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Slaves of Irontown

Page 12

by Adriana Arden

  ‘Oh, yes, thanks for reminding us,’ said Mel.

  They made their way along to the Hall notice board, feeling out of place as you did in any institution after regular hours and doubly so when naked. When they were out of earshot of Wire and her chain-sisters Mel said to Bolt: ‘Did you have to be so rude? They were only trying to be friendly. ’

  ‘I’ve had enough fu…ing tits rubbed up against mine for one day! ’ Bolt said angrily.

  ‘I think we’ve got the message,’ said Cam.

  The list said they were to report to Classroom 1.

  They found Bradawl seated at his desk. A few other girls were crouched or sprawled about the room on mats chewing on pens as they composed letters and cards or speaking quietly into phones. Mel, Cam and Bolt went up to Bradawl’s desk, remembering just in time to duck down into the open front and kiss his penis. Under his powerful gaze Mel and Cam stood before him meekly with their hands folded behind their backs while Bolt looked impassive.

  ‘Well, what did you think of your first day at Gryndstone? ’ he asked.

  Did he expect them to lie? Mel took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully. ‘I think this is a cruel and perverted place, Headmaster. ’

  Bolt growled:‘This fu…ing collar won’t let me say what I think… Headmaster. ’

  Cam just whimpered and clamped her lips shut.

  Unexpectedly Bradawl smiled. ‘You’re feeling angry and resentful. That’s perfectly normal. Don’t worry, it’ll pass. ’He handed them phones labelled with their part names. ‘These will record and playback voicemail only. You may file all your communications on them. You will record brief messages to whoever you think will be missing you, either family or close friends, telling them you are all right. You will explain you do not want to get into one to one conversations for obvious reasons and they should reply in the same way. After checking the content I’ll pass them on to our representative in London, who will send them via your phones that he’s monitoring. Their replies will be relayed back here in the same way. One exchange only tonight. ’

  Bolt gave her phone back. ‘I’m not calling anybody and talking lies… Headmaster. ’

  ‘Honesty,’ said Bradawl. ‘An admirable virtue if practiced wisely. Then you are excused…’

  Bolt left.

  Lying on a mat Mel felt a brief flush of resentment at the thought of unknown people playing around with her phone, then realised ruefully that it was nothing compared to what they had already done to her body. She debated trying to hide some sort of clever coded SOS in her message, but she had no idea how. Perhaps the most important thing at this moment was to assure them she was all right. To her parents she said:

  ‘This is just to let you know I’m OK. I’m so sorry for everything. Don’t blame Maddy because I started it. I’ll call again when I get myself sorted out. If you want to leave a message for me do it this way because I don’t want to get into any more arguments, not after everything that’s already been said. Maybe those things you called me were true but they still hurt! I still love you and hope you can forgive me but I think we all need some space and time apart right now. ’

  It was not any easy message to send but the next one was harder, especially as she could not say all she wanted knowing Bradawl would hear it first.

  ‘Maddy, it’s me. Don’t worry I’m fine. I just had to get away because my being there only made things worse. Try not to feel too bad about the way Mum and Dad reacted. It just got out of hand. We all need some space to cool off. We’ll work this out somehow. Maybe we’d better not talk in real time right now so voicemail me back. I want to hear your voice. Evenings are good for me. Whatever happens you know I love you. ’

  Mel and Cam handed their messages back to Bradawl, who listened to them to them on earphones so her family woes were not made public. At least it was one tiny shred of privacy they were still permitted, Mel thought.

  Bradawl downloaded the messages into his pc and sent them off. ‘First day calls usually receive quick replies,’ he said. ‘You may wish to wait. ’

  They sat in a corner.

  ‘They’re very well organized,’ Cam said. ‘I suppose by sending our messages from London nobody can trace them back here. Do you think they do the same kind of thing with letters? ’

  ‘Probably. If Bradawl’s history lesson was true then they’d had a century and half practice at hiding kidnapped girls away. ’

  ‘I wasn’t exactly kidnapped,’ Cam said, ‘but I know my family would freak out if they knew what they’ve done to me…’ she faltered and bit her lip.

  Mel hugged her awkwardly. ‘I know. ’

  Bradawl was right. They both got replies back inside fifteen minutes.

  Mel’s father said: ‘Your Mother was very worried about you. You should have called sooner. Of course we love you and want you back home, but first you must accept the seriousness of the terrible thing you did. You must repent fully so we can forgive you…’

  Mel wished he had not used the word: “repent”. It made it seem so cold, as though he was hiding his true feelings behind religious language. But then she supposed she had sinned.

  Maddy said: ‘God, I was so frightened you might have done something stupid! It’s so good to hear your voice. Things are pretty bad here but I can’t run off as well. I wish college started sooner then I’d have an excuse. Dad’s gone all stiff and cold. I think Mum would like to say more but doesn’t dare. Oh hell, we really screwed up…’

  Mel played her messages over three times before she handed the phone back to Bradawl.

  She and Cam walked back to the rec room. Cam was frowning in thought.

  Mel did not want to pry but she felt she had say something. ‘Everything ok? ’

  ‘Just… family things, you know,’ Cam said.

  ‘I know. ’

  ‘And you? ’

  ‘The same. Family and… stuff. Still, Bolt’s not had anybody to talk to. I suppose that must be even worse for her. ’

  ‘I suppose so. ’

  ‘Maybe we’d better see how she’s doing. ’

  ‘Oh, do we have to? ’ Cam pleaded. ‘I know it’s sad that she’s so screwed up, but it is a lot easier without her around getting us into trouble. ’

  ‘I know, but I think we’ve got to try. After all we’re meant to be her “chain-sisters. ”‘

  ‘Except she’s the one dragging us down! ’

  As they were peering inside the lowest level of the rec room looking for Bolt they saw Wire seated in a corner. She waved to them. Spar and Bush were in the other corner with their heads in magazines. Mel and Cam crawled over to Wire and lay down on a pile of cushions. As she sprawled out Mel found she could look up through the two glass panelled floors above her at kaleidoscope of bottoms flattened against the glass, dangling breasts and bared pouting pubes.

  ‘I’m sorry about Bolt,’ Mel said quickly.

  ‘It’s all right, we all took time settling in,’ said Wire. ‘Well, how did your first day go? ’

  ‘Bolt had… problems,’ Cam admitted. ‘And I felt… well, dirty hardly covers it. ’

  ‘I don’t know how we got through it,’ Mel admitted. ‘If I’d ever dreamed of doing half those things they made us do today I’d have thought I’d be dead! ’She frowned. ‘Actually I should be freaking out right now. Why aren’t we all going mad? I can’t believe I’m even here talking about it like it was so… so ordinary! ’

  ‘Because here it is ordinary,’ Wire said. ‘Gryndstone is a school and we all have to go to lessons. It’s what we all went through not so long ago, just with a twist. They’ve made learning how to be sex slaves no different from doing English or Des. Tec. You’ll be amazed how quickly you can adjust. After a few weeks you’ll even find some lessons a bit boring. ’

  Cam shook her head. ‘I don
’t believe it. We can’t keep having all those things stuck up us and being forced to come like that over and over. I ache so much! And we’ve got to do it all over again tomorrow! I can’t do it…’

  ‘Yes, you can,’ Wire assured her. ‘Every day it gets a littler easier. We all ache at first but our bodies keep coming back for more. You won’t believe how often you can learn to come in one day with a little practice and with everybody doing the same thing all around you. After a while that becomes ordinary and normal as well. You even get competitive over it. ’

  ‘But it’s all so cruel,’ Cam protested. ‘They’re sadists! ’

  ‘No, that’s the clever thing,’ Wire said. ‘I didn’t believe it my first week, then I started to understand. Think how they could have made it so much worse for us. ’She waved an arm about her. ‘Instead they give us good food, time to recover in comfort, even TV and games. If they ran this place like a concentration camp 24/7 we’d have nothing to lose and try anything to escape. They don’t want that. In a twisted way they’re trying to make us feel as though we belong here. ’

  ‘Only as slaves,’ Mel said. ‘They’re self-confessed male chauvinists!

  ‘Yeah, but I think it’s more than that. You got the history lecture, right? They really believe they’re saving us from ourselves. ’Wire frowned. ‘Maybe we need saving. None of us would be here if we were leading normal, happy, fulfilled lives, would we? That gives them an opening to turn us into something better. ’

  ‘Their personal sex machines! ’

  ‘But happy, well-adjusted sex machines,’ Wire said. ‘Which are respectable things to be in Shackleswell. You wait until you start your work experience days in town, then you’ll see how what we learn here makes sense and fits in with local society. It may be perverted but it works. ’

  Her response surprised Mel. Wire sounded a well-educated girl and not the kind who would say such a thing. ‘But who’d want to live like that? ’

  Wire shrugged. ‘I really don’t know anymore. I’d never imagined it would be me but now I’m not sure. You’d be safe, you’d have friends, you’d count for something and you wouldn’t have to worry about where your next meal was coming from. For some girls those are better prospects than what they had before. ’

  Just then Mel became aware of a growing babble of voices from somewhere above them and looked up. A lot of breasts were bobbing and bottoms squirming across the glass floor of the top level. Then she heard a familiar angry voice rise above the mounting clamour: ‘Give that fu… fu… thing back to me! ’

  ‘I think we’ve found Bolt,’ Cam said.

  The three of them scrambled out and up the stairs. On the top level they had to push their way through a crush of naked bodies to get to Bolt. She was kneeling in front of a game console wrestling breast to breast with another girl over possession of a hand controller.

  ‘I had it first! ’ Bolt was shouting.

  ‘But we always take turns,’ the other girl protested.

  ‘Slaves don’t deserve fu… fugging turns! ’ Bolt shouted back.

  ‘We still share and take turns amongst ourselves! ’

  ‘I haven’t been ground down like the rest of you! Cowards should be used to having things taken away from them! ’

  Wire said urgently to Mel and Cam: ‘You’ve go to stop this or we’ll all be in trouble. You’re her chain-sisters. You’re meant to help her behave properly. ’

  ‘That’s what we’ve been trying to do all day! ’Mel and Cam pushed forward until they reached Bolt and together tried to pry the controller from her hands. ‘Sorry, she hasn’t adjusted yet,’ Mel apologised to the other girl, who was marked CASTOR 126.

  ‘Gerrrof me! ’ Bolt cried. ‘It’s mine! ’

  ‘What’s going on here? ’

  Master Hawk was crouching down by the doorway, peering into the low room. Instantly all the girls ducked their heads and raised their bottoms submissively.

  Hawk glared at the dishevelled forms of Bolt, Mel, Cam and Castor all clutching at the controller. ‘Access to the rec room is a privilege. If you can’t use its facilities in a civilised manner then you lose your rights to them. ’

  Wire spoke up quickly. ‘Please, Master. It’s just a new girl who needs to be taught a lesson about behaving politely. May we sort this out amongst ourselves? ’

  There were murmurs of agreement from the other girls.

  Hawk considered for a moment and then nodded. ‘You can use the washroom for an hour,’ he said. He pointed at Bolt. ‘But if she causes any more trouble the rec room is closed to all of you for a week. ’Then he turned and left.

  The huddled girls rose with sighs of relief all round. Then they turned to glare at Bolt.

  ‘Sorry,’ Wire said to Mel and Cam, ‘but you’re going to have to be punished along with Bolt. Trigyns have to take responsibility for each other. That’s how it works. ’

  They closed in about them, caught hold of their arms and twisted them behind their backs, securing them with brightly coloured play cuffs from the toy racks. Then they led them out of the rec room. Bolt did not come quietly but she was outnumbered. For the first time Mel thought she looked genuinely scared.

  Surrounded by two-dozen girls they were marched across the playground to the washroom. Mel saw some of them were carrying brightly coloured dildos, spreader bars and spanking paddles. Inside there was no master sitting on the central chair.

  The girls led them across to the plinth of squat toilets, dragged them up the steps and bent them forward so their heads hung over the toilet holes. They spread their ankles and slid them under the mounting bars of the forked actuator arms that they pushed flat under them. Spreader bar cuffs went about their ankles, holding them in place. Ceiling chains were slid round the channels and the ends were wrapped about their cuffed wrists, which were pulled up into the air, bending their arms at the shoulders and forcing their shoulders still lower until their faces almost touched the rims of the drain holes.

  Mel and Cam, although frightened, did not resist as they were secured. Bolt kicked and struggled against the girls holding her, choking out curses that were cut short by shocks from her collar as she was bent over. When they were secured with their bottoms facing outward, Wire moved round to stand against the back wall of the toilets where they could look up and see her and she could look out over the crowd of girls half-filling the room.

  ‘We’re here to punish Bolt 184 for being a general pain in the arse, being selfish and not sharing,’ she announced.

  There was a murmur of approval. Bobbin, looking troubled, quickly ran up the steps and whispered nervously in Wire’s ear.

  ‘And disrupting lessons for others by not trying hard enough in class,’ Wire added, to more mutters of general agreement. ‘As her chain-sisters, Spring 157 and Cam 031 are to share her punishment. ’

  ‘You sh… stinking cowards,’ Bolt spat. ‘Doing the master’s work for them! ’

  ‘We’re all in this together,’ said Wire, squatting down and looking Bolt in the eye. ‘Do what you want after you graduate but don’t ruin school for us. You may not like it but it is teaching us what we’ve got to know to live in Shackleswell. Don’t treat us with contempt. ’

  ‘Why fu… ing not, when you’re learning how to be good cock-sucking slaves! ’ Bolt retorted.

  ‘We’re being realistic. This is not what we would have chosen but it is better than so many other things. For many of us it’s all we’ve got. Afterwards at least we know we’re going to belong in Shackleswell and we’ll always have friends around us. That’s important. ’

  ‘I don’t f… ing need anybody! I’m getting out of here! ’

  ‘It doesn’t look like it to me. All being a selfish loner has got you is more pain and humiliation that your chain-sisters have to share. ’

  Bolt twisted her head round to g
aze at Mel and Cam dismissively. ‘They just chained me up next to them yesterday. They’re not any kind of sisters. ’

  ‘If you learn anything in Gryndstone it’s that you always need your sisters. You can’t live as close as we do without realizing that. Maybe this’ll help you remember…’ Wire took hold of Bolt’s hair, opened her own thighs wide and peed full into her face.

  Bolt shrieked and spluttered, screwing up her eyes against the stinging jet. When the last drips fell from Wire’s slot she moved aside and another girl took her place.

  Other girls were already squatting down in front of Mel and Cam. Streams of hot urine were sent spurting from the depths of silver-ringed lovemouths over their faces and into their hair.

  Meanwhile other girls queued up to take advantage of their upturned bottoms and spread thighs to spank or penetrate them. Rubber paddles smacked and cracked, sending flashy shivers through their buttocks until they were glowing red. They did not cut the skin but they stung fiercely. Halves of double-ended dildos were thrust up into excited vaginas. They were moulded in plaint jelly-plastic and curved like bananas with a bristle of soft prongs on the inside middle of the curve and two mushroom-like plugs projecting from each side. These popped through labial rings, holding them inside the user. Eagerly the girls took their places on the steps behind Bolt, Mel or Cam and thrust the thick coloured phalluses into whatever nervously clenching anus or vagina as they wished. The pliancy of the dildos did not damage their passages but the force with which they were rammed into them made their holes distend and bulge painfully.

  Assailed from every side, drenched in girl pee, they could only sob and shiver and groan in pain and shame. During the next hour every girl in the school called into the washroom to vent her displeasure and empty her bladder. It was a miserable degrading punishment, as it was intended.

  Yet at some point as the degradation was piled upon her, Mel found the pressure building inside her and she had a brief shuddering orgasm. Through her misery she thought: how sick was that? What am I?


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