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Cold Day In Hell

Page 5

by Monette Michaels

  “Um, I told you I excelled at shooting. Back at Lejeune, I was almost as good as Keely. I expect she’s better now since she’s attended Sniper School. My dad always said guns were the great equalizer for females in the military.”

  “What kind of weapons?”

  “You name it, I’ve probably shot a version of it. Personal sidearm?” He nodded, his black-eyed gaze fixed on her face. No nerves or awareness on his face about the bad guys watching them, but she knew he was aware of where everyone was and would act instantaneously if needed. “I prefer a Glock or a Ruger. I own a ladies Ruger since it’s lighter and fits my hand better. I like the Lapua or the Remington sniper rifles for long-range. And any of the submachine guns are just fine, though some of the Eastern European stuff is crap and gets clogged easy in wet and dirty environments.” He raised an eyebrow. His eyes glinted with amusement. “We trained in the marshes and savannas surrounding Lejeune—very wet and very dirty places.”

  He nodded, chuckling. “Been there, done that. Jesus, you and Keely are unbelievable. Most women don’t even want to touch guns, let alone crawl around in the muck and shoot them.” His eyes filled with approval. “But have you shot anything in the last seven years?”

  “Yep.” His wider smile reappeared. God, she loved his approval. She could get addicted to it—she who hadn’t felt the need to obtain a man’s approval since her dad died. “I taught my brothers to shoot. We go to the range a couple of times a month.” She shot him a broad grin. “I still rate expert—on paper targets.” She frowned. She’d never shot at a live target. Could she? She pictured Cruz aiming a gun at her brothers—or Risto—and knew she could.

  He pulled a submachine gun from under the driver’s seat, keeping it below the level of the dash. “Can you shoot this?”

  She studied it for a second then smiled. “An H&K MP5K. It has thirty-round mags. High velocity with stopping power. Bullet caliber is 9mm. And it weighs under six pounds.” She nodded. “Yeah, I practice with the MP5A3 at the range—there’s not much difference in how the two models handle. The MP5K is just shorter overall and has a slightly different grip.”

  “Very good. Put it in that huge tote bag you carry. It should fit easily. There are extra magazines and a box of ammo under your seat, get that out also. We’ll be walking from now on. We’ll pick up a new vehicle at Conn’s. I figure Cruz will plant a bug on this one while it’s in the hotel parking.”

  She took the gun, making sure to keep it out of the line of sight of their watchers, and checked to make sure the safety was engaged. She popped out the magazine and checked to see it was full and loaded properly, then reinserted the mag. She put the gun in the tote sitting next to her legs then retrieved the extra mags and the extra ammunition from under her seat and added them to the bag.

  Risto grunted his approval. “I’ll have Conn locate you a light-weight handgun.”

  He stroked a surprisingly gentle finger along the pulse beating rapidly in her neck. Her stomach clenched and her pussy flooded. Who knew her neck was such an erogenous zone? She sure as heck never stroked her neck to get off, but if Risto kept at it long enough, she might come.

  “Can you handle a knife?” he asked.

  Before she could answer, he rubbed her earlobe between his thumb and a finger. She swallowed a moan at the pleasure sweeping over her upper body. Her nipples already tight from just being near him, puckered even more tightly. Shit, this man is lethal.

  “Um, knife?” He nodded, no expression on his face and his thumb and finger still plying her earlobe. “No, not really. Only to cook. I chop a mean onion.” She shoved his hand away from her ear.

  He laughed and stroked his finger along her neck, then down along the clavicle. Pleasure shot down her spine and she had a hard time not wiggling in her seat.

  “Funny girl. We’ll keep the big knives away from you.”

  She grabbed the hand tantalizing her. “No, no! I want a knife. I need a knife. A big effing sharp knife.”

  He looked at her as if she’d gone crazy. “Callie, if you…”

  She held up her free hand to halt his words. “I take it we may have to hit the jungle.” He nodded and looked really unhappy about the prospect. “There are snakes and … stuff out there.” She grimaced with distaste. “Dad and Colonel Walsh always had us kids carry knives when we played in the areas around the camp. Reptiles I can kill easily, in fact, I think it is my duty to do so—way too many reptiles in the world.” Cruz being of the two-legged variety.

  “Okay, one knife in a scabbard. You have any basic training in the wild?” He alternated idly stroking her neck and playing with her hair now. But she could tell he was still alert to the men watching them from the three vehicles. Glad he was, because all she was aware of was him.

  “Yeah, Dad and the Colonel would take us kids on what they called wilderness vacations, but, in reality, they were toned-down versions of what the marine recruits went through.” She smiled remembering how she and Keely would bitch and moan, but refused to let the boys do better than them. “I’m just okay in swamps, so that probably includes jungles. I need to warn you, I hate heat and especially heat with humidity. Something about my metabolism doesn’t agree with it. So, jungles, deserts, I can make it, but I tire easily. My elements are the northern woods and mountains, and I just love snow. I should’ve been born a polar bear.”

  Risto smiled then sobered quickly. “Plan A avoids all roughing it and gets us out of Colombia the quickest. But if we have to go to Plans B or C, we might have several days in the rough as we head for the Panamanian border. We’ll be properly supplied, though.”

  Picturing a map of Colombia in her head, she knew he meant to head for the port city of Turbo for sea travel or the Darien Gap for over ground. She shivered. No one travelled across the Darien area of Colombia and Panama if they could find another way. “I’ll be fine. Just tell me what to do and when to do it—and I will. You’re the boss.”

  “Yeah, I’m the boss.” His words came out husky … sexy. He glanced at his rearview mirror and stiffened. “Our friends are getting antsy. The passenger in the lead Rover is on his cell and gesticulating like crazy. Just remember, once we leave this vehicle, anything we say or do is probably being observed.” He paused. “That means, I’ll be touching and kissing you.” He stroked the back of his hand over her breasts. She inhaled as sensation shot to her clit. “I’ll be with you as you shower and dress. Keep your voice low and atonal. Whispers can be picked up by the mikes. I’ll do my best to keep my body between you and the cameras.”

  God, he’d see her naked. More to the point, she’d see him naked. Her inner vixen said “yum.” Her commonsense said “chill, it’s his job to protect you, even from video cameras.”

  “Got it. Academy Award time. I’m not an actress, but I’ve played up to the camera often enough for fashion shoots. I think I can handle it. But can you?” She glanced at him as he turned away from her and put the car into gear. “You have a special lady? Will it be hard for you to make pretend love to me?”

  Her damn mouth had a mind of its own. She really didn’t need to know if he was seeing someone. She’d probably never see him again once they got back to the States—well, not unless she went to work for SSI, and then she’d come across him when he wasn’t out on missions. “Forget I asked. It’s none of my business. I apologize.”

  His gaze straight forward as he maneuvered the crowded valet lane, he replied in a gravelly tone. “No special lady. And no, it won’t be a burden.” He turned his head, his stare glinting and hot. “Just make believe I’m the guy in that perfume commercial you did. You burned up the fucking screen. Cruz sees that kind of emotion, he’ll believe we’re lovers.”

  Callie threw back her head and laughed. The first good laugh she’d had since she arrived in Colombia.

  “What’s so fucking funny?” He sounded aggrieved. “That commercial is hot enough to melt steel.”

  “The guy in the commercial?”

  “Yeah, what
about him?”

  Was that a hint of anger she heard in his tone? Interesting.

  “That’s Evan’s Chad—and he’s gay. He hated every single second of the commercial shoot. We had to break so many times because he kept muttering rude comments under his breath which had me laughing.” She wiped tears of amusement from her face. “Man, I thought Evan was going to kill us. Chad told me later Evan made him pay big time for prolonging the shoot.”

  “Well, I thought it was sexy as hell.”

  “You and everyone else—except for the poor crew who had to stand around until we got it right.” She rubbed his arm. A muscle in his jaw twitched and his hands clutched the wheel so tightly she could see white appear on his knuckles. She added, “I bet you can pretend better than Chad.” Geez, Callie, come on to the man, why don’t you? He’s here to do a job. You’re the job.

  Risto pulled into the valet area, put the car into park and turned off the engine. He turned toward her. Framing her face with his hands, he pulled her to him then whispered against her lips. “I won’t have to fucking pretend anything, Callie Meyers. You’re a sexy woman. You’ll have to set the limits here, honey, because once I start kissing you, touching you … I won’t want to stop.” He brushed a light kiss over her parted lips, once, twice.

  The valet opened the driver’s side door. “You staying in the hotel, señor?”

  Risto didn’t turn toward the interruption. Instead he took her lips in a rapacious kiss, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth as if he owned it. It was a kiss unlike any other she’d ever experienced, all dominant male laying claim to his female. She wasn’t sure how long they kissed, time meant nothing as long as he kept stroking her tongue with his, as long as his fingers cradled her face, as long as his scent surrounded her. She was in big trouble, because a primal part of her didn’t want him to stop ever. And he wanted her to set the frickin’ limits?

  “Señor? Señora? Do you wish me to park the car?” The valet sounded irritated and she wondered how long he’d been trying to get their attention.

  Risto pulled his mouth from hers, placing a final, gentle kiss to the tip of her nose, his thumb massaging her kiss-swollen lips. “Stay put until I come around to help you out.”

  She nodded, touching his lips with a finger. He nipped the tip. Yeah, there’d be no pretending with him. He was all man—and his kiss told her she wasn’t just a job, he wanted her. And she wasn’t averse to letting him have her. Screw limits.


  Kissing Callie had been a mistake. But he planned on doing it again—and soon. She tasted sweet and hot—and had definitely kissed him back. They had a highly charged sexual chemistry unlike any he’d experienced. His priority was to get Callie out of Colombia and back to Chicago—and he would. But until then, they were both adults, and if she was willing to walk on the wild side, he’d be happy to oblige.

  “We won’t need the car until tomorrow morning.” He projected his voice so the men in the lead Rover, which was now two car lengths behind theirs in the valet lane, would think he and Callie would be spending the night at the hotel. He slipped the valet twenty dollars. The man smiled and nodded.

  Risto opened the passenger door and lifted Callie out. He reached in and grabbed the tote and put it over her arm. His fingers trailed over her forearm. The valet watched Callie avidly, so he hadn’t noticed when Risto added his Glock to her tote. Risto retrieved the duffle bag he’d left behind the seat, which contained his emergency evac kit.

  He suspected the valet was in the pay of Cruz and would make a full report after he planted a tracking device on the Hummer. Might as well play up to the audience.

  “God, I missed you, baby. No more trips without me.” He angled his head to take Callie’s mouth in another tongue-thrusting kiss. She opened to him immediately, her free arm going around his neck as she leaned into his body, rubbing her stomach against his hard-on. Yeah, she tastes just as good as the first time. Sweet with just a hint of spice.

  Breaking away, he placed a kiss at the corner of her mouth, then spoke against the shell of her ear. “We need to take this inside.”

  Stroking his jaw with a shaky finger, she nodded and placed a nibbling kiss on his chin. His cock jerked and he swept a hand over his front under the cover of Callie’s gargantuan tote and her body, nudging his unruly member into a more comfortable position. She snickered against his jaw line. The little tease! He placed her at his side, his arm around her waist, and her unencumbered arm went around his. They fit perfectly, just as he knew they would. They’d fit even better in bed. He maneuvered them out of the valet lane and toward the side of the building that led to her casita.

  As they casually strolled the beautiful grounds, Callie slipped her fingers down the back of his waistband and underneath his shirt. Then she massaged his lower back and upper buttocks. “Watch it, Callie. I promised you’d be in control … but if you keep tempting me, I’ll take it as a green light.” And to hell with the danger, her touch was incendiary.

  Her eyes widened. “Sorry … um…” She pulled her hand from the back of his waistband, but left her fingers lying lightly against his lower back. Her cheek bones were slightly flushed. “Define teasing.” They continued to walk as if they hadn’t a care in the world, their arms around one another.

  Their unwanted shadows followed, always keeping them in sight.

  “Touching me in more than a casual way.” He angled his head to look at her. “Sticking your hand down my pants and massaging my ass is teasing.”

  “Um, I thought we were supposed to convince Cruz’s men we’re lovers.”

  “Was that what you were doing, Callie? Be honest.” His voice was firm as he assessed her expression. He caught a look which he read as sexual hunger in her eyes. Good, he wasn’t the only one attracted.

  “Yes … no. No. It just … shit. It felt right … okay?” She lowered her gaze to the hand clutching the tote bag. Her long hair hid her face from him, but her posture was rigid.

  Dammit. He’d embarrassed her, put her on the defensive. She’d just started to relax, getting into the role she had to play, getting over her fear of Cruz now that he was here—now, she was stiff, upset. He could kick his own ass.

  “Callie? Look at me.” She shook her head, a single tear leaked from the corner of one eye. Shit. Yeah, asshole, you embarrassed her. Now fix it. “What you did … it felt fucking fantastic. I want you to touch me however you want, whenever you want, but you need to understand I’ll act on it. Right then.”

  A frown marred her smooth forehead. “I arouse you that much?” She angled her head. Her gaze seemed naively curious and … she didn’t believe him!

  Shit, who were the assholes she’d dated? She could arouse a dead man.

  He couldn’t help it. He lowered his head and swept the single tear drop away with his tongue. She shivered and inhaled sharply. So responsive. He bet she’d make all sorts of sweet noises if he licked her from top to bottom.

  “Yeah, you make me hot. Do you want me to act on this attraction between us, Callie?” He held his breath. Her response was more important to him than breathing.


  He exhaled roughly. If she knew all the ways I’ve fantasized about fucking her in my dreams, she’d run for the Ecuadoran border. “You should have issues with me as a lover. I’m too rough. Too dominant. Plus, I’m not a permanent kind of guy.”

  She examined his face for what seemed like an eternity. She nodded, one short abrupt movement of her head. “Understood. I’ll take what I can get, Risto Smith. Whenever I can get it.”

  Sweet Callie had just given him carte blanche—and before he got her safely back to her door in Chicago, he’d take advantage of it—fully.

  Chapter Four

  After they reached the door of the casita, Callie waited as Risto retrieved his key card and opened the door. He ushered her inside, locking and bolting the door behind them. He moved about the room checking the locks on the French doors. “Take your shower and change,
Callie. Wear something casual.”

  He moved to embrace her. She went into his arms and luxuriated in the solid strength of him. Safe, I feel safe.

  “Pack only essentials into that huge bag of yours.” He spoke in a low monotone against her ear.

  She nodded and replied in the same tone. “Already done. I was ready to run if Cruz made his move. But I’ll add some extra socks, underwear and some tank tops. Can you block my actions from the cameras in the bedroom?”

  “Yeah.” He walked her to the bedroom and stopped inside the doorway. He nuzzled her ear. “The cameras are aimed at the top of the bed, not the floors.”

  Her breath stuttered at the thought of what Cruz and his men must have seen.

  Risto kissed her forehead and rubbed her back. “It’s okay, I’m here now. Don’t rehash the last two days. Forget the cameras. Let me worry about everything.”

  She kissed his jaw and stroked the back of his neck before she moved away. She dropped the tote on the floor next to the bed and casually added the items she thought she might need. She fastened the tote, then stood up with a change of clothes in her hand. When she turned around, Risto was there, his big body protecting her from the camera. His arms went around her waist and he rubbed his unshaven cheek against hers.

  “I’m packed. You’re going to get me a handgun more my size, yes? And a knife?”

  “Yes, later.” He kissed her ear. “Conn will get us anything we need. His voice increased in volume. “Let’s get cleaned up, baby, so I can feed you. The cantina I told you about has these fish tacos I’ve been craving ever since you told me about the Cartagena shoot.” He patted her bottom, his fingers lingering on her lower curves.

  “Sounds yummy, tiger.” Callie took Risto’s cue and replied in the same carefree vein. She’d be damned if she allowed her rescue to fail because she hadn’t held up her end of the acting. She angled her head and kissed him, tasting him as fully as he’d tasted her in the Hummer.

  He muttered “tease” against her lips and took over the kiss. Her tongue dueled with his as he savaged her mouth. She loved his aggressiveness. His hungry kisses made her pussy ache and clit throb.


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