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Page 6

by Reese Gabriel

  What had she looked like waking up? What had gone through her mind?

  A flash of color caught his eye from under the bedspread. There, beside the bed on the floor, he found her panties.

  His gut wrenched, his libido surged. He inhaled the scent and felt the soft fabric.

  Big mistake. Now he wanted more.

  With so many fish in the sea he wanted more of her. To the exclusion of any other.

  Strange indeed.

  This was why he hadn’t pursued her in the first place. Kat Cartwell was the sort of woman who got under a man’s skin. His at least.

  The way she argued with everything, those peculiar charming little mannerism, the way she flipped her hair and pursed her lips. The way her eyes flashed when she was in denial.

  The way her face looked in the throes of orgasm.


  Or not.

  There was so much more they could have done.

  What did he want from her though? What could a man like him do with a second encounter? Did he intend to date her?

  It was almost laughable.

  He would find out though. He had sources and a certain amount of influence.

  Fingering the underwear, he made a vow. “I won’t touch another. Not until I see you again.”

  Whatever it took to get her out of his system.

  Another irony.

  The consummate Master going to find his dream slave…in search of his own freedom, one only she was capable of granting.

  Chapter Five

  Julian Morrell was ushered into the conference room by Marvin Wannamaker himself, one of the firm’s two senior partners. George Tallows, the other half of Wannamaker and Tallows was on the way, though Julian was interested in another more junior attorney.

  Katherine Cartwell.

  Wannamaker had been a little surprised over the phone though he had done his best to hide it. Where had Julian heard of Katherine before? What sort of representation was he seeking exactly for his family business?

  Julian, never one to disguise or conceal the truth, employed the time honored tradition of understatement.

  “We met by chance during my recent vacation on Cartiva Island. We shared dinner. She had some most unusual ideas. My father and I feel like she is exactly the sort of lawyer we would like to have on retainer. Naturally when I learned the sort of firm she was with I became doubly determined,” he had told Wannamaker.

  The questions had stopped, especially when Julian had specified the amount of the intended retainer. It was quite simply an offer the man could not refuse. Not in economic times like these.

  Tall and lanky, wearing a three-piece suit of wool blend, Wannamaker had greeted him with a hearty handshake.

  Julian liked a man with a good handshake and he could usually tell quite a lot about a man’s character in a short time. Wannamaker was a stand-up fellow and he genuinely cared about Kat.

  In fact he saw himself as a father figure, at least judging by the sorts of questions he was asking Julian.


  “If you will have a seat,” said Wannamaker. “We can get you whatever you like to drink.”

  He asked for scotch neat. Wannamaker ambled over to the bar, fixing it himself.

  The office itself was exquisite, appointed with mahogany furniture, red leather upholstered chairs, very old world, though the signs of high tech were all about, the wall screen, the individual monitors at the conference table.

  A nice combination of old and new.

  “I trust your flight from Paris was smooth,” Wannamaker asked.

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Wannamaker loved Paris, he’d already shared that. He also liked Casablanca and a whole slew of other old movies.

  Julian did his research, what could he say?

  He’d employed detectives and that was how he’d found Kat as well. Basically he knew everything at this point.

  Except what was going through Katherine’s mind and how she was going to react when she saw him again.

  “Cheers.” He toasted Wannamaker. “To a brilliant future.”

  “To good business,” said Wannamaker in reply.

  It was at this point he saw the young blonde out of the corner of his eye. She was just outside the door peering in.

  One quick glance and she was off.

  A spy for Kat?

  He certainly wouldn’t put it past her. The woman had been a younger version of Kat, blonde hair in a ponytail, shapely bottom, healthy physique.

  Just his type.

  But Morrell didn’t have a type right now.

  He had Kat. Or at least he was close to having her again.

  The last two weeks had been hell on earth.

  Thinking of her constantly, wanting her in his clutches, serving, obeying. The pleasure he would give her…

  Just last night in a dream he’d bound her, standing with her arms over her head. Giving her time to think, he had put the riding crop in her mouth between her teeth.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  She had looked at him with wonder and terror and utter shock.

  Had she not realized he would whip her as well as spank her? Did she not see their games would only grow in complexity?

  Lightly he stroked her hair making her shiver. Then he went to her blouse, ripping it open.

  She had cried out through clenched teeth.

  She wore no bra.

  One by one he took her nipples rolling them, pinching them.

  Her eyes slid closed. She arched her back and tried to push away. But it only made her more vulnerable, tied as she was on tiptoes.

  Slowly, inexorably, he gave her nipples what they needed. Pleasure mixed with a mild sting of pain.

  She moaned.

  He ordered her to open her eyes.

  “Are you wet for me, slave girl?”

  The implications were clear. It was an expectation and not a casual inquiry.

  She closed her eyes again and earned a smack to her hindquarters.

  This got her attention.

  He yanked off her short skirt, leaving her with nothing but her panties.

  “Next time you won’t have protection.” With that he rolled them down to the top of her thighs.

  She whimpered in response. Oh, yes she was ready.

  He touched her clit making her jump. The juices slid down her thighs.

  “I own you,” he said.

  Her eyes flashed.


  He took the whip.

  “I own you,” he repeated.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Master.”

  “I have your permission,” he reminded. “To discipline you.”

  Kat bit her lower lip. “Yes,” she said again. “Master.”

  Julian let the whip trail down her body, tapping her breasts with the tip and pressing her belly button.

  “When you’ve been disciplined you will be taken.”

  She regarded him with proper awe.

  “You will submit to me, make no mistake about it.”

  Her cheeks were flush. She was beyond ready. His cock meanwhile was harder than anything he’d ever experienced either in dreams or reality.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Speaking of which, Julian was missing out on his reality.

  He needed to stay focused now more than ever. There would be plenty of chances with Kat to live out the million dreams he had been enjoying.

  Or should he say suffering.

  Because any sex dream without access to a partner quickly becomes a nightmare.

  * * * * *

  “OMG he’s gorgeous,” Kimmy exclaimed as she burst into Kat’s office. “I just saw him, he is so hot.”

  Kat said nothing and buried her head in the monitor on her desk. To the extent one could bury one’s head in a monitor, that is.

  “He’s all right if you’re into that type,” she mumbled at last.

  Kimmy arched a brow. “What type is that? Greek gods dropped out of the sky?”

  Kat rolled her eyes. The truth was she hadn’t slept a wink since she found out he was coming two days ago. “Maybe you should go for him if you like him so much.”

  “I wish. Seriously, Kat, you are like so cool. Tell me how you met this guy again?”

  “I told you twice, isn’t that enough?”

  “But you left out the good parts.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because you had sex, it’s written all over your face.”

  “Maybe it was bad sex.”

  “With him? Not possible.”

  Wasn’t that the truth? Sex with Julian Morrell had been the most amazing experience of her life. For days afterward she had been able to imagine his touch so vividly, the way he had played her, controlled her while setting her free.

  Just as he’d said he would do. The ropes, the blindfold, the dominant talk, it was all part of the picture.

  Nightly she fantasized.

  Coming home had proven to be no escape at all.

  Sometimes it was so real she would wake up soaked in sweat, the sheets twisted about her body.

  And then she would masturbate imagining him. Always him.

  Last night he had appeared to her in a pair of leather pants. He’d been barefoot and shirtless. Upon his command she had gone to him, standing in the center of her bedroom.

  Closing her eyes now, she fought the images.

  Too late.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Morrell towered over her, his powerful chest muscles slowly rising and falling. It was an indication of his calmness and command of the situation.

  Her heartbeat by contrast was beating like a rabbit’s. She felt flustered, trapped and out of her mind with sexual desire.

  The tiny nightgown did little to conceal her charms. Her full breasts, nipples peaked and tenting the soft silk material.

  Her legs, long and lean, her thighs grazed by the hem of the garment.

  He could see her sex, the way it darkened the white lingerie.

  “Look at me,” he commanded.

  She did so, tearing her eyes from the floor.

  If he should look into her soul now she would be lost.

  “Tell me what you want, Katherine.”

  What did she want? She didn’t even know. Or did she?

  “Yes,” he told her cryptically. “You may.”

  She fell to her knees.

  He placed his hand on top of her head. “Hands behind your back.”

  Kat did so, the position only accelerating her need not to mention pushing her breasts outward and on display.

  Julian was undoing his pants.


  She licked her lips.

  “Do a good job, and I’ll have a treat for you,” he promised.

  Kat moaned as he exposed his cock, so thick and hard. She kissed the tip, reverently, worshipfully. Then she rubbed her face along it, feeling the heat, the pulsing desire.

  Finally she took the drop of pre-cum from the tip of his shaft. It was his gift to her, a precursor of what she would soon earn.

  Her lips parted and she received. The long, sliding shaft finding its place in her subservient mouth.

  She was his and he was using her. She would earn a reward if she did well.

  His little slave girl.

  He grunted in pure male satisfaction as he pushed deeper, finding his place…and hers.

  She took him straight to the back of her throat. She didn’t gag. She wanted this, she needed it.

  He was throbbing in her mouth. She used her teeth, just dragging the enamel against the protruding veins.

  It had the desired effect.

  Seizing her face in his hands he began to fuck her mouth. In and out, merciless and powerful.

  And then he came.

  And came and came.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  A heavy knock at the open door jarred her back to reality. Tallows was standing there with his bowtie and three-piece suit, his blustering belly pushed out to take on the world as usual.

  “They are ready for you in the conference room, Miss Cartwell.”

  That was Tallows, ever formal, almost Dickensian in his demeanor.

  “Mr. Tallows, sir, if the new client needs a backup attorney,” Kimmy said, never missing a chance to get in on the action. “I could make time.”

  “That won’t be necessary, but thank you for the offer,” he declared with a kindly shake of the head.

  Kimmy shrugged.

  Kat didn’t begrudge her asking. Kimmy would never try to take Julian if Kat was interested in him. Mostly she was curious.

  And young, very young.

  Bracing herself, Kat walked down the corridor.

  Never had it felt this way. As if she were heading to execution. Dead woman walking.

  Her feelings had slain her long ago, though. This was her punishment for running out on Julian and never saying goodbye. Maybe if she just said sorry he would have moved along.

  Or maybe he wasn’t interested in anymore sex. Maybe it was just business.

  She had just about convinced herself and then she saw him.

  He was standing at the end of the conference table, eyes only for her.

  He was wearing a suit, custom tailored and silk from the looks of it. Her knees went weak. There was no way she would endure a minute in the man’s presence let alone the length of an entire meeting.

  Her only hope was safety in numbers. Please let him not want me alone.

  Not Yet.

  Julian moved like a cat, striding out from behind the table.

  As if he owned the place.

  As if he owned her.

  Tallows stuck out a beefy hand. “George Tallows, pleased to meet you.”

  “Julian Morrell, and the feeling is mutual.”

  He was watching Kat. Was he enjoying her squirming?

  “I believe you two are acquainted?” said Wannamaker.

  “You could say that,” Julian replied.

  You could say a lot, she thought. Hopefully he would keep it all to himself.

  “We have a lot to show you,” Tallows enthused. “I think you will be quite pleased with our services.”

  “I already am. Forgive me, gentlemen, but I am a bit tired after my flight. I wonder if Miss Cartwell might accompany me back to my hotel? We can talk on the way.”

  “Of course,” said Tallows and Wannamaker in stereo before she could manage to object. “She’d be delighted to.”

  “After you.” Julian ushered her forward.

  She was distinctly aware of his position behind her.

  Well within swatting distance, not to mention the advantages of watching her skirt-clad bottom.

  Of all days to wear something clingy. And she had her black bra and panties on too. Not that he would ever see them.

  Arrogant, presumptuous jerk that he was. She decided to let him have it in the elevator. And by it she did not mean her ass or any other piece of her.

  The elevator slid shut and Julian’s cock responded accordingly.

  Kat was his now. On his time. His agenda. And he even had the blessings of her bosses.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said.

  Her glaring gaze suggested anything but mutuality.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing? What kind of stunt is this, rolling up into my life like this?”

  “It’s just what it seems, Kat. I need a good lawyer.”

  “You need a good punch in the nose, is what you need.”

  “And you need to be kissed—hard.”

  She stepped back but not fast enough. Gathering her in by her slender waist, he attacked with his lips, firmly planting his mouth on hers. She gave a moan of protest, briefly struggling, but in a matter of seconds she was yielding.

  He could feel her body’s familiar response.

  “There’s my good girl.”

  “I am not your anything. Let me go.”

  She tried to push at his chest until he grabbed hold of her ass cheeks.
/>   Kat gasped as he gripped hard. “You gave me your word.”

  “I didn’t,” she protested.

  “You said I could spank you,” he reminded. “I have power over your body.”

  “That was for one night! You can’t possibly hold me to that after two weeks in a whole different country no less.”

  “Technically our rendezvous never ended. You didn’t say goodbye.”

  “And you didn’t bother to stay around until I woke up,” she countered.

  Still holding her tight, he laid it on the line. “That’s what I do the morning after. I disappear so the woman can make a graceful exit.”

  “There you have it. By your own admission we were done.”

  His cock was hard against her. He could feel the raw throbbing from within. The aching need.

  “Have lunch with me.”

  “You said you were tired.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “You’re a pig. I was right in the first place.”

  “Tell me you haven’t thought about me, about the games we played.” He kissed her neck, nibbling to keep her honest.

  “I-I haven’t.”

  “You’re lying.” He smacked her bottom hard.

  She squealed and he took her mouth again.

  This time he worked his tongue inside her mouth running it along the sides of her teeth, fencing with her tongue.


  “All I’m asking is lunch.”

  “It always starts that way with you, something simple and easy.”

  “I could order you to,” he murmured in her ear. “Technically I have bought your time for the foreseeable future.”

  “That doesn’t make me a prostitute.”

  “You’re right, prostitutes get paid.”

  Kat stepped on his foot with her heel.

  He hadn’t seen it coming. “Damn it,” he growled.

  “Serves you right, that was rude.”

  “But it got your attention.”

  The elevator dinged. They had reached the ground floor just in time.

  He took hold of her hand as she tried to leave.

  “Wait, I’m sorry.” His voice in her ear was a hot whisper. “Let me make it up to you. Shall I tell what I dreamed about you last night?”

  The images were there in his mind, picking up again from where they had left off in the conference room of Wannamaker and Tallows.


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