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The Indulgences of Isabelle

Page 16

by Penny Birch

  'Exactly. People who have since dispersed to laboratories, libraries, lecture theatres, tutorial groups and so on right across Oxford, each and every one of them with an excellent titbit of gossip to pass on. By this evening everybody from the Chancellor to the local dustmen will know, and doubtless the story will have been suitably embellished along the way. We can only pray that the tabloid press doesn't find out, although as they have no lurid pictures to go with the story I don't suppose they'd be all that interested. No, it is a serious matter, which must be discussed promptly, and discreetly, which would certainly make a change. Honestly, Isabelle, I really am appalled by your foolishness, and—'

  Duncan broke off, shaking his head in exasperation. Then he spoke again.

  'Actually, I am going to spank you. Come here.'

  My stomach lurched at his words, delivered in such a commanding tone that it never even occurred to me to disobey – besides which I'd never needed it so badly. Duncan went to his settee and sat down, allowing me to drape myself across his lap. My skirt was pulled up and my tights and panties taken down for the second time that day, and for the second time not for the enjoyment of seeing my bare bottom – but for purely practical purposes, to humiliate me and ensure that my spanking really hurt. I was already sobbing, with the tears starting in my eyes even before he'd laid the first hard smack across my cheeks. But he'd only given me six when he stopped.

  'It's just too noisy,' he said, 'and so are you. But there must be something . . .'

  His voice trailed off. Then he suddenly hauled me up, keeping a firm hold of my hand. Without the least idea of what was going on, I allowed myself to be frogmarched into his bathroom.

  'Bend over the bath,' he instructed. 'Or, if you prefer, the toilet.'

  I chose the bath, bending into it with my bottom stuck out over the edge. My cheeks stung a little from the earlier slaps, and I felt off-balance emotionally. On the far side of the bath was a large wooden-handled bath brush, ideal for application to naughty girls' bottoms. I winced.

  'I . . . I'll try not to be noisy,' I promised. 'But itmight be best to make me take my knickers in my mouth.'

  'I am not planning to spank you,' Duncan stated, opening his medicine cupboard.

  'No?' I queried, surprised, and thought of what else could be done to bare-bottom girls. 'You're not going to fuck me, are you? Because . . .'

  I trailed off, feeling distinctly aggrieved at the idea of being casually fucked. It was a bit much of him to simply assume that because I didn't mind a spanking he had access to my pussy.

  'Hang on a minute,' I said. 'Duncan, I don't—'

  'Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?' he demanded.

  'Well . . . yes,' I admitted. 'I feel I ought to be spanked, but . . .'

  'Spanking is noisy,' he reminded me. 'Impractically so. Now, hold your bottom cheeks apart. I am going to sodomise you.'

  'What!? Duncan! I . . . but I don't want to be sodomised! OK, you can fuck me, but not up my bottom, please? That's hardly fair!'

  Despite my words, which I believed I meant, I had reached back to spread my bum cheeks, just as I'd been told to do. Duncan had selected a tube of cream from the cupboard, some product intended for the relief of haemorrhoids.

  'Are you sure that's the right thing to use?' I asked in alarm as he squeezed out a long white worm of the substance onto one finger. 'And really, I'm not at all sure you should be sodomising your students, and—'

  'It is designed for application to the anus,' he pointed out, interrupting me, 'and no doubt will serve very well to lubricate yours.'

  'Yes, but—'

  I broke off with a gasp as Duncan wiped the cold haemorrhoid cream onto my bottom-hole. Then I gulped as a finger was pushed up my rectum. He had put his other hand to his crotch, massaging his cock through his trousers, but I still couldn't believe he was simply going to bugger me while I was bent over the bath, and without so much as a may-I? Yet I kept my bum cheeks spread as he lubricated my bottom. I was panting slightly as my anus slowly grew loose, not particularly happy about what he was about to do but unable to think of any good reason why he shouldn't. After all, I wasn't supposed to like it.

  'If you wouldn't mind?' he asked. 'Take me in your mouth.'

  Duncan had flopped his cock out, and I obeyed his instruction, turning a little to open wide and let him feed it in, all the while with his finger working my bumhole gradually more open. His cock was thick, heavy in my mouth even when flaccid, and as I began to suck I was telling myself that it was best to relax and let him get my anus properly open, and that there was no point in protesting when I was going to be buggered anyway.

  'More cream, perhaps,' he remarked, and squeezed out a second worm, this time directly between my cheeks so that he could work it into my already slippery anus with the finger he'd already got dirty.

  Duncan's cock had began to grow in my mouth, stiffening gradually to the motion of my lips and tongue, a strange sensation that I'm sure I'll never get fully used to. I gasped as a second finger was eased into my bottom, but I already felt juicy and slack, if not sufficiently to accommodate the fat penis swelling in my mouth.

  'I do not intend to hurt you, Isabelle,' he said, now slightly breathless. 'But am I right to expect that sodomising a girl can make an effective punishment?'

  'Yes, it can, believe me!' I told him as he pulled his now-rigid cock from my mouth.

  Duncan was right. Even if it didn't hurt, the idea of being made to take a man's cock up my bottom was unspeakably humiliating, especially after being bent over a bath and having my anus lubricated with haemorrhoid cream. It was hard to imagine a more disrespectful way to treat a dominant woman – the only trouble being that after being passed around for spanking and then surrendering myself to Tierney and his cronies it wasn't at all easy to think of myself as a dominant woman. I was more like an eager little slut. Even so, being bent over the bath and fucked up my bottom was a pretty humiliating prospect.

  'Keep your cheeks open,' Duncan ordered as he finally eased his fingers from my bumhole. 'Well open.'

  I gave a single dumb nod and pulled my bottom cheeks apart wider still, stretching my now gaping anus wide to his view. He reached into the medicine cupboard once more, this time to pull out an old-fashioned gentleman's shaving brush with a rounded ivory handle that looked uncomfortably suitable for ramming up a girl's bottom-hole to keep it open. Obviously it was going up mine.

  'You'll need to have this in you for a while,' he told me, and pushed the cold hard end against my anus.

  My ring spread, accommodating the brush handle quite easily and leaving me with a tuft of badger hair sticking out from my gaping bottom hole. Duncan sat down on the toilet, puffing as he masturbated, with his eyes fixed on my penetrated anus and distinctly juicy pussy, then flicking to my face. I knew that my expression would be full of consternation at the prospect of being buggered, because I felt thoroughly put upon, but that didn't seem to bother him. What he was going to do to me might be intended as a punishment but it was obviously one he was going to enjoy dishing out.

  Duncan's cock-shaft was finally hard, and he was pulling vigorously at it. His prick was still glossy with my spit, while his heavy balls were bouncing and squashing against his trousers with every tug. I forced a smile, realising that I really was going to be buggered as he stood up with his erection in his hand. He was still masturbating as he pulled the shaving brush from my bottom-hole and placed it carefully in the sink. I stayed open as it came out, my anus squashy and wet as his helmet touched between my cheeks, plugging my rectal ring.

  'Do you have to do this?' I asked apprehensively as my bottom-hole began to spread out around his helmet. 'Really?'

  'Your question,' he grunted, 'rather presupposes my answer.'

  Duncan pushed. I gasped as my anal sphincter gave way and then his cock was up my bum, or at least its head was. I could feel it in my bottom-hole, bigger than the handle of the shaving brush and also warm, stretching me wide. I was
now officially being sodom-ised. Not that Duncan had finished, not by a long way. I was still holding my cheeks open, allowing him to see what he was doing as he fed himself in up my anal hole. The sensation had me panting in no time, unable to control my breathing as the bloated, urgent sensation in my rectum grew. But that feeling was merely physical, and was as nothing compared with my emotions.

  I had a man's cock up my bottom. My anus had been penetrated and my rectum filled with six inches or more of fat, hard penis. It was unbearably humiliating, and I was soon sobbing with reaction. It was a punishment, there was no doubt about it, to have my panties pulled down and my bottom stuffed with cock by my own tutor, about the only male authority figure I had. He was the man to do it, to sodomise me in fair retribution for my behaviour, to make me show my bumhole and put his cock inside it, to bugger me hard and make me thoroughly sorry for what I'd done.

  'There,' he said. 'Now I am fully in you.'

  He was: his balls were pressed to the mouth of my empty cunt, my bum cheeks spread against the front of his thighs and the mass of his belly. I braced myself, holding on to the bath so that he could push up me properly, my feet set wide and my hands clutching the far side. Slow, heavy tears were trickling down my face as he began to move his thick, stiff shaft in my rectum, long, easy thrusts that felt so deep that it seemed his cock would soon be poking out of my mouth. I hung my head, not to hide my weeping, but in abject surrender, and as the spittle began to run from my open mouth I didn't even bother to suck it back up.

  I knew that Duncan never hurried, and as my rectal ring pulled gently in and out against his erection I let my mind drift to what I'd done, and what was being done to me in order to make up for my behaviour. It was completely appropriate, a punishment to fit the crime, and I was soon wishing that Amy Jane had been there to watch Duncan work his penis in my hole and see the tears trickling down my cheeks, Edna too, and Eliza, so that they could have taken turns spanking my naughty bottom before I was sodomised in front of them.

  That thought stayed in my head, and in a few short moments my awful shame and consternation had begun to give way to pleasure. I bit my lip, knowing that it would be the final surrender if I masturbated while I was being buggered to punish me. But I couldn't stop myself. My hand went back and I found my cunt, touching my empty pussy-hole, then the taut ring of my anus to feel it pull and push against Duncan's shaft, an overwhelmingly dirty sensation.

  I started to rub, sobbing with emotion as I masturbated and thinking of how I should really have been dealt with, smacked hard by Amy Jane and Edna, Katie too, and then Eliza. They'd have taken my panties down, and would have made me pull them up again between spankings, except after Eliza had done me when they'd be left down so that Duncan could grease my bottom-hole and sodomise me in front of all four of them. After that I'd be sent up to bed with my hands tied behind my back as I had been before, to cry my eyes out into my pillow while the spunk leaked from my buggered bottom-hole.

  My anus began to tighten around Duncan's cock-shaft, contracting hard as my orgasm rose up. My pussy constricted too, blowing out air in a long rasping fanny fart that sent a last shudder of embarrassment through me – and then I was coming. I bit my lip, desperate to stop myself screaming. This seemed to bottle up the power of my climax inside me, bringing my orgasm up to a painful intensity until at last it burst. Duncan clapped a hand over my mouth as the scream broke from my lips, muffling the noise, but only partially.

  He grunted and I assumed he'd come through the contractions of my anus, bringing my pleasure up to a second peak at the thought of having a man ejaculate up my bottom as part of a punishment. His hand locked tighter on my mouth as a second scream rose up in my throat, but this time he managed to keep me quiet and his hand stayed firmly in place as I came down slowly from my orgasm. Only when I was completely finished did I realise that his grunt had not been ecstasy but annoyance, and that he was panting for breath.

  'I have to sit down,' he gasped, and I felt his cock start to pull away from my bottom hole.

  I turned around in concern as Duncan pulled out. His hands were shaking and he was red in the face, but his cock was still hard, rearing up above his balls in the opening of his flies, sticky and glistening. I shrugged and smiled, more concerned for him than for myself even though my legs felt weak and my bumhole wouldn't close.

  'Must you always be so noisy?' he managed to mutter, shaking his head as he sat down on the toilet seat.

  'Sorry,' I replied, 'but I expect I'll be walking around like a pregnant duck for the next few days – if that's any consolation.'

  Duncan managed a grin and leant back against the cistern. Then he spoke again.

  'I did actually intend that to be a punishment.'

  'It was,' I assured him, 'and I feel much better for it. But if you don't think that was enough, how about this?'

  As I spoke I got down on my knees in front of the toilet, so that his cock was rearing up in front of my face. I hesitated, but then nodded to myself. It was best to get it over and done with, I thought, and before common sense could get the better of me I'd taken his slippery cock in my mouth, determined to suck until he came. Then I would swallow.


  'I would like to propose Amy Jane Moffat for membership.'

  Every single person in the room turned to look at me. Portia finally broke the silence.

  'Very funny, Isabelle. Ha, ha.'

  'I'm serious,' I insisted. 'She guessed more or less what goes on, and she wants to be considered for membership.'

  'You mean you told her about us?' Portia demanded.

  'No,' I said firmly. 'Well, not exactly . . . anyway, I've been punished for that already.'

  'Oh no, you haven't,' Portia assured me gleefully. 'That's a spanking from each of us and six of the cane – again!'

  'Not here,' Eliza said firmly.

  We'd decided to meet in her room at the biology labs, where it was safe to talk. On a Saturday afternoon, with no students about, it would probably also have been a safe place to spank. But Eliza had ruled against it, a decision for which I was now immensely grateful.

  'At the party, then,' Portia said.

  I shrugged. Given what was likely to happen to me at the party a quick session across their knees and six cane strokes would be a useful warm-up.

  'Isabelle,' Eliza went on, 'do you really think Amy Jane is suitable Rattaners material?'

  'The Owl!' Tiffany laughed. 'Hardly.'

  'Not really, no,' I admitted. 'And she doesn't know what we get up to, unlike Tiffy before she was accepted, Portia. She thinks we're a lesbian society whose members like to dress up, that's all. I think she should be vetted, but tactfully,maybe just hinting atmild corporal punishment – an initiation ceremony perhaps. That way she herself canmake the decision not to join. Obviously I can't be involved in vetting her, and nor can Katie.'

  'I'll spank her fat arse for her,' Portia offered. 'I bet she'd run a mile!'

  'I don't think you're really the person for the job,' Sarah responded. 'I'll do it.'

  'She has a thing about her weight,' I pointed out, 'so I suggest Caroline goes too.'

  'Thank you very much, Isabelle!' Caroline retorted. 'You wait.'

  'I didn't mean to be nasty,' I said quickly, 'and you know I don't think you're overweight, or the Owl . . . Amy Jane either for that matter. It's just that—'

  'I understand,' Caroline interrupted, 'and I intend to take it out on you at the party. Isabelle is being punished, isn't she?'

  'That depends on whether we have a party,' Eliza responded. 'After what happened at Foxson, I'm not at all sure that it would be advisable.'

  'You're not suggesting that we disband the society, are you?' I asked in dismay.

  'No,' she replied, 'just that we have little choice but to cancel the Christmas party. The story of your little adventure at Foxson has been doing the rounds all week, Isabelle, although fortunately it's only been seen as a lovers' tiff, while Mrs Jellaby's intervention
is considered more amusing than anything.'

  I found myself blushing at the suggestion that people thought of me being given a public spanking as amusing. But I answered Eliza quickly.

  'Surely Dr Treadle's house will be safe?'

  'Isadore is concerned that newspaper reporters may get hold of the story and follow you, or Katie,' Eliza told me. 'That may seem over-cautious, but the lower elements of the national press seem particularly keen to paint Oxford as elitist at present, and I dare say a story involving college girls spanking each other would be just the sort of thing they're after. In any event, Isadore has asked that we suspend parties at his house for the time being.'

  'I'm sorry,' I said.

  'You will be, I assure you,' Sarah replied. 'But Eliza, surely we only need a venue a safe distance from Oxford?'

  'Such as?' Eliza queried. 'We can hardly hire a room as if we were having a birthday party.'

  'Why not?' Caroline asked. 'Nobody outside Oxford will know who any of us are.'

  'Because,' Eliza pointed out, 'there will be staff, who will be sure to wonder about the peculiar noises.'

  'All we need are open-minded staff,' Caroline insisted. 'We could have it at the Red Ox, at least if it was held during the week.'

  'I am not having a Rattaners party at the Red Ox,' Sarah stated emphatically. 'That ghastly man Tierney and his friends would expect to join in.'

  'My father would be sure to find out,' Yazzie put in.

  'Besides,' Eliza added, 'Cowley is part of Oxford. My suggestion is this. If any of us can find a suitable venue, then we will go ahead. Otherwise we'll have our next meeting in the Hilary Term once everybody has forgotten about Isabelle's little indiscretion. Shall we vote?'

  She had raised her own hand, and the others followed suit more or less reluctantly. I voted last of all.


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