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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 42

by Sy Walker

  William had always loved the woods, but chopping trees that morning he felt connected to the woods on a much deeper level. He was free. He had never had his freedom taken away before. The son of noble birth had led a rather charmed life, rarely thinking of anyone other than himself. Now he was a part of something, and he was helping James recover his birthright. A birthright that William’s grandfather had stolen from him.

  William remembered laughing at the stories of his nurse maid, as she talked about the large creatures that Declan Stewart and his men had fought off when they took the Ulva Island for the good side of the family. The Stuarts of Glasgow looked down upon the Stewarts of Ulva, even though the name sounded the same it had a very different meaning in the world of nobility. William was happy to be away from that world.

  Right there in the forest he was a man, a man with an ax in his hand. As the blade dug deep into a towering oak tree, sending vibrations through William’s hands and down his arms, this is where he was meant to be. William took a deep breath and swung again. The trunk let out creek and William stepped to the side to let the great tree fall. He sat for a minute enjoying his triumph. The moment was ruined by the appearance of Tybart and his confounded face.

  As the oxen dragged the tree away, the tattered Gregor came running up to William in a panic. “The ground shakes under the weight of the heavy horse.” It was Lachlan and his conscript soldiers. “We need to move.”

  William and his band moved on to the next blockade. It was just passed noon as they started to head down the road. William knew that it would only be an hour before his father would reach the first blockade. They would need to work faster.

  When they reached the new location William sent Gregor on to the MacCreedy holdfast to get more laborers working on the blockades. Joff was still working well and Tybart seemed completely unphased by the events of the morning, but Gregor was positively undone by the rattling of a little dirt. “I know that I have been lucky to survive this long,” Gregor explained to William. To the young nobleman’s eyes Gregor looked to be at least 50, and that was a nearly impossible age for a peasant rebel to reach. It was clear to Gregor that his days were numbered.

  The work went smoother without him and the new recruits were necessary to the cause. William sunk his ax into a new trunk and reveled in the stinging vibrations that travelled through the handle. He was already tired, but his father’s coming had add strength to his arms.

  “Tybart took his ox and went home.” Joff said as he came up behind William. “I think he just wants to feed them, but it is so hard to talk to that man that I never bother.”

  William knew that there was nothing he could do, but wait for more workers. He shrugged and swung his ax. “We will drop a few more trees and then fall back to the last position. There had to be more oxen and maybe even a more communicative driver somewhere in the rebel camp. It seemed like the entire island was loyal to the MacQuarrie cause. “Who else has oxen?” William asked. Joff didn’t answer, William turned to see where his companion had gone and the blunt end of an ax was all that he saw before the ground rose up to smack him in the face.

  “There he is,” It was a voice he knew all too well, “Thirty pieces of silver,” Lachlan Stewart said tossing a velvet pouch to Joff. The peasant looked quizzically at the old noble. “It is a reference to...oh forget it, get out of here!” Lachlan yelled, more exasperated than angry. He had always hated the common people of Ulva. It was one of the many reasons that they hated him right back.

  “Father, I missed you at dinner last night,” William quipped. He found himself in his father’s carriage, Lachlan only rode his horse in the cavalry charge, and otherwise he stayed in his carriage. William had also notice that he was bound in a sack. Joff must have thrown him in there to bring him to market, “I hope he got a fair price for me,” William looked at his father who would not meet his gaze.

  “You must have known that there would be a price on your head?” Lachlan seemed disappointed in his son. “I will have to beg your pardon though, I am going to hold off on your execution for the moment.” The Lord of Ulva had a casual air about him as he poured himself a mug of ale. “I am going to crush this rebellion and then have your head put on a spike outside the gates of MacCreedy’s little guard post.” William stared out the window refusing to answer his father.

  Lachlan Stewart had always been hard on his son. He had trained him to be a warrior and a leader. His son had excelled at both. The problem was his son’s personal life. The Lord of Ulva could not except that his son chose the company of men. It reflected poorly on the father, who saw his own sexual prowess as the stuff of legend. The greying nobleman had thought that the flogging might fix his son’s affliction. Lachlan was passed the point of caring. William had sided with the rebels and that was too grand an affront to bear.

  “What is going on?” The elder Stewart yelled as he opened the door and looked for an answer.

  “There are trees along the road again sir,” William knew the voice of his father’s steward Yarwick. “It is going to take some time to get these trees cleared unless...”

  “We are not using the horses!” Lord Stewart boomed. “We have 2000 men, surely there is a way to clear this rubble without damaging my war horses.” William almost laughed as his father charged out of the carriage to inspect the work. The Lord did love his cavalry charges. Lachlan was not half the warrior he thought he was in his own mind.

  William was also excited to hear that the second blockade had been built after all. He was sure that his father’s army was going to walk right through and take the MacQuarrie troops unawares. It had been weighing heavily on William’s mind. Now that he knew that they were aware of what was going on, William started to think about his own life. Hands bound behind his back, his feet were bound as well, and William was only half sticking out of the sack Joff had thrown him in. He fought against the restraints, but it was of no use. Joff had done a very good job.

  As William lay on the floor twisting and turning he felt the door open behind him. His face lit up as Fingon came stealthily through the little door way. “Fingon, quick get the ropes.” William said as his friend helped him into the carriage seat.

  “I can’t,” Fingon’s words hit William like a hammer blow. The Captain of the Guard could see that William was confused. “If you go missing they will know it was me.” Fingon ran his fingers along William’s face. “I just needed to say good bye.”

  “What?!” William threw his head back in exasperation. “So you are still going to kill me?” He asked still facing skyward. The Stewart family crest on the ceiling seemed to be mocking William, but he couldn’t bear to look at Fingon at that moment.

  “I just thought we could, you know...” Fingon was running his hands up and down William’s constrained body. William’s nostrils flared as he tried to fight off Fingon’s advances. It was just too easy for the stronger man to hold him down. A strong hand slid down William’s stomach and as the fingers dipped inside his pants the hand went limp.

  “Jam...!” William shouted as the larger man pulled him in and kissed him deeply on the mouth. William had so many questions, but they were not important in that moment. He opened his mouth to invite James’ tongue inside. William could feel James’ right hand caressing his body as the left held firmly unto William’s flowing brown mane. James reached inside William’s baggy trousers. William writhed as the strong hand grasped and tugged expertly.

  In the back of his head William knew that at any moment his father might enter the carriage, but with James near him, none of that mattered. He could feel the pressure mounting inside of him. William had moved himself onto James’ lap and was grinding feverishly against his crotch. William desperately wanted his hands and legs cut free, “Pleaseee,” he moaned. James only laughed as William’s face contorted and his liquid love shot forth soiling his borrowed pants.

  “Cut me free,” William said as he leaned forward to help James reach the bindings. He didn’t wait for h
is feet to be loosed. William got down in front of James. He was kneeling on top of the unconscious Fingon, but he barely noticed as he undid James’ pants and took him in his mouth. He could feel James’ hips thrusting as he sucked hard on the tip.

  James had his head thrown back and it felt so good he never wanted it to end, but a moan from Fingon brought the lover’s back to Earth. James shot forward and hit Fingon hard on the head, and the guard was silent again. James went right back into the seat. William looked to make sure Fingon was out. As soon as he put his mouth back on James’ member a warm fluid filled his mouth. William swallowed it all eagerly. William lay back against James’ chest.

  That was when he noticed the borrowed armor. James had snuck into the carriage dressed as a Stewart guard. William had barely noticed the crest on James’ chest. “We waited for a few of them to come into the woods to pee. I of course let them finish,” James said, “I never kill a man mid stream.”

  They tied Fingon up and put him in the bag. The Captain of the guard had always been a bigger man, and his armor hung very loose on William as they stepped out of the carriage. Gregor had been standing guard outside the carriage with Tybart also standing, but not nearly as alert. William felt better about how his armor looked when he saw the tiny bit of mail and steel that Tybart was trying to pass off as his armor. I guess they don’t have any men that big in father’s army, William thought as the blank-faced man adjusted his misaligned codpiece.

  They walked casually toward the woods with no real problems. It was after all approaching twilight and the men were hard at work clearing a path. As they moved outside the column William noticed that some of the infantry men were already heading on through the much narrower road way. Everything was going to plan.

  That was when a heavy pounding of hooves caught William’s attention. Three mounted guards were approaching rapidly. They pulled up alongside the rebel party. “The column is leaving, all infantry are to be in their ranks.” Said the always very official Sir Luther, he had been a member of the Stewart guards for as long as William could remember and it would not take him long to recognize what was going on. William knew he had to think fast.

  He walked with his head down so as not to be recognized, and when he got close enough he pulled Sir Luther off of his horse. Before the other two men knew what to do, William had unhorsed them both with a swing of his sword. The clanging metal had caught some unwanted attention, but James grabbed a horse and Gregor and Tybart jumped on the other. The rebels were away in the woods before any in the Stewart army could get ready to mount a proper chase.

  “We’ll have them soon enough,” Lachlan Stewart shouted. “We’re moving forward.”

  Meanwhile in the forest, William was sure that his father would send someone after them. “Gregor, spur that horse, it is time to flee!” William yelled to the two common riders who were falling far behind.

  “This is as fast as she can go with me and this lummox.” Gregor shouted back. “Tybart outweighs most of his oxen,” The big man said nothing as the ragged soldier continued to complain.

  “We have to help them,” William said as he held his reigns and jumped on behind James and the two of them led the rider less horse back to Gregor. Gregor jumped on and the horses moved easier. Tybart still brought up the rear, but he was keeping a decent pace considering his vast size.

  When the riders met up with Angus and the rebel army the moon was high in the night sky. Many of the soldiers had already shifted. “You’re just in time,” Angus said pointing to the column of soldiers coming down the road. James started undoing his shirt, but William grabbed his hand.

  “No, the people need to see you,” William said to his lover, “You are the face of the rebellion.”

  “I am much better at fighting as a wolf.” James admitted.

  “We will ride in together,” William declared. James lowered his forehead to William’s and they sat for a minute as if in silent prayer. James drew strength from the confidence William had in him. They got down and prepared to fight on foot, James knew that a horse was about to become a liability. William noticed the other two horses they came with were without riders, and he didn’t need to ask who the shaggy brown-grey and the fat red wolf were.

  Everything was in place. As the infantry column reached the last barricade, James stepped out of the forest with William beside him. “Lord Stewart,” James called out, “I am here to claim my birthright.” Without a word Lachlan Stewart turned his horse, sword held high and his cavalrymen formed ranks to join in the charge. James and William started a charge as well. The 200 wolves of Clan MacQuarrie emerged from the woods in full stride.

  Horses threw their riders and the ones that didn’t took off at a full gallop in the only open direction. The horses took out quite a few infantrymen as well. The column was in disarray. All of the generals and leaders of the army had been on horseback. Wolves ripped through the lines tearing men to shreds and blood spattered everywhere. William stayed by James’ side protecting him as he fought in single combat with Sir Luther. James cleaved the older man in two with a single swing of his great sword.

  The column was in disarray and many just threw down their weapons. The worst of the fighting was over. The peasant soldiers came out of the forest to tie up the Stewart army prisoners. It was a great victory for the rebellion. As William watched the life force drain out of Sir Luther, he couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to his father. William had last seen Lachlan with his arms draped around his horse’s neck, clinging on for dear life as the horse beat it down Hammitch Road and Back to Ulva Castle.

  The horses were by no means the only ones scared by the wolves. The entire army 2000 strong had been cowed in a matter of minutes. James grabbed William by the waste and raised him up on his shoulder. The rebel army cheered his name as his lover paraded him around the battlefield. The night air tasted of victory.




  Chapter one

  “No, I need you to listen to me and stop daydreaming. You’ve been my apprentice for the last four months and still you’re not getting the grasp of this. It’s not rocket science. If you pay attention, I’m sure that you will learn something. I don’t know why I even bother, but something about you tells me that you have untapped potential that you don’t even know that you have.” Eric was my boss at the body shop and he was doing everything he could to make me see how to do this. I think it was more to do with the fact that I really didn’t want to be here, but I had no place else.

  “You know that I’m more of a hands on kind of guy. You can tell me, until you’re blue in the face, but it’s not, until I get my own hands on something that I finally begin to see how it’s done. This is the way that I learn anything in my life.” I tried to tell him, but my voice was soft spoken. I didn’t know how to raise it. I’d learned to try and stay below the radar. Growing up, my parents were not exactly the nurturing kind.

  Eric threw up his hands and I could see that I was slowly losing the one ally that I had in this world. “I’m getting to the point that I think that you are a lost cause. I don’t want to believe that. I’ve always said that you have something inside of you that has gone unnoticed. I was hoping that I could draw it out of you, but so far it has been an effort in futility. I think that you should just go home and then come back in the morning ready to start again.” I was about ready to toss in the towel and tell him that he could take this job and shove it.

  “I think tomorrow that I should try something on my own. It’s the only way that I’m going to learn. I wish that you could see how hard I’m trying. I’m willing to put myself in your hands, but this has to be a two way street.” I had found my voice, but unfortunately the sound coming from my mouth was a whisper. He didn’t even hear a word I said, as he went into his office and slammed the door

  That sound brought to mind memories of my childhood. My parents would constantly be at odds. Every time that they wante
d to lash out at each other, they instead turned their attention towards me. They were constantly putting me down and telling me that I was worthless. I was a little boy and I could not fight back. Every time that they told me that I wouldn’t amount to much, I started to believe them.

  The door opened on his office and he was standing there with his arms crossed. “I told you that I wanted you to leave. I’m getting sick and tired of seeing your face.” This reminded me painfully of how my parents had treated me. I think I knew underneath it all that their animosity was a byproduct of a loveless marriage. They fought like cats and dogs. I thought that was the way that it was supposed to be.

  “I’m going.” I was tempted to tell him that he wouldn’t see me again, but I needed the money. I was living hand to mouth and that meager paycheck was the only thing that was keeping a roof over my head.

  I stopped at the sliding door and looked at my reflection in the glass. I had stringy black hair and I used way too much mousse to try to keep it in place. I was gangly and I didn’t have any real muscle tone to speak of. I couldn’t speak to girls and they really didn’t interest me anyway. I knew from the moment that I was old enough to know better that my interests lie with a more of masculine touch. I was still a virgin. I had passed by this club that was known to be a hangout for those of a particular taste.

  I wasn’t a bad ass, but I did wear a leather jacket and I had a motorcycle. It wasn’t much and it certainly wasn’t a Harley Davidson. I did enjoy the freedom of the open road. There were times that I was tempted to just keep driving and never look back. I was a wilted flower. I shrank away from any one of authority.

  I drove my motorcycle, feeling that engine rev underneath me and knowing that this was the only thing that I truly found enjoyment in. It was 7:00 PM and I suddenly felt like I wasn’t alone. I glanced up and I saw this huge shadow that reminded me of a bird. There were no such birds of that size. It could’ve been a plane, but that didn’t explain the way that the wings seemed to flap underneath the breeze.


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