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West Coast Erotica: Series Bundle (Contemporary BBW)

Page 41

by Ruby Madden

  “I need to go with a woman as my date for this industry function. I think you will enjoy it, especially if you’re looking for opportunities to manipulate the chemistry as you so skillfully pulled off last night.”

  I blushed, attempted to feign mocked insult and innocence for a minute before I broke out in a mischievous smile and then winked knowingly at him. I took a gulp of my orange juice and bit into a banana I’d just finished peeling. As if to be coy about some of the cock-sucking I’d watched the night prior, I put as much of the banana into my mouth and feigned a low moan.

  It was this frisky silliness that sometimes caught my friends and acquaintances off-guard, but it was also what I suspected endeared them to me too?

  Ted rolled his eyes, finished his coffee in one big gulp, got up and bid his adieu. “You’re a nymphet Clara, all sorts of naughty mischief is in you, you just wait and see.”

  Matteo practically snortled his coffee, “Oh believe me, she knows.”

  Despite begrudgingly having to get ready for work, I was in a cloud of self-amused mischief and delight. I slipped into my own world, contemplating the encounters of the night before, yet still mindful of their guests as they each took their leave.

  More than anything, I was realizing how much I enjoyed bringing together this eclectic group for an erotic encounter. There was something so satisfying about having done it. Something very satisfying indeed.

  Now that I knew what I was actually capable of inciting in others and orchestrating erotic undertones that led to group sex-play, it was becoming increasingly important for me to find those who would frolic and play.

  Also of increasing importance was how to do so, safely, sanely, and with a realistic approach about sexual health and a respectful approach to sexual boundaries.

  The ingredients and the recipe were becoming clearer for me.

  Just enough closeness, just enough distance. Bringing people into proximity that had enough space and distance in our real lives to know that they likely wouldn’t have to see their playmate from the night before. At least, no straight away.

  The right setting, the right mingling.

  Then the gentle push where someone bravely moves forward, setting the tone that it’s okay to do so. It was one thing to have an evening accidentally head in this direction, and something altogether different when everyone who showed up, knew what the goal of the encounter was.

  I knew, then and there, I would need to cultivate different circles. Then I would need to architect ways for them to merge. How I was going to do this, I had no idea. Yet. I had much to learn, much to learn indeed.

  Chapter 17

  { Private Investigator }

  Sir V sat at his desk, reviewing the files that his PI, Charlie, had provided him for his perusal. They detailed all of Clara’s comings and goings since he’d requested she be monitored, tracked and followed. Who she was spending time with, when she went to work, when she slept and how she spent her days and evenings.

  “She’s rather adventurous, non?” Sir V quipped nonchalantly.

  “Yes, sir. She seems to need very little sleep and has quite a large group of friends and acquaintances. Several social circles from what I could tell. All in all, a sweet tart. Nothing to be concerned by. No red flags like crazy exes or mafia connections. Just your typical suburban young woman.”

  A smile came to Sir V’s face as he admired the candid snapshots that Charlie had provided, “Continue keeping tabs on her. I enjoy knowing her comings and goings.”

  “Certainly, sir. It’s a nice change of pace. A breather, if you will,” Charlie said, a goofy grin on his face.

  Sir V studied him, “It’s not just me. You see it too, don’t you?”

  Charlie swallowed hard. His Alpha boss rarely discussed one of his pets with him, in an informal manner. Charlie was unsure how he should proceed in answering the question.

  “I see it perfectly, what she would be an excellent pet for you. Truly, one of a kind, this one.”

  Sir V smiled, the warning in his eyes softening. Charlie knew better than anyone that he was ruthless when it came to someone or something he had an interest in or needed to protect. He let out an amused and loud laugh when he came across the pictures of Clara, Amy and Sue frolicking by Matteo’s poolside.

  “Tell me, just where were you hiding to get these gems?!” Sir V asked.

  Charlie rolled his eyes, “The bushes sir, up on the hill a bit. Good hiding spots around that property, thankfully.”

  “It’s a nice place from what I can tell. Which friend of hers has this type of lifestyle?” Sir V asked, curious.

  Charlie shuffled through the pile of pics, pulling one out of Matteo. “Matteo Waverley is his name. Wealthy by inheritance. His parents died in a car accident. From what I can tell, Clara and he are best friends. Very close. Have been since they met in the high school they both attended.” Charlie shared, explaining what he knew so far.

  “Best friends, eh? I though you said the other day that there were no men, no boyfriends, no other contenders?”

  “Sorry sir, I thought it obvious. Matteo is gay.” Charlie said quickly, regretting the omission.

  Sir took a closer look at the pics of Matteo. “Ah. Perfect. That makes better sense…”

  “Yup, more like mischievous siblings, those two.” Charlie shared. “They went shopping at Barneys that day, before having the intimate gathering at Matteo’s home. I have some of the dialogue recorded, while they were in the dressing room. She was sharing how the audition went.”

  “That, I’d love to hear.” Sir V quipped.

  Charlie pushed forward a flash drive, “I thought you might, sir. It also includes a conversation she had with her other friend, Autumn at a coffee-shop earlier this week. Autumn was also present at the Halloween party.”

  Sir V smiled. He’d seen the recordings of Autumn’s play session from the orgy. An altogether intense erotic initiation. “How close are Clara and Autumn?”

  Charlie grinned, a bit lasciviously before regaining his professional composure. “Quite close. Best friends and fuck-buddies. They’ve known each other for a while. Both were dating two young men, brothers, from the same family. Pharmaceutical money. They’ve all since gone separate ways, split up. But Clara and Autumn have remained close.”

  Sir V nodded and perused through a few pages of Clara’s former residences. He noted the address for her former boyfriend’s family and estate. “She resided there?”

  Charlie leaned forward, “Ah. Yes, for a brief period of time. I can look into that further if you like? See what I can find out?”

  “Yes, please do.” Sir V stated nonchalantly. He knew Charlie would uncover anything if there was indeed anything to be uncovered. “I think that is all for today. Thank you again for your expedient services. Please do tarry on until instructed otherwise.”

  “Certainly, sir. My pleasure.” Charlie stood, shook Sir V’s had and left his home office, closing the door behind him for privacy.

  Sir V continued to peruse the various papers and pictures. He put in the flash drive and pulled up the audio recordings. Even just hearing Clara’s voice was becoming a secret pleasure. He grinned amusedly as he listened to her luscious recounting of the events of the orgy party and then her audition with Amy.

  It provided great satisfaction to know she was so erotically entranced and enchanted. He wanted nothing more than to provide endless more opportunities to watch her as she discovered more and more about her erotic and sexual inclinations.

  Chapter 18

  { Sir V’s Limo }

  It was my day off.

  The rest of the week had passed without much incident. The next few days had been absorbed by my day job, work and my own research on group sex dynamics. I had finally been able to snap out of my ongoing sexual reverie enough to cool down and calm my over-heated jets…

  I had absolutely no plans for my day off and as far as I was concerned, I wouldn’t le
ave the house. It was a day to loaf.

  I slept in until noon, I was so sleep deprived. I’d decided to decline several invites to go out and socialize the night before and instead, stay home for a night in. I’d soaked for an hour in my bathtub and then had watched a French foreign film with Juliette Binoche, one of my favorite actresses.

  Not surprisingly, I’d dozed off to sleep and had a plethora of intensely erotic and sexual dreams. I only had one goal for my day off – to journal and write everything down that had occurred in the last couple of weeks. So much had happened in such a small period of time since Halloween weekend. I wanted to capture it, get it all written down. I felt compelled to.

  After showering, I made myself a very late in the day brunch, brewed some coffee and set about to getting the experiences of the last couple weeks and all my thoughts and feelings about them typed out on my laptop. Alternating between my sketch book, and my computer journal. Thankfully, I had the house to myself as my roommate was at work for the day.

  My alone time – writing, drawing, sketching, journaling was my most prized time. It was almost a religious habit, a favored past-time and one that proved therapeutic. As the hours passed, I realized much was coalescing together, the way in which these experiences were touching each other, like a spider-web.

  Connected somehow in some way.

  Satisfied that I’d gotten most of it put down, what I wanted to save and savor in written or sketched form – I noticed the entire afternoon had come and gone and that I was hungry again. So, I set about making myself some dinner.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table, finishing eating and leisurely reading my way through a pile of vapid fashion magazines when the phone rang. Mindlessly, I answered casually expecting it to be Autumn who had promised to call me back today.

  “Hello, is this Clara?” A polite, masculine voice asked.

  I once again recognized Bruce’s voice, “Yes, this is she.” I said, straightening up in my chair.

  “Hi Clara, this is Sir V’s assistant. He would like for you to come outside.”

  “Sir Who? Outside? What do you mean?” If I hadn’t recognized Bruce’s voice, I’d be a hundred percent certain that this was a prank call.

  “Yes, outside. Can you please step outside your home, on the street in front, specifically? Sir V is the host of the um, err - orgy you attended, Clara. He’s waiting outside, out front, for you. He’d like to see you.” Bruce had said the word orgy in a near-whisper.

  It almost made me laugh out loud but I quickly caught myself so as not to accidentally insult him. Whatever in the world was this about, I wondered? I was stumped. There was only one thing to do. Go outside.

  I put the phone down and walked outside. Another stretch limo, very similar to the one I’d been given a ride home in from the Halloween party, was parked in front of my driveway. The polished limo driver was poised and ready, standing with the rear door open, waiting for me to enter the luxurious vehicle.

  I paused midway between the front of my house and the driveway.

  How did Sir V know where I lived? Why had Bruce called for Sir V? Why hadn’t Sir V just knocked on my door, himself? What else did he know about her?

  The blur of questions had only one answer. And that answer was sitting in the limo, apparently. My elderly next door neighbor who happened to be getting his mail was keenly observing me and my unexpected guest’s car.

  I resumed walking, and upon arriving at the open limo door, bent over a bit to peer into the limo. There he sat, the man who had the physique I knew intimately and a face I’d never forget, now that I’d seen it with no mask. He smiled softly and motioned for me to join him.

  “Please dear, join me.”

  I climbed in, feeling the soft suede leather of the limo’s backseat meet my bare thighs. I suddenly remembered what I was wearing, and cringed a bit at my sloppy attire.

  I was wearing over-sized men’s boxer briefs that served as shorts, a simple, worn-out white T-shirt, no bra and a pair of cheap, plastic flip-flops. I didn’t have a drop of makeup on and my hair was pulled back by a hot pink bandana that framed my face, hiding my forehead and resting somewhat low over my eyebrows.

  Thankfully, I’d recently done my own pedicure, so at this particular moment in time, my toes were the most made-up and presentable part of me. Once settled, I fidgeted a bit with a gold heart locket necklace I was wearing and didn’t know why I was having such a hard time meeting Sir V’s gaze once I’d settled into the backseat.

  Sir V was highly amused at catching me so off-guard, so unprepared. Despite my very casual attire, I was vexingly sexy in a nonchalant way. He drank me up slowly with his eyes.

  When I finally did look at him, he inched closer to me. “You are vexing, my dear - even when dressed in men’s underwear. Men’s boxers are an interesting choice for you...” His voice trailed off a bit, as if he were entranced.

  I peered back at him, my embarrassed smile shyly spilling itself across my face. I held his gaze for as long as I was able to muster. When I coyly looked away and down, upon his now bulging groin, he pulled me to him. Never one to miss such an overt cue.

  I anticipated a kiss.

  Instead, my face was being pushed down towards his groin where he’d began to unzip his designer work slacks. I clued in immediately, and finished the task for him. I was realizing that my secret, guilty pleasure was all too obvious to this man - he knew I was oral, very oral.

  I heard the car-door thump shut with the padded sound of vehicular luxury, the driver stepping away from the side of the car to the front of the car allowing for some modicum of privacy.

  His semi-erect cock was quickly and fully in my mouth and I was caught off guard at the urgency with which he was forcing himself into me. Clearly, this man had been lustily thinking about me. Me and my mouth.

  He’d already taken a very firm grasp of my hair and was bringing my face and mouth aggressively down onto his hard cock. I started to gag and despite trying to move away a bit to catch my breath, he kept me there – suspended in place – for a few seconds before easing up and letting me get a breath in before forcing my mouth back down and around on his cock.

  “Suck that cock, Clara. I know you’re cock-hungry and you like it this way. You like it when I use you however I please.” He half-growled, half-whispered.


  That was somewhat true.

  I’d been fantasizing about him, but I was a bit afraid of him… This type of sexual need was new to me. It was startling, to say the least.

  I was so new to having someone who knew exactly how he wanted to proceed when coupling with me, I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever be ready for it, for him. Clearly, he just took what he wanted, what he desired. I suspected that I may only be experiencing a limited range of his sexual appetite.

  This was both terrifying and thrilling.

  Once again, it floored me how fast I was aroused, how wet I got and how he seemed to have an almost electrical impact on my groin. Why had I never noticed this before with other guys?

  Just like that, right then and there, it registered for me. This was no guy. This was a man, a gentleman, a man of power and affluence. A sophisticated, alluring stranger who reeked of success, status and money.

  There was a world of difference and I realized that the difference was doing a couple of things for me. First, it allowed me to even consider being so blatantly used in such a submissive manner. Second, I’d never registered such intense immediate arousal around any of the guys I’d been with.

  Lastly, most importantly and secretly - I really did want to be used like a sex-toy, a little slut, an oral fiend by someone I desired and who had seen this in me. No one had taken command of me and my sexual desire. Not even myself.

  Funny the thoughts that go through a woman’s mind when her mouth is wrapped around an erect cock.

  Sir V eventually let up from forcefully using my mouth and allowed me to find my own,
more worshipful approach. I loved the taste and feel of his cock. I sucked it and licked it in just about every way I possibly could. The urgency in which we had started this frolic in his limo found a more realistic pace – one where I could actually please him. It occurred to me that we were both still clothed.

  Not for long.

  As if reading my mind, he pulled himself away from me, firmly took my shoulders, pushing me down and off the backseat, to the floor of the limo. He aggressively pulled my boxer shorts off and spread my legs up and as far back as he could. I considered that for being a plus-sized woman, he certainly knew how to man-handle me as if I was a little ragdoll.

  “Lift up your hips,” he commanded gently.

  I did as I was told, suddenly feeling more self-conscious as he placed a luxurious, firm and soft medium-sized pillow underneath me. Slightly hoisted and angled for easier access, I was secretly thrilled at how he was making my pussy so available to him, whatever his intentions.

  At first, he just gazed at me and my pussy.

  I was frozen, suspended in place. Was I supposed to do something? I was watching the expression on his face - he seemed entranced by my wet pussy angled now to be better pleased. Or better used? I wasn’t entirely sure…

  Sir V then took his time petting, fingering and probing me. He made good use of my natural lubrication and widely inserted two fingers into me while his thumb caressed my clit in slow, tantalizing circles – his pacing pitch perfect.

  I began to relax, not realizing how taut and tense I’d been until I exhaled deeply and felt my head fall backwards and rest on the floor of the limo. It was curious to me that a simple shift in the angling of my body would have such an automatic reaction.

  I loved being pleasured solely by a man’s hands. I’d studied artists, sculptors and designers enough to be entranced by a pair of elegant, masculine hands. I was melting…

  “That’s right sweet, baby-girl, stay spread, wet and waiting…” He was whispering, half-panting.


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