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Killer Cuisine

Page 10

by Velvet Vaughn

Dan pointedly eyed the wall Logan’s office shared with Luke’s. “Keep it down, would you?”

  Logan pointed at him and then at that same wall. “Are you telling me Luke doesn’t know about this?”

  “That’s correct.”

  Logan started for the door. Dan jumped up and grabbed his arm. “Wait a minute. Hear me out first.”

  “I will not keep this from him,” Logan told him. “This is his sister. He needs to know.”

  “Look, I know you’re right. Just let me explain Kaitlyn’s rationale.”

  “Listen to me, Dan, if your life was at stake and Luke kept it from me, I would murder him. With my bare hands. Without batting an eye.”

  Logan’s SEAL training ran deep. Dan had no doubt he’d do it. He plopped back down. “Fine. We’ll tell him together. But please just hear me out first.”

  Logan looked torn between going to his friend or sitting back down. Dan was relieved when sitting down won.

  “This television show means everything to Kait. She’s wanted it since she was little. Hell, I used to have to sit through her make-believe productions and eat God-awful slop she threw together before she knew what she was doing.” He recalled the time she thought adding chili powder and hot sauce to tapioca pudding was a good idea and cringed. The fact that her fantasy performances usually ended with him and Ben engaged in a massive food fight and Kaitlyn stomping off in anger was beside the point. “She’s lived her whole life in the shadow of her larger-than-life brothers who were so protective, she never had the chance to spread her wings. Her summer in Paris was supposed to allow her that, but all three managed to visit while she was there.” He’d planned on visiting her, too, to apologize for their last fight. Then he heard about Frankie. Bastard. “Anyway, this is something she’s always dreamed of. If Luke knew what was going on, he’d cover her in bubble wrap and lock her in his house. You know he would,” he tacked on when Logan looked like he wanted to defend his friend.

  “Fine,” Logan acquiesced. “He probably would do something like that. But he’s been taking care of her since she was a little girl. You can’t think he’d stop now, just because she’s grown.”

  “I know, and I don’t expect him to. But we need to figure out a way to tell him without him going ballistic.”

  They batted ideas back and forth before finally deciding the best approach was to just tell him outright and try to deal with the aftermath. Kaitlyn would probably rip out his beating heart and stuff it down his throat, but it couldn’t be helped. Logan was right. Luke deserved to know.

  Kaitlyn had kept most of the details of their fights over the years from her brother. If he knew about some of them, he’d have beaten the hell out of Dan sooner. It wouldn’t matter that Logan was his best friend. He took a deep breath when Logan returned with Luke trailing in his wake.

  “Hey, Dan. What’s up?” Luke dropped into the chair Logan occupied earlier.

  Suddenly his throat was dryer than the Mojave Desert. Logan stood behind the chairs with his legs braced apart, his arms crossed over his chest. He was letting Dan take the lead. Thanks bro.

  He cleared his throat. “I was just telling Logan that I have a new case.”

  Luke glanced over his shoulder at Logan and then back to Dan. “You don’t need to run them by us. Hell, you’re as much in charge as we are. I trust you implicitly, man, you know that.”

  Yes, he did. That’s why not telling him earlier would seem like a betrayal. “A woman is in danger and she was almost hit by a car yesterday. I’m going to protect her.”

  “She’s in good hands. You’re the best.”

  Goodbye, life. It was nice knowing ya. “It’s Kaitlyn.”

  Luke was out of his chair with his hands around Dan’s neck before he could blink.

  “What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Dan gagged, hoping he didn’t actually expect a response since he was currently crushing his larynx.

  “Hey,” Logan said, binding his arms around Luke from behind.

  “You!” Luke accused as he struggled against Logan’s hold. “You knew and you didn’t tell me? You’re my best friend.”

  “I found out two minutes before you did.”

  “So it’s just your brother’s scrawny ass I get to kick,” he growled.

  Scrawny? Who was he calling scrawny? Kaitlyn called him ripped, thank you very much.

  “Calm down or I’m not going to let you go.” Logan’s tone was harsh.

  “I’m calm,” Luke said in a low voice. A deadly voice. “What happened?”

  Dan rubbed his bruised neck. He told him about the incidents and about the car that narrowly missed her.

  Luke redoubled his efforts to break loose from Logan’s hold.

  “Luke, how long have you known me?”

  He paused. “Your whole life. So?”

  “Have I ever given you the impression I’d do anything to hurt Kaitlyn?”

  His eyes narrowed. “You mean besides repeatedly breaking her heart?”

  Dan grimaced. So much for them keeping that minor detail away from him. “You know I would never let anything happen to her.” His voice was low. Sincere. “I’d willingly and gladly give up my life for her.”

  All of the fight left Luke and he visibly slumped. Logan guided him to the chair and he dropped down. “I know you would. That’s why I haven’t kicked your ass sooner. And I know she’s broken your heart, too. But she’s my baby sister.”

  Yes, she had. Many times. Deeply. “She didn’t want to worry you or Ben or Grant. She knew that if you found out, you’d gather the troops, lock her away and throw away the key.”

  “I will.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  Luke opened his mouth but Dan cut him off.

  “This is her shot, Luke. Her one chance to go after her dream. If you take that away from her, you’ll crush her. She’ll never forgive you.”

  His hand slashed through the air. “You think I don’t know that?”

  “I know you do. But I think your love for her and your need to protect her blinds you to the reality.”

  Luke’s head collapsed against the back of the cushion so he was staring at the ceiling. “What am I supposed to do, just let her put her life at risk and merrily go about my day as if nothing’s wrong? I’m not made that way.”

  First of all, the thought of Luke doing anything merrily was pretty damn hilarious. “You let me protect her.”

  Luke’s sigh was long and tortured. Logan clasped a hand over his shoulder. Dan could see the war he was waging with himself. Finally, he lifted his head.

  “You’ll keep me updated. Report to me daily.” It wasn’t a question. “And if anything happens, anything, you let me know. Don’t keep shit like this from me again.”

  “I won’t. I’ll have eyes on her twenty-four seven. I’ve made arrangements to stay at the compound where they’re housing the contestants. And I’ve got Mason and Abby Rossi for backup, both former Marines. We went over the security and it’s tight. It’s a multi-million-dollar house and they didn’t spare any expense on protection.”

  “We don’t either for this. Whatever you need to keep Kait safe, you get.”

  “One more thing.”

  One of Luke’s eyebrows rose.

  “I know you want to talk to her about this but I’m respectfully asking that you hold off.” He held up a hand to halt his protests. “She’s set to film the first episode in a few hours. If you confront her now, you’ll upset her. She needs to be sharp and focused. Tomorrow is soon enough. She’ll have a couple of days before the next episode tapes.”

  Luke reluctantly nodded but he didn’t look happy. “I’ll be at the studio this afternoon, but I promise I won’t say anything,” he grumbled.

  “What about the American Ninja competition?” Logan asked.

  “Mason Rossi is going to keep an eye out while I’m gone. The place is secure and as long as she doesn’t leave, she’ll be safe.”

  He spent a few more minutes reas
suring Luke and then he excused himself to pack up so he could be back before the group left for the studio.

  A little bundle of energy attacked him when he walked through the door. “Play with me, Unca Dan!” Isabella tugged at his hand, trying to pull him along. He waved at his aunt Trudy, who was watching Bella while Jade ran errands.

  “Yes, play with Bella, Uncle Dan.” Trudy’s normally perfectly styled coif was askew and she looked worn out.

  “I wish I could, princess. But Uncle Dan has to work. You know when I have to go away for a few days?”

  Isabella slammed her tiny fists on her hips and pursed her pretty pink bow lips. “How many days?”

  “Just a couple.” Give or take twenty.

  “That’s this many?” She held up two fingers.


  “I’m not happy about that.”

  “I have to help Kaitlyn.” Maybe that would sway her. Bella loved Kaitlyn.

  She pondered that for a moment. “I guess that’s okay. But you have to hug me and Fiji before you go.

  He lifted her into his arms and clutched her against his chest. “That I can gladly do.”


  Kaitlyn’s nerves were sparking. She was dressed and ready to go. It took Ronald longer to get ready. He joked that his hair didn’t just pouf like that by itself and she believed him. It was a work of art.

  Mason called out a five-minute warning. She gathered her bag, making sure her favorite knife was packed safely inside. Most chefs were fanatical about the knives they used and she was no exception. Her brothers had done a perfect job when they designed it for her. She loved it so much, she hoped to create her own line someday.

  “I’m heading down, Ronald.”

  “Wait a sec…I’m ready.” He swung the door open and flounced inside. He wore a multi-colored top and black pants with red sneakers. His hair was perfectly poufed. She smiled. You couldn’t help but love him. The audience would, too. If she didn’t win, she hoped he did.

  “Let me look at you.” He grasped her hands and held them out to the sides. “Girl, you look amazing.”

  Gay men made such perfect friends. “Thanks, so do you.”

  “I’m quite colorful, don’t you think?” He patted his ‘do.

  “Color looks good on you.”

  He pulled her in for a hug. “Good luck tonight.”

  “You, too, Ronald.”

  They headed downstairs to meet the rest of the group. Her steps faltered and she almost missed a riser when she spotted Dan leaning against a wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked eminently capable and heart-stopping sexy. He wasn’t trying to hide, so Kendall must’ve granted him permission to stay. A zing of excitement coursed through her veins at having Dan under the same roof for three weeks. She didn’t know if she could keep her hands off of him.

  “Who is that?” Ronald murmured, mesmerized.

  “He’s a…security consultant.”

  “I could just eat him with a spoon. Don’t suppose his pendulum swings my way? And by pendulum I mean…”

  Kait laughed and held up a hand. “I know what you mean and I’m sorry to disappoint, but he’s definitely straight. He loves the ladies.” Too much, if you asked her, but then, no one ever did.

  Ronald sighed dramatically. “Figures. I’ll just have to use my very vivid imagination.”

  Kait smiled and glanced at Dan. He was watching her, one brow lifted. She wiggled her fingers.

  Two members of the camera crew were taping away. Keisei and Darrin were already waiting, but Joy and Shandee were absent. Keisei was typing away on his iPhone. They’d been encouraged to post to social media without giving away any details and Keisei’s phone was practically attached to his palm. Kait pulled out her phone and typed a quick post to Twitter. “Getting ready to head to the studio. Wish me luck.” #CuisineTV, #KillerCuisine, #VoteforKaitlyn. She posted the message and slid the phone back in her purse. She loathed Twitter. Who the heck cared what someone else was thinking or doing at every second of the day? She certainly didn’t. She posted because it was expected of her, and she did have a large following—not by Hollywood standards, but pretty good for a Midwest chef.

  Mason glanced at his watch. “One minute and the van is leaving,” he warned.

  “Coming,” Joy shouted back. It took fifty-eight of the sixty seconds for both women to hustle down the stairs. Shandee looked even more Marilyn-like than before in a tight white dress, her hair in a blonde flip. Joy looked flustered. She marched up to Mason and jerked a thumb in Shandee’s direction. “It’s not going to work sharing a bathroom with her,” she told him.

  “Not my problem,” he drawled.


  He circled his finger. “Load ‘em up.”

  Joy frowned, then she spotted Dan and her eyes widened.

  “This is Dan Bradley,” Mason introduced. “He’s going to be helping with security so you’ll be seeing him around.”

  Shandee glided over to him, apparently deciding not to heed Kendall’s warning. Her heels were a spike of at least four inches. “Well, hello there,” she breathed.

  Joy nudged her out of the way and presented her hand like a southern belle. “Charmed,” she murmured.

  Dan dipped his head. “Ladies.” He turned to follow Mason and Kaitlyn bit back a smile at the look of dismay on both of their faces. Joy still had her hand outstretched, her fingers pointed at the floor. Mason’s whistle snapped them out of it and they all headed to the van and ended up in the same seats as before. Dan followed in his Escalade. Kaitlyn would’ve much rather ridden with him but there’d be no way to explain that to the rest of the group. The camera crew brought up the rear in another CuisineTV passenger van.

  Soon they were turning into the lot of the warehouses that had been converted into the Killer Cuisine offices and sound stage. Mason pulled up to the entrance and they piled out. Lanie met them at the door. She wore a headset with a microphone and carried her iPad. She looked nervous but she smiled widely.

  As soon as the camera crew unloaded and started taping, Lanie spoke to the group. “Welcome to the first show. I know you are all excited to be here. Before things really start to pick up and get busy, I just want to wish you all good luck again. Now, follow me and I’ll show you to your stations. Inside the cabinet beneath the island, you’ll find a stack of chef jackets that you are expected to wear during the entire show. Each person has been given a different color, which matches the design of your set.” She held up a hand to stop Joy’s question before it could be asked. “You do not get to pick out colors. They were randomly assigned. I’ll give you a few minutes to look around, familiarize yourself with the setup. Then we’ll go over any last minute details.” She turned and led them into the building as she spoke into her headset.

  Excitement filled Kaitlyn as they filed inside, navigating between a set of metal bleachers to glance at the set for the first time. Three kitchenettes had been arranged on the left side and three directly across on the right. Straight ahead was a large refrigerator and shelves packed with spices and ingredients. Each prep area had been decorated with themes that highlighted the contestants’ backgrounds. Kait had no problem spotting her assigned station. It was decorated in sunny colors with a vegetable motif. Keisei’s set was next to hers, done in colors of black and red and white. Shandee was on her other side, her area adorned in pastels with cupcakes and cookies. Walls separated each station so you wouldn’t be able to see what the others were preparing. Each kitchenette sported two parallel counters. The back was mostly prep space with a sink. The front workspace would be perfect for chopping, dicing and preparing the dish, and it featured a restaurant-grade gas stove. Easier for the cameras to film and the audience to see if she were facing them, she assumed. The area was open. Functional. She’d be able to move about freely while preparing her dish.

  She checked under the island and found her jackets. Green. Ugh. Not her favorite color but she supposed it went with a fresh veggie moti
f. She stuffed her bag inside, grabbed a package, opened it and slipped it on. Kendall might’ve been working with a tight budget, but she’d spared no expense with the jacket. Made of pima cotton, it was both lightweight and breathable with underarm air vents. Her name was embroidered on the left side, the Killer Cuisine logo on the right. After she buttoned up, she checked the rest of the cabinets. Mixing bowls and pots and pans. A container on the back worktop held an assortment of utensils and a set of measuring cups.

  “Okay, gather around,” Lanie called out.

  Kaitlyn padded over to where Lanie stood. She glanced at Keisei’s kitchen. He had his black jacket on and was snapping a selfie, probably to post to his Instagram. Ronald came skipping over in his red uniform and couldn’t contain his enthusiasm. “It matches my shoes!” Darrin’s jacket was navy blue, Shandee’s predictably pink and Joy was having trouble buttoning her yellow jacket.

  “I see you’ve all found your coats,” Lanie said. “There should be three. After the show, make sure you leave them on the counter so they can be collected to wash. Remember, you are to wear them at all times when we’re filming on set.”

  She turned and led them to a wall stocked full of groceries. It was centrally located so each contestant had easy access. “This is Palmer’s Pantry. You’ll have all of the spices and staples you might need, as well as the master fridge for perishable items like eggs, milk and cheeses.” Lanie pointed out the area. “Whatever isn’t used during each week that is in danger of spoiling will be donated to the local food kitchen. Any questions?”

  Ronald held up his hand. “There’s so much here. How will we know where to find everything?”

  “Spices are alphabetized.” She grabbed a small paper cup from a shelf and held it aloft. “Take what you need in one of these and then replace it exactly where you found it. For the rest of the supplies, I suggest you look everything over closely and familiarize yourself with the layout. Any more questions?” When no one raised their hand, she continued. “You probably noticed a key on top of your workspace. There is a safe under the back counter where you can stow your personal belongings. I know some of you are territorial about your knives and things. You can lock them inside at night. The building is secure.”


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