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Bar None (Aeon Book 3)

Page 16

by Wendy Smith

  “I think I might know.”

  He gives me a gentle kiss that leaves me swooning, and I snuggle in tight against him.

  Jackson falls asleep, but I stare at the ceiling, unable to get our earlier conversation out of my mind.

  What can I do to help with his dream?

  He’s too proud a man to accept financial help if that’s the cause of his problem. I stroke his bicep, and watch him in the moonlight.

  This man is my whole heart.

  All I want is to see him happy.



  I’m increasingly reluctant to return to work.

  I shouldn’t feel this way, but I can’t help it. As much as I love my job, the weight of this ongoing investigation and this feeling of being so far away from Jackson gets heavier by the minute.

  What I need to do is talk to Molly about relocating to resolve the latter. But that has to wait until the FBI uncovers who has sold us out.

  In the meantime, there’s a little something else I need to take care of.

  I pull out my phone and text Molly.

  Me: If Jackson was trying to buy a property, who would he deal with?

  Molly: Probably Amy Radcliffe at Nettle Downs Realtors. Is everything okay?

  I take a deep breath. Will he be pissed if I try and help him?

  Me: I just want to check in to see how he’s going with his purchase of the bar. I’ll look her up online. Thanks.

  Molly: No problem. Why don’t you ask him?

  I bite my bottom lip.

  Me: I want to surprise him. The owner’s not keen on selling.

  Molly: Good luck. If anyone can negotiate, it’ll be you. Xxx

  I smile. I should have known Molly wouldn’t judge me. She has faith in me like no one else has ever had. Except Jackson.

  A quick google gives me Amy’s number, and I take a deep breath and dial.

  “Nettle Downs Realtors. Amy speaking.”

  She sounds pleasant enough.

  My phone buzzes with an incoming message.

  “Hi, Amy. I’m wondering if you could help me. My name’s Miranda Clarke, and I’m calling about a property I understand you’ve been helping Jackson Booth with?”

  There’s silence for a moment. She’ll know him. Everyone does. “Hi, Miranda. How can I help you?”

  “I’m hoping I can get the details of the owner from you. Jackson has his heart set on the place, and I’d like to do what I can to help him buy it.”

  “Are you an agent?”

  Shit. She thinks I’m encroaching on her job. “No. I’m sorry. I should have probably started with that. I’m not trying to steal your commission or anything like that. I’m Jackson’s girlfriend.”

  “Jackson has a girlfriend?” The disbelief in her voice makes my eyebrows creep up. I guess we haven’t been out and about together in Nettle Downs. I’m not even sure if Molly’s told Brad about Jackson and me.

  “He does. I work for Mollab in San Jose at the moment. And I was hoping I could have a talk to the owner and persuade him to part with the property. I don’t want to stand on your toes, but Jackson’s a bit down about the whole thing, and I want to do what I can.”

  “That’s very good of you, but I have it under control.”

  I let out a long, silent breath. “I’m sure you do. But I deal with negotiations all the time in my role, so I thought maybe I could help.” For a moment, I pause. “Look, Amy. I just want him to be happy.”

  Her tone softens. “I’m sure. I do too. I’m not sure why he has this need to buy it. It’s available to rent.”

  I bite my bottom lip. “He’s following his father’s philosophy of being in complete control. I think he wants to be able to renovate and make changes without having to ask anyone for permission. I’m sure you understand.”

  She lets out a laugh. “That does sound like Jackson.”

  “I’m only trying to help. If the guy sells, then you’d still be the agent. I’m not trying to cut you out.” I look up at the ceiling. Please let her see it my way.

  “I can’t stop you anyway. The owner’s details are a matter of public record. You’re welcome to try. He’s pretty stubborn.”

  “Thank you. I’ll give you my email address, and if you could send those through, it’d be great. I really do appreciate it.”

  There’s silence for a moment. “I’m assuming Jackson doesn’t know about this.”

  I fist my free hand. “You’d be assuming right. You know how proud he is.”

  “Yeah, I do. Give me your details, and I’ll send the info through.”

  She’s pleasant enough as we finish and I terminate the call, but I’m still wary. Even more so when I take a look at my messages.

  Molly: Just know that Amy has a really big thing for Jackson. She always did.


  I’ll tell Jackson what I did, but in my own time. I only hope Amy doesn’t decide to run interference.

  And I also hope that I can pull this off.

  Half an hour’s passed before I realize Amy’s email is in my inbox. Production is at its peak now we’ve doubled our number of programmers, and I’m lost in project notes and other emails before I get to it.

  I pick up my phone and dial without another thought.

  “Doug Prentice speaking.”

  I lick my lips. “Hi, Doug. My name is Miranda Clarke, and I’m calling about a piece of property I understand you have for lease.”

  There’s silence for a moment. “Which property is that?”

  “The one Jackson Booth is after. I’d like to discuss how we can go about acquiring it more permanently.”

  “I already told Amy in your office that I wasn’t interested in selling.”

  “I don’t work with Amy.” I pause. “I’m Jackson’s girlfriend.”

  “Did he think getting you to talk to me would help soften me up?”

  I smile. “He doesn’t know I’m calling. I’d like to help him achieve his goal if I can.”

  “It’s prime real estate.”

  I let out a breath. “I realize that, sir. Jackson doesn’t want it for that reason. He’s set in his ways, just like his father.”

  At that, Doug chuckles. “You’re not wrong. Jackson’s father was stubborn as a mule.”

  Not unlike someone I know. “You knew him?”

  “Not well, but I knew him. Jackson is a lot like his dad.”

  “I’m sorry I never got to meet him.”

  He laughs again. “Well, even without meeting you, I can tell you that Paul would have loved you. He loved his boy so much, and I think any woman who loved Jackson enough to call me like this would have been wonderful in his book.”

  I grin. “Thank you. I really appreciate hearing that.”

  “How badly does he want this property? I’m happy to rent it to him. It’s my retirement investment, and I ran my own business out of there for a long time so I’m very attached to it myself.”

  He’s biting. Now to try and reel him in. I don’t want to rip him off, but I’m also aware that he’s made no money on this property for months. “Well, I understand it’s empty right now and not making any money for you. Whatever offer Jackson made you, I’m happy to negotiate.”

  For a moment, there’s silence. “You’d offer me more?”

  “It means a lot to him. He means a lot to me.”

  The silence happens again. I wish I knew what he was thinking.

  He lets out a sigh. “Leave it with me, Miranda. I’ll have a think about it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I can’t promise anything.”

  “Of course not. Thank you so much for your time.”

  “You’re welcome.” He pauses. “And Miranda?”

  “Yes?” I smile.

  “Thank you for calling. I don’t know Jackson very well, but this conversation has brought the memories I do have of his father to the surface. I mean what I said about Paul. He would have adored that you’re so willing to fight
for his son.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “It means a lot that you’d say that.”

  “We’ll talk soon.”

  He takes my number and disconnects the call, and I spend a moment just staring at the phone. Have I done the right thing? Has it made the situation better or worse? Will Jackson be mad I interfered?

  It’s too late to worry about that now.

  This morning’s phone call plays on my mind all day. And the longer it takes for Doug to get back to me, the worse I feel about making it.

  I shouldn’t have interfered.

  I was only doing what I thought was right.

  Jackson is going to kill me.

  It’s 4:55 p.m. and time to pack up and go home to Mr. Snuggles. At least he’ll love me no matter what.

  Jackson loves me.

  And the thought of telling him I love him too is overwhelming. I’ve never been so entangled with another human being. It scares me even though I know there’s no reason to be frightened. He hasn’t said it again, but maybe that’s because I haven’t said it back yet.

  Lost in thought, I jump when my mobile rings. I look down at the screen and pick it up.

  “Agent Reilly.”

  “Hi, Miranda. I just wanted to call before the end of the week to let you know that I have a small update for you. Forensics think they’ve uncovered something.”

  I swallow hard. “What is it?”

  “Well, I’m not at liberty to say yet, but I just wanted to keep you updated. I promised I would.”

  My eyebrows rise of their own volition. What the hell could it be? “Thanks for the call. I do appreciate it.”

  “I’m only sorry it’s not definitive proof, but I think we’re on the right track. I’ll be in contact again next week to let you know either way.”

  I lean back in my chair. “I’ll look forward to it. Or I won’t. I’m not quite sure yet.”

  He chuckles. “It’s okay. I know what you mean. I debated whether to call you or not, but I did make a promise. And I don’t break promises.”

  Wait. Is he flirting with me?

  “Well, I appreciate the non-update. Thanks again. I’ll look forward to the next call.”

  I stare at the phone as I terminate the call. He’s a nice guy, I’m sure of it. But he’s not my Jackson. Jackson, who I love beyond all reason.

  I love Jackson.

  Grinning, I shut down my laptop, close it, and slide it into its case. Next time I see him, I’ll tell him to his face. And I’ll make up for it if I’ve screwed up this property deal. I’ll buy some land and build a damn bar if he wants it.

  I sling my bag over my shoulder when the phone rings again. For a second, I don’t recognize the number, but I smile when I work out who it is.

  “Miranda Clarke.”

  “Miranda, it’s Doug.”

  “Hi, Doug. What can I do for you?”

  He lets out a sigh. “I stonewalled Amy, but I’m happy to talk again about price with her. I know Jackson will take care of the place.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “And at some point, I’d like to see you. I’d like to meet the woman who had the balls to call me. I’m not exactly easy to deal with at the best of times. I’ll admit that.”

  I laugh. “I don’t know. You don’t seem so scary to me.”

  “I must be getting soft in my old age. You remind me a lot of Jackson’s mother, Sandra. She would have done anything for her husband, or her boy. Make sure you send me an invite to your wedding.”

  My mouth falls open. “Oh, we’re not . . .”

  “Jackson needs to put a ring on your finger, if you ask me. He’s a fool if he lets someone who fights for him get away. Goodbye, Miranda.”

  “Bye, Doug.”

  I smile to myself as I terminate the call. He was much easier to deal with than some of our vendors. And, deep down, I think he knows this is the right thing to do. If it turns out Jackson needs a silent partner, maybe we can work it out together.

  Either way, today worked out just fine.



  My family is weighing on my mind.

  Leia’s been texting me since she got back from her honeymoon to come and see her. I think our time together during her wedding was too short, and she wants some time with me.

  I haven’t heard from Alex, which isn’t unusual, but I’m still concerned about the last time I saw her.

  While I want to spend any time away with Jackson, this is important. Being with him has made me realize I’ve neglected other parts of my life for too long. I’ve been so tied up with my job that I haven’t left time for the other important things.

  Molly’s cheerful when she answers my call. She always is these days. I love hearing her so happy.


  “Hi. How are things?”

  “Good. Grace is being presented with some school award for her writing today, so I’m taking off early.”

  I play my bottom lip between my teeth. “I’m calling because I need to take a couple more days off. Tomorrow and Monday?”

  “Sure. Just book it in.”

  I frown. “You don’t have a problem with that?”

  Molly laughs. “Why should I?”

  “I thought you might need me. I’ve taken quite a bit of time off lately.”

  There’s a moment of silence. “You didn’t hold back taking time off before because of me, did you?”

  I swallow. “I used to plan around your schedule.”

  “If you need time off, take it, Miranda. If there are any updates on the case, I’ll let you know. Relax for once.” She pauses. “Where are you going?”

  “Home. Leia and I spoke about spending more time together, and I want to catch up with her now she’s an old married lady.” I laugh. “I’m going to spend the weekend, but thought I’d go on the Friday and come back Monday so I can get two full days.”

  “Enjoy. Don’t let them give you a hard time.”

  I smile. “I won’t.”

  “Love you, my friend. And I’m here if you need me after you visit them.”

  That makes me laugh. She knows me so well. “Thanks, Molly. I hope you know how much I appreciate you.”

  “I do. How are things with Jackson?”

  I grin. I can’t help it. Just thinking about him makes me insanely happy. “Really good. He’s amazing.”

  “We need to catch up again and talk. I miss you. It’s not the same on the phone.”

  “We do.”

  “Have fun on your trip, and I’ll talk to you again on Tuesday, if not before.”

  When the call is finished, I turn to my computer and search for flights to Portland. It’s weird. My last trip home was fraught with anxiety. This time, I’m looking forward to it.

  With my trip booked, I lean back and look at the screen.

  My mind wanders to Nettle Downs. I wish this whole investigation was over and done with.

  Maybe then I could plan for the future.

  I land in Portland around midday.

  Dad was supposed to meet me at the airport, but there’s no sign of him in the terminal or outside.

  After plucking my phone out of my pocket, I text him.

  Me: I’m at the airport. Where are you?

  The reply comes back quickly.

  Dad: Shit. Just leaving now. Alex is having some issues and it’s turned the house upside down this morning.

  Me: Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll grab an Uber.

  I frown. What on earth could have happened to Alex for Dad to forget about picking me up? We only arranged it last night.

  A large lump forms in the pit of my stomach.

  I have a bad feeling about this.

  My phone buzzes.

  Dad: Sorry, love. See you soon. Your sister needs you.

  Shit. It must be bad.

  The thought is sarcastic at first, but for Dad to say that, there’s something really wrong.

  I grab an Uber, throw my bag in the back, and w
e set off for Mom and Dad’s place. The whole way, my mind’s churning through what it could be.

  Is she ill? Has something happened to Grant? Is it one of the kids?

  My phone buzzes again, but this time, I smile.

  Jackson: Hope you have a good weekend with your family. If you need me to show up and tell them off, I’ll be on the first flight.

  Jackson. He always knows what to say to bring a smile to my face. I take a quick selfie of me blowing a kiss and send it to him.

  Me: Will do xx

  When I reach the house, I pay the driver and grab my bag. An older silver BMW sits in the driveway. Alex is here. I open the door to chaos.

  “Auntie Miranda.” Maddy screeches and launches herself at me. I drop my bag on the floor and steady myself to catch her. She grabs hold of my face and kisses my cheek. “Where’s Uncle Jackson?”

  My heart. “He’s not with me this weekend. Maybe next time.”

  She pouts, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Hi, love. Sorry about before. Alex turned up mid-morning, and we’ve been dealing with a situation.” Dad crosses the room and kisses my cheek.

  I nod. “It’s okay. What’s going on?”

  Alex sits on the sofa. Her puffy eyes tell a story of their own. She’s not one to cry.


  “Let me take Maddy out the back to play and you two can talk. Your mom’s out there with Joe.”

  Maddy goes to Dad, and I walk to the sofa and sit next to Alex. I’m not sure what to say to her, but I slip my arm around her shoulders and we sit for a moment in silence.

  She looks at me, her chest rising and falling rapidly, and tears spill down her cheeks for what I guess is far from the first time this morning.

  “Oh, Alex. What’s wrong?”

  She sniffs, and her lips seem clamped together, downturned.

  “If I can do anything, you know I will.”

  She swallows hard. “Grant’s been cheating on me.”

  “What?” I can barely believe it. I knew they’d argued last time I saw them, but I would never have seen this coming.

  “I left and took the kids. It was all I knew to do.”


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