West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW) Page 10

by Ruby Madden

  She was spell-bound.


  { CLAY }

  Not in a million years had Clay thought that serendipity would be so kind as to find a way for them to meet, albeit in a highly embarrassing way.

  The moment she reached out to hand him the fare ticket, handling the situation with all the finesse of a pro, he had recognized that he might never again meet another woman like her. But he couldn’t explain to himself why he would think this?

  Although Clay had been with his fair share of beautiful, sexy, desirable, attractive women of all types – none had the graceful presence of this lovely being. She introduced herself, and just as he thought of this amazing trait she possessed, she told him that her name was Grace. He started a bit, bemused and enraptured by her.

  Grace, you are so enchanting…

  The magic in the air between them was palpable. Onlookers who had noticed, were hush and watched with curious delight.

  Being a Sales Account Director for one of the world’s largest sporting goods company, Clay was well versed in meeting strangers and creating rapport. With this exquisite beauty before him, he felt like a bumbling fool. Doing his best to remain calm and seem casual, so as not scare her away, he found himself asking how her day was going.

  “It’s going good so far, I’m taking a day off from work. I needed a mental health day.” Grace said candidly, but shyly.

  He nodded, “Yes, we all most certainly do from time to time. If I may ask, how do you plan to spend your day?”

  He could tell that she wasn’t so sure about telling him. Before she could answer, Clay found himself apologizing, “Sorry, I tend to be too nosy with people I’ve just met and barely know. It’s part of the j-o-b.”

  She took the opportunity to deflect his question and asked him what his line of work was. Clay told her a bit about how he earned his living, keeping it vague and general. He heard himself talking, but he wasn’t really aware of what he was saying. He was impatient to hear more about her.

  How could he ask her out and not seem too forward?

  “Interesting work, it must keep you busy and on your toes?” She was nodding and smiling brightly at him.

  “It most certainly does, and I enjoy it too. I like meeting new people.”

  She nodded as if uncertain what to say or do next. The Portland Streetcar hummed along, passengers unloading and loading, then moving gently forward again.

  “I’m going to Powell’s Books, I need to escape reality for a bit and find some new, good reads.” She blurted out, as if suddenly deciding there was no longer a reason to be hesitant to share with him, an admiring stranger, what her plans for the day were.

  “Excellent way to spend you day off. You enjoy reading?” Clay said.

  “Most definitely, my favorite past-time. That and watching movies. I like to be entertained. I tend to be a home-body when I’m not working.” She shared.

  Clay thought about that, Grace sitting on her sofa, watching movies and reading books. It seemed simple enough. Contented and happy. He like this about her.

  “How do you spend your free time?” Grace asked.

  “I work-out. I run. I swim. I play billiards and card games with my buddies. Watch sports, go to games - typical male type stuff mostly.”

  He noticed that her eyes had traveled to look more closely at his physique, his chest and arms. She swallowed nervously, as if she weren’t typically this bold. He saw a bit of admiration and felt the energy travel straight to his loins.

  Good god, she’s like molten lava…

  “What’s your favorite sport to watch?” She asked.

  “Soccer.” He answered without hesitation.

  “So you’re probably a big Timbers and Sounders fan?”

  “Yes, totally.”


  “Fortunately, it’s still soccer season. Would you like to go to a game with me?” He watched her closely, gauging her response to his invite.

  Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes…

  She seemed a bit caught off guard and surprised, but he could tell that she liked the idea of it. “That would be fun, I’d like that.”

  He decided to be brave, it was now or never. “So, maybe we can do that sometime soon?”

  { GRACE }

  The streetcar was coming close to where Grace needed to exit and she was the most surprised when she found herself making an impromptu suggestion.

  Why not, he’s so charming…

  “Yes, I think we can do that.” She paused, mustering up the courage to just go with the flow. Be serendipitous. “Well, if you like, you can join me for the afternoon? Powell’s is the next stop.”

  He looked absolutely elated and Grace felt equally so when he said that one simple, casual word, “Sure.”

  The streetcar came to a stop and they exited into the brisk autumn weather. He gently grazed her lower back when they had stepped off the streetcar. Grace felt a zing pass through her in this simple act of gentlemanly possession. He took the lead and they walked towards the giant retail bookstore, a Portland icon.

  “It’s a beautiful fall day.” He said.

  “Yes, it is. I love this season in Portland.” Grace took in a gulp of crisp air, enjoying the scent.

  She observed his casual gait, it was as if he skip-walked. Confident, and lithe. His stride was elegant and paced, similar to a jungle-cat. She wondered what he was like to observe working out or running, playing a sport or throwing a ball around. She chuckled to herself, the chuckle escaping her before she remembered he was right there, by her side and could hear her.

  “What’s got you giggling?” He asked, a funny amused look on his face.

  “Oh, just was thinking of something. Sorry…” Grace knew she must be flushed.

  He raised his eyebrows and looked at her from the corner of his eye, “You can tell me. I promise.”

  Grace hesitated. “No, really. It’s nothing. I giggle all the time, especially when I’m nervous.”

  “Are you nervous?” He peered at her curiously.

  She nodded, her heart skipping a beat. His amber-green eyes were taking her in. He was so boyishly handsome. It was disarming.

  She didn’t answer as luckily, they’d arrived at the entrance of Powell’s and as usual, there was a small crowd of those exiting the busy storefront that they navigated through to go inside.

  They entered the busy hustle and bustle of Powell’s Bookstore. Grace loved the plain and rustic interior, as well as the simple-ness of the giant bookstore retailer and knew all of its sections by heart. She headed for the fiction area, with Clay in tow. She still couldn’t believe that she had invited him along with her. Gone was her initial idea to browse the cheesy romances. That would be too embarrassing. Instead, she’d browse in another one of her favorite sections, science fiction.

  “So, what do you like to read?” He asked, following her.

  “I like fiction mostly.”

  “What kind of fiction?”

  “I love science fiction, fantasy, stuff like that. What about you?” Grace continued up the stairs and bee-lined for the bookshelves she knew as well as her beloved library in her home-town.

  “I don’t have much time to read, but when I do, I like to read historical books and autobiographies.” Clay shared.

  They arrived in the science fiction section where Grace seemingly went into auto-pilot. She perused the shelf briefly, her finger running along the spines of the books.

  “Gotcha!” She murmured quietly to herself when she found what she was looking for. She showed the cover to Clay. “It’s his latest, I’ve been waiting for it to come out.”

  Clay tilted his head to peer at the name of the author, “Orson Scott Card, I’ve heard of him. Good stuff?”

  “Very.” Grace nodded vigorously.

  There was a nervous moment between the two of them, neither really knowing what to say or do next. But the fun thrill of
getting to know a new person hung in the air between them.

  Grace shifted uncomfortably under Clay’s penetrating look, as if she knew he was somehow appraising her. She suddenly felt shy and looked away, unable to hold his gaze. She’d never experienced that type of penetrating observation from so close up. Many men gazed upon her, but there was usually a fair amount of distance between her and her admirers.

  “Well, don’t let me interrupt what your plans were today for perusing the shelves. How about we both browse a bit and meet in the coffee shop? Say in a half hour?”

  Grace nodded, “I like that. Let’s do it.”

  { CLAY }

  Clay observed how happy she seemed in the bookstore, among the shelves lined with books. Somehow he knew she wasn’t the type to read fashion magazines or weight-loss books. Nope, she was more at home in the world of fantasy and fiction, non-reality.

  They must have sat for an hour, each quietly perusing their reading material. The sounds of the coffee-shop in the background mingled with the chatter of other patrons who were doing the same thing they were.

  Every now and again, one would catch the other sneaking a glance. A cozy, intimate, silence shared between them. Each cuing into the other, the introspective calm of reading material set before them while patiently absorbing the new person sitting across from them.

  Becoming acquainted.

  Clay looked up from his magazine when he heard Grace’s stomach rumble with the sound of hunger.

  “Are you hungry?” He asked.

  “Yes, I totally forgot about lunch. I’m starved.” She said looking slightly embarrassed.

  “You know, there’s a great deli not too far away. Elephant’s Deli, have you heard of it?”

  Grace flashed him a smile, “I love that place. Let’s do it, I’d love some of their tomato orange soup.”

  What Clay didn’t know yet was that Grace frequented Elephant’s Deli during her short lunch breaks. It was only a couple of blocks away from her work and the charming environment as well as the yummy delicatessen foods lured her there often.

  “Ok, great. Do you want to walk or catch the streetcar?” Clay asked.

  “Let’s walk, it’s not raining and I need the exercise.”

  “You do?”

  “Well, you know…”

  Clay glanced at her curves admiringly, “Exercise is good, true. But I wouldn’t say you need it necessarily.”

  She paused, flattered by what he said. “Thanks Clay, I don’t know what to say, but thank you...”

  A knowing smile was shared between them, as if some unspoken understanding passed between them. For Grace, it was a first. For Clay, it was a thrill. He’d never been so direct, bordering on blunt about his preference for a curvy woman before. She was luring it out of him and he liked it.

  “I need to pay for these and then we can go.” She stood up, pulling on her coat and gathering the books she wanted to buy.

  Clay watched as she wrapped her coat around herself, cinching it at the waist. It enhanced her curviness, her round hips and bottom. He appraised her lustily, sneaking every chance he could to visually drink her up.

  She seemed to know it and he realized that he was making her feel awkward. She started to walk towards the cashier check-out and he followed. As he did, he noticed how many people looked at her. He understood that it must be exhausting to get that much unwanted attention all the time. No wonder she preferred to read in the privacy of her own home.

  At the check-out counter, one of the clerks waved her down. “I can help the next person in line.”

  Grace walked up and placed the books she wanted to purchase on the counter. The clerk, a petite, quirky brunette named Angela recognized her instantly.

  “Hey girl, good to see you. Did you get the latest from Jess Michaels?”

  Grace blushed furiously, “No, not today.” She shot a side-ways glance at Clay who stood just off to her side. It was her attempt at signaling the helpful clerk to be quiet.

  Angela rolled her eyes a bit teasingly and decided to let the cat out of the bag, happy to see Grace accompanied by a handsome man.

  “Who is Jess Michaels?” Clay asked innocently.

  Grace stammered a bit and the clerk came to her rescue. “She’s an erotic fiction writer that focuses on historical settings. Stuff from the past. Ladies and gentleman and all that yot. She’s wonderful.”

  “Angela, I just met the man, he’s not acquainted with my reading habits.” Grace managed to say politely while semi-glaring at the overly helpful Angela.

  “Surely he knows that all women read erotic fiction these days? After Fifty Shades, the cat is outta the bag, big-time.” Angela teased, poking fun at Grace.

  Grace appeared somewhat mortified and Clay had to bite his inside cheek to keep from laughing.

  “Fond of erotica, Grace?” He quipped teasingly.

  Grace shook her head in a gesture of defeat. “I don’t usually peruse for romance or erotic fiction in bookstores with men I’ve just met. But yes, I’m guilty of reading both.”

  Neither Clay nor Angela missed the irked but sarcastic tone in Grace’s voice. They shared an amused, knowing look with each other.

  “That will be thirty-six dollars and ninety-nine cents.” Angela said while putting Grace’s new books in a bag.

  Before Grace could hand Angela forty bucks, Clay swiped his credit card in the machine.

  “You don’t have to do that Clay!” Grace said, surprised by his generosity.

  “It’s my pleasure, truly. Is it ok if I buy you some books? Besides, I’d be buying you drinks otherwise.” Clay winked at Angela.

  Grace shrugged her shoulders in playful defeat, “I suppose…”

  “Thank you sir, it was a pleasure doing business with you.” Angela winked back at him.

  Grace collected her bag of books and stepped away as Angela handed Clay his receipt. She whispered, “I’ll hold her a copy of the new Jess Michaels, you can buy it for her later.”

  Clay nodded at Angela, more amused than he’d been in a long time. “Thank you, I’ll be back.”

  He followed her out of the bookstore. So, this Grace likes her stories erotic and hot? He wondered what else he would learn about her before the day was over.

  { GRACE }

  Strolling to Elephants Deli, they took in the sights of the city and her quirky residents. They passed street performers and stopped to watch one in particular that had a small crowd captivated.

  “Do you ever wonder if they can earn a living doing this?” Grace asked.

  Clay nodded, “Some do, I think? I watched a TV report once that said the average pan-handler can earn fifty-thousand a year in some cities.”

  “Wow, fifty-thousand? That’s more than what I make.”

  Clay grinned, “Thinking about a career change?”

  Grace sighed, “Honestly, some days… yes.”

  “Hence the day off?” he taunted.

  Grace was noticing that Clay had this way of peering at her sideways that she found ridiculously handsome and sexy. There was something mysterious about him that she couldn’t quite place her finger on. She found herself blushing and looking away.

  Oh god, oh god, oh god…

  They strolled silently on until they arrived at their destination. Clay opened the deli’s door for Grace.

  “I love their soups, so tasty.” Grace said as she stepped up to the soup service station, requesting her order from a friendly clerk. “The tomato orange please, a cup.”

  “Bread, Miss?” The clerk asked.

  Grace shook her head, “No, I’m getting a sandwich to go with this. Thank you though.”

  He beamed a friendly smile at her and handed Grace her cup of soup.

  Clay followed suit and ordered the yummy-sounding soup as well. Grace moved on to the large, wall fridge that held freshly made gourmet sandwiches and selected a turkey, Havarti cheese, and dill sandwich. She then strolled to
the other side of the small deli and gathered up a blood orange flavored Dry Soda and then a classic chocolate chip cookie.

  At the counter, Grace was quick to step up to the counter before Clay.

  “This is my treat, I’m paying.” She said matter-of-factly.

  “It is, is it?” Clay taunted.

  “Yes.” Grace said while handing her bank card to the cashier.

  “Well then, if this is on you, how about a bag of sea salt chips to share?” He grabbed one from the counter selection and added it to their meal.

  The cashier quickly rang up their lunch and offered them a bag, the line behind them looming.

  “No thanks, we’re eating here.” Grace said, smiling back at the cashier.

  They each gathered up their selections. Clay found a table in the crowded deli and Grace got napkins and spoons from a self-service station.

  The cozy European style seating in Elephants Deli allowed for precious little in the way of space. Grace found herself sitting down quite close to Clay. As she unwrapped her turkey sandwich and peeled the lid off of her orange tomato soup, she paused when she noticed that Clay was intently observing her.

  “Aren’t you going to dig in? Don’t wait on me.” She said a bit embarrassed.

  “I hope this doesn’t sound strange, but I’m enjoying watching you.”

  Grace raised her eyebrows, not knowing what to say or how to respond. Instead, she bemusedly looked at him, dipped her sandwich into her soup and took a bite.

  “Yum!” She rolled her eyes heavenward in appreciation.

  Clay agreed with her assessment, it was indeed very yummy.

  They ate their meal, each sneaking glances at one another. At one point, they both reached into the potato chip bag at the same time, their hands caressing each other unintentionally. Grace pulled away embarrassed as Clay spread out a napkin and then poured the chips out so they could share unimpeded.

  Grace squeezed her legs together, instantly aware of the scintillating warmth spreading in her groin. Silently, she marveled at the zing that went coursing through her body from the one small touch, that one simple accidental caress.


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