The Love Slave Robot War: Book 1: Her Greatest Weapon in Claiming the Heart Of Her Alpha Male Lover From A Love Fembot Was Her Own Submissive Heart!

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The Love Slave Robot War: Book 1: Her Greatest Weapon in Claiming the Heart Of Her Alpha Male Lover From A Love Fembot Was Her Own Submissive Heart! Page 2

by Pat Powers

  Dan felt his cock go from rock hard to diamond hard if such a thing were possible as he really got into the rhythm of using Anna. His hips moved like smoothly oiled ball bearings, delivering the male to Anna's heat with irresistible force and power.

  Anna now writhed mindlessly in the Sluterizer 2000, suspended in air, her legs helplessly extended wide apart, her arms stretched out to either side, her head bobbing. The only part of her that mattered now was her heat, for it had taken over her entire mind and body. She watched the furs on the floor swaying back and forth and she swayed back and forth, her hungry heat offering itself to Dan with every thrust.

  Without thinking about it, without even being aware that she was doing it, Anna began begging Dan for permission to cum, her cries muffled by the cock gag. “Pwee maffah, pwee eh eeeh ummm!” she cried. “Pwee! Pwee! Pwee!”

  Dan ingnored her cries, at one point even laughing and saying, “What's that girl? I can't quite seem to understand what you're saying. What's the matter? Cock got your tongue?”

  “Yeff, maffah,” she cried miserably as the sexual desire throbbed and pulsed within her, almost unendurably intense. Her heat wanted to explode, she could not take all this pleasure, it was too much.

  “Pwee maffah, ah usss a poh sluuu!” she cried as Dan grabbed a handful of her coppery tresses and pulled her head up and back. She felt the pain of her hair being pulled and it somehow AMPLIFIED the pleasure that Dan was creating in her heat. She screamed and wiggled her ass, the intensity of her feelings so powerful that it felt that her whole being was embodied in that scream of pleasure and pain.


  Dan slapped her ass, hard. “No, girl, wait for it,” he growled. He continued to slap her ass hard, enjoying the way her now wildly-shaking head seemed to be ablaze as the torchlight, it was as if her head had been replaced by a ball of flame. Her seemingly blazing hair was a visual representation of what was going on in her mind, an explosion of pleasure that never ended.

  Dan was having trouble resisting the urge to cum himself. The little slut's ass just begged for more, the more it got. Her soft, muffled cries, the womanly musk mixed with the rank air of sex as her wide-open heat helplessly broadcast her use and her arousal, and most of all the feel of her creamy heat sliding back and forth across his cock combined with all the other sensation to produce an overwhelming compulsion to cum. But still, he fought it, enjoying the desperate intensity of Anna's pleas to be allowed to cum, enjoying his control over the little beast so helplessly confined as she squirmed before him. It was too sweet, too …

  A loud, eerie wailing suddenly filled the room, and both Dan and Anna's head snapped up. The raid horns! Raiders were coming. Dan knew what that meant.

  “Cum, beast, cum now!” he ordered, still fucking her hard and fast.

  “YEFF MAFFAHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Anna screamed as she finally allowed her feelings to overcome her, writhing and squirming mindlessly as her body was convulsed by orgasm after orgasm.

  The feel of Anna's heat clenching on Dan's cock was just too much for him, and even if he had been inclined to, he would not have been able to resist orgasms as Anna's heat literally milked the cum right out of him. He groaned as his whole body spasmed in ecstasy, then clutched the rape rack as he finished, watching poor Anna's wild writhing and squirming slowly subside into twitching as her body hung limply in the rack.

  He took a deep breath and arose, then began putting his clothes and weapons back on, leaving Anna hanging helpless in the rack, love juices oozing from her thighs down to the furs below, drool oozing from the corner of her mouth and dropping down to the furs in long strands as well.

  When he was dressed, he quickly freed Anna from the clutches of the Sluterizer 2000 and removed her gag. “Get your blowgun and slave claws on, girl, it's time to stab and shoot!” he ordered, grabbing Anna's leash dragging her along after him as he ran to the walls to defend against the raiders.

  “Yes, Master .. thank you, Master, for using me so well,” she added, her voice low and soft. “You truly Mastered me.”

  “Of course I did,” Dan replied with his usual Masterful arrogance. “Now let's go do some post-coital ass kicking!”

  Anna sighed as she relived the memory. She had saved the texts and videos of that roleplay, and many others she had had with Dan, but had not been able to reread or watch them after she had been Other Womaned by Sandra, what seemed like ages ago. Too painful. But she had never forgotten them, some nights they reran themselves in her mind over and over again.

  Well Sandra had discarded Dan, he was hers to claim if she could get him. Of course, there was the Jetta 2000 unit. She was a little disappointed and surprised that he'd taken such a recourse for sexual pleasure. A man as rich, handsome and sexy as Dan could pick and choose among SO MANY women, Anna knew. Now that practically everyone lived on Basic Income and the robots had taken over almost every job, a man with a real job, an important job, that paid really, really well was an incredible find.

  Anna had had no idea about that aspect of Dan when she had roleplayed with him. It had been an enormous surprise, more of a surprise than his use of a Jetta unit.

  But there was one thing Anna did know that overcame all that. That roleplay between her and Dan, for all its virtuality, had been the real product of their needs and desires. It had been real! More real than his relationship with Sandra, obviously. And DEFINITELY more real than his relationship with that … that THING he was having sex with now. Anna would take what was hers by right of the truth and power of their roleplay. The sexual call-and-response between them had come right out of their hearts. It was the ground truth of who they were, even if there had never been any actual physical contact between them. The proof was right there in the videos: Dan was still using their fantasy roleplays as the basis of his play with the Jetta unit. It was just a machine stand-in for Anna.

  Well, now was the time for the real Anna to claim what was hers by right of what had passed between them.

  Chapter 2

  Process of Discovery

  "All hail the honorable Judge Richard Hannaford, represented here by Yoyodyne Systems Model RA7265, identified as Judicial Assistance System Cortez, now presiding," droned the court terminal, represented onscreen by a smooth chrome head with no eyes, justice being blind and all. "Representing the former Sandra Donnelly will by Cyberdyne Systems Model STA67303b71c, identified as Counselor Grace. Representing Dan Donnelly will be Cyberdyne Systems Model MLC33587t819, identified as Counselor Cochran. Will the human parties represented here please give verbal notice of their waiver of the right to be represented by a human being in court?"

  Both representatives were present as software carried in on laptops by the litigants in question. Sandra Donnelly was a small woman in a severe business suit, her hair done up in a bun. What was probably once a bright, pleasant face was now marred by slight bags under the eyes and worry lines at the corners of her mouth.

  Dan Donnelly was an average-sized man whose black hair was peppered with gray. He had blue, hawklike eyes and an air of calm composure, almost of resignation. His formal gray business suit bulged in ways that suggested that the body underneath it was more muscular than it was cut to fit.

  "I waive my right to be represented by a human being at this time," Sandra and Dan said, more or less simultaneously, voices dulled by the ritual nature of what they were saying.

  Sandra would have much preferred to be represented by a human, but only the very rich could afford to hire a human being to represent them in court. Besides, expert system were better than human beings. This pissed off the very rich to no end. They were reduced to buying legislators in order to get things to go their way. In fact, most lawyers still working were little more than bagmen for wealthy individuals and corporations trying to shift laws to their advantage.

  The lawyers had fought for years to preserve their livelihoods, forcing people to hire lawyers to sit and do nothing for $1000 an hour.
Eventually, the naked uselessness of lawyers created so much political ruckus that laws allowing expert systems to represent people in court were passed, despite everything that money and chicanery could do. Of course, that had not occurred until LONG after lawyers had proven entirely useless.

  "That settled, we now proceed to the matter at hand," said Cortez. "Grace, present your case."

  The big, four-sided court terminal monitor screen mounted above the conference table immediately filled with text, text that scrolled far faster than any human could read it. It was a representation of the data that the expert systems were exchanging.

  A message popped up on the flatscreen that Cochran was using for privileged communication with me.

  "You gave the Jetta unit NET ACCESS!!??" Cochran virtually shouted. "INTERACTIVE NET ACCESS!!??"

  "Yes," Dan typed.

  "Why was I not informed of this?" Cochran asked.

  "Because it was none of your business," Dan responded. "I deserve some privacy in my affairs, even when dealing with my own expert systems. I am tired of having you second-guess everything I do or say."

  "My job as a legal expert system is to keep your ass out of jail, your bank account in your control, and to protect what's left of your legal rights," said Cochran, the words rolling across the screen like angry waves. "If in the process of doing so I can make you feel good, fine. But if doing my job means that I have to occasionally tell you things you don't want to hear, that's the way it goes. I guess Jetta would be your feel-good expert system, but I can't do you much good, if you insist on treating me as I were one of her sub-modules."

  Geesh. Dan was being bitched at by a computer program. Again. Though Cochran didn't SAY "stupid human" Dan could almost hear it being muttered -- however computer programs go about muttering.

  "As for your much-vaunted privacy, check out the court screen," said Cochran.

  Dan shifted his gaze and saw a blurry, massive, wobbling pink blob that seemed to be wobbling forward and backward at a rapid rate. The bottom of the screen was a pink blur in the center, fringed with reddish-brown. A numerical display scrolled at the side of the screen, typical of the real-time imaging systems used by computers. Two dark lines ran down the center of the screen, merging into a single dark blob in the middle.

  The pink blob was moving much too rapidly for the imaging system to get it in proper focus, which is why it was a blur. But at the top of the blob was an image which was in perfect focus, with two crosshairs locked on it.

  His face. Dan was seeing a blowjob from Jetta's perspective. The dark lines in the middle was the head harness that held Jetta's O ring gag in place.

  More images followed. Dan taking Jetta from behind, using her long blond hair as a handle while she writhed and moaned through her ball gag, her arms bound behind her back, her ankle cuffs attached to a spreader bar. Dan walking Jetta around the room, his hand nestled in her crotch, while she walked as best she could with her wrists bound to her ankles.

  And several other things of that nature.

  "What the hell happened?" Dan typed.

  "I surmise that somebody hacked their way into Jetta's memory store through her Internet link," Cochran said, "that somebody being an agent in the employ of Sandra. They created a spooling record that automatically transferred all data captured during "active mode" which would be your sessions with her, during Jetta's Internet links. By the way, why DID you do that?"

  "I wanted to be able to talk to Jetta, prior to and after our sessions," Dan said. "So I decided to let her collect my email and newsfeeds from my agents, and tell me about them, rather than going over them on a terminal. It's really made our sessions more ... involving."

  "We won't mention this to the judge or anyone else, will we?" Cochran asked. "They might just find a way to use it against you."

  "Sure," Dan said. "Anyway, this stuff has got to have been gained covertly, and is therefore inadmissible."

  "It is being presented as information that was anonymously posted to several net channels, which they obtained through an agent they had scanning the net for information pertaining to this case," said Cochran. "Grace strongly inferred that you probably posted the videos to the net yourself, as a form of bragging."

  "No way," Dan typed.

  "I believe you," Cochran responded. "You are human, but you're not really stupid."

  "Where do we stand?" Dan asked.

  "The video will end in 67.8 seconds," said Cochran. So Dan sat watching a memorably pleasant session in which Jetta lay hogtied on her back, on the bed, her head dangling over the side, while he knelt at the side while she served him with her mouth. Dan had reached forward and probed her pussy with his fingers.

  This probably wouldn't be practicable with most human women. There was the gag reflex to consider. There were teeth to consider. And there was the discomfort of the tight hogtie to consider. But Jetta had no gag reflex -- it simply hadn't been built in, though she did have a nice drooling feature that mimicked the human tendency to drool after wearing a gag for a while. And Jetta's teeth, although superficially human in appearance (had to be, to produce that great smile of hers) were much blunter and softer than human teeth. She also had the ability to distend her jaw more than women could, and for an indefinite amount of time.

  The video ended as Dan collapsed atop Jetta at the moment of orgasm. Human timescale notation followed. It was a lot of legalese, but the upshot was that Cortez found the evidence admissible "pending further investigation".

  "Damn!" Dan muttered.

  "We respectfully petition the court to deny Dan Donnelly further visitation rights with Kimberley Donnelly, on grounds that these videos demonstrate that Mr. Donnelly continues to harbor violent and aggressive fantasies toward women," announced Grace.

  "Motion denied," responded Cortez before Cochran had time to object. "The images do confirm that Mr. Donnelly has such fantasies, but this is nothing we didn't know already. And given that he has voluntarily submitted to examination by the Sex Offender Expert System on a regular basis, and the Sex Offender system has never found any evidence that he has any sexual tendencies relating to children, or any tendencies toward non-consensual sex in reality as opposed to in fantasy -- in fact, the Sex Offender system has found a deep aversion to both practices in Mr. Donnelly's mind -- your claim is not compelling enough to deprive a father of the right to see his child."

  "Then we move on to point two," said Grace. "We have just seen Mr. Donnelly engaging in sexual bondage practices with a machine made to look and respond like a woman -- or rather, like a sick man's twisted image of a woman."

  "Objection!" Cochran declared. "Counsel is introducing opinions as fact."

  "Sustained," said Cortez. "Counselor Grace's remarks are stricken from the record. Counselor Grace is enjoined to use less colorful language to make its points."

  "Acknowledged," said Counselor Grace. "I simply wanted to make the point that the behavior programmed into the Jetta unit owned by Mr. Donnelly is not truly reflective of normal human female behavior."

  "Point granted, with the proviso that the prejudicial term 'normal' be stricken," stated Cortez.

  "Acknowledged," said Grace. "To continue, Mr. Donnelly, because of his profession, is in a unique position to know just how inhuman the Jetta unit is. He is one of the few humans in this city who could understand most of its source code, and who could safely alter it. Yet Mr. Donnelly still treats the Jetta unit as a female human being, engaging in what appears to be a fully developed sexual relationship which expresses his, um, particular sexual tastes. We submit that this is strong evidence that Mr. Donnelly's alienation from human beings continues to be a problem, and has in fact increased to such an extent that his fundamental sanity now lies in question. Under the circumstances, we feel that further visitation by Mr. Donnelly with Kimberley Donnelly may pose danger to her, as his mind and personality continue to deteriorate."

  "Response?" the Cortez unit asked Cochran.

  "Your honor, it is
a matter of historical record that in the absence of receptive human females, human males have found a wide variety of substitutes, shall we say, for sexual relations with an actual woman. There are records going back to ancient history” said Cochran. (Some images flashed on the screen of various sexual artifacts – the sort you DON'T see in textbooks -- which were clearly either to be used as dildos or masturbatory aids for men). “The Jetta unit Mr. Donnelly has purchased is just the latest in that line of devices. In fact, the immediate predecessors to the Jetta unit were quite grotesque. (The screen showed an image of a female human torso cut off at the waist and at the tops of the thighs. It had an extremely realistic vagina which was vibrating.) "I submit that all the evidence shows that Mr. Donnelly is not so much insane, as he is lonely. Granted he has had a hard time connecting with women, but I submit that is largely due to his extremely painful experiences with the former Mrs. Donnelly."

  "Objection!" cried the Grace unit. "Counsel is drawing conclusions without presenting evidence."

  "Sustained," said the Cortez unit. "Counselor Cochran is enjoined from further attempts to make decisions for the bench."

  "Acknowledged," said Cochran. "I will simply state for the record that my client's experiences with the former Mrs. Donnelly have in fact been extremely painful, and that it can reasonably be inferred that this might make him reluctant to resume a relationship."

  "Duly noted," said Cortez.

  "I also reiterate my contention that there is nothing abnormal about my clients' purchase and use of a Jetta unit, that is in fact evidence of normal male sexuality in operation, in the absence of female companionship," said Cochran.


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