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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

Page 20

by Ruby Madden

  Clay stood before his bedroom mirror straightening out his tie.

  Despite a very big business deal that he needed to prioritize at the moment, his thoughts were elsewhere.

  On an email he’d uncovered in his work email trash and what had surmised since then. Clay had learned the hard way to save all of his email and had set his email trash to do a final delete once a month. He had a calendar reminder to review the items, just to make sure nothing would be mistakenly deleted.

  He’d immediately noticed a simple email with the subject line titled, ‘Grace’. Opening it, he’d sat in stunned silence. There it was, an email from Greg explaining that he was ending it with Grace and providing Clay, her phone number.

  Stunned, Clay had noted the date. It had been sent several weeks ago?!

  He looked at the date on his calendar. A Saturday…

  The Saturday he’d worked all day at home.


  That bitch!


  An hour earlier, Clay had called Hannah and officially ended it. He never mentioned the email or knowing about what she’d done. An email could get stuck in spam, but a user had to delete it. She was the only other person who’d used his computer that day.

  Lesson learned… Never again. He didn’t have time for women like Hannah who played games and didn’t care for other people, their hearts and well-being.

  For now, he’d go to this dinner meeting to celebrate the deal and then he would call Grace.

  A smile on his face, Clay felt on top of the world.

  * * *

  Stanton and his crew were seated and waiting with Steven, having their first cocktail of the evening. They stood when Clay arrived, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries.

  Clay man-patted Philip on his back, “Glad we can finally seal this deal. It will be lucrative for all involved.” He said with the cocky confidence he was paid to emote by his employer.

  Truthfully, Clay just couldn’t help getting the feeling out of his gut that he didn’t want to help this particular man to succeed at anything.

  But why?

  { GRACE }

  Grace bee-lined for the lounge area. Standing at the end of the bar, she waited patiently for the bartender to notice her. It was a busy night and there was a gentle roar of conversation in the background at the trendy Pearl District restaurant.

  The bartender finally acknowledged her, “What’ll’it’be hon?” he asked flamboyantly, saying the phrase so fast it sounded like one long syllable of a word, his gay persona charming her.

  “A long island iced tea please.” She said, grinning.

  “One long island iced tea coming right up.” He said, grinning back, immediately setting about to making her cocktail.

  Waiting, Grace enjoyed the ambiance and atmosphere of the restaurant. Hip, energetic, alive and classy. She was glad that Cassie had agreed to meet her here. For a night out on the town. Besides, she needed to get out and feel better. Since Cassie hadn’t arrived yet, Grace had decided to wait in the bar-lounge and get a cocktail.

  Her new dress hugging and clinging to her generous curves like silken air. She felt so feminine, so elegant, so graceful…

  Her thoughts found their way to sex and then, naturally, to Clay.

  Stop it! She chastised herself. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

  Just as she finally managed to push thoughts of Clay out of her mind, she heard a voice from behind her. A voice she’d never wanted to hear again.

  “Grace. Grace Feller. What are you doing in Portland?”

  Grace froze, a violent shudder running down her spine. She turned to face the voice from the past.

  Philip Stanton.

  The man who’d raped her…

  Speechless, she stepped back. “Philip…” She felt her entire body go cold, just the sight and sound of him paralyzed her.

  He stepped forward and Grace put her hand out in front of her. “Leave me alone. Go. Away. Now.” She said coldly and firmly.

  Philip smirked at her and shook his head. “Still can’t move, can you Grace?”

  { CLAY }

  As Clay approached Philip, he saw Grace standing at the bar counter. Hesitant to approach, he stopped. The place was so busy that from where he stood, Grace couldn’t see him, but he could see her.

  She looked amazing. Drop dead gorgeous actually.

  Admiring her, he had no idea what to think next when she turned to acknowledge Philip. A look of pure terror and fear flashed immediately over her lovely features.

  Concerned, Clay quickly stepped towards them just as he heard Grace telling Philip to leave her alone and to go away.

  What Clay heard next, disgusted and enraged him.

  “Still can’t move, can you Grace?” Philip said to her, the gruesome sneer very clear in the tone of his voice.

  Like lightning, it all came together in Clay’s head. Philip… Philip! It was Philip Stanton! The Philip that Greg had referred to. The one who’d raped Grace…

  Clay saw Grace’s features ashen and grow pale in mortification of being tormented in public by the man who’d violated her. She was standing her ground however.

  “You’re a rapist. Go away before I call the police!” Grace said, starting at a loud whisper and escalating to a near yell.

  Hearing Grace acknowledge who Philip was infuriated Clay and with two long strides, he whirled Philip around by his shoulder.

  “She said, to go away, Philip.” Clay stood ready to physically relocate Philip if need be.

  Philip looked at Clay like he was the rude asshole. “She misunderstood me. I was just trying to get her number.”

  “Is that right?” Clay asked, his voice full of doubt.

  Philip snickered, “Yeah. That’s right.”

  Clay looked at Grace, her face surprised by his presence. He also noted the look of relief on her face.

  “Grace, is that what happened?” Clay asked, enveloping her in a cocoon of safeness with his gaze and stance. His, in control of the situation, manner and demeanor.

  Grace shook her head no and slowly stepped further away.

  Clay noticed Philip’s eyes slanting and just as Philip rose his arm, hand in a fist to deck Clay, Clay beat him to it. Quick as a fox, he had Philip’s arm pinned behind him and his torso and face crushed down on the bar counter.

  “She said to leave her alone. Are you going to leave as she’s asked or am I going to have to make you?”

  Other patrons, clearly startled by what was happening moved away from Clay and Philip. The bartender was quick to intervene. “Sir, do I need to call the police?”

  Clay nodded in Grace’s direction. “Ask her.”

  { GRACE }

  “Miss, do you want me to call the police? Is this man harassing you?” the bartender asked Grace.

  Grace was breathing heavy and felt woozy. “No, no… I just need that man to leave me alone. To leave.” She nodded in Philip’s direction.

  The bartender looked back at Philip who was still locked in place by Clay. “Sir? Can you please leave? Otherwise, I will have no choice but to call the police.”

  Grace watched as Clay slowly released Philip. Philip straightened himself, humiliated and clearly, angry as hell.

  “This deal is dead!” He snarled at Clay before striding away quickly.

  Grace saw Clay roll his eyes as if the last thing on his mind was business. Clay looked in her direction and captured her gaze. Pure concern and compassion read plain as day on his handsome features.

  Grace felt pure love and admiration course through her whole being. Never, in her entire life, could she have imagined this. Somehow, though – it all made sense. She felt the warm tears on her cheeks before she realized she was crying.

  With a few strides, she felt the comforting and powerful embrace of Clay as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him, safely enclosing her from all her anguish and humiliation.

  { CL
AY }

  Once Clay saw that she was breaking down, there was only one thing to do.

  Hold her.

  It was the right thing to do. He drowned out the world around them and crushed her to him.

  It was one thing to hear about how a rape victim is traumatized by their rapist and quite another to witness it for oneself. Especially when it was a person one cared for.

  “Come on Grace, let’s get you some privacy and out of here.” Clay whispered to her.

  He felt her nodding yes and she yielded as he clutched her hand to lead her out. Thankfully the restaurant was so large that only those in the bar area had witnessed the incident. Clay knew he needed to get her out before the rest of the restaurant staff and patrons heard what had happened.

  Not wanting to risk the chance of running into Philip and his Sales Reps, he led Grace to the back of the restaurant where there was an emergency exit, in case of fire.

  Clay led her outside into the fresh air and a light Portland drizzle. He quickly guided her down a block and half where his car was parked. He unlocked it with the click of his key and opened the door for her to get inside.

  Once inside the car, he turned it on to warm it up. As the car’s engine gently came to life, he pulled out his phone and called Steven. Steven answered quickly.

  “What the hell is going on Clay?” Steven asked, alarmed.

  “I will have to explain later, but I need you to manage and mitigate this like a pro. Philip Stanton is the worst kind of man there is. I can’t do this deal. If it’s not dead, it’s yours. Got it?”

  Stunned, Steven pressed Clay, “Serious Clay, what the fuck?” He persisted, wanting answers.

  “Look, I’m with someone who needs me right now. I’ll have to explain later. Take care of this Steven. It’s all you. All yours. I don’t want this account. Bye.”

  Clay ended the call. He turned to face Grace who was observing him quietly, a look of peaceful awe on her features.

  “Grace… you okay?” Clay asked, as sincere as he’d ever mustered in his life.

  Grace nodded meekly, a small smile on her face. “Yes, now that I’m here with you. Alone.”

  Clay was overwhelmed by the desire to kiss her. She looked so vulnerable, sweet and sexy. Vexingly hot. The rain had plastered her dress to her plentiful curves, the thin, high-quality material hugging her.

  The obvious desire for each other hung in the air between, both suspended, neither moving, barely breathing.

  “I know this isn’t appropriate given what just happened, but I want to kiss you Clay.” She stated, desire dripping from her voice.

  What happened next thrilled Clay to no end. All of his agony, frustration and patience finally eclipsed into this moment. This one, precious, moment.

  { GRACE }

  Grace was only thinking of one thing. Clay’s lips and the urge to kiss him. She reached for him and drew his face to hers. She pulled him into the most passionate kiss and embrace she’d yet experienced in her life. Her hunger for him, her need to know him, her desire to pull his breath, body and being inside her was like a ravenous vortex.

  Trembling with need, raw lust and fueled by budding love – she kissed him eagerly, sweetly and completely.

  When she pulled back to take in his face, his features, to tentatively reach out for his face with her fingertips, to graze his lips and cheeks, she started to laugh. It was pure joy she felt. Nothing but pure joy.

  “Clay, can we go somewhere private?” She asked.

  “We are someplace private.” He teased gently, smiling softly.

  “You know what I mean…” Grace said.

  Clay was watching Grace closely. “Grace, I have something I need to disclose. Before this goes any further…”

  Grace instinctively pulled away, unsure if she wanted to hear what Clay was going to say next.

  “Like you, I got involved with someone else. Casually, that is. It’s over now. That’s why I needed a bit of time. I’m so sorry if that hurt you, me asking for a bit of time when we last ran into each other.” He said, a gentle plea in his voice.

  Grace was so relieved to hear this. She didn’t realize, but she was holding her breath. Exhaling she smiled.

  “Oh Clay, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize…” Grace said.

  “Of course you didn’t. I should have just told you. Not delayed the inevitable.” He said.

  “The inevitable?” Grace pondered.

  “Yes, the inevitable. You and I being together.”

  Grace smiled even bigger. “Nothing else would make me happier, Clay, than to be with you…”

  Clay smiled and put his car in gear. “My place okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, absolutely.”

  Clay pulled out of the parking spot and onto the street.

  Just then, Grace remembered Cassie. Quickly, she texted her a message.

  ‘So, so, so sorry but something VERY important has happened and I can’t meet up with you tonight. Forgive me please!’

  Grace sighed, then smiled. Her hand free, she felt Clay reach for it and hold it.

  It felt like heaven.

  { GRACE }

  Once they were inside Clay’s place, Grace settled herself on his sofa and admired how tidy and clean his apartment was.

  He turned on some music and offered her a drink. Grace accepted, she needed something to help mellow her out, she was so excited and anxious at the same time.

  Clay sat down next to her on the sofa and angled himself comfortably to observe her. He’d rolled up his work sleeves and one toned arm was cresting over the back and corner of the sofa, his right foot resting on his left knee. Grace soaked up his physical appearance, so boyishly handsome and charming. She appreciated his slightly sculpted physique – just what she preferred.

  Her dress had crawled up a bit when she sat down. She noticed that Clay’s gaze fell to her legs and then rested on her feet.

  “Would you like to take off your shoes?” He asked.

  “Yes, very much so.” She answered.

  Neither knew what to say to the other for a moment, but it was Clay who made the first move and reached down to take her pumps off her feet. “Here, allow me…”

  Grace felt the strong warmth of his hands and melted as he gently laid her feet to rest in his lap, allowing her a moment to re-angle herself comfortably on the sofa.

  When he started to rub her feet, she realized she wanted to sit on this sofa every evening, after a day of work, with this man. While Clay massaged and rubbed her aching feet, every part of her was responding to his attentive tender care and considerate touch. No one had ever just rubbed her feet. Not in her entire life.

  “God, that feels heavenly…” Grace murmured.

  Clay acknowledged her compliment with the smallest, sexiest grin she’d ever seen but stayed focused on rubbing her tootsies. After a while, ensuring she was relaxed and serene, he asked her softly, “May I kiss you?”

  Grace wanted nothing more.

  She nodded slowly and he moved towards her, the weight of his body shifting to lie on top of her. When he kissed her, it was the slowest, longest, sweetest, gentlest kiss of her life. Stirred, she began to moan softly.

  No one, had ever kissed her like this. Never, not once.

  He pulled away momentarily and gazed at her, “Grace, may I have the pleasure of your company in my bed? I want to make love with you.”

  Clay was such a gentleman and it was such an immense turn-on for her.

  “I’d like nothing more, Clay.” She said softly.

  He lifted her effortlessly from the sofa and carried her into his bedroom, nuzzling her neck languorously as he did so. He laid her down on his bed and slowly began to undress her. With each article of clothing removed, he took his time and kissed or caressed all the skin he was making bare. The entire time he murmured the loveliest of compliments about her body.

  Grace was so entranced by Clay’s gentle seduction th
at she’d gone completely quiet. Every inch of her was receptive to his touch, his caresses. Wherever he touched her, he left a trail of goose-bumps and fever. She felt her own need rising, her own urges coming to life.

  “Grace, is this ok? Are you ok?” Clay asked gingerly.

  She nodded bravely, forcing the tears back. Tears of happiness, joy and appreciation. He noticed and drew her face to his, kissing her once more, deeper and more passionately. It was as if he was sucking all the sadness from her mind, body and heart.

  Grace fell into the kiss with complete abandon.

  Clay pulled away to undress himself and Grace waited, watching patiently, taking in the view of his handsome physique. He was breath-taking. Just sculpted enough, a bit rugged. Not perfect, but wonderfully masculine in every way possible.

  As he removed his clothes, she reached out and trailed her fingers along the contours of his body, limb by limb. He was so beautiful to her. His body was marvelous. It took her breath away.

  As she trailed her hands down his limbs, the expression on her face entranced, he noticed her hesitation when she came near his upper thigh, or his lower abdomen, by his groin.

  Grace started to pull away, unsure of herself. Clay noticed and gently guided her hands to his erect cock. He seemed to know that she just wanted to touch and admire his tool.

  Which she did, with an attentive touch that was exploratory initially and then became more sensual, then sexual as she began to illicit a response from him. Noticing the shift in his breathing, she began to jack him with her hand and watched him closely, watching his responses.

  Clay loved the feel of her hands on his cock, they were so delicate and soft in her firm grip. He observed her face which held a bit of hesitation, as if she was unsure she was providing him pleasure. Tonight, he would provide her all the time in the world, all the safety she needed and all the reassurance that she was what he desired.


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