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Broken (Broken #1)

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by A. E. Murphy


  A. E. Murphy

  A. E. Murphy

  Copyright 2014 by A. E. Murphy

  Smashwords Edition


  To my wonderful children and loving partner. All beautiful, all amazing and all mine. I love you all so much.


  This journey has been an interesting one and I seem to have picked up many people on the way. First off there’s Helen, honestly, you rock. I never thought I’d meet a woman as strange as myself. Thank you for all of your help, with my books and with life.

  Nora, an amazing woman who has helped me so much. Sometimes words just aren’t enough. Right now is one of those times.

  Kids, please be quiet, Mummy is working. I love you very much.

  Ali, I don’t know where your socks are, I haven’t done the laundry yet.

  Loryn, you’re crazy, but it’s why we love you.

  Ramya, my friend from across the sea, thank you for being honest with me.

  Shaun and Lynette, my local author friends, our journey is just beginning and what an exciting one it is.

  David Lane, thanks for having me on SHCR. You rock.

  There are a lot of people I’d like to thank but not enough space. To me you’re all awesome and I hope you know that I love you.

  Chapter One

  I walk along the shore, my feet sinking into the soft sand with every step. Looking over my shoulder I smile at each individual imprint my feet have left behind. Footprints are an amazing thing, even the ones you can’t see. They make you wonder who’s walked right where you’re walking. Who’s travelled this same path? What were their concerns? Who did they love? Are they still alive?

  Life is so beautiful.

  Everything is good right now. No. Everything is great. It’s peaceful. I’m happy.

  “Can I walk with you?” An unfamiliar voice asks from two steps behind me.

  I glance at the male. My heart stops.

  I stare at him, at his face, at his eyes that are a light brown I can’t name. A shade away from milk chocolate. I lose myself in them so easily, so quickly, the sounds all around dim and my heart seems to be beating in my head.

  He smiles slow and easy, his entire face lights up with the motion. So handsome, so beautiful. The way the light hits his long dark hair. Not too long but long enough to tuck behind his ears.

  The sun catches every curve and contour of his sculpted chest. His lean body like none I’ve ever seen before.

  “Wow,” I blurt and my face heats.

  Why did I say that?

  There’s no denying the fact I’m probably as red as a tomato.

  His smile widens, his eyes crease at the corners, “I’m Caleb.”

  “Caleb,” I repeat his name, it tastes good, feels good. I want to say it again. “I’m Gwen.”

  “It’s great to meet you Gwen,” his smile doesn’t falter, not until he brings my knuckles to his mouth and plants the softest kiss upon them. He can’t be older than twenty, yet he’s already a gentleman.

  I’m never washing this hand again. Once he releases it I look at the sand beneath my feet and tuck my hair behind my ear with the same hand. Fighting off the urge to touch the spot he just sweetly kissed.

  “Can I walk with you?” He adds, his easy smile now contagious. He looks so happy and carefree. I’ve never met a person so seemingly happy. It oozes off him in waves, so much that I can almost see its glow coming from his body.

  “Are you going to murder me?” Shut up! You sound like an idiot!

  “If I answer that question will you believe me? I mean, either way you won’t know I’m telling the truth until I’ve started the sick and twisted process a murderer would probably be cooking up in their head right now,” he takes a step closer, two shallow dimples now appearing in his cheeks as he grins with his mouth closed.

  “Good point,” I laugh, giving him a smile of my own.

  “There it is,” he grins and stops me with his hands on my arms, the contact of his warm palms and fingers against my cool flesh sends tingles to places I didn’t know existed until now. He turns me to face him, blocking the sun with the back of his head. I look up, almost unable to see him due to the shadow cast between us.

  “There what is?” I purse my lips, trying not to smile.

  “The moment you steal my heart,” he announces, his eyes twinkling, his hands remaining on my shoulders.

  I want to gasp but fortunately I don’t. I’m not totally sure what to say. “Huh?” So I say something stupid clearly.

  “I knew, the minute I saw you walking down the sand I had to know you,” he leans in closer, as if preparing to tell me a secret. “And then you looked over your shoulder and smiled. You smiled at nothing. I knew I was yours.”

  “You’re mine?”

  He chuckles and turns me to face the front so we can walk side by side again, “Yep. I’m all yours. Be gentle with me, I’m not as strong as I look.”

  I know he’s joking, he’s fooling around. He’s clearly crazy, “So Gwen is short for Guinevere huh?”

  I nod, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, “Caleb is just Caleb right?”

  The smile remains on his face, how I wish I could just smile that beautifully all of the time, “Yep. And how old are you Gwenny?”

  “Gwenny?” I snort, quirking a brow at him.

  “Well, I’ve given you my heart I figure the next thing I need is a pet name. What’s mine going to be?”

  Umm… “Umm…”

  He waves me off, “That doesn’t matter. Those are details we can figure out another time. So… age?”

  “Are you profiling? Making sure I’m the right target for your list of victims? What is it I have in common with the others? Is it my green eyes or my sparkling youth?”

  He throws his head back and laughs, it’s a beautiful sound. “You know Gwenny?” His arm slides around my shoulder as casually as if we’d known each other years. “I think I gave my heart to precisely the right person. What a glorious day this is.” Pulling me tighter to him I smell the scent of coconuts lingering on his skin. No doubt it’s the scent of his sunblock, but it’s delicious all the same. “I’m twenty. Just turned twenty, two weeks ago.”

  “I’m eighteen, just turned eighteen seven months ago.”

  “You fit the profile perfectly,” he states, his smile gone. “Is there anywhere quiet we can go so I can act out my insane plan to dismember you and throw your remains into the ocean for the sharks to eat?”

  Stop giggling. You sound like a child.

  But I can’t help it.

  “After today, we’re going to meet at this spot…” he stops us again and stamps his foot on the sand before throwing his arm out to show me the area. “At the same time tomorrow and as the sun sets I’m going to kiss you.” He leans in, dipping his head so his eyes catch mine. “Is that okay with you Gwenny?”

  “Uh-huh,” I nod my head a little frantically.

  “Good, come on. Ice cream. My treat.”

  “You’re not dressed,” I announce, pointing at his dark blue, flower motif shorts and lack of shirt.

  He seems to contemplate this for a moment, before his mischievous eyes come back to mine, “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

  Throb. Throb. Throb. Goes my heart.

  “W… what does that have to do with you being half naked?” I stammer, trying to calm my heated self.

  “If me being half naked means I get to have your eyes on me like they are now, I’ll never get dressed again.”

  A giggle pushes up and out, I swing my face to the side, letting my hair be a partition between us. He brushes it behind my ear, his smile is back; his scent is still strong and the warmth from his body is
making my virginal self, heat in ways that would make a nun blush.

  He takes me for ice cream, he sits across from me and every so often he feeds me some on the end of a wafer. It’s cute, he’s cute. This situation is so surreal. Every second I spend with him I lose a piece of my heart and attach it to his.

  My mum would probably freak out if she knew how easily I’ve wandered off with a man I barely know and even accepted food from him. It’s not a safe thing to do but for some reason I trust him. Even though I probably shouldn’t, I do.

  He’s so charming and friendly, not to mention completely gorgeous. Ridiculously so.

  I’ve never been much of a giggler but he makes me giggle… a lot. Too much. I must look like an idiot.

  Every time he gets this response from me he smiles wide looking proud of himself.

  “It’s getting late, I’m going to walk you to your street,” he states and holds out his hand for me to take. I do. “And then I’ll meet you at the same place tomorrow. If you don’t show there are no hard feelings.”

  Oh I’ll show. I’ll definitely show. “Okay. And if you don’t show…”

  He puts his finger over my lips, “Don’t speak such nonsense. I’ll show.”

  This warms my heart to dangerous temperatures.

  We walk hand in hand along the cracked pavement, finally stopping five minutes later on the corner of my street.

  His hand skims up my arm and cups the back of my neck as he brings our laced fingers up to press against his chest. “Tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow,” I gulp and shudder as his lips touch my cheek. He releases me much to my disappointment and starts walking back towards the beach. I see him smile at me over his shoulder before turning on my heel and running to my house.

  “Mum!” I shout as I race through the door, up the stairs and throw myself on my bed.

  “What?” She snaps and enters my room looking tired and irritated. “What is it?”

  “I met a guy,” grinning, I cross my legs beneath me and hold a pillow tight to my chest. “Mum, he’s absolutely gorgeous.”

  She rolls her eyes, “Good for you. Don’t get pregnant.” And slams my bedroom door behind her.

  Note to self. Don’t wake mum up to tell her about guys after she’s been on a night shift. It may piss her off.

  My mum is a bit of a bitch, sure I think she loves me but mostly I’m an inconvenience. I know she’s provided for me all of my life and I know she’s proud of me for living the life she wanted but never had. She works hard for it. I want to go to university when I finish college. I finish in the summer and I’ve been accepted to a few universities nearby. The problem is money. I’m getting student loans but I don’t want to get a high amount and put myself in debt.

  As it is, my mum and I are working our butts off to save up for my time in Uni. Not only my living expenses but my class expenses too.

  So like my mum, I get an hour’s nap, have a shower and get ready for work. Tonight I’m working at Chicago’s, it’s a club in town. Tomorrow I’m at a café for the better part of the morning and then I’ll be at the beach with Caleb.

  A busy night and a busy day. Brilliant.


  I’m sitting on the sand enjoying the breeze when I feel him sit beside me. “You came.” Why do I hear relief in his voice and an undertone of shock?

  “Of course I did,” I tell him like any other option would be abhorrent.

  We sit in silence for a moment and watch the waves hit the shore.

  His hand slowly closes over mine, “You look lost in thought.”

  “I’m just tired,” and I prove this by yawning.

  “Would you like to go home?”

  “No.” Honestly I wouldn’t, I want to stay here forever. “What’s your last name?”

  “Are you profiling?” He jests, I tap him on the arm playfully. “Oh dear, we have an abuser! Medic! Medic.”

  “You’re so weird,” I laugh and climb to my feet. He takes my hand and stands facing me. “So, what are you doing here of all places? I can tell by your accent you’re from out of town.”

  He shrugs, “My dad’s opening a store nearby, he brought me and my older brother along with him.”

  “Are you in university?”

  He grins and nods, “Yep. Oxford.”

  Impressive. “Well done you,” we start to walk along the shore. “What are you studying?”


  Very impressive, “That’s pretty great. When are you going back?”

  “Never,” he grins and takes my hand in his. “I just found the girl of my dreams, why would I go back?”

  I snort and roll my eyes, “Now I know you just want in my pants.”

  “Nuh-uh,” he says like a whiny child. “I promise you I won’t even attempt it. Not once. Not until you beg me to.”

  Great, I’m giggling again, “I’m serious. When are you leaving?”

  “I gave my heart to you yesterday and already you’re trying to get rid of me?” He places his hand on his chest and staggers backwards playfully as if I’ve shot him.

  “Stop it,” I scold but I’m only kidding around. He swings his arm around my shoulders and pulls me along. “Fine, don’t tell me.”

  His face sobers, “I’m serious Gwenny. I’m never going back with them.”


  My palms are sweating, I’ve been dreading this moment all day. The sun is finally setting, even though you can’t see it set here like you can over some oceans. The sky just gets darker.

  “I’d love to see a real sunset, one that makes the sky look like it’s on fire.”

  “One day I’m going to kiss you in front of a real sunset on a beach full of white sand.” He promises.

  I throw back my head and laugh, my worries forgotten momentarily, “You haven’t even kissed me on this beach yet under the greying sky and already you’re planning fiery skies and white sands?”

  “Well, we’ll have to rectify that,” he beams and walks backwards in front of me. I stare at our footprints as we go, I wish I could make a mould of them to keep forever, even if this does end as quickly as it started, I’ll cherish it for eternity.

  “So, what are we doing?” I ask when we stop at the spot we met and stare out at the sea.

  His grin is wicked and cheeky, “I thought I was kissing you.”

  Blush. “Oh. Umm…”

  “That’s unless you don’t want to.”

  “I do,” I blurt, my face heating further. “It’s just… I haven’t kissed a guy since I was twelve.”

  His eyebrows hit his hairline, “Oh.”

  “And he was, well he was bad at it. Or maybe I was. I just know my mouth had a bath that day and a bath is something my mouth doesn’t appreciate,” Oh crap, I’m rambling. “But I’d like to kiss you. Definitely.” Damn it. “Is that… bad?”

  “No, I just… you’re so beautiful. I can’t be the only man to have your lips plaguing my thoughts.”

  I shrug, “I’ve always been quiet I guess. Everybody sort of overlooks me.”

  He places his hands either side of my face and looks directly in my eyes, “Now that I find impossible to believe. Maybe they just weren’t as brave as me.”

  “I’m glad they weren’t,” I mumble and his face lights up further.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” he states and takes a step closer.

  “Okay,” I breathe and lift my mouth to his. He brings his the rest of the way.

  I’ve never been one for the theatricals but I can honestly say time has stopped. His lips move on mine like they were made for this reason and this reason only. He takes charge, teaching me, being patient before sliding his tongue into my mouth and caressing it with my own. Everything hums, everything.

  I never believed in love at first sight. Or if I did I never believed it would happen to me.

  It has. I’m so sure it has I can feel it in my bones.

  I’ve found the man of every woman’s dreams and I’m not letting him


  Caleb chews on his lower lip as we head up the driveway to my home, we’ve been dating for two weeks and it’s time for him to meet my mum. Of course I’ve told her about him but not too much. We’ve both been too busy to have a proper conversation and then there’s the fact I’ve been spending all of my free time with Caleb. He’s perfect, so damn perfect.

  “Nervous?” I ask with a smirk, locking my fingers with his.

  “If she hates me and tells you to leave me, will you?” His light browns twinkle with mischief but I also see his nervousness dimming the light that shines so brightly from him.

  “Never,” I promise and it’s true. My mum has no reason to hate him but if by some strange reason she does, I’d still never leave him for that reason alone.

  I’m eighteen, old enough to make my own choices and Caleb is my choice.

  “Come on,” I give his hand a tug and push open the front door to my house. “Mum?”

  “In the kitchen,” she calls back. I give Caleb a reassuring smile and lead him through the hall and into the kitchen. “Hello Caleb, I’m Dawn it’s nice to meet you.”

  Caleb shakes her hand and gives her a nod, “You too, Dawn.”

  My mum sits at the small four seating table and motions for us to follow suit. My palms are sweating, I’m so nervous. This is the first guy I’ve ever brought home. Mostly because it’s the first guy I’ve ever had as a boyfriend. I have very good taste, this much is clear.

  My mum thinks so too if her wink in my direction is anything to go by, “So… you’re studying law?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Caleb says, a small and nervous smile teasing the edges of his lips.

  “At Oxford?”


  “So how do you expect this to work between you and Gwen?” My mum has her stern face on. Uh-oh.


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