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Kanda's Alien: A Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 2)

Page 3

by Pixie Moon

  My male wraps his arm around me in a strangely comforting manner. I get a strong dose of his wonderful scent and instantly feel better. He taps something on his wrist and then speaks into it.

  We are led down another corridor. I start when another handsome purple alien steps out of one of the rooms. I watch leerily as he approaches and hands a metal device to each of our captors. He looks both of us over and smiles in a welcoming way. The blokes talk for a moment and then my owner leads me to a door but Niya is led to another.

  My heart starts hammering and my stomach aches. “Where is she going?” I ask as I’m pushed into the room. I turn around and try to leave. He places his hand on a panel and says something. Fuck, did he just lock the door?

  When I go at it again. He says something in a soothing tone and pulls me deeper into what must be a living room. I see three closed doors and wonder what is behind them. I hope none of them have torture devices. In one corner is a black counter and a silver sink. After he removes my chains and drops them on a massive gold and blue couch he leads me to the sink, turns on the water, and starts cleaning my neck with a wet cloth.

  I struggle but he just talks soothingly to me and continues on. My heart feels like a wild animal desperately trying to get free from its cage. When he puts the metal device the other alien gave him up to my neck I just know I’m about to be killed and eaten.

  I hope he chokes to death on my flesh.



  ~ Kanda ~


  I try to push him away as I squeeze my eyes shut. He doesn’t budge. The big bastard.

  A slight pain ripples through my neck. I reach up to check for damage, but he stops me. Am I not even allowed to know how much blood I’m losing before I die? Maybe it would be better not to know.

  “Do you understand me now, little human?” His voice is low and calming.

  I blink and then smile. He wasn’t trying to kill me. He was putting a communicator chip in me so he can talk to me. Surely he wouldn’t chip a being he was going to eat. Wouldn’t the chip get stuck in his teeth and possibly taste bad?

  “You’re not going to eat me?” I need confirmation before I decide if he can be my mate or not. To them a communicator chip could be as good as the worm in a bottle of mezcal.

  His ocean blue eyes darken. “Not in a bad way.” He gestures around the room. “This is your new home. I’m going to show you around, let you take a shower, feed you, and then put you to bed where you will stay until the next active cycle.”

  At the word bed I realize how exhausted I am. Trying to sleep in a cage was not restful at all. “What’s an active cycle?” My tired brain can’t even try to figure out what he’s talking about.

  His dark purple brows draw together as he thinks. “An active cycle is our term for daytime. Resting cycle is the same as nighttime and moon cycle is a month.”

  He waves for me to follow him and I do. I hope this isn’t a mistake. After all, he could be leading me into a torture chamber. Only time will tell.

  I’m led to the door on the far right. He waves his hand over a sensor and it starts to open. I hold my breath as I wait to see what’s on the other side.

  The door makes a whooshing sound as it slides into a space in the wall. He steps into a bathroom that’s bigger than I expect and is separated into three areas. At the sight of a loo, I realize that I need to go pee.

  “Can you step out while I use the loo?” I start unfastening my pants and head to the loo. It suddenly strikes me, that the door didn’t whoosh closed. I look over to see that he’s still standing in the doorway.

  “You are mine. Get used to me seeing you do everything, little human.” He shifts and leans against the doorframe. His gaze never leaves mine.

  The alien bastard doesn’t even bat a long purple eyelash. Nope, no guilt is coming from this bloke. Not about to be intimidated, I push down my pants and undies and plop down on the loo. I hope my pee stinks to him.

  Once I’m done, I wipe with the softest paper I’ve ever felt. At least something around here is soft. Unlike his body and gaze. When I stand the loo automatically flushes. Well that’s convenient. I jerk my undies and pants up. I hope he enjoyed the show. Alien bastard.

  He points at the shower stall. “That is where you’ll clean up.” He looks me up and down. “You’ll strip down to your skin, press this button, lather your pretty hair with the cleaner, and then press this button. You’ll want to close your eyes because you’ll be misted and then air dried. The process will not take long.”

  His unique gaze runs over my body again. “Strip. I want you to clean up now.”

  Is he kidding me? “In front of you?” I blurt. Red has to be staining my cheeks and clashing with my hair.

  “Yes, you belong to me. I won’t hurt you, but I will look at you, touch you, and mate you, anytime I want to. Now get in the cleansing stall. I want you to be clean before you go to bed.” His tone is pointblank. I don’t like it at all.

  I start to tremble slightly as I take off my clothes. I take a calming breath. He’s already seen my white arse and red curls. He said he wouldn’t hurt me. But he also said he plans on touching me. Does that mean I’m a sex-slave? He’s a big bloke, I don’t know if I can handle him. When I drop my shirt and then bra to the floor on top of my other clothes, my heart once again tries to take flight.

  “Calm yourself, little human. There will be no mating tonight. Now get cleaned up so I can give you some food and put you to bed.” His tone is no-nonsense and straight to the point. It rubs me the wrong way. Alien bastard.

  As I step into the cleansing stall, I hope he’s telling me the truth. I need time to absorb my new station in life. I get a whiff of his scent and my blood heats up. That startles me every time. How can his delicious scent instantly arouse me? I should hate him, but I can’t.

  I follow his instructions and press the top button and then lather my hair up. The shampoo has a fresh scent. I like it. I press the lower button and close my eyes. I hope this doesn’t hurt.

  A soft mist caresses my skin. There’s no pain at all. I can handle this. I squeeze my eyes shut a little tighter when a whirling sound comes from the stall. Warm air swirls around my body in a rush. I kind of like it.

  When the air stops blowing I look down at my clean body. I run my fingers through my long hair. It’s all dry and feels nice and soft. Softer than ever actually. There are definitely things about my new life that I’m going to like.

  Then I turn and see him. I’m not sure about this bloke yet. The look of lust in his eyes sends a wave of desire through my veins. My recent captivity and harrowing trip to this spacecraft must have messed with my brain.

  Yeah, now you know how rare and precious pleasure can be. Take what you can get while you can get it, a voice in my heart whispers. After the last few days of my life, I know this to be true.

  He makes a follow me motion with three of his six fingers. Six! I blow out a breath. I’m not on Earth anymore. And so far these handsome purple beings have been the nicest aliens I’ve encountered. I shiver at the thought of being human barbie for a hungry alien. As long as he stays nice, I need to be nice. My gut tells me I’m way better off with him than with any of the other beings that were on that planet.

  I pick up my dirty clothes and hold them in front of me like a smelly shield. Whew, these clothes really do stink. I’m surprised he bought me with me smelling so bad. My cheeks heat up when I remember his earlier words and the lust in his pretty diamond shaped irises. I can do this. I would rather be this hot bloke’s lover than another alien’s supper.

  He stops in the area with the countertop, sink, and cabinets. He turns and frowns at my dirty clothes shield. I give him a small smile.

  He shakes his head. “Go put those filthy clothes back in the cleansing room. For now, you don’t need them.”

  He has got to be kidding me. “What am I supposed to wear?” Not that I want to put these smelly things back on. But I do need some ty
pe of clothing.

  His grin is wickedly sexy. “Sesien mins don’t need clothing when in their private quarters. Now go do as you were told and then come back in here,” he orders. His tone implies I’m a slow witted servant. I don’t like it.

  I go back and drop my clothes onto the cleansing room floor and then return. His gaze is shining with approval. The sight does something to my heart. I like him looking at me that way.

  When his gaze drops and lust enters his eyes, I look down and remember that I’m naked. Damn, this bloke makes me forget important things. That’s not good.

  “I really think I should put some clothes on. Don’t you have an extra shirt I can borrow?” His shirt would be a dress on me. I like that idea.

  “No, you are here for me. I’ll fill you in on your position on the next active cycle. For now you are going to eat and then go to bed.”

  I really don’t like his tone or his words. Although food and a bed do sound good. He reaches into a cabinet and pulls out some type of fruit, I believe.

  “This is sindot fruit. I want you to eat all of it.”

  I barely stop a frown from forming. His pointblank attitude is annoying. The sound of my stomach growling has me reaching out and taking the offered fruit. It’s heavy and the size of a large grapefruit. The bright blue color reminds me of the Great Barrier Reef. The reminder of home has me depressed at the thought of not seeing Rogan again.

  I look up into his pretty eyes. “Do you think I can go home? Will you take…” The rude alien bastard cuts me off with a chopping motion of his arm.

  “No, little human. Eat.”

  “Can’t we even talk about it?” I need to get back to my best mate. I know he’s looking for me and worried about me.

  “We’ll talk more later. Now eat.” He points at the fruit and then at my mouth.

  I frown and take a bite. It’s sweet and juicy. I like it a lot. It doesn’t take me long to eat the whole thing. My stomach is happy and full. I lick the juice from my lips and then wash my hands in the sink.

  I squeal when he pulls me to him and kisses me with passion. A passion that surprises me and then turns me on. As his tongue explores my mouth, his hands roam my back and arse. His donger is hard and pressing into my stomach. I long to have him push that firm flesh deep inside me.

  I wonder if it’s the same pretty medium toned purple of his face and hands. His scent and taste are driving me crazy with lust. He must be magical. Today I like magical a lot. I run my hands over his broad shoulders. His muscles ripple under my hands and the way he moans stokes the fire in me higher.

  I suck in some much needed air when he pulls back and leads me to the door on the far right. It’s a small bedroom with a large bed covered in gold and blue sheet and pillows. The sight of the bed has my blood heating and my clit pulsing. I can’t resist him and right now I don’t want to. Being his sex-slave is looking pretty damn good at the moment.

  I’m panting as I climb onto the bed. Never in my life have I wanted a mate as badly as I want him. After the way he touched me, he is now officially my mate instead of the bastard bloke that bought me.

  I frown when he doesn’t climb onto the bed with me. “Come on, let’s do the naughty.” I’m dripping wet and ready for his donger to slide home.

  He seems to think for a moment and then smiles. It’s a beautiful smile. “Naughty must be your word for mating.”

  “Yes, naughty, mating, sex. Whatever you want to call it. Let’s do it, mate.” I run my hands over my breasts to encourage him.

  “We can’t mate this active cycle. It’s time for you to start your resting cycle. It’s been a long cycle and I know you need the rest. Now go to sleep.” His tone is firm but his eyes are still brimming with lust.

  “What? You heated me up and now you’re backing out. What a dirty bloke you are.” Oh, he is so back to being a bastard bloke. I don’t care if my wayward body wants him or not. He is in the shit. I refuse to fall from his touch again.

  I crawl under the silky covers and stare him down. Yes, he is deep in the shit. No wet pussy for him, ever.

  “It’s for your own good, little human. Now go to sleep. I’ll see to your needs on the next cycle.”

  I watch in disbelief as he walks out of the room and closes the door. In the soft lighting I stew over his rude behavior. The gentle glow coming from the orb above the bed would have been perfect for mating, as he calls it. I shake my finger. There will be no mating for him. He just ruined his chance with this sheila.

  As my body cools down I hear the mild sound of what I guess are the engines. I let the hum guide me to sleep.

  ~ Klimen ~

  Relief floods my chest when I check on my little human and find her asleep. I just received the message that it’s time to fly away from Hirope. I didn’t want to go to work with her awake. For now, all of her awake moments need to be with me around.

  I want to spend the next few cycles bonding with her. She is still doing something strange to my heart. I’m sure the problem will be resolved after I’ve had her a few times. Maybe even after our first mating.

  I pick up her dirty clothes and the chains that had been around her delicate neck and wrists. She doesn’t need to see this harsh metal anymore. I’ll have one of the others put them in the Mission Room. From now on I want her to see and feel only good things.

  I leave my quarters and turn to lock her in. She only needs to see me. Before I head to the bridge, I go by the laundry room and toss her nasty clothes into the cleaner. I’ll retrieve them when I’m finished flying this ship away from Hirope.

  As I head to my post, my cock grows hard as I unwillingly recall how her mating juices damped her red curls. Soon I’ll know how she tastes and what sounds she makes when she comes. I walk faster in my need to pilot this craft into space. Once that’s done, I can head back to my quarters. Back to her.

  If all goes well Riflan and Malldrot will be able to keep us flying until my bonding with her is complete. She has no clue how hard it was for me to give her a bit more time to rest before I start mating her.



  ~ Kanda ~


  A soft moan escapes my lips.

  I become aware of the pleasure pulsing through me. This is the best dream ever. I spread my legs wider to let my dream lover have better access to my pussy. His tongue is extremely talented.

  Fisting the sheets, I roll my hips trying to get him to suck my needy pink pearl. Fingers spread my lower lips wider and then that wonderful tongue is thrusting in and out of my quivering core. I start panting as I search for my orgasm.

  The tension building in my center is getting tighter and tighter. The need for release is starting to get painful. I reach down and grip my dream lovers head to guide his hot mouth to my swollen clit.

  When I feel soft strands of hair between my fingers I startle at the realization that I’m not dreaming.

  Wait a minute. He is in the shit. He can’t have any of this body. I try to squirm away. “No naughty is going to…”

  His powerful hands tighten on my thighs and his hot mouth sucks my clit. “Oh, oh.” Waves of pleasure zing through my core. Damn he’s good. Maybe I should let him keep on for just a moment longer.

  That wonderful tongue of his starts circling my swollen pearl in the most delicious way. I shouldn’t let him do this to me because I’m supposed to be mad at him. How can I teach him anything if I don’t hold my ground?

  I halfheartedly try to squirm away from him again. This bloke needs to learn a lesson. He growls softly sending a streamer of lust right through my core. When he presses my thighs wider apart some wild part of me comes out to play. I don’t know this side of me. This untamed side of me is thrilled to be pinned to the bed and taken. As passionate tension builds out of control within me, I start to like this side of me.


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