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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

Page 24

by P. G. Allison

  She had carefully searched the homes of the two leaders, as Marsha had suggested, and that had proven worthwhile. In Yuri Qabani’s garage, carefully hidden in a back corner, she had found what had to be the deadly toxins which the drones would dispense. These were in half-liter cans disguised as fruit juice containers. She counted three cases, neatly stacked in wooden boxes with twenty-four cans in a case. What convinced her was the scent from the wooden boxes … there was a distinctive saffron odor which, though faint, she recognized as coming from somewhere in the Mid-East.

  Finally, she’d found some clear evidence proving what this group was planning to do. Or, there would be, once a lawful manner of finding and seizing this evidence could be arranged. Everyone at “P” Branch had been very excited to learn about these so-called fruit juice cans and, since these were from outside the U.S., it was agreed the contents were highly suspect.

  Since two-way communication was better than merely having Mike relay her reports, Missy had teleported back to Mike’s place several times so she could talk directly with everyone over the phone. The entire operation had been a huge success and when she and Mike had finally signed off that morning, they knew their work was done. Others would indeed be able to take things from there. WIJO’s latest plans in Boston would fail, just as their plans at Thanksgiving had failed.

  Missy had sustained herself during all of her activities, just as Tracy had predicted, by drawing lots and lots of energy from her surroundings. Her ability as an earth witch to do this had become second nature to her now. And, because of how much and how often she had used this ability, combined with how her overall power as a witch had increased so much, she had finished up back in her human form with her mind and body fresh and fulfilled. Mostly.

  Mike, however, was only human. So, in spite of how much his interest had sparked when she’d finally removed that fluffy bathrobe and crawled into bed? It had been sleepy time for him almost before his head had hit the pillow. Yep, again that had been just as Tracy had predicted.

  Missy began pushing some of her special energy into Mike. She had learned she could do this and guessed it was due to the unique bond which she had with him. And, ahhh, yes! Mike began to stir and Missy, with an inward smile at Tracy’s prediction about there being no nookie, began wriggling her naked body against his awakening body in a way which experience had proven would more than guarantee there would indeed be lots and lots of nookie very, very soon.


  Paul Morelli was very pleased with himself. His decision to come up to Boston and stalk that Alice Mathews girl was looking like a really great move on his part. He’d been very careful, was being smart and was doing everything right this time. First, he’d managed to elude everyone doing any possible surveillance on him; there was no way anyone had followed him up here, knew where he was or what he was doing. Second, he’d been successful in not only locating where Alice was staying but in also identifying all the guys doing security detail, watching over both her and her husband.

  He was now familiar with all these security guys, knew where they were staying, knew when they came on and off shift, knew all the routines … he even knew what they ate for breakfast! Yeah, there were two separate teams. One team, for sure, were Sal D’Amato’s guys. Not a surprise, after what his uncle Ray had explained. But the second team? They had been a big surprise, at first. They were from his uncle’s organization! Once he thought about it, though, it was obvious and made sense. That threat he himself had stupidly made about paying the girl a visit? That had been taken seriously and Russ Simonetti was trying to make sure he wouldn’t be doing exactly that.

  Paul inwardly was pleased. While it meant he needed to deal with the extra guys, it also meant when he succeeded in grabbing the girl, there was no way his uncle would get blamed. Hell, his uncle couldn’t be responsible … he was helping guard the girl, right? Just as Paul had determined prior to coming up here, success for his plan only depended on not getting caught. He was confident his uncle would later be rewarding him.

  What was interesting was he could see these guys all knew each other. The guys Simonetti had sent were nodding back and forth at D’Amato’s guys, obviously all checking with one another as they came and went. That worked for him. They’d be over confident and would never see him coming, when he finally made his move.

  And then, late the previous day? Jackpot! He couldn’t believe his luck!

  He’d watched as an SUV had driven up with two more guys whom he recognized from D’Amato’s organization. At first, he’d figured they were merely there providing more security for the Mathews girl. But, when Sal’s daughter Alessandra hopped out and went inside, he’d realized it was the opportunity of a lifetime. Yes, he was in the right place at the right time and was more certain than ever that his decision to come up to Boston had been the right move.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Dec 22, 2019

  Heather was pleased with how she looked. She knew she was somewhere between nine and ten weeks along, with twins no less, yet she still wasn’t really showing. Of course, she had great genes and had always kept herself in shape with diet and exercise, which no doubt was helping. She’d gained a few pounds and wasn’t restricting her diet at all but, nonetheless, as she studied herself in her bedroom’s full length mirror, she decided she looked just fine for her wedding day.

  Her mother thought so as well. “You look so gorgeous in that dress! You’re going to love how you look in all your wedding photos!”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Her mother had worked many miracles, making sure all the arrangements would be perfect. And, they were. “In case I forget to say this later, I can’t thank you enough. You and Dad have really gone all out for us … Donald and I really appreciate everything.”

  “Well, we just want you to be happy. And, we’re glad to celebrate this special occasion. You know how much your Dad loves having these big family events. We all do.”

  Yes, she knew. Even Missy had managed finishing up with some last minute gotta-save-the-world-assignment and was now there, getting dressed. She had arrived earlier that morning, teleporting in from Mike’s place. Heather marveled at the way her sister would change back to her human form and always be fresh as a daisy. Poof! There she’d be, no need for a shower … even her hair would be tangle-free.

  “Do you know if Missy’s dress fits her okay? I mean, she didn’t go and add or lose twenty pounds, did she?” Heather knew her sister could bulk up or slim down, depending on any number of things, using and controlling energy in unbelievable ways.

  “Your sister assured me she has now stabilized her weight and she promised to stay that way for your wedding. Her dress should fit nicely. We’re finished up here so let’s go downstairs. You’ll be able to see for yourself. It’s almost time to get into the limos and head over to the church.”

  They left the room and as soon as Heather appeared at the top of the stairs, they immediately heard Patrick’s voice down below begin singing, “Here comes the bride, here comes the bride!” Heather slowly began her descent, her gown’s elongated train swept up into her mother’s arms right behind her. By the time they reached the bottom, a crowd had gathered. Everyone oohed and aahed while Heather’s brother continued to sing, purposely being annoying until their father finally made him stop.

  Patrick, John, Mike and her father were wearing tuxedo’s which matched. These were different, however, from the matching tuxedos which Donald, his best man, all the groomsmen and Donald’s father would be wearing. Donald and his entourage were already at the church waiting for the limos to arrive with Heather, her family and her bridesmaids. It was time to go.

  Heather quickly checked for Missy and, sure enough, her sister looked great. Her gown, like those of the bridesmaids, was a soft lavender color but its one-shoulder neckline and sleeve design made it distinctive, setting her apart as the Maid of Honor. It also covered up most of Missy’s scars, which was an added benefit. Missy had not bothered with her long hair e
xtensions, wanting to keep her short pageboy look so she wouldn’t be competing with the bride. As Missy approached, eyes sparkling with gold specks and a huge smile on her face, Heather could feel the energy from her sister. They exchanged air kisses and hugs.

  Missy said, “You’re looking more beautiful than ever! Donald is a lucky, lucky man!” Then, just because she could, she pushed some of her energy into her sister. While not enough so Heather would notice, it would help get her through the day. She was pretty sure it was the healing energy she’d pushed during Thanksgiving which had resulted in her sister’s lack of any morning sickness.

  Missy then focused on Heather’s babies to see whether she could tell anything about them yet. Mike! I think I’m sensing twin girls! But, maybe it’s too soon? We’ll wait a while before saying anything.

  Mike came over and smiled at Missy, acknowledging what she’d told him but without giving anything away. Then he complimented Heather and, looking at their mother, went on to add, “Mrs. McCrea … you’re looking really beautiful as well.”

  Julia laughed appreciatively and, handing Heather’s train to one of the bridesmaids, began to quickly shoo everyone out the door and into their respective limos. She did look nice, with her dress a deeper shade of lavender than the others. As she watched everyone scramble into the vehicles, her heart was filled with pride. Yes, they all looked nice, including Tracy in her pale yellow dress. She could only marvel at how they really were one big, beautiful, happy family. And, of course, there were two more family members on the way.


  Arvind Pancholi had followed Robert and Constance Ulrey to a church in Salem. He’d been curious at first but then it became obvious folks were gathering there for a wedding; he’d taken a position across the street and waited to see who else might show up. Then, a few minutes later, both Millicent Pratt and Desiree Yerger arrived, accompanied by a young girl who was obviously the Yerger woman’s daughter -- and, from the energy he could sense coming from her -- a witch. Needless to say, his interest was piqued.

  He positioned himself even further away and waited patiently. When several limousines pulled up, his patience was rewarded. He could sense the presence of two powerful witches in spite of his being almost two hundred feet away. Of course, he was focusing; he’d been expecting more witches might arrive. And then, Missy McCrea emerged from one of the vehicles. He easily recognized her and could see the family resemblance to the bride, who was not a witch.

  He eventually noticed the other witch, a dark haired girl who he assumed was either a friend or possibly a cousin. Then he recalled something he’d read in Arnold’s files concerning Mexico … there had been another West Point cadet down there with Missy … Tracy McGonagle. Yes! This girl matched that description.

  He kept his distance but managed to carefully take photos of everyone. He thought he was far enough away to avoid detection. After all, they were going to a wedding. He was focusing on them but they weren’t focusing and wouldn’t be checking for him. Even if anyone were somehow to sense a witch was in the area, they’d most likely assume it was merely one of the local witches who lived in Salem.

  But, he was wrong. Since he had never returned back home to Turkey after hearing how Oliver Bessom had been touring through the embassy there, he had not learned his apartment had been visited by Missy. As far as he knew, Missy had either been at West Point or else at her home during that period. No one had mentioned there being any girl with her distinctive red hair being part of Candace Axtell’s entourage. This was his first time experiencing Missy’s presence and he had no way of knowing she had ever experienced him in any way.

  Missy, however, had visited his home in her spirit form, had even penetrated his wards and thus had experienced him well enough. And, she had learned from past experiences to always check her surroundings whenever emerging from any vehicle, searching for anything her enhanced senses might detect. Whatever scents, sounds and energies were in the area, if significant in any way, would trigger her memories. Her situational awareness was highly developed and second nature to her now. Thus, she sensed Pancholi right away.

  Mike, I’m sensing Arvind Pancholi’s presence somewhere across the street from the church. I can’t see him … I doubt there’s any danger … but I want you to ask Tracy to put up some wards, just in case.

  Mike was surprised but covered it well. He knew Missy needed to focus on being Heather’s Maid of Honor, that the bridal procession was about to begin and thus she couldn’t take any time to deal with this. He stepped over to where John and Tracy were standing and told them about Missy’s news and her request.

  Tracy said, “Oh, wow! Okay. I can do that. You two stay with me … we’ll just walk around out here for a bit before going inside.” She immediately began focusing on drawing energy from all around. Then, while the three of them casually walked back and forth in front of the church, from all appearances merely queued to enter behind the others in the wedding party, she quickly placed a few protective wards. They followed the others inside where she stopped and placed a few more. “That’ll do for now, guys!”

  They then proceeded down the aisle to where Granddad McCrea, Patrick and the rest of the McCrea family were waiting. Sure enough, once they reached their seats, the music changed and the ceremony officially got underway with Julia, mother of the bride, being escorted down to her seat.

  John nodded to his best friend Mark who was seated two rows back with Alice and Sandy D’Amato. He saw Millie, Desiree and Lila were in the row behind them. Lila smiled at Tracy who nodded her head, acknowledging she noticed they were there. But, all eyes quickly turned to watch as the wedding procession continued. Everyone stood to watch and many began filming with cameras or cell phones.

  The bridesmaids and groomsmen, four each and paired together arm-in-arm, came marching slowly down the aisle. Missy came next, walking alone. Next came the flower girl, scattering rose petals from a basket, with the ring bearer right behind. Donald and his best man were already waiting up front, having entered from the side earlier. Finally, Heather and her dad made their way forward.

  After lifting Heather’s veil and kissing his daughter briefly, Philip McCrea handed her off to Donald. It was a very poignant moment. He left them and joined his wife while Missy arranged Heather’s train and veil. The ceremony was now officially underway.

  There were close to two hundred in attendance and it was truly a wondrous and joyous occasion. In due time, vows were exchanged, then the rings. Finally, the couple were announced as man and wife, after which they kissed. There were cheers and applause as everyone experienced an exuberant sense of happiness radiating from Heather and Donald. And finally, the recession began with the bride and groom leading the way.

  Outside the church, more photos were taken but since the receiving line would be over at the reception, it wasn’t long before Heather and Donald climbed into the lead limo and left, leading the way. The hotel where the reception was being held was only a short ride away, near the ocean and the Salem Willows area, with Marblehead across the harbor. There was a gazebo facing the water on the hotel grounds where many more photos would be taken, right when the sun was going down. Since sunset would be shortly after four p.m., they wanted to hurry.


  Paul Morelli had followed Alice Mathews and her husband plus the D’Amato girl from Boston to a church in Salem where he could see a big wedding was about to take place. The husband had driven them in their own car with three SUV’s for the security guards following along behind. But, amazingly, once the three of them had entered the church, it looked like all of D’Amato guys drove off and left them. The two men from his uncle’s organization did park their SUV down the street and seemed to settle in to watch and wait, but Paul wondered when D’Amato’s men would return.

  When the wedding was over, he followed as everyone headed over to a big hotel. He was careful to not be seen by his uncle’s guys but saw no sign of anyone from D’Amato’s organization. Would
this perhaps provide an opportunity for him to make a play? He had more chloroform soaked hankies ready in sealed bags.


  Tracy met up with Millie, Desiree and Lila and they wasted no time in setting wards all around the perimeter of the wedding venue. Millie explained how this could be done such that all the wedding guests were not affected but anyone not a guest or not part of the support staff would have difficulty getting close. Anyone who then managed getting through the wards regardless would trigger a warning which each of them would sense. They could then identify whomever it was and deal with him or her accordingly.

  While the air witches weren’t capable of much in the way of offense and Lila was too young and inexperienced to do much with her fire witch powers, Tracy had more than enough fireballs she could conjure up if needed. And, of course, there was always Missy if things ever really got out of hand.

  When they were done and standing at the entrance to the huge ballroom, John asked, “How do these wards work, anyway? Do you use some magic words which somehow filter out the bad guys?”

  Millie answered, “Not magic and not words exactly, no. It’s with our intent, our exercising our will … any words we use or think are merely part of that. But, our wards are energy and are set to sense energy. Anyone who is an outsider will be reluctant to come anywhere near, preferring other distractions instead. Someone who prevails by exercising their will, in spite of our wards, will disrupt the energy field in a way which we will all sense. Even Lila.” She smiled at Desiree’s young daughter, whom she’d gotten to know pretty well during her stay with Desiree these past several days.

  “Ignore him,” laughed Tracy. “He’s always trying to find some magic, which I’ve explained to him a thousand times just doesn’t exist.”


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