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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

Page 14

by P. G. Allison

  Zahir answered, “Our leaders believe that is but another of the costly mistakes which led to the arrest of our brethren in Philadelphia. While, like you, they had successfully infiltrated and were hiding, they were all using the same mosque. It has been learned how investigators from Homeland Security were asking many questions at that mosque and then, later that same day, the arrests were made.”

  “So much for freedom of religion here in America,” said one angry voice in the group. Other comments were made as well and the hatred amongst them for all Americans was very obvious.

  Zahir quickly demanded silence and said, “In three weeks, when we succeed in bringing death to thousands of these infidels, our message will be clear and our revenge will have begun. Yes, that will be a new beginning with many more successful demonstrations yet to come.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dec 10, 2019

  Askar-Samar Karimi finished his review of all the reports back from their U.S. teams, each one assuring no tracking devices had been found and none were possible. While he could present these to his leaders to prove he was not responsible for any failure which might occur, he was not satisfied. He needed more. He needed evidence they were dealing with demons which the U.S. government had somehow summoned. He needed to hear from Arvind Pancholi.

  Just then Kahliq Abdul Tabish knocked at the door to his office and said, “I think you have a call from your spy. He only will say he’s your friend from Istanbul and won’t give us any name. He’s on the telephone but using some sort of special satellite phone which is being routed so we cannot trace his call.”

  Karimi said, “Well, he does work for the CIA so I guess I’m not surprised we can’t trace him. Patch him through to my line and be sure to record our conversation.”

  Tabish nodded and left. Moments later Karimi’s phone rang and he picked it up. “Yes, hello, what can you tell me? And, why are you calling me on the telephone?”

  Pancholi’s voice answered, “I do have some information for you. But, my position with my former employer has been compromised. I cannot return there. To be clear, my position with all my former employers is now compromised. You understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.” Karimi knew he meant both the embassy and the CIA had somehow identified Pancholi as a spy.

  “You can watch another video which I have uploaded for you,” continued Pancholi. He then provided the URL for the website where the video he’d prepared could be found. It would show Missy McCrea with Carlos Mancini at Manuel Rodriguez’s estate. “You need a password, of course. It’s eight letters, all lower case. You recall our conversation about a dancing girl and some golden eggs? The password actually consists of the two four letter words which you used to describe that girl. Do you know it?”

  “Yes,” answered Karimi. He knew the password. Porn star: pornstar.

  “I will call you back in thirty minutes. We then will discuss things further.” Pancholi hung up.

  Karimi sighed and went to find a secure computer where he could download the video. He doubted it would be worth twenty-five million but was hoping whatever else Pancholi might have to go along with it might somehow be worth that price.

  While waiting for Pancholi to call back, Karimi watched the video three times. It was the red headed dancer, this time in a dark green gown with long hair. She was at some sort of party or event with many guests, none of whom he recognized. But, it was the same girl. That he was sure of. It was date stamped as September 28, 2019. That was a month later than when Candace Axtell had been rescued.

  When his phone rang, he answered right away. “What is this? And, again I ask why you are calling me.”

  Pancholi said, “I am calling so we can discuss what I’ve sent you. You recognize the girl, yes?”

  “Of course. But, I don’t recognize anyone else or the location.”

  “Well, the guests and the location, as well as that date, can all be easily verified. You wanted some evidence. Do you know who Manuel Rodriguez is? He ran an organization in Colombia for many years. A very large operation.” Pancholi waited for a response.

  Karimi finally said, “No. What kind of operation and why is that important?” He was growing impatient but Pancholi’s tone was so confident, he suspected he’d soon understand.

  Pancholi said, “Manuel Rodriguez is the one who sold Candace Axtell to WIJO. It was his organization which kidnapped the girl and it was he who received your payment. I understand that payment was in drugs. Millions of dollars’ worth, correct?”

  While Karimi did not know all the details, he personally had arranged for the death of Sinbad, the one whom WIJO had dealt with. They had assumed Sinbad must have double crossed them, somehow planting a tracking device on the Axtell girl and then selling the girl’s location to the U.S. They had no other explanation for how the girl had been rescued. Not until Pancholi had insisted the U.S. was using individuals with special abilities. Demons.

  “It is true that drugs were provided in exchange for the girl.” Karimi did know they’d delivered eighty million dollars’ worth, per Sinbad’s instructions. Once delivered, there’d been no way to recover or trace any of it. “You are saying this Rodriguez received that payment?”

  “Rodriguez has been controlling all of the drugs exported from South America for many years now. I have some evidence of this fact in the files I am offering but you don’t need my evidence; you can easily learn all this in other ways. Until recently, all drug shipments went through him and he made a nice profit on every transaction. It was his distribution network which received the drugs WIJO paid.”

  “Until recently?” asked Karimi. He was starting to sense where this might be going.

  “Until the night of that meeting at his estate near Bogota on September twenty-eighth. That’s the location where that video was made showing all those guests … they do provide some very clear evidence.” Pancholi paused to be sure Karimi would understand the significance of his next sentences. “Since that night, Rodriguez has disappeared and Carlos Mancini has been in charge of the Rodriguez organization. You can easily establish this by other means as well. But, what you won’t easily establish is the identity of the girl who is with Carlos that evening. No one knows her or where she went. It’s merely assumed she was one of Carlos’s many mistresses who is no longer with him. She appeared from nowhere for that one evening and then, like Rodriguez, has disappeared without a trace.”

  Karimi knew Pancholi was referring to the girl who had been dancing in Cancun and who was attending one of the military academies. So, with this latest video which provided some very clear close-up views of the girl, now perhaps he could establish her identity. Even so, he would still need all those files from Pancholi’s source if he wanted to convince his leadership the U.S. was using demons. If the U.S. government was sending this girl out to find people and to make people like this Rodriguez disappear? She, and others like her, as Pancholi was claiming?

  Recalling another claim Pancholi had made, Karimi said, “When this girl was in Cancun, there was a task force from the U.S. searching for Candace Axtell. You said this girl was part of that task force.”

  Pancholi laughed and said, “Yes! The Candace Axtell task force. They changed their name to the Jacques Arbogast task force, right after Jacques Arbogast disappeared and the Axtell girl was rescued. Arbogast worked for Rodriguez and his men did the actual kidnapping. His disappearance was the same night as when this Cancun Cancan girl performed her dance in his nightclub. Are you seeing a pattern perhaps?” Chuckling further, he added, “This Jacques Arbogast Team came to Colombia and was in Bogota when Rodriguez disappeared. But only this girl visited the estate that night. Whatever she did, she did all by herself.”

  Karimi said, “Okay, okay, I will try to arrange payment for the amount you have requested. But, I first want to see those files. Once I am satisfied with all the information, then I will arrange for payment, as before.”

  Pancholi said, “I need to convince my source you
can be trusted to make this payment. I will explain your situation and your demands. I think he will agree. Then, I will upload the files to that same website. You’ll be able to access them using the same password. Give me one hour.”


  An hour later, Karimi was reading all about Missy McCrea and Oliver Bessom. It took Karimi another hour to sift and sort through all the information. Then, he called in his assistant, Kahliq Abdul Tabish. It was time to prepare a summary which he could present to their leaders at the next general meeting. And, he needed to arrange for payment being made to Pancholi’s source.

  Karimi first asked Tabish to review what he had concerning Missy McCrea. The information in the files went back seven years to when she was just a little girl playing soccer. Incredible. Missing for two years. Returning from somewhere in the mountains but without any clear explanation; only a mystery. Then, more activities on the athletic fields. Her winning a mixed martial arts championship. Earning her third degree black belt in karate. Her going to West Point where she was a top student, played on several varsity teams and was setting new records in marksmanship. Lots and lots of photos, several with General Blake. Many articles in newspapers, magazines and on the internet.

  Tabish kept grunting as he went through the files and looked at the photos and the videos. Finally, he looked up in amazement and remarked, “This girl was serving with the Special Forces in Afghanistan? She’s the special individual you told me was there when that Taliban base was destroyed in August?”

  Karimi nodded and said, “While her involvement in that and all our other problems since then is all circumstantial, this still is evidence, just as my spy promised. This Missy McCrea clearly played some role in not only finding and possibly rescuing Candace Axtell but in going after all those responsible for the girl’s kidnapping. Just look at the photos of her and General Blake, all before his niece was kidnapped. Obviously, the general unleashed this strange girl to use her special abilities, whatever they are. She’s in the Army and he keeps her at that academy, hiding her in plain sight, in between whatever assignments he gives her.”

  “Well, the U.S. government obviously considers her special. And, just as your spy points out, this Missy McCrea was carried off the battlefield, seriously wounded in August, but then was dancing in Mexico in September, performing in ways not humanly possible.” Tabish once again played one of the Cancun Cancan girl videos. “This girl is either possessed by a demon or else she indeed actually is one.”

  Karimi then had Tabish review all the information concerning Oliver Bessom. He too had played a role in finding Candace Axtell. And, he was now engaged to marry the girl! He had accompanied her to Pakistan, Turkey and Afghanistan during her recent tour. Pancholi claimed this man also had special abilities and was the reason his own role as a double agent had surely been revealed.

  What really had caught Karimi‘s attention was how Bessom had joined the FBI Psychic Division and been searching in Philadelphia just prior to the arrests made of all WIJO’s men there. Pancholi’s source had managed to include a great deal about this new group of so-called psychics at the FBI.

  As before, Tabish was very impressed. He looked up and said, “Wait … according to this, Oliver Bessom was over in Pakistan when our men from New York were killed.”

  Karimi said, “Yes, but Cadet Missy McCrea was nearby at West Point. There are just far too many coincidences involving these two individuals. While there is no proof they are demons, the circumstances certainly suggest they are somehow connected to the many recent events which have caused problems for WIJO. And, only if they indeed have special abilities, as my spy is claiming, could those events have happened the way they did. The U.S. government is using demons against us!”

  Chapter Twenty

  Dec 11, 2019

  It was late when Tracy got back to her room after another long, full day. She was hoping to email John and then turn in early but she found Ginger Gettmann waiting outside her door. Ginger looked upset.

  “Where’s Missy? Where have you guys been?”

  “Gee, what’s wrong, Ginger? I was helping at Kelsey’s Korner after that extra language class of ours finished and Missy’s been over at one of her Combat Weapons meets tonight. She should be … wait … I think she’s coming now.” Tracy could feel Missy’s energy signature and knew she was just entering their building. “Come on in and wait in our room.” She opened her door and ushered Ginger inside.

  Ginger came in but remained standing, anxiously waiting for Missy. Then finally, as Missy entered, she quickly demanded in a loud voice, “What the hell have you done? My sister tells me she just learned she’s now a Roseanne Fund girl and I should ask you what that means. Her ex is really, really pissed off about that for some reason and she’s worried.” Her tone was clearly accusatory.

  Tracy quickly went over and closed the door on hearing Ginger raise her voice.

  Missy said, “Relax. It means she’s safe and her former boyfriend better leave her the hell alone. Or else. So, yeah … I’m sure he’s pissed.”

  “Are you crazy?” yelled Ginger. “Do you have any idea who his uncle is? ‘Cuz, he told her that’s who he was going to complain to. Then, he says he’ll be back and she’d better be ready to be extra nice. She’s terrified now!”

  Missy knew the only way Ginger’s sister could have learned about being a Roseanne Fund girl was if her ex had told her. That meant the guy must have already been approached and been given a warning. “Oh, I don’t think Ray Morelli will be letting his nephew go anywhere near your sister. Why did she say you should ask me?”

  Ginger stared at her. “So you do know who his uncle is.” That gave her pause and she seemed to calm down. “My sister says she called someone named Alice. Her ex told her to tell this Alice he’d be paying her a visit also. He’s the one who gave her Alice’s phone number.”

  Missy smiled and said, “Ahhh, well. I can definitely say Morelli won’t be letting his nephew do that. Alice is the Director for the Roseanne Fund. Morelli knows she’s doing that for Sal D’Amato and messing with her would be starting another mob war. It’s barely been a month since they made peace.”

  Ginger looked over at Tracy and then back and forth at the two of them. She sat down on Missy’s bed. She could see both girls knew a lot more about all these mobsters than she did. “I think I’ve heard of him. D’Amato. And, yeah. There was a lot in the news about the recent mob wars. What have you gotten my sister mixed up with, Missy?”

  “Well, the way I heard it, your sister got herself mixed up in this. You told Sharon your sister was sleeping with Morelli’s nephew but then decided she wanted out.”

  “I’ve been so worried,” said Ginger. “When she told me all about this guy and how he’s in the mob and everything …”

  Tracy said, “Salvatore D’Amato has a daughter in high school. She’s really close with Alice. And, Missy and Alice grew up together. So, Missy sort of has this connection now to D’Amato. Tell your sister she’s in good hands and not to worry.”

  Ginger again stared at them both. “Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot you two are not telling me?” Then she sighed. She was suddenly feeling much better about her sister. And, she knew Missy kept lots of secrets and had lots of friends in high places. Apparently, she also had friends in the mob as well. “My sister will really be okay?”

  Missy said, “Yeah. And, now that I know that asshole actually bothered her? And threatened Alice? After he was warned? Well … I’ll be making some calls, Ginger. And, no … you won’t want to know and your sister won’t want to know. Trust me on this, okay?”

  After Ginger left, feeling much, much better about everything, Tracy said, “Well, it’s gonna get interesting now, isn’t it? That boyfriend might just find he’s no longer poking Ginger’s sister and is now poking the bear instead.” She giggled.

  Missy laughed. Leave it to Tracy to find something humorous about the situation. “I’ll let Alice know. And, I’ll give Ben a call
as well. No sense taking any chances.” Ben Marchitto was Sal’s right hand man and would send some guys up to watch over Mark and Alice for a few days. He also, of course, would have some added muscle assigned to watch Morelli’s nephew in addition to the guys which Alice already had taking care of Ginger’s sister.

  Tracy said, “What about all those wards we put around Alice?” She and Missy had together placed protection wards around everyone in Missy’s family, Mike’s family, as well as Mark and Alice. “Anyone gets too close and, blinkety-blink, you’re there, right?”

  Again, Missy laughed. Blinkety-blink? “I prefer keeping that option as Plan B. I mean, if there’s no phone booth handy where I can leave my clothes …”

  “You and your plans!” giggled Tracy. Now that everyone had smart phones and all phone booths were definitely a thing of the past, she knew it would be her job to go police up Missy’s clothing, if and when Missy did need to disappear.

  There was a knock on their door. Tracy looked at Missy with raised eyebrows, questioning who it might be at such a late hour.

  Missy called out, “Come on in Sally!”

  Sally came in and closed the door behind her. “Hey, I just heard from Troy. He’s going up to Boston tomorrow. He doesn’t need to attend any more of his classes and only has exams left. Those don’t start until next Monday. He’ll come back down for his swim meet on Friday but then go right back to Boston afterwards.”


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