The Love Slave Robot War: Book 1: Her Greatest Weapon in Claiming the Heart Of Her Alpha Male Lover From A Love Fembot Was Her Own Submissive Heart!

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The Love Slave Robot War: Book 1: Her Greatest Weapon in Claiming the Heart Of Her Alpha Male Lover From A Love Fembot Was Her Own Submissive Heart! Page 1

by Pat Powers

  The Love Slave Robot War

  Book One

  Copyright 2015 By Pat Powers

  Cover Art Image ©Viorel Sima /

  This is a work of art. All person, places and events depicted in it are fictional, except for the planet Earth. There is a real planet Earth, and I shamelessly used it in my story. Otherwise, it's all made up.


  A Sighting

  "So, did you find yourself any Boy Scouts who are good with their knots while I was gone?" Liz asked. Her broad, pleasant face crinkled easily into a smile as she sipped a glass of wine and settled into her seat. It was like her to start right in talking about sex after being on the road for three weeks. Wanted to tell about her adventures, no doubt.

  "Better," Anna announced, grinning quietly. As always, her smooth, round face didn't betray much of her feelings, but there was something about the cast of her emerald green eyes and her cupid's bow lips that said she had a story of her own to tell.

  "Oh, really?" Liz said, her face quickening with interest. "Has your trolling the Net finally brought in a real man worth having in the real world?"

  "Possibly," Anna replied.

  "Possibly?" Liz cried. "Possibly? We'd better have something more than a 'possibly' after this long drought of yours, kid. Now tell Liz all about it -- dish."

  "Well, you'll recall that about a year ago I was in a hot and heavy virtual relationship with a really hot guy -- seemed to be my dream guy, really," Anna said.

  "The one who dumped you when his wife sued for divorce and used your email exchanges with him as proof of loss of consort?" Liz asked.

  "The same," Anna said. "I was really taken with him -- seemed to zig where I zagged in every way, and seemed a very mature guy, not some clueless CHUDWAH."

  "What does CHUDWAH mean again?" Liz asked. "It's cute, but I keep forgetting."

  "Clueless Hetero Unappealing Dom Wannabe Ass Hole," Anna said. "And this guy was anything but that. But he was afraid his wife would use our relationship as a basis for cutting off visitation rights with their kid, so we kind of ended it."

  "Yeah, I remember, you were not a happy camper then," Liz said. "I have to say, I was pretty upset with him for putting you through all that pain."

  "Well, he never lied to me, or played with my head, which is more than I can say about a lot of the people I've met online," Anna said. "I was sorry it had to end, but I understood."

  "So, what's the story, has he sent you some sniveling apology and a request that you get together -- in secret, of course?" Liz asked with more than a trace of a sneer in her voice.

  "No, not really," Anna replied. "He really isn't the sort who'd do something like that. I have learned what he looks like, though, and he really looks good. Handsome and built. Maybe it's nano-enhanced, but if so, I say “hurray for nano-enhancement!” That's the good news."

  "What's the bad news?" Liz asked, sipping her wine thoughtfully.

  "The bad news is that I know what he looks like because I downloaded some images of him on the net, doing it with a Jetta unit in bondage."

  "A Jetta unit?" Liz asked, her mouth wrinkling in disgust. "You mean one of those self- propelled sex toys? Eeeuww!"

  "Well, there's good news beyond that," Anna said, a little defensively.

  "Oh, come on, girl, when a man shows himself capable of doing it with one of THOSE things, he's proven himself far too lame for actual women," said Liz. "I mean, I understand that a woman with your tastes can't be too choosy about men -- no offense, it's not like I'm waiting for the one perfect man -- but you've gone right through the bottom of the barrel and are now scraping through the rotten muck beneath it."

  "I don't think so," Anna responded. "We had a long relationship while we were online together, and I formed what I think is a pretty good idea of what kind of man he is. I think I know why he has a Jetta unit. And I also know he's still interested in me."

  "How do you know that?" Liz asked. "Did he name the Jetta unit after you?"

  "Something a little more telling than that," Anna said. "You see, the reason I know that the man in the video is him is that he was acting out a little scene with the Jetta unit -- my scene, a word-for-word acting out of a scene that I made up for him and I to play together online."

  Oh reeally," Liz purred. "Word for word, eh?"

  "Word for dirty word," Anna responded, smiling back. "That's why I think he's still interested ... he's using the Jetta unit to replay our old scenes. The ones I made up. He's using the Jetta unit, but he's thinking about me."

  "Yeah, maybe, or maybe he just likes the scene because he likes the scene, and he doesn't care who he does it with," Liz said.

  "I don't believe that," Anna replied. "I've considered that possibility, but it doesn't ring true. I heard him say the words we sent to one another via text, and it was as if he were saying them to me. I think the Jetta unit is just a proxy for what he really wants, which is the real thing -- which is me."

  "So, what are you going to do about it?" Liz asked.

  "Well, it turns out that my email boyfriend is famous," Anna said. "His name is Dan Donnelly, and he's a topnotch programmer who specializes in developing encryption techniques for commercial and military software. One of the few who can hold his own with computers in that field. I know where he lives, and what his phone number is. So I'm going to pay him a visit. In the flesh."

  "You're going to go for it in the Real World?" Liz asked.

  "That's right," Anna replied.

  "Well, far be it from me to discourage you from getting out into the Real World, but do be prepared for anything," Liz said, "because that's what you find in the Real World. I'm glad to see you going for it at last."

  "Well, I've been hesitant about it for so long," Anna said. "But you know, I've become a very strong person over the last few years, very confident about who I am and what I want in a relationship. It takes so much trust to seek the sort of relationships I want, so much strength. I think I have that now. And I intend to have the man I deserve -- and I think that man may just be Dan Donnelly."

  Chapter 1


  After talking to Liz, Anna went back to her little Basic house and sat at her computer and pulled up one of the recordings she had made of the roleplays she and Dan had done, to remind herself of their power. Not that she had ever forgotten them ...

  The warrior walked into the tavern, his sword hanging low on his hip, his shield hanging from his broad shoulders, his chainmail shirt a battered testament to the many battles he had been in, and given that he still had all his arms, legs and other useful body parts, victorious in.

  He took a seat at a rough wooden table and removed his bronze helm, allowing his mane of thick black hair to spill down his shoulders, revealing the a brutal handsomeness to match the roguish charm that animated his features.

  “Ale!” he bellowed. “I want some ale and some stew and some bread and a saucy wench to serve me and maybe give me a nice blowjob after.”

  Anna had been entranced from the moment the warrior had entered the room, his bold stride and powerful body a real improvement over the slouching bulk of the tharlarion drovers that normally came to the paga tavern. She rose and hurried over to the warrior, her breasts, unencumbered by anything except the usual nipple chain, flopping wildly in their globular joy as she moved.

  “I will serve you, warri
or!” she said as she knelt before him, her legs spread wide before him so she could see the naked beauty of her freshly shaved heat, her eyes downcast as she eyed his boots, thinking how nice it would be to shine them with her fresh-shaved heat, or failing that, her tongue, which had not been shaved, being hairless..

  The warrior looked at the paga slut, taking in the sleek beauty of her naked body, ornamented by only a few dozen chains, bracelets, armlets, cuffs, shackles, brads, studs, necklaces, belly chains and of course her collar. Her body was a riotous explosion of feminine beauty, her breasts large, round and bouncy, her waist narrow but her hips pleasingly wide. Her face, too was a glory to behold, large emerald eyes framed by a coppery mane, her lips full and beautifully curved, her nose beautifully snubbed, her freckles accentuating the beauty of her pale skin, her chin a pointy counterpoint to her brainiliciously broad forehead.

  “Then get up off your knees and get me my food and drink, slut,” the warrior growled, giving her nipple chain a playful yank.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed as the pleasure/pain that arose from the yank went right from her nipples to her heat, her green eyes flashing with pleasure as she rose and scurried to do his bidding. She quickly prepared the meal he requested, with was easy enough as all the ingredients were ready once scooped from their various kettles, barrels and bins.

  “May this food please you and nourish you Master,” she said. “The price I am required to ask is two copper coins,” she added apologetically.

  The warrior said nothing, just took a drink of the ale and scooped some stew out of the bowl to test their goodness, which was indeed good goodness. He fished around in a bag well hung at his belt and tossed two coins on the table. “Does your use come with the price of the booze, girl?” he asked, giving her a direct, piercing look that implied that certain parts of him would do much piercing of certain parts of her if the answer was “yes.”

  “Yes, Master,” she said, “this is an honest paga tavern, of COURSE my use comes with the cost of a tankard of ale, or whatever."

  “Good,” the warrior grunted, and proceeded to eat all the stew and bread and down the ale in a matter of seconds as the girl watched hungrily.

  “I am Dangerous Dan the Dangler, what are you called, girl?” the warrior asked when he had finished eating.

  “I am called Anna the Banana Hammock, Master,” she replied, her face flush with desire..

  “I shall call you Anna,” replied Dan. “Heel, girl.”

  With those words he rose from the table and walked up the creaky staircase that led to the tavern's upstairs section, not looking behind to see if Anna was following him, for he knew she would. The upstairs was the alcoves, where the girls were used, as was traditional in such low taverns as warriors like Dangerous Dan frequented. The warrior entered the first room whose door was opened. It was a small room, strewn with furs, with an assortment of whips, gags, ropes chains and other common sex artifacts hanging from the walls, lit by smoky torchlight.

  And standing in the middle of the room was a rape rack, but not just ANY rape rack, it was the Sluterizer 2000, the most advanced piece of sexual technology of its time. Once a girl was confined within the Sluterizer 2000 she could be placed in ANY sexual position and then, via various levers, dials and knobs, quickly and easily put in any OTHER sexual position the rape rack's operator might desire. (It also had a built-in anal enlarger, but it was rarely used as it was a huge pain in the ass.)

  “Juice, girl,” Dan ordered Anna casually as he began removing his sword, shield, bow, arrows, blowgun, knives and whatnot, followed by leather bracers, his chainmail shirt, his chainmail pants, his seven-league boots, and his shiny leather trousers.

  At the words “Juice, girl,” Anna had thrown herself to the furs, spread her legs wide and began toying with her heat and nipples, gazing up at the Master as he disrobed, admiring the broad sweep of his mighty muscles, the hairy six-pack that was his abdomen, the imposing biceps that adorned his upper arms, his brutally handsome face with its hawk nose, broad forehead, piercing blue eyes, thin lips and cleft chin adorned with stubble, and of course the huge cock that dangled between his legs, seeming to throb with life and power. In no time at all her heat was afire with desire as she gazed up at the Master, her face a reflection of the slave lust that blazed within her.

  Dan looked down at Anna, lying there with her legs spread wide, her fingers shamelessly toying with her heat, her large breasts spilling over her arms as she lay there gazing up at him with an expression that was sheer, unreserved slave lust, her eyes fixed on his cock as if she were a helpless bird hypnotized by a huge trouser snake.

  “On your feet, girl and into the rape rack,” Dan growled.

  “Yes, Master,” she said, hastily rising to her feet, wiping her sticky fingers on her butt and stepping into the rape rack, extending her arms on either side of her and spreading her legs wide, offering her body to be chained, for she was a slave and could not afford so much as a moment of hesitation when given an order. She stuck her butt out as she stood there, hoping the Master would find it pleasing, offering herself to him in the most basic slavegirl way.

  Dan fitted the cuffs and shackles on Anna's wrists and ankles, then made sure torsion spring B was properly adjusted as well as restraining strap F and safety pins 7, 12 and 18. Nodding with satisfaction that Anna was securely restrained in the rape rack and that it was properly adjusted, he twirled a few dials, pulled a lever and cranked a wheel, and suddenly Anna was suspended in air, her legs spread wide apart with the knotted joyrope Z pressed tightly between her labia, her hands behind her back and her head suspended at his crotch level, in the position known as the Horizontal Split of Availability.

  Dan walked in front of Anna, who lay suspended in the air, her body a quivering mass of desire, feeling her helplessness before the mighty Master that now had utter control over her body.

  “Serve me with your lips, girl,” he growled, dangling his Meat of Mastery before her.

  “Yes, Master,” she said, her voice softy and husky with desire, and she delicately took his cock in her mouth and began sucking his cock as worshipfully and expertly as any slavegirl could. She gazed up at Master Dan as she did so, acknowledging her submission to him, pleading for him to accept her submission with her eyes even as she used her tongue on his cock in the most slavish way imaginable, and her experience as a paga slut allowed her to imagine some very slavish ways of sucking a cock indeed.

  Dan gazed down at her, a helpless naked beast in a rape rack, pleading desperately for his approval with her beautiful emerald eyes as her red tresses curled about her face, set ablaze here and there by reflections from the torchlight, and found his whole being suffused with pleasure and joy at having such a wench squirming helplessly on the end of his cock.

  Under such circumstances, his cock soon became rock hard, Anna's incredibly skilled tongue and lips worked it with the knowledge of a slut who has had thousands come in her mouth, each one a more satisfied customer than the last.

  The joyrope that pressed into Anna's heat had many nubby knots, and every motion of her ass sent them sliding against her labia and clitoris, leaving her feeling more and more wet and wonderful, leading her to squirm more and more actively in her bonds. Her slave fires were now a roaring, all-consuming wave of pleasure emanating from her heat and her mouth, so that it seemed almost as if his cock were fucking her whole body even though it was only in her mouth.

  Dan watched her squirm as his cock grew rock hard, enjoying the way her hands twisted helplessly in their bonds as her passion grew more and more intense.

  Taking pity on the poor slut, being a nice-guy warrior and all, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, then walked over to the wall and selected a cock gag from the Extremely Large Cock Gag hook, walked back to Anna and shoved it in her mouth.

  “Mmph!” Anna said in surprise as she found her mouth stretched wide open by the giant cock gag as Dan secured its leather strap tightly behind her neck so that there would be no di
slodging it with her incredibly skilled tongue.

  Dan leaned down. “Now, girl, no matter what happens, I do not want you to cum until and unless I give you permission to,” he growled into her ear. “You may beg for permission whenever and as much as you like, but you do not cum until I order you to, understand, slut?”

  “Yeff, maffah,” Anna said, making herself understood through the gag because she had had a lot of experience saying “Yes, Master” with a cock in her mouth. Such was the life of a tavern slut. It thrilled her to be given such orders, to be used so uncompromisingly and powerfully, yeilding before the desires of a Master who would brook no denial of his lust. There was not a hint of namybism nor pambyism in the muscular embodiment of masculinity that now loomed over her.

  Dan walked around behind her and threw the lever which retracted Joyrope Z, leaving Anna's tiny pink slit exposed in all its glistening glory. He could seen long strands of genital drool, or “grool” as it was called, dripping down from her heat, demonstrating that the joyrope had indeed done its work on her.

  Seeing that she was ready to receive him, he simply pulled her labia apart with his thumbs and thrust his cock into the dark grotto that was revealed between them, enjoying her soft mewl of pleasure and perhaps pain as his mighty engine of lust rammed full speed ahead into her canal of love.

  Anna felt every inch of the cock as it thrust its way inside her, lighting her whole heat up with pleasure. Her legs, stretched wide apart, writhed helplessly in their shackles. In the rape rack, there was nothing she could refuse him, and in her slavish heart, nothing that she desired to refuse him. All was as it should be as she squirming helplessly, suspended in the air, her ass an open invitation to use, her mouth so filled with the plastic cock that she could barely mmph.

  Then Dan began working his cock back and forth inside her heat, the feel of its tight grasp on his cock making him shiver with pleasure as he reamed her heat fast and faster, harder and harder, making her squeal helplessly, and delightedly, into the gag. The sight of the beauty stretched wide before him, so very helpless, so much his to use in any way he pleased, filled him such pleasure that it was as if his entire brawny chest cavity were inflated with a mixture of sunshine and joy, combined with pure, raw lust for the beast before him. The way the torchlight gleamed on her pale skin as she writhed, the way her reddish orange tresses seemed to almost glow in the shadowy light of the alcove, it was a vision of beauty that only a Master could understand.


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