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A Rare Vintage (Wine Country Romance)

Page 14

by Delancey Stewart

  "Hi," she said back, her warm eyes offering as much of an embrace as the arms that held him. He turned and pulled her to him.

  They looked at each other for a moment, saying nothing. Jonathan felt his head began to swim in the intensity of her gaze, and his stomach began to tighten as he felt the blood beginning to move low in his belly.

  "I owe you a thank you," he said. "I'm sorry I didn't see it on my own, but you're right about Thomas."

  Isabella just smiled at him.

  They stayed in each other's arms a moment more, then Jonathan stood.

  "I guess I'd better go face it," he said.

  Isabella sat up and watched him pull his jeans back on. "See you in a bit," she said as he left the room.

  Jonathan entered the kitchen tentatively. He could hear Charlotte and Vicki laughing, with Thomas cooing along. His heart softened at the sound of the tiny boy, innocent in all this. He walked into the room and cringed at the fearful look that Charlotte gave him.

  "Can I hold him?" he asked, taking Thomas from her. He sat down across from her and smiled, trying to tell her things would be okay. His heart had molded to hold this new idea of a family.

  When Isabella entered, the scene in the kitchen was drastically different than it had been in the days before. Jonathan sat at the table with Thomas in his arms. Charlotte sat across from him, smiling a more relaxed smile than Isabella had probably ever seen from her. Vicki was bustling around behind the stove, and Isabella went to join her and get some coffee.

  "What'd you do to him last night?" Vicki asked her, loud enough for Jonathan to hear.

  "Not that!" Isabella laughed.

  "Mind out of the gutter, Vick," Jonathan said from across the room. "We just talked."

  "Well, it must be strong words that can make my bullheaded brother see reason when his pride's been hurt," she told them both.

  Isabella just smiled at her as she helped her finish breakfast and put it on the table.

  When the steaming food was laid down the center of the table and everyone had hot coffee, Isabella and Vicki sat down.

  "Are you excited about the festival?" Charlotte ventured, obviously feeling more confident now that Jonathan's dark mood had been lifted.

  Isabella nodded. "I am," she said. She looked at Jonathan. "I think we have a good chance."

  "I won't get my hopes up," he said. "But it'd sure be nice to win that competition…hell, even getting an honorable mention could put us back on the right track."

  "Do you think I could come along?" Charlotte asked, her voice timid. "I could drive separately so that when Thomas gets tired I could bring him back here."

  "Don't be silly," Vicki said. "Of course you're going. Tomorrow will be a Château Sauvage event! You have to be there!"

  Jonathan smiled at Vicki and marveled at her natural way with people, her easy acceptance of those around her. Clearly she had gotten all of those genes, while he’d inherited a more introverted nature. He just smiled along as he noticed Isabella smiling at Charlotte. His heart soared to see that things might just work out.



  The next day, they piled into cars and joined the press of traffic heading into downtown Paso Robles. The festival had taken over the town square, and booths and people spilled out from its center onto the sidewalks and streets that surrounded it. They parked both cars a few blocks from the square and grouped on the sidewalk.

  "You ready?" Jonathan asked Isabella, a broad smile on his handsome face.

  "As I'll ever be," she replied and took his hand, pulling him forward.

  Charlotte, Thomas, Vicki and Quentin followed close behind, and the group made their way into the festival merriment.

  A small band played in the middle of the grass, where a stage had been erected, and a large group of people danced and swayed under the trees to the folksy tunes. Several wineries had tasting booths set up around the square, and the group visited a few as they made their way through the crowd.

  "Should we do that next year?" Jonathan asked Isabella and Vicki.

  Isabella smiled. She liked seeing Jonathan optimistic like this, his mind clearly turning over the possibilities for promotion, if this year's wines took off and created a demand.

  "Well, that's up to you," she said. "It's your winery." She gripped his hand tight as she said it, and wondered if he knew how much she wanted to stay.

  The crowd pulsed around them, making it hard to stay together. They bought sausages at a vendor booth and went to sit on the grass in front of the stage to eat, the canopy above providing welcome relief from the punishing sun.

  At one point Charlotte became engrossed in conversation with a handsome man, and Vicki told her that she and Quentin would look after Thomas so Charlotte could enjoy herself. She thanked them and then returned to her conversation.

  "Ladies and gentleman!" A voice boomed over the speakers, and a plump woman with platinum hair walked onto the stage holding a microphone. "It's time to get started acknowledging some of the fine winemakers that have joined us here today."

  The speaker acknowledged all those who were hosting tastings in the booths and tents that lined the square, and then spoke about the history of Paso Robles in California winemaking. "This is no Napa Valley," she laughed, a statement which was met with cheers and laughter from the crowd. "Nor would we ever want it to be!" she continued. "This is a place where you can stand face to face with a winemaker, where you can walk through his vineyard and smell the earth from which the wine you drink is made! There are no bus tours here, and lots of people don't even know what we're doing. But as one of the judges of the pioneering wine competition this year, I can assure you—they soon will!"

  There was lots of cheering at this, and Isabella felt herself swept up in the enthusiasm and excitement.

  "I'd like to invite our entrant winemakers to please take the stage for this year's Pioneer award," the woman said.

  Jonathan looked at Isabella and she nodded and smiled an encouraging smile. "Go!" she cried.

  "You have to come with me," he said.

  "No, silly. It's your winery. Go!" She waved at the stage.

  Jonathan stood, then pulled Isabella to her feet. She swatted at him, but he pulled her along toward the stage until she finally gave up and just walked beside him.

  "Too scared to go up alone, huh?" she teased.

  "That's right," he said, laughing.



  As he pulled Isabella to the stage with him, Jonathan glanced back down at where they'd been sitting. He saw Charlotte introducing a big man to Quentin and Vicki, and smiled to himself as he saw them all sit back down and face the stage. Had Charlotte met someone?

  He didn't have much time to think about it, because the woman was speaking again, taking bottles that were being handed up to her by an assistant, and placing them along a low table that had been hoisted up onto the stage.

  "We'll start with third place," the woman announced. "This winery didn't even exist two years ago, and today they're making one of the finest Syrahs I've tasted in the past few years, thanks to the vines that were planted on the property years ago. Third place goes to winemaker Samuel Fetcher, Franklin Vineyards, 1988 Syrah."

  The winemaker accepted the medal and smiled and waved to the crowd before disappearing back into the crush of people on stage.

  Jonathan felt Isabella take his hand, and he held onto it tightly, savoring the warmth and familiarity it offered. He gazed down into her face, and felt a happiness pulse through him. He was in his element, and he felt relaxed. And as he gazed at Isabella, who looked almost as excited as he felt, he realized that what he felt for her was much deeper than just lust for a beautiful woman. He was irretrievably in love with Isabella DaSilva.

  He'd missed the award of second place in his distraction, and realized it only when Isabella dropped his hand to clap for the winner. He clapped along, smiling, feeling slightly drunk from the wines the
y'd tasted and his realization that he was head over heels in love.

  "Now," the woman continued into the microphone. "Our highest honor. The Pioneer award goes to a winery that has been making wine here for a few years. A true pioneer of this valley, for sure. This winery has suffered losses and setbacks. But I understand they have a new winemaker in house, and from the entrant into this competition, I'd say she's a keeper!

  Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year's Pioneer competition is Isabella DaSilva of Château Sauvage with her entrant, Savage Red!"

  Jonathan felt his heart leap into his mouth and he turned and pulled Isabella into his arms without thinking twice. Isabella looked up at him, a bewildered look on her face. She leaned her head into Jonathan's chest and he cried, "We did it!" just before he pushed her forward to accept the prize.

  "Ms. DaSilva," the woman said, pulling Isabella to the front of the stage. "Can you tell us a little about Savage Red, your winner in this year's competition?"

  The crowd quieted, and Jonathan could see that Isabella's nerves were making her jittery. She shuffled her feet and cleared her throat, then accepted the microphone from the woman and smiled out at the crowd. "I, uh…We…" She looked back at Jonathan and motioned for him to join her. He took a step forward and put an arm around her waist.

  "This wine represents Château Sauvage," she began. "I did not make it alone. Jonathan Sauvage was an equal partner in the desire to re-create a famed Rhône blend, and that desire was born originally in his father, who unfortunately died last year before achieving that dream. What he did achieve, however, was the successful cultivation of a number of Rhône varietals that allowed us to create the blend. This award is not mine. It belongs one hundred percent to the efforts of Jonathan Sauvage and his late father, Anthony."

  The crowd clapped and cheered, and Isabella handed the medal to Jonathan, offering him a hug to go with it.



  It was there, in Jonathan's enthusiastic embrace with the sounds of excitement and happiness all around, that Isabella realized the possibility that she had found a home. If Jonathan would have her, she thought, maybe she would not go back to New York. She wanted to stay. She wanted to stay with Château Sauvage and make wine. She was sure of that, but she also realized that she wanted to stay with Jonathan. What she felt for him, she decided as she looked up into his happy face, his topaz eyes shining with pride, was beyond admiration, beyond lust and attraction. What she felt for Jonathan Sauvage as she stood there locked in his embrace on that stage was undoubtedly love.

  But as she stared up into the handsome face, the love she felt was shadowed. She tried to push it down, ignore it and focus instead on the glory and happiness of the moment. But as soon as she acknowledged to herself that she loved Jonathan Sauvage, a deep cold fear gripped her heart. Loving meant opening yourself up to the possibility of loss. Isabella didn’t know if she was strong enough to face that again.



  Pride and excitement swelled in Jonathan as he accepted Isabella's offer of the award for Châtaeau Sauvage's winning Rhône blend. He held her around the waist as they descended the stage and talked happily with the many excited people who came up to offer congratulations as they made their way back to the small blanket where Vicki, Quentin, Charlotte and Thomas sat.

  When they finally got there, Jonathan realized that the man sitting with Charlotte was not a stranger.

  "Andrew?" he laughed, as he sat down, offering a hand to the tall blond man who sat beside Charlotte.

  "Jon, man! Congratulations! Looks like you made something of yourself after all!" The man laughed and then held out a hand to Isabella. "Congratulations are in order. I'm Andrew Bartlett. I went to Davis with this handsome beast."

  Isabella laughed and shook his hand, shooting a questioning look to Charlotte.

  "What are the odds," Andrew continued, "that I'd meet a beautiful girl at a wine festival, and she'd already be hooked up with the most successful winemaker around. I guess I don't have a chance." He was looking at Charlotte, who was smiling and blushing.

  "Well I can't speak for Charlotte," Jonathan said. "But I—the handsome winemaker you speak of… "

  "I said 'successful,'" Andrew laughed.

  "Right. Anyway," Jonathan continued, a sly grin on his face. "I am spoken for." He looked at Isabella who was grinning at him.

  "Oh!" Andrew said, looking at Charlotte again. "Well then…" he smiled.

  "Andrew, you haven't changed," Vicki said, leaning in to catch Andrew's attention. "This is my fiancé Quentin."

  "Lil' sis," Andrew laughed. "Good to see you, too."

  "Andrew was one of my best friends in college," Jonathan told Isabella and Charlotte. "But I haven't heard from him in years! What brings you up this way?"

  "Wine, actually," Andrew said. "I just bought a small vineyard. I stayed on at Davis and got an enology degree. I'm hoping I can put it to use down here."

  "I think you'll do fine," Jonathan laughed. "What are your plans tonight? Come to dinner?"

  Andrew looked at Charlotte with a question on his face. She nodded.

  "Sure," he said. "Thanks!"

  They made their way out, taking their time tasting and talking as they returned to the cars. Andrew went to his own car, getting directions first and promising not to be far behind.



  Dinner after the festival was a party. Vicki and Isabella pulled things from the refrigerator, and even Charlotte lent a hand, leaving Thomas to Jonathan, Quentin and Andrew. The men drank wine, talked and took care of Thomas in the living room while the women enjoyed their own time in the kitchen.

  "Next time, we sit out there while they make dinner," Vicki said, opening another bottle of wine and pouring it between their glasses.

  "You're right!" Isabella laughed. "This woman’s place stuff is getting old."

  "Well, we've got it started," Charlotte pointed out. "They can finish up."

  "Yeah!" Vicki laughed.

  They marched into the living room and Vicki announced, "The rest is up to you. Think you can remove food from the oven when the timer goes off? We're done with the menial labor. If you wanna eat, you help out!"

  "Does that mean we have to go in there?" Quentin asked, pulling her into his lap.

  "Yes," she said, trying to make her face look serious.

  "Then I won't go unless you come with me," he said.

  "I guess we'll hear the timer ding from here," Charlotte said.

  "Oh, alright then," Vicki said. "You guys can stay. But one of you has to set the table."

  "Done!" Jonathan laughed.

  They took turns holding the baby as they exchanged stories and laughter. The whole group moved to the kitchen table eventually. Thomas stayed up far past his bedtime, but seemed to enjoy the gleeful excitement that was so different from the quiet nights he was used to.

  Finally, Andrew announced that he needed to get home, and Charlotte stood to walk him to the door.

  "I'll take Thomas back for you and get him ready for bed," Isabella volunteered.

  "Okay," Charlotte smiled, looking happier and more relaxed than Isabella had ever seen her. "I'll be right there."

  Isabella spent a few more minutes in the kitchen, gathering Thomas's things and giving Jonathan a quick kiss. "Be right back," she told him before picking up the tired baby and heading into the living room.

  Though they were partially obscured by the darkness of the doorway, Isabella saw Andrew's head bent low over Charlotte and heard them laughing in low voices. She thought she might have heard the sound of a kiss as she walked Thomas back to his room to change him.

  A few minutes later, Charlotte joined her, a happy smile on her face.

  "Andrew seems nice," Isabella said.

  Charlotte gave her a look then, like she didn't want to reveal anything, but then seemed to lose her resolve. "He is," she smiled.
"He kissed me!"

  "Charlotte, that's great," Isabella said. "I'm happy for you."

  "Thanks Isabella," she said. "I'll take care of Thomas. Why don't you go back out with Jon?"

  "Okay," Isabella said, handing Charlotte the freshly changed baby after planting a kiss on his head.

  She walked back into the kitchen to find Jonathan sitting at the table alone, waiting for her.

  "Big day," he said, as she sat down next to him.

  "It was."

  "You happy?" he asked.

  "Of course," she said.

  He put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to him, kissing the top of her head.

  "Iz?" he said.


  "Will you stay?"

  She pulled back and looked up at him.

  "Will you stay here?" he repeated. "With me? With Château Sauvage? Don't go away after harvest. Stay here. Work here."

  She smiled. She knew that she wanted to, but didn't want to jump too quickly. "I'll think about it," she said. Then she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled his face towards hers, kissing him and hoping the kiss offered all the words that she couldn't say yet.



  Jonathan found that he was eager to get back to work after the excitement of the weekend. The news of the competition had already spread far and wide, and he'd been fielding phone calls from media and distributors, even on Sunday. With Vicki inside to man the phone, he and Isabella went out to meet the two-dozen pickers that they'd called in to help with harvest.

  Isabella had gone out into each varietal Sunday with Roberto and assessed the readiness of the grapes, finding that most were ready to be brought in. She'd handed Jonathan the refractometer used to measure sugar content in the grapes and her clipboard full of notes as he'd answered questions for reporters on the phone inside.


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