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Falling Fast

Page 13

by Kevin, Lucy

  “You don’t have to put back on your clothes from last night, you know.”

  Alexa waggled a finger at him playfully. “We don’t have time to, well, um…you know again.” Her face completely red, she added, “Even though I’d sure like to.”

  Brandon laughed. “Me too. But I’m talking about the package waiting for you outside the door.”

  “What package?” she said, running to open the door like it was Christmas morning. A large pink and blue box waited for her just outside the door. She picked it up and brought it inside, then dropped the package on the ground and threw her arms around him.

  Brandon squeezed her tightly, lifting her up into the air. “You haven’t even seen what’s in the box yet,” he said, giving her a pat on her rump.

  Alexa scooted over to the large box and pulled off the top. Underneath the mounds of tissue were a red and white flower-print dress, a pair of red sandals, and a red baseball cap.

  “Oh, I love everything!” she exclaimed as she immediately stripped out of her yucky old clothes and put on the new duds. As she twirled in front of Brandon she felt a twinge of uneasiness about how effortlessly she had been swayed by a box full of pretty clothes, but she refused to think about that.

  That was the old Alexa. This was the new Alexa. She picked out the red baseball cap from the bottom of the box and put it on her head.

  Brandon grinned. “Now the look is complete. The saleslady downstairs thought I was nuts when I told her to throw in the cap, but I knew that on you, it would look just right.”

  They shared a large breakfast en suite, but Alexa was so overwhelmed by her feelings for Brandon, and so worried about how he was going to react when she told him the truth about her motives behind joining the show, she had to force down each bite.

  Thirty minutes later, hand in hand, they left their private heaven and took the elevator down to the elegant lobby. As they waited on the sidewalk for their separate limos – the limos that meant not only the end of their magical, love filled date, but also the return of the cameramen - Alexa took a deep breath and faced Brandon, holding both of his hands in hers.

  “Brandon, I need to tell you something really important before the cameras are on us again.”

  Her cell phone rang shrilly from inside her leather backpack. She ignored it, tried to continue her painful speech, but it just kept ringing and ringing.

  Brandon said, “Sounds like it’s pretty urgent. Maybe you should get that.”

  Alexa grimaced, hoping it wasn’t Jane, calling about the story. Her editor was the last person she wanted to talk to right now. She reached into her bag and saw her sister’s number on the LED screen.

  “Mel, what’s up? Is something wrong with Mom?”

  “Thank god I got you. Sophie’s fine, but there’s something you need to know.”

  Alexa folded her arms across her chest. “Now is really not a good time, Mel. I’ll call you back later.”

  “Don’t hang up!” her sister said. “Me and Sophie debated telling you this all night, but we think you’d better know the truth before the show goes live on July 1st.”

  Alexa sighed loudly and rolled her eyes for Brandon’s benefit. “It’s my sister,” she mouthed to him. “Make it quick. The cameramen will be here any second and I need to tell Brandon something important before they get here.”

  Mel’s words all ran together. “We were watching Falling For Mr. Right last night—the three of us looked fabulous, by the way, especially you in that slinky little dress.”

  “Mel, I don’t have time for this right now!” Alexa hissed into her cell phone.

  “Wait a sec, I’m getting to it,” Mel replied breathlessly. “At the end of the show they showed Brandon in the limo with that redheaded bitch.”

  “Shelby?” Alexa asked, glancing up at Brandon, who suddenly looked a little pinched around the mouth.

  “That’s the one I’m talking about. She was straddling him-“

  “Straddling him?”

  “With her tongue all the way down his throat.”

  “No,” Alexa protested.

  “Way down his throat. And, sis, the thing is, he really looked like he was enjoying himself. We’ve got it on tape if you want to see it.”

  Alexa was dead silent on the other end of the line. “I’ve gotta go, Mel,” she said, hanging up on her sister. Impossibly heartbroken, she poked a finger hard into Brandon’s chest.

  “You lying, cheating, male scum!”

  He reached for her shoulders but she was quicker.

  “Don’t ever touch me again,” she said, oblivious to the scene she was causing on the sidewalk in front of the most luxurious hotel in San Francisco.

  “Tell me what she said.”

  “She said you were fooling around with Shelby in the back of the limo.” Alexa was disgusted with herself for ever believing that a man was capable of telling the truth to a woman.

  “It’s not true,” he protested hotly.

  “The cameras caught everything,” Alexa yelled, “so don’t you dare tell me it’s not true.”

  She started running down the sidewalk, wanting to get away from Brandon as fast as she possibly could. He chased her down the street and finally caught up to her at a red light. She thought about darting across the street, but just because her heart had been broken didn’t mean she wanted to be run over by a bus.

  “Joe must have edited the footage to make it look like I was kissing her back.”

  “Sure, blame everything on Joe,” she said.

  “I swear, Alexa. I was heading back to my hotel after dinner when she threw herself at me. I pushed her off of me and made her get out of the limo.”

  “Yeah right. Tell it to the millions of people who saw you two making out last night.”

  “Hey – aren’t you the guy on that TV show?” one of the people standing on the curb asked Brandon.

  Brandon pulled Alexa up against the wall next to the Macy’s shoe display. “I love you, Alexa. I swear I never broke my promise to you. I never kissed anyone but you.”

  Out of the corner of her eyes Alexa saw both of their limos barreling down the street.

  She wasn’t going to let Brandon get away with lying to her. For too long men had been taking advantage of her mother, her sister, her friends, and now her.

  Alexa no longer had time for a silly emotion like love.

  She smiled tremulously up at Brandon, reassuming the sex-kitten persona she thought she had dropped forever at his mother’s house. Placing one finger in the center of his lips, she said,

  “I understand, Brandon. Don’t say another word.”


  Alexa used every trick in the book to convince her driver to take her to her mother’s house instead of the contestant’s mansion. She needed to see Brandon’s perfidy for herself.

  Sophie gave her a lingering hug, accompanied by the sniffles, saying, “We really thought he was the one, honey.” Mel held her hand on the couch as they watched the tapes, murmuring,

  “That rat,” over and over.

  Alexa watched all of the episodes from within a deep fog. She couldn’t connect the man she knew so intimately, the one who she loved with all of her heart, to the man who said awful things like, “I’ve definitely got my eye on several of these hot ladies waiting for me in the living room,” and “With a body like that, of course she’s on the list Joe.”

  Worst of all, was the final scene when Brandon told Shelby, “I had a great time tonight,”

  and then they did a lap dance together in the back seat of the limo. She kept hearing his lie: “I’m not going to fool around with any other contestants. Just you.”

  She clicked off the VCR and stood up. “I’ve got to go,” she said, heading for the front door, a determined look in her eyes.

  “There’s other fish in the sea, honey,” her mother called out to her as she walked out the front door.

  “Not for me,” Alexa said. “Not for me.”


  July 1st dawned bright and sunny, but Alexa was anything but cheerful. Brigit had returned from Elaine’s house at 10pm, which meant that she and Brandon had forgone the suite at the Fairmont, but Alexa pushed away her delight at this one small sign of Brandon’s fidelity.

  She knew the truth about his behavior with Shelby, and nothing he did at this point was going to make a difference.

  With trembling hands, she applied her makeup and brushed her hair until it shone. She reached into her closet for one final dress. Taking it off the hanger, she repeated, “I’m doing the right thing. I’m doing the right thing,” as she slipped the dress on over her head.

  She slipped on the silver, strappy sandals that came with the dress and stepped back from the bed. Looking at herself in the mirror, she fought the overwhelming urge to cry. The white, full length, strapless, sequined gown that had arrived that morning in a Nordstrom’s box with Alexa’s name on it was, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing she would ever wear.

  Alexa had been stunned when she read the note:

  My darling Alexa, these past weeks on the TV I have had the pleasure of watching you be beautiful, charming, funny and sexy. Something deep within my heart tells me that July 1st will be a very important day for you. I couldn’t help but imagine you in this glorious dress. I hope you will accept it as a gift from me. With respect and love, your friend Mary.

  Alexa was overwhelmed by Mary’s generosity. Staring into the mirror, she was overcome by the unavoidable sense that she was about to betray absolutely everyone that mattered to her. Shaking her head, she straightened her shoulders, gave herself one last glance to make sure everything was in order with her appearance, and headed outside.

  She had devised a plan and she was sticking with it. No matter what.


  Waiting on the sound stage for Joe to give him the thumbs up, Brandon was more nervous and excited than he had ever been before.

  He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with Alexa – his one true love.

  The only obstruction to his happiness was the memory of how angry she had been when her sister called to tell her that Shelby had kissed him. Thank god she had understood and accepted his explanation. Sure, her parting kiss lacked a little spark, but that was no reason for him to worry. And although he wondered what it was Alexa had been about to tell him, he figured they would be able to work anything out once they were together and away from the cameras.

  Nothing was going to go wrong today. Everything was going to be perfect.

  Joe entered the room, the cameras dogging his heels. “Brandon,” he said, “It’s the big day. Are you ready?”

  Brandon shook Joe’s hand and grinned, thrilled that he was officially off the show after today. He’d had enough of TV cameras for one lifetime. “I sure am.”

  Joe mugged for the cameras. “How about we head out to the stage so you can get a glimpse at the two incredibly lovely ladies who are waiting for you?”

  Brandon took a deep breath. “Let’s do it,” he said, following behind Joe with great anticipation.

  Joe led them out to the middle of the stage. It took Brandon a few moments to adjust to the bright lights, but once he did, what he saw took his breath away.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off of Alexa, who was wearing a magnificent white, sequined gown. He wanted to run over to her to fall down on one knee. He looked into Alexa’s eyes with a silent “I love you,” but she was staring just past his shoulder. Probably can’t see because of the bright lights in her eyes, he told himself quickly, to quell the panic that leapt inside of him.

  Not wanting Brigit to feel bad, he turned to her with a friendly smile. She looked pretty as well in a white long-sleeved, flowing gown. Nonetheless, she was impossible to compare to Alexa, who after all, he thought, was incomparable. Although Brigit would go home the loser today, Brandon wanted nothing but the best for her. He honestly hoped the three of them would remain friends after the show had run its course.

  Brigit smiled back at him, having no trouble with the lights blocking her vision. Brandon looked back at Alexa. Her eyes were bleak, her rosy lips pressed in a grim line. Brandon wished Alexa would look at him so that he could ease her fears, but Joe had begun his final spiel.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are as pleased as I am to be here tonight.” The studio audience cheered loudly. When the hoots and hollers died down, Joe said, “For the past two weeks, the entire nation has been enthralled by the romantic bonds between Brandon Philips, our very own Mr. Right-”

  Joe was momentarily drowned out by the audience cheering at the mere mention of Brandon’s name. “As I was saying, we have been privileged to watch the emotional development between Brandon and the beautiful women who agreed to be a part of his search for a wife. Tonight we will find out who is going to become Mrs. Brandon Philips. It’s been a pleasure, Brandon. Good luck.”

  Brandon shook Joe’s hand absently. He had the prickly sensation that everything was about to go terribly wrong, but he didn’t know how to stop it.

  He cleared his throat and said, “I have enjoyed every moment I’ve spent with each of you. And although I am in love with only one of you, I would be honored to remain friends with the woman who I can’t propose to tonight.”

  Taking a moment to steady himself, Brandon turned to Alexa. Walking slowly towards her, he bent down on one knee and then smiled up at her, hoping desperately that she would smile back at him, and everything would go back to how it should be.

  But Alexa’s stony expression didn’t crack as she stared bleakly over his right shoulder.

  “Honey,” he whispered, “Please look at me.”

  Not knowing what else to do with the agonizing silence, Brandon laid his heart on the line. “Alexa, from the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were the woman I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. Every minute I spent with you only confirmed to me that love at first sight is real. Sweetheart,” he said, reaching for her shaking hands, “I fell so fast my head – and heart – are still spinning. But I’m more glad than I could ever say that they are, because I love you more than I thought it was possible to love anyone. Will you-?”

  Suddenly there was a scream from the audience.

  The word, “No!” reverberated through the studio, the voice high pitched and familiar. It was a voice that Brandon had hoped to never hear again.

  Everyone turned at once to watch Shelby return to the show as if from the dead. She ran through the studio audience in her stiletto heels and too-tight gold spandex dress, right past the row of cameramen, who had now trained their glass eyes to her as she leapt onto the sound stage.

  Shelby was waving a magazine in her hand, but Brandon couldn’t make out the name of it. He could, unfortunately, clearly make out the triumphant look on her overly made up face.

  The sinking feeling in his stomach became a burning pit of alarm.

  “You are so screwed,” she hissed at Alexa as she ran by. All of the remaining color dropped off of Alexa’s face.

  “Joe,” Shelby said, her voice syrupy sweet, “I just knew you would want to know what I found about one of your contestants before you let this sham of a marriage take place.”

  Joe was having a fit of apoplexy, his face twice as red as a beet. He didn’t even bother to be polite. “Get off the stage. Now!”

  “No!” she cried as he tried to drag her off stage.

  Feeling like a statue, still on bended knee in front of Alexa, Brandon had no idea what was about to go down, but he knew it wasn’t good.

  “She,” Shelby said, pointing one of her blood-red nails at Alexa, “is a fraud.”

  The audience gasped and Shelby added, “And, she’s not even pretty. Look at this yearbook picture I found of her.”

  The camera’s zoomed in on a younger Alexa, with glasses and a ponytail. The audience started to chatter wildly. Brandon saw the picture blown up on the monitor screens behind Alexa’s head, but he didn’t see what the big d
eal was.

  So she had gotten contacts and done something with her hair. She was still the beautiful, funny, warm-hearted woman he was in love with. Some makeup and fashion styling didn’t change any of that.

  “She’s also a liar!” Shelby screeched, her eyes wild and scary. “She didn’t come on this show to meet Mr. Right and get married.” The studio went quiet, awaiting her next words.

  “Alexa is an undercover reporter from this magazine!

  Shelby held up a copy of ROAR magazine.

  Brandon tuned out the gasps and whispered speculation of the hundred plus people in the room and turned to Alexa. “What is going on Alexa?” he asked, a muscle in his jaw pulsing.

  Just then Jared emerged from the audience and jumped up on stage, obviously coming to Alexa’s rescue. “I need to handle this on my own,” she said softly, then turned back to Brandon.

  Her eyes met his and her face crumpled. Even though he was more confused than he had ever been, Brandon reached up to wipe her tears away. As his fingers brushed across her soft skin she whispered, “I’m a liar, Brandon.”

  Brandon wanted to wrap her in his arms. He wanted her to know that he would love her wholly and completely until the day he died. Instead, Brandon felt his world continue to fall off of its axis as one thick tear landed on his shoe.

  “Shelby’s right. I didn’t sign up to be a contestant on this show because I wanted to get married.”

  Suddenly Brandon knew with his whole soul that none of the how’s or why’s mattered.

  Lord knew that if they did he’d be in a hell of hot water too.

  “Alexa,” he said, gently but firmly, “I don’t care how or why you came on the show, I only care that you’re here with me now. That we fell in love. Nothing else matters.”

  Alexa sniffled loudly. “Yes it does. I’m a writer for a feminist magazine. I was supposed to write an exposé about you. About the contestants.” She motioned to Brigit and Shelby with one hand. “To prove how this show destroys everything feminists have fought for.”

  Alexa continued in a rush, her sobs mixing with her words. “And I was planning on getting my revenge with you today for kissing Shelby. But I’ve fallen in love with you and became friends with the other girls, well most of them anyway.”


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