, 316, 356–358, 398

  reaction to shooting, 405–406

  shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald, 398–402

  stalking Oswald, 398–402

  Clay Shaw, 469–472

  in Texas Theater, 342

  corrects Henry Wade, 399, 484–485

  Gen. Edwin Walker, 239–240, 387–388

  with Warren Commission, 408–431, 457–458

  Dr. “Jolly” West, 414

  Roscoe White, 298–300

  in Willis photo, 24, 37, 315

  also mentioned on pgs. 99, 147, 149, 162, 191, 192, 293, 312, 342, 452, 453, 454, 458, 469, 480, 481, 505, 515, 521, 533, 534

  Ruby, Sam (brother of Jack Ruby, aka Sam Rubenstein), 384

  Rusconi, Jane, 503

  Rushing, Ray, 401, 460

  Rusk, Dean, 118, 132, 437

  Russell, Richard “Dick” (author, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 1992), 263, 289–292

  Russell, Harold (Tippit witness), 533

  Russell, Richard B. (Warren Commission member),

  background of, 443

  on commission dilemma, 449

  critical of FBI, 217, 443, 445, 446

  on J. Edgar Hoover, 448

  on Marina Oswald, 122, 462

  opposition to JFK’s legislation, 243

  also mentioned on pgs. 451, 462

  Russia, 109–127

  history of Communism, 109–110

  and Nosenko (Soviet defector), 124–128

  Oswald in, 91–93, 97, 103, 106, 108–109

  Robert Webster, 111–112

  also mentioned on pgs. 4, 7, 66, 134, 136, 138, 179–180, 182, 188–191, 199, 209–210, 219, 241, 258, 261, 268, 288, 291, 346–347, 411–412, 445, 447, 449–450, 484, 517, 519, 521–523, 525–526, 554

  Russo, Perry,

  mind alteration by Garrison, 476

  with Shaw and Ferrie, 479

  Rutan, Paul R., Jr., 512

  “Ruth Ann” (co-conspirator with Loy Factor), 293

  Rybka, Henry J. (WFAA/ABC affiliate cameraman),

  film of Secret Service being waived off Kennedy Limo, 232

  Ryder, Dial Duwayne, 520

  Sabin, Albert, 143

  Saenz, Mona B., 533

  Saia, Frank “Tickie,” 376

  Salandria, Vincent, 544

  Salas, Luis, 271

  Salk, Jonas, 143

  Sample, Glen (co-author, The Man on the Sixth Floor, 1995), 293

  Sanders, Barefoot (US attorney.), 451

  Sanders, Leonard (author), 546

  Sands, Pierre (Military Captain, Deputy Director of the NPIC), 511–512

  Santiago, Filipe Vidal, 238

  Sapp, Charles, 245

  Sarti, Lucien (possible French hit-man of 3 hit-man team who is said to have assassinated JFK),

  as “badge man,” 81–82, 197–198, 537

  Save the Rosenbergs (pamphlet given to Oswald), 97

  Saxon, James J., 255, 444

  Scelso, John (aka John Whitten), 182

  Schacht, Hjalmar, 470

  Scheim, David E. (author), 248, 263

  and Mafia theory, 483

  Schiro, Victor H., 467

  Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., 478

  Schmidt, Larrie, 237

  School Book Depository. See Texas School Book Depository (TSBD)

  Schorre, Al, 300

  Schultz, Dutch, 152

  Schweiker, Richard (senator), 213, 465

  Scofield, Frank L., 271

  Scoggins, William (witness), 331–332, 336

  Secret Service,

  drinking in the Cellar, 229–234

  history of, 224–229

  and Kennedy assassination, 199–210

  motorcade cars, 8–10

  Senator, George (Ruby’s business partner), 376, 401–402

  Senseney, Charles, 30

  Sergio (CIA field operative), 176–177

  Sergio (worker on the Manhattan atomic bomb project brother of Jeanne Fromenke LeGon), 259

  Shah of Iran, 256

  Shane, Scott (reporter, the New York Times), 488

  Shaneyfelt, Lyndal L. (FBI photographic expert), 488

  Shanklin, J. Gordon (Dallas FBI chief), 211, 217–218, 260, 295, 427

  Shaw, Clay (New Orleans Trade Mart director),

  background, 469

  with CIA, 191, 471, 483

  as Clay Bertrand, 469, 474, 480

  in Clinton, LA, 145–146

  with David Ferrie, 473–474

  Dean Andrews, 480–481

  death of, 479

  Garrison consideration toward, 476

  imperceptible limp, 479

  introduced Gen. Charles B. Cabell, 472

  introduced to Oswald, 240

Permindex, 469–472

  P.O. Box 19106 in address book, 475

  also mentioned on pgs. 70, 144, 191, 308, 359, 477, 478, 485, 503, 504, 531, 534

  Shaw, J. Gary (researcher),

  on Beverly Oliver, 35–36

  on Charles Harrelson, 326

  discovers contradictory FBI document, 428

  “umbrella man” theory, 30

  also mentioned on pgs. 197, 238, 243

  Shaw, Dr. Robert, 367

  Sheets, Richard, 266

  Shelley, William H. (Texas School Book Depository manager), 46–47, 50, 55

  Shelton, Zechariah “Zack” (FBI agent), 296

  Sheridan, Walter, 161

  Sherman, Dr. Mary, 533

  Shevchenko, Arkady N., 126

  Shirokova, Rima, 113

  Sibert, James W. (FBI agent), 361–364, 367, 453

  Siegel, Benjamin “Bugsy,” 152, 159, 375

  Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SV), 43

  Similas, Norman (Canadian journalist and witness), 22

  Simmons, James L. (witness), 452, 479, 543

  and Triple Underpass, 59–60

  Simmons, Ronald, 420

  Simson, Edward Dr., 172

  Sinstra, Frank (singer), 3, 164–165

  Single-bullet theory, 458–466

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 414, 172

  Sitzman, Marilyn (witness), 66–68

  Skelton, Royce G. (witness),

  bullet strike in street, 61, 87

  Slack, Garland,

  rifle range incident, 520

  Slawson, W. David, 102, 450, 525

  Smith, “Bill” (Secret Service), 511

  Smith, Mrs. Earl, 533

  Smith, Joe M. (Dallas police officer and witness),

  encounters Secret Service, 76, 83, 309, 310, 314

  Smith, John, 401

  Smith, L. C. (Deputy), 18

  Smith, Merriman (UPI reporter, noted for using the words Grassy Knoll for the first time), 38

  “Mr. Smith,” 298

  Smith, Sergio Archaca. See Archaca

  Smith, Walter Bedell, 68, 170

  Smithwick, Sam, 271

  Snyder, Richard E., 110, 114, 118

  Socarras, Carlos Prio (Cuban President), 138, 158, 381, 535

  Somersett, William (Miami police informant), 244–245

  Sorensen, Theodore, 235

  Sorrels, Forrest V. (Dallas Secret Service agent), 8, 12, 34, 68, 226, 311, 314, 351, 510

  Soutre, Jean (French assassin deported from US) aka Michel Roux and Michael Mertz,

  on French connection to the assassination, 193–197

  “Sparky” (nickname of Jack Ruby), 371

  Speaker, Sandy (witness),

  on Brennan’s treatment by Feds, 25

  corroborates Millican, 28

  Millican threats, 309

  also mentioned on pg, 543

  Specter, Arlen (Warren Commission attorney),

  attempts to confuse Tomlinson, 354–355

  and CREEP, 252

  interviews Jean Hill, 456–457

  photos and x-rays withheld from the WC, 369

  single-bullet theory “architect,” 354–355, 459, 460, 488

  also mentioned on pgs. 408, 449

  Spectrographic test, 242, 424–425

  Speed (nickname of J. Edgar Hoover), 201

  Spiesel, Charles, 480

  Sprague, Richard (assassination researcher), 249

  Sprague, Richard A. (First Chief Counsel of the HSCA),

  possibilities of subpoenas, 487, 493

  also mentioned on pgs. 488–490, 495

  Stamps, Roy (radio newsman), 316, 352, 357

  Stanton, Sarah D. (witness), 46

  Staples, Lou (Dallas talk show host), 535

  Starnes, Richard (reporter Scripps-Howard), 163

  Stassen, Harold, 536

  Steadman, Martin, 367

  Steinberg, Jeffrey, 471

  Stern, Samuel A (WC attorney), 44, 211, 450

  Stevenson, Adali, 3, 7, 132, 135

  Stevenson, Coke, 271

  Stevenson, Jess (Deputy Sheriff), 411

  Stiles, John R., 442

  Stilwell, Richard, 282

  Stimson, Dr. Paul G., 297

  Stokes, Louis (HSCA chairman), 490, 496

  Stone, Harlan Fiske, 204

  Stone, Oliver (director, JFK, 1991), 385, 503–506

  Storey, Dean, 437

  Storey, Robert G., 408

  Stovall, R. S. (Dallas detective),

  on mutilated photograph, 238

  searched Paine house, 180

  Stover, John, 364

  Stringer, John T., 453

  Stroud, Martha Jo (assistant US attorney), 56, 64, 459

  Stroughton, Cecil, 429

  Stuckey, William, 138

  Studebaker, R. L. (Dallas Police photographer), 416

  Sturgis, Frank, 138, 159, 323, 379, 381, 550

  Styles, Sandra (witness), 44, 55–56

  Sullivan, Jack, 273

  Sullivan, William C. (FBI official, author, The Bureau, 1979),

  on Communist Party, 202

  on FBI training, 205

  Hoover gathers damaging material on JFK, MLK, 207–209

  Hoover’s reluctance to pursue Mafia, 203

  Lyndon Johnson and Hoover, 207–209

  Oswald note, 218

  shooting death of, 534

  also mentioned on pg., 206, 243

  Summers, Anthony (researcher),

  on backyard photos faked, 432

  on defectors, 110–112

  on Delphine Roberts, 221

  on Oswald at Walker talk, 240

  on Secret Service Agents in Dealey Plaza, 309–310, 314

  on Silvia Duran, 185

  on Silvia Odio, 142

  on Spas T. Raikin, 122

  on U-2, 110

  on William Attwood, 135

  on William Gaudet, 188

  also mentioned on pgs. 76, 148

  Summers, Malcolm (witness), 310

  Surgue, Thomas (historian), 82

  Surrey, Robert Allan, 237, 239, 242

  Suydam, Hank, 533

  Sweatt, Allan (Dallas deputy sheriff), 216, 448

  Szulc, Tad (author), 463–464

  Tadin, Nicholas, 472

  Tague, James Thomas “Jim” (witness), 62–65, 303, 453, 459, 541, 543

  Tannenbaum, Harold, 396

  Tannenbaum, Robert (HSCA attorney), 36

  Tatro, Edgar F., 428

  Tatum, Jack Ray (witness), 338–339

  Taylor, Claudia Alta, 269

  Taylor, Gary (son-in-law of George DeMohrenschildt, interviewed by the WC), 189–190

  Taylor, Maxwell General, 286

  Terry, L. R. (witness), 26

  Teuter, Werner, 412

  Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), 39–49, 415

  on electricity going off at TSBD, 43–44

  The Sixth Floor Museum, 71, 81, 394, 497, 505, 512

  The Men Who Killed Kennedy (1988 documentary produced by Nigel Turner), 81

  Thomas, D. B. (Gov’t scientist), 500

  Thompson, J. Walter, 249

  Thompson, Josiah (author), 356, 362, 366, 454

  Thompson, Malcolm, 432

  Thompson, Mrs. Mary, 379

  Thornberry, Homer (US Dist. Judge, El Paso), 292

  Thornley, Kerry, 106–107

  Thrasher, Gen. Charles O., 470

  Tice, Mrs. Wilma (Parkland witness), Ruby at Parkland, 357

  Tilson, Tom G. Jr. (Dallas police officer),

  chases Ruby look-alike, 316–318

  also mentioned on pg., 414

  Tilson, Judy, 317

  Tippit, Jefferson Davis “J. D.” (Dallas police officer shot in Oak Cliff),

  covered Tom Tilson beat, 316

  known by Ruby, 409

  possible role of Tippit, 191, 552

  shooting of, 330–340

  also mentioned on pgs. 69, 238, 240, 309, 343, 345, 430, 448, 449, 452, 533, 534, 539, 544, 5

  Tippit, Mrs., 69

  Tito, Marshal, 189

  Todd, James, 325

  Toland, W. S., 300

  Tolson, Clyde (companion of Hoover), 201, 203, 207, 209, 534

  Tolstoy, Lev Nikolayevich “Leo,” 522

  Tomlinson, Darrell C.,

  finds slug at Parkland, 354–356

  Tonahill, Joe H., 398, 406, 408

  Tourine, Charlie “The Blade,” 381

  Tower, John, 6

  Towner, Jim (photographer), 30

  Trafficante, Santos Sr., 155, 158

  Trafficante, Santos Jr.,

  and organized crime in Cuba, 156–160

  with William Harvey, 196–197

  with Russell D. Matthews, 36, 377

  with Louis J. McWillie, 325, 377–379, 381, 383, 385

  with Richard Nixon, 252

  with Tosh Plumlee

  with Norman “Roughhouse” Rothman, 379–380

  with Jack Ruby, 379–383, 385

  with Irwin S. Wiener, 377, 396

  also mentioned on pgs. 161, 550

  Trask, Richard B. (archivist/author, Pictures of the Pain, 1994), 24, 46, 510, 513

  “Tricky Dick,” 247. See also Nixon, Richard

  Triple Underpass theory, 57, 58

  True, Tammi (Mrs. Nancy Powell), 453

  Truly, Mildred (Mrs. Roy Truly), 309

  Truly, Roy (Depository superintendent)

  intimidation of, 309

  Limousine hits curb, 10, 26–27

  Oswald encounter, 13, 52–53

  with Marrion Baker, 27, 52–53, 56, 540

  testimony to Warren Commission, 52–53, 56, 540

  also mentioned on pgs. 41, 55

  Truman, Harry S. (US President),

  1951 attack on, 225

  on CIA, 168–169

  fellow Mason Earl Warren, 438

  National Security Council, 281

  also mentioned on pgs. 207, 228

  TSBD, Texas School Book Depository

  TSS (CIA’s Technical Services Staff), 171

  Tunheim, Jack (Minneapolis district judge and ARRB head), 507, 513–514

  Turner, Nigel (producer, The Men Who Killed Kennedy documentary, 1988), 81

  Tyler, John, 224

  U-2 program, 101–103, 109–110, 117, 123, 134, 283, 535

  “Umbrella man,” theories of, 29–32

  “Uncle Corn Pone” (derisive name for LBJ by Kennedy staffers), 275

  Underhill, Gary (Intelligence operative) reported suicide, 191–192

  Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See Russia

  Valachi, Joseph (gangster), 162, 203

  Vallee, Thomas Arthur, 225, 323

  Vandergriff, Tom, 91

  Veciana. See Blanch, Antonio Veciana

  Ventura, Jesse (MN Governor, actor, wrestler, author, aka James George Janos), 515

  Vernon, Robert G., 297

  Vietnam and Kennedy administration, 284–289

  Vinson, Chief Justice Fred, 439

  Vinson, Robert G (Air Force Sgt. and a member of NORAD), 345–346

  Vlassov, General Andrei Andreïevitch (Nazi backed anti-Communist leader), 259


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