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The Executive's Decision

Page 16

by Bernadette Marie

  What was she thinking? She should have cut the ties with him. She should be basking in the thought that the boss was out of town and for the next two days she could play solitaire on the computer. But it wasn’t like that.

  While her boss was away, she waited. She waited for the phone to ring. She waited for that special e-mail, and as always, she waited for the delivery of flowers to arrive at her home before he returned. They had a routine.

  A routine, she thought with a shake of her head. Married couples with families had routines, not assistants having affairs with their bosses. Unless that assistant had actually fallen in love with her boss.

  The lump in her throat was hard to swallow. She was in love with him. She knew that. She’d admitted that to herself. She’d admitted it to her father and her brothers. But she had yet to admit it to him. Why was it so hard? He’d told her he loved her. He’d asked her to tell him. He’d even said he could see it in her eyes, yet she hadn’t said the words.

  The words. She’d said them before. She’d said them aloud to another man that she thought she loved. Correction, she had loved him. She’d loved him with everything that she was. The kicker was she thought he had loved her too.

  Didn’t she have a beachfront condo in Maui? Didn’t she sport a diamond on her finger that was no less than two and a half karats? Necklaces, earrings, dresses, purses, and shoes made her look like the proper woman he was grooming her to be.

  When Alexander Hamilton was around her, he doted on her. They shared a bed. They shared an office. They shared a life until…

  God, even now, as she dipped her head into the water and held her breath, she couldn’t think of how quickly it had fallen away from her. She’d stood before him, her stomach stretched with pregnancy, expecting his child, and he’d told her he was through with her right before the first punch threw her back, crashing through a glass table.

  As she surfaced for air and gasped to fill her lungs, she ran her hand over her stomach and the scar that Zach had asked about. Tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Alexander had set up a nursery. He’d bought her maternity clothes and a necklace with a baby bootie embedded with a blue sapphire to mark the due date of their child. At night, he’d lain by her side with his hand on her stomach, rubbing it so gently. Alexander Jonathon Hamilton III would be his son’s name. She could still see the glimmer in his eyes when he said it.

  Regan’s head began to pound. The wine had made her lightheaded, and she thought it would be best to remove herself from the water.

  She slipped into her pajamas and crawled into bed. The pillow next to her smelled of Zach, and she breathed in deeply. She needed to shake off her memories and find the courage to embrace her new reality.

  Then as though she’d willed it, the telephone rang and it was Zach on the other end.

  “I’m in Phoenix having my shoes shined,” he told her.

  “Phoenix, having yours shoes shined? Why?”

  “We had to make an emergency landing. There was a sick passenger. Hence, the shoes shined. The guy next to me didn’t fare as well. He has to buy a new suit.”

  “That’s horrible. I hope the passenger is okay.”

  “I think the original sick one is okay. It started a chain reaction.” He laughed. “But I’ll be out of here in a few minutes. I just missed you and wanted to call.”

  “I’m glad you did.” She tried to keep her voice steady, but it shook, and she knew he would notice.

  “Regan, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I just found that I was already missing you terribly.” She wiped her wet eyes with the back of her hand.

  “Is that all?”

  “Yes,” she lied.

  He grumbled. “This is the last time I have to come this way alone. From now on, you’ll be by my side, and damn it, if he doesn’t want to deal with my people, he’ll have to work with someone else. I’m tired of this jerk, and hell, I haven’t even gotten to his office yet.” He vented with a few choice words, which the executive rarely did, and it made her laugh. Zach goaned. “Oh, Regan, wait until you meet him. You’ll understand.”

  “Who is he anyway? Donald Trump isn’t this secretive.”

  “Donald Trump has his own people to build his buildings.”

  “A movie star. Oh, Zach, tell me who he is.” Her voice had lifted, and it felt good to share a laugh with the man she loved.

  “Breach of contract,” he said.

  “And contracts are very important to you.” She lost the edge of humor and her tone became serious.

  “They are our livelihood.”

  “I guess you’re right, then.” She slid down into the bed and sighed. “Your pillow still smells of you.”

  Zach let out a gusty breath. “I’d give anything to be there with you.” He shuffled the phone. “Regan, I have to go. They just called my flight. I’ll call you in the morning. I love you.” The phone disconnected, and she was alone again with her thoughts.

  Regan and John Forrester spent most of the day with plans and contracts sprawled out over the conference table. They had to go to Memphis with a precise picture of what was supposed to be done, what hadn’t been done, and what they needed to do about it. Regan typed a letter dismissing Roger Byers from his position; Zach, always gracious, had given word to the accounting department to cut Roger Byers a severance check.

  They ate at Frank’s for lunch and sat at the stone tables overlooking the river.

  John scooped chili from his hot dog with a spoon. “You sure you know your way to the site?”

  “I know the way. I’ll print a map, and I have your cell phone number as well.”

  “Good. We’ll meet there right at nine. That’ll give us all day to get done what needs to be done,” he said, and she nodded, looking out over the lawn toward the tree where she’d sat with Zach on her first day.

  Her mind wandered to the thought of his green eyes and sandy hair. She’d been doomed the moment that bus jerked her off her feet.

  John shoved a bite of his hot dog into his mouth. “You know you read like a book.”

  “Excuse me?”

  He swallowed his bite and wiped his mouth. “You miss him.”

  “John, I…”

  “Can’t hide what you’re thinking,” he finished her sentence, then he sipped his Coke. “I told him months ago I thought you were a keeper. He is too, you know.”

  “I know he is. I’m just not ready to tell him that—yet.”

  “Why not?”

  Regan shook her head. “I have my reasons. Just, please, don’t say anything to him.”

  John reached for her hand and covered it with his. “Won’t say a word.”

  “Thank you. Carlos says nothing has been even whispered on the site.”

  “Ah, so this has been going on for a while?” He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  She felt the heat begin to rise in her cheeks. “Since Dallas. Oh, hell, since the morning I started. I was on the bus with him, it jerked, and I literally rode to work on his lap. Literally,” she said again.

  “That’ll be something to tell your grandkids.” He laughed with a wink, but she stiffened and dropped her eyes to her lunch. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  “It’s okay.” She shook it off. “It’s nothing.”

  “I’ve been around him most of his life. He’s a hard worker. When he wants something, he goes after it.” He took another bite of his hot dog and took a few seconds to wipe a blob of chili from his chin. “Are you ready for that? Are you ready to be the one he’s gone after?”

  “You make it sound like he’s never gone after another woman before.”

  “It should sound like that, because that’s the truth.”

  Regan put down her hot dog and looked at him. He was telling the truth, she could read it in his eyes. “He’s never been in love before?”

  “No, I don’t think he has. Lust maybe, but never love.”


  “Simone Pierpont?”

  She had to ask. After all, it was obvious to her there was some involvement with the woman.

  John just laughed and shook his head before finishing his hot dog.

  She wasn’t sure how to take that, but she didn’t want to ask too many questions either.

  “So you’re not married?” She finally asked him a personal question.

  “Nope. Wife walked out on me ten years ago, and I’ve never looked back.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” She picked at her hot dog. “You haven’t dated since then?”

  “Oh, Audrey has tried to get me to see people. I tell you what, I’m just not interested.” He finished off his soda. “Divorced people my age are cranky about the whole dating thing. Women want their equality, and I’m all for that, don’t get me wrong.” He threw up his hands to ward off any offensive words he might have spoken. “What I mean is it’s ‘I’ll meet you there, I’ll pay for half, I don’t want any commitments except for you to wear a condom.’”

  Regan choked on her soda, and he patted her back a few times.

  “Women don’t want to be taken care of anymore," he said in a tone that was a dead ringer for Eyeore’s. "On the weekends I fish. Three weeks a year, I take a vacation. I’m happy.”

  “Well, if the right woman ever comes along, I’d bet you’d make one wonderful husband.”

  “What are you doing the rest of your life?” he teased and Regan wadded her napkin and threw it at him.

  By Thursday afternoon Zach had played three rounds of golf with friends of his investor, had lunch at the country club, and met an A-list actress, who looked annoyed he hadn’t drooled over her hand, but who never actually spoke to him upon introduction.

  What he hadn’t done was meet face-to-face with the principal investor. Instead, he’d been scheduled with acquaintances of the man, more potential investors. His patience was wearing thin.

  The guy was fronting over seventy percent of the build. He couldn’t just ignore him and walk away from the deal. But he was a busy man and tired of games. And damn it he wanted to be with Regan.

  Zach shifted from his chair in the lobby while he waited for the investor’s driver to pick him up. He was surprised to see the man walk through the door himself.

  “Mr. Benson, I’m so very sorry for my delays. I hope you can forgive me.” He removed his arm from the waist of the sophisticated blonde at his side and shook his hand. “It’s our first anniversary, and I have been trying to make it very special.”

  “Congratulations.” Zach supposed he should cut the guy some slack, since he knew what it was like to be distracted by the woman he loved. “I appreciate your taking the time to meet me.”

  “Yes, as we are hurrying out of town, I wanted to meet with you.” He shifted his gaze to his wife. “Sit and we will return.” She only nodded as her husband turned and started for the bar.

  Zach stood a moment longer before following him. How could a woman just be dismissed like that and accept it? He’d never treat his wife like that. Then again, if he did, Regan would kick his ass.

  He couldn’t help but smile when he realized he’d melded thoughts of marriage and Regan. Regan as his wife. For him, the emotional commitment had already happened.

  The investor stopped before him, his eyes narrow and hard. “Is there something funny, Mr. Benson?”

  “No.” He composed his features and gestured to the hotel’s bar. “We should get started.”

  The man was studying him, his dark eyes shadowed by dark brows. He was much shorter than Zach, but he gave the impression of being bigger than he was. Of being intimidating.

  “You’re thinking of a woman.”

  “Guilty.” Zach shrugged as they seated themselves at a table in the bar. “But we’re here to talk about the Golden Pacific Towers.”

  He studied Zach for another moment. “Is she beautiful?”

  “Of course.”

  The waitress came to the table, and Zach ordered a whisky and Coke, and his companion a glass of red wine, then he dismissed her as quickly and as sharply as he had his wife.

  “How long have you been with this woman?”

  The casual talk between them amused Zach. There had never been anything but business before. Perhaps the self-important investor was human after all. He’d humor him for the sake of their business relationship.

  “A few months. It took a while to convince her to date her boss.”

  “I was in love with my assistant once,” the investor said. His dark eyes seemed to cloud. “But she was a nobody. I married a woman who has made my worth increase.”

  The waitress laid down their drinks and Zach reached for his immediately. “Your wife is very beautiful.”

  “She is. But…” The man sipped his wine and Zach watched him carefully. Whatever it was about the woman who’d come before his wife, it still affected him. Anyone could see that.

  The man took a long sip of his wine, then set it on the table. “About the building. I’ve gone over all the plans. I will have them sent back to you next week. Most of the changes I have asked for are for my suite and my offices.”

  “I’ll look them over personally.” He’d expected changes. The bigger a man was in his own eyes, the more finicky he’d be about a build. This guy’s list was sure to be long.

  “I’ve met with the other investors. They like you and like your style.” Zach was pleased to hear that after having spent so much time with them. “I want to meet with you the first part of August. We’ll finalize everything with the other investors, and we’ll get this project off the ground.”

  “Sounds good. I can’t tell you how pleased Benson, Benson, and Hart is to be working with you again.”

  “I only use the best.”

  “Thank you.” His heart swelled with satisfaction. The company his father had built, and he continued, was the best.

  “August.” The man swirled his wine in the glass. “It’s amazing how fast a year goes by. So many things can change.”

  “I agree.” A year ago, Zach was working eighty-hour weeks and sleeping in the office most nights to prove to himself that he could handle the company after his father left.

  After he met Regan, business had become secondary. All he thought of was her. And right now, all he thought of was how much he missed her.

  They quietly finished their drinks then walked back to the lobby. When the investor’s wife spotted him, she rose and hurried to his side.

  “We will see you in August, then.” He held his hand out to Zach.

  “Again, congratulations on your anniversary.” Zach shook his hand and then his wife’s delicate one.

  He looked down at his watch. It was eleven in Nashville. Regan would be sleeping. He would go back to his room, pack, and call to make arrangements. Perhaps he could fly out earlier and surprise her. Perhaps, he’d even pass his parents in the airport on their way to New York before retrieving his love and hurrying her off to their estate and making love to her all weekend long.

  On the flight Zach’s mind wandered back to his investor and to the deprecatory way he spoke of the woman who had been his assistant. He’d mentioned that he’d married well.

  Zach didn’t envy the man’s former assistant or his wife. He settled in his seat. Marrying well, isn’t that what his father had done when he’d married his mother? Or his grandfather and grandmother? Not as in wealth, but as in compassion and love.

  Zach pressed his head into the seat back and closed his eyes. Marrying well. It’s what he’d be doing if—when—Regan agreed to marry him.

  He smiled as the plane flew him closer to Nashville and Regan.

  Chapter ten

  The drive to Memphis in traffic had spoiled Regan’s mood. Her stomach had been in knots all night at thoughts about the meeting with Roger Byers. When she pulled into the lot and saw John standing beside his car waiting for her, her nerves settled. On the drive she’d nearly forgotten she wouldn’t be alone. John woul
d be there and everything would be fine.

  “You made it.” He handed her a cup of coffee and smiled.

  “I did, and thank you.” She sipped from the cup. The coffee was bitter and cold. “You’ve been waiting a long time.”

  “I got here an hour ago.” He rolled his shoulders. “I didn’t sleep very well. This shit always makes me nervous.”

  “I didn’t sleep well either. This doesn’t look to be a wonderful day, does it?”

  “That’ll depend on how you look at it. When it’s all over, I’m going back to a nice hotel, using their gym and pool, and having dinner brought to my room.” He winked. “All charged to Zach.”

  Regan laughed. “That does sound good.”

  John put his arm around her shoulders as they walked toward the office. She was comforted by his touch, and that was a welcome feeling. A man’s arm around her would usually have her flinching, but she liked John. The woman who would turn his head would be a very lucky one indeed.

  “And what are your plans for the weekend?” he asked and her cheeks filled with color. “Oh, Zach is coming home tonight. You have plans.”

  She laughed and nipped him on the cheek with a kiss. “You are bad, John Forrester.” She enjoyed his friendship immensely. He was good to have around for everyone.

  Roger Byers stood at his office window and peered through the blinds. Look at that, she was cozy with the foreman too. Whore. What a cushy job she must have while he was in a hot trailer busting his ass.

  He shook it off. He knew this was his last day on the job. Those goddamned workers he had were doing a shit-poor job, and he was going to pay for it. Who the hell needed Zach Benson and all his money anyway? And what the hell did that man do in a day? He fucked his assistant on the desk then sent her and his henchman to fire him? They’d all pay for that.

  He watched as they started up the steps. He could almost smell her before he could see her. That floral scent she wore had stuck in his head the first time she crossed her legs in front of him and took notes from her boss.

  When John opened the door, Roger wanted to punch his fist right into his face. He knew who John Forrester was. The entire organization knew who the ass-kisser was. And when he showed up on your site, your job was over—and he’d get the glory for finishing up.


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