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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

Page 28

by Ruby Madden

  “And that my friends, is how you introduce a kitten to sushi.” Kat stated to the hostess as she handed her a hundred dollar bill to pay for their dinner.

  Tamsin noted the price of the meal and gasped. “Kat, you can’t pay for all of that, let me help.” She dug in her purse and pulled out a couple of twenties.

  Kat pushed away the forty bucks that Tamsin was attempting to give her. “It was my pleasure.”

  “I know, but still…” Tamsin protested.

  “No, my treat. That was worth every dollar. You can treat me to dinner another night. Fair?”

  Tamsin reluctantly agreed, giving in to Kat’s generous nature. “Ok, next time, dinner is on me.”

  “Deal. Now let’s get you home and out of your clothes. I still have one more thing left to eat and they don’t serve it here.” Kat patted Tamsin’s round ass as they walked out, a few onlookers gazing at them in either shock or amusement.

  Kat just winked back, completely unashamed.

  { MARTY }

  Marty was the most surprised when he got the text from Kat.

  ‘Hey Marty, why don’t you ask my girl out for a beer?’

  Marty wasn’t sure if this was Kat’s idea of trick, joke or a test. He mused on it a bit before texting her a reply.

  ‘Because, sexy Kat Lady, you made it super clear she was paws-off, that’s why. Besides, aren’t you soon to be my new boss lady?’

  There was a brief pause, then his phone lit up again signaling her response.

  ‘Well, maybe... I haven’t decided yet if I’ll accept the inheritance and if I do, whether I’ll sell it or manage it myself. Do me a favor, make Tamsin’s day.’

  He sat back, kicked up his heels on his coffee table and waited. A game was on, so he was already entertained. However, this was highly amusing for him.

  ‘Kat Lady, does this mean what I think it means?’

  Marty was wearing a wicked, naughty grin on his face, waiting…

  ‘Here’s how it goes, Marty. Let me be clear. This is for Tamsin. She’s bi and I love doing anything to and for her that makes her happy and satisfied. You follow?’

  Marty chewed on this a bit. If he was following, Kat was allowing her girl to play, but making it clear that it was all about Tamsin.

  ‘Tell you what, soon-to-be Boss Lady. This is what I can agree to. You boss me around, tell me how and what is on and off-limits with your girl. I’ll do it. Nothing more, nothing less.’

  His team scored and Marty got momentarily distracted from the scintillating text chat on his phone. Once he got back to his cell, the response sealed it for him.

  ‘Agreed. For now. We all have to be adults about this. No bullshit, right?’

  Marty smiled. Why not, it would be fun… It had been a while since he managed to find his way into a threesome.

  ‘No bullshit. I promise. What’s her digits?’

  ‘000-000-0000, she has school all day and works about 3 to 4 nights a week. Check in with her and see if she’s game to meet up with you. If she does, just casual, innocent flirting. For now. No play time unless it’s all three of us, got it?’

  ‘Understood Boss Lady.’

  ‘Quit calling me that.’

  Marty smirked, ‘I love fucking with you… even if I don’t get to fuck you.’


  Marty laughed. Life was good. Life was very good.

  The chat left Marty aroused. If he was going to be a good boy when out for a beer later with Tamsin, he’d need to tend to himself so he wasn’t so tempted. He opted to record the game on his DVR so he could finish watching it later.

  He switched his browser over to his computer’s porn collection and quickly found one that reminded him of Kat Lady and her plump gal. His manhood was already at half-mast and he unzipped his jeans, pulling out his larger than average member.

  God had been kind to Marty. He never took it for granted.

  As he massaged himself, he thought about what it would be like to be pumping Tamsin from behind with Kat beneath her, between her legs, eating her out.

  That hit the spot and he was quickly at full-mast, rubbing and oiling up his cock.

  This arrangement was going to work out beautifully for him. He could be all hands-on with Kat’s plump doll and forced to be hands-off with Kat Lady herself.

  Tormented and pleased all at the same time. His favorite way to be. Denied but satiated. Besides, every man has a bit of the dog of him in them and Marty wasn’t ashamed of this.

  Marty always treated the ladies as ladies. It had a lot to do with being raised solely by his single Mother. He respected women unless they gave him a reason not to. Then he would just leave them be, move on as needed.

  { TAMSIN }

  The next week, and all of its responsibilities came soon enough. My alarm blared unforgivingly. I reluctantly turned it off and peeled myself out of bed. It was time to get ready for school.

  I dragged myself to the shower, semi-conscious, and fumbled for the hot water knob. As the water warmed up, I peeled off my cami and stepped out of my panties. I turned on my little space heater that I kept in the bathroom just to warm me up while I showered.

  Stepping in to the warm flow of water, I began to wake up. Ten to fifteen minutes later, I’d be half awake, if I was lucky. Monday had come and gone in a blur already. As I scrubbed, soaped and shampooed, I thought about the awesome Sunday I’d spent with Kat.

  The way she indulged me. Spoiled me. With her body, her love-making, her money. I was learning how to receive such adoration. This was new territory for me, to be so desired. After a day spent in Kat’s company, I had an afterglow that would last a day or two and then I would start jonesing for her attention and time.

  I was already horny again…

  I loved it.

  Then there was the other naughty idea creeping into my early morning thoughts. The possibility of playing with Marty, as a threesome. Bringing him into Kat’s bed.

  My fantasy flamed to life and I was soon pressed up against the shower wall and fingering my clit. I imagined Marty’s thick cock gaining easy access to my pussy from behind. Pumping me nice and slow, taking his time. I thought about what Kat would enjoy seeing and I played with one of my full tit’s nipple. My pussy got creamy wet in no time and my finger glided with ease into my plump folds. I loved how slick and lubed my sensitive clit was. Something about having them both at the same time was too hot. I hit overload in no time and was coming. My orgasm rippled through me, sucking my breath out in ecstasy. I trembled, my whole body quivering…

  Kat and Marty. Marty and Kat.

  As I came down from my glorious O, what I liked to refer to orgasms as, I pulled off the shower head and sprayed my pussy clean of all its juices. I finished rinsing off and stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a large, fluffy towel.

  My ideal threesome. Secretly, I hoped for a menage-a-trois as the French would call it. When three adults lived together, all sexually involved with each other.

  Padding to my kitchen, I put on some coffee to brew and then back to my bed-nook area to shuffle through my closet. What to wear?

  Since meeting Kat, I’d gotten bolder and more comfortable with what I wore. Whereas I used to hide out in oversized shirts and jeans, I’d started wearing snugger clothing and was less inhibited to show off more of my pale, soft skin. It was hard at first, but I got more comfortable with my plus-size body and beauty with each week that passed. Especially once I noticed how many appreciative glances I got.

  It was like Kat had taken off the blinders I had about my own type of attractiveness. She was so matter-of-fact about it. It was a relief to have someone else who could explain it to me in a way that I believed. Understood. Accepted.

  Standing there, looking at myself in the mirror, I could appreciate my voluptuousness. My curves. I smiled.

  I trailed into the bathroom and worked on my hair and makeup. All it took was a little bit of primpin
g. Some powder, a little blush, a little mascara and a rose-toned gloss lipstick. My hair was naturally wavy, so it was more a matter of manipulating it with some heat from a blow-dryer and a curling iron. By the time I was done, I’d be as satisfied as I could muster with my appearance and my coffee would be ready.

  I sat down to drink my coffee and checked my smart phone. I gasped when I saw a text from Marty.

  How’d he get my number?

  ‘Hey Tamsin, its Marty. Kat Lady gave me your #. Wanna meet up for a beer later? She said I had permission to ask. Whatever that means? You game?’

  I giggled. Kat would leash him in, even when she wasn’t present. She was making it all too clear I was hers. Her lover. He was being granted the privilege of my company, should I accept.

  Would I accept? My thumbs wanted to tear across the screen and reply yes, but something in me hesitated. I’d wait. Wait until I was a bit more awake.

  Pushing aside my thoughts about Marty, I started to pack up my messenger bag, sliding my laptop into it and my class binders. It was a long day for me. After six hours of class, I’d have a four shift at the end of the day. Would I be up for a beer afterwards?

  I decided that I really wouldn’t know until the end of the day. I’d send him a text a bit later in the day saying as much. I didn’t play games, but I also hated being tired when I wanted to hang out with someone.

  Done with my coffee, I grabbed a yogurt parfait from my fridge and a banana to eat on the way to school. I gathered up my stuff and headed out into the early morning, California sunshine, to conquer the day.


  Kat sat in the lecture hall doing her best to keep herself from nodding off. Typically, she was engaged enough with the lecture material that it would keep her attention despite some of the late nights she worked.

  She typed her notes into her MacBook and wondered if Marty had texted Tamsin yet. This made Kat smile and woke her up a bit.

  A text from one of the dancers Kat worked with at the club flitted across the screen of her smart-phone. It was Dori, she was checking to see if Kat could trade shifts with her. She needed the night off ‘because she was all banged up’. This made Kat raise an eyebrow.


  Kat’s fingers flew across her smart-phone screen, ‘What’s up Dori? I wish I could take your shift tonight at the club, but I’m already behind in school-work. Check with Tawny or Lulu maybe? I know Lulu is looking for extra shifts. How’d you get banged up? Take a fall on your daily run or something?’

  Kat tuned back into her Professor’s lecture. He was about to start Q&A, which was usually Kat’s cue to exit. She rarely learned something from the other students asking clarifying questions. Her mind was too sharp.

  Kat’s phone lit up, another text from Dori. ‘Let’s just say that last night was a rough shift.’

  Kat’s eyebrows pulled together in a look of consternation. ‘What do you mean?’

  Kat waited, wondering what Dori would share. She waited for Dori’s response, a bad feeling in her gut.

  ‘Mr. K got rough during a private dance, busted my lip and my knee is all screwed up. He was all coked out of his head and I had to slap him so he shoved me. I’ll be fine, just need a few days to let myself heal.’

  Kat became worried. A few of the girls at the club were grumbling about how some of the clients were misbehaving now that Xander was gone. There was no one to keep them in line like he could. Kat was always assertive enough with her clients that she rarely had to deal with some of the bullshit the other dancers did.

  “Fuck.” Kat said it out loud, the lecture hall grew quiet, her fellow students turning in their seats, ogling her in surprise.

  Her Professor peered at her over his bifocals. “Everything okay Miss Katarina?”

  Kat swallowed hard, embarrassed. “Sorry Professor, for the interruption. I’ve got a personal emergency. Please excuse me.” She stood up while gathering her belongings.

  “That’s okay, I was just about to start Q&A. See you at the next lecture.” He dismissed her with a nod of his head and resumed the tail end of the lecture.

  Kat booked it out of the lecture hall. Once she found a private spot, she called Dori.

  “Hey.” Dori answered.

  “Hey, what the fuck happened?”

  “Mr K. is always a dick, but I’m one of the few that will tolerate his crap. This time, he went over the line. Xander always had a way with him…”

  “Dori, I’m sorry that happened. You’re right, Xander definitely knew how to keep some of the club’s guests in line.”

  “Yeah, it sucks. I’m gonna miss like three or four nights worth of work… I need the money too. It’s not like I can go a week and take time off from work.”

  Kat sympathized with Dori. She had a four year old whose Father had taken off when the toddler hit his terrible twos. Raising a kid as a single parent in L.A. was not cheap.

  “First things first, did you go get your knee checked out?” Kat asked.

  Dori guffawed. “Right, go to the doctor and file a worker’s comp claim? What do I say when I fill out the incident form?”

  Kat knew it was true. Most of the dancers were hesitant to get care or treatment when it came to workplace injuries. Most just knocked it off as some clumsy fall or slip or whatever white lie they could make up so there weren’t any unnecessary questions asked.

  “Still, go get it checked out. One way or another, k? That’s your livelihood. Your legs and being able to dance and perform. It’s important.” Kat said.

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t pick up your shift, I totally would. I’m so behind in schoolwork. But let me know if you can’t get it filled.”

  Dori sighed, “Thanks Kat, sorry to bother you with this. I just hope shit like this doesn’t become the norm. Besides, what the hell is going to happen to the club with Xander gone now? I mean, will it close or get sold?”

  Kat held back. Now wasn’t the time share with Dori. She was still thinking about accepting Xander’s will and his request that she continue running the place. Although privately, she had been leaning towards selling it, she was beginning to think there needed to be someone like her who could keep the clients in line. Someone who would make sure the dancers would be treated well.

  “I’m not sure exactly but hang tight Dori. In the meantime, take care and mend, ok?”

  “I will, I will. Talk to you later.”

  “Bye.” Kat said, ending the call. She genuinely hoped that Dori would go to the Doctor and have her knee looked at. Strolling towards the campus library, Kat shifted gears and got her mind back to school. It was time to do some serious reading, research and studying.

  { TAMSIN }

  Marty and I agreed to meet at a bar in Santa Monica. Despite a full day of school and work, I found myself still energized enough to meet up with him for a beer.

  ‘Waiting for Marty…’ I texted to Kat.

  ‘Be a good girl. No hanky-panky. Just get familiar with him, ok?’

  I blushed, even half-way across town she had me under her thrall, her spell.

  ‘Of course, no hanky-panky… not yet. :P’

  Just then, Marty walked up from behind me and squeezed his way into the booth. “Hello Miss Tamsin.”

  “Hi Marty.” I suddenly felt shy. I’d never met up with a man who was already privy as to why we were meeting and what pleasure might lay in store for us, around the corner.

  His eyes drank me up lustily. I’d managed to change out of my work clothes and take a quick shower before heading over to meet him.

  “You look sexy, Tamsin.”

  I felt a secret thrill course through my body. Oh good god… How was I going to behave like Kat wanted me to?

  “Thank you, you look pretty hot yourself.” I admired the tight, thin cotton, quality T-shirt he had on, probably by Calvin Klein. Every muscle was contoured by its snug fit to his muscled torso, chest, abs
and neck. He also looked and smelled freshly showered. I felt a small throb of arousal course through me. Having had so much feminine attention of late, his masculinity seemed that much more pronounced.

  As if he smelled it, he winked at me. “So, how’d you get Kat Lady to let you off the leash?”

  Startled and amused, I blurted out before I could think, “I didn’t. She just went there. I mean, I told her that I liked your idea of a three-way, with a man. I never thought she’d actually act on it. Especially not so fast…”

  He grinned, “Well, I’m glad you two considered it. They can be a lot of fun. Besides, Kat Lady just goes for what she wants. She’s more like a guy that way.”

  I nodded, he did know her. “Yes, she is.”

  I loved that although there was this crazy erotic energy pulsing between us, we were discussing Kat. It helped me open up, not feel so ashamed of my secret desire. My fantasy. My threesome wish.

  “How was your day?” Marty asked, all manners again.

  “Good, quite productive. School and then work. Story of my life.” I said.

  “It’s worth it, it’ll all pay off. What’cha studying?” He asked.

  “Business. Management, specifically.” I answered, “What about you, how was your day?”

  “Low key, I watched a game, read a book. It’s my day off.” Marty answered.

  “Nice. I only get those in what feels like once a month!” I half-said, half-laughed.

  He smirked, “All the more reason to blow some steam. Let me and Kat Lady pleasure you silly.”

  I just about slid under the table. Thankfully, a server arrived taking our order. I was ravenous, hadn’t really eaten much all day. I got a hamburger with onion rings and requested a side of ranch. I ordered a shot of Jack Daniels and a beer.

  Marty seemed pleased with my order. “What she’s having. That sounds perfect.” He said.

  The chipper server scribbled our order on her notepad and walked away.

  “Hungry?” He noted.


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