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What a Girl Needs

Page 3

by Aimee Duffy

  Georgia’s door was open, but he didn’t barge in. Just as well since she was bent over an open drawer in the filing cabinet. A dart of heat bolted south and he gritted his teeth. Now was not the time to be appreciating her curvy ass covered in cream silk. Even if he could imagine it without the threads. Blood pounded into his cock and he had to take a deep breath to fight the barrage of arousal.

  Shit, had it just been too long since he last had sex, or was it knowing she was available now – at fucking last – that made her more attractive?

  Max knocked on the door. She straightened and whirled around. His breath caught as he took her in from head to toe.

  Georgia always had an elegant beauty about her that stunned him every time he saw her. Today it was the cream silk clinging to every slender curve of her body, the way her hair, curling slightly at the tips, fell loose around her shoulders, the understated make-up enhancing those huge green eyes, and her deep-red pout that when parted against her wrath could almost bring him to heel.

  Maybe it was the fact she dressed like a lady and he wanted to screw her in his office, with her fire and anger and unhidden lust.

  Her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. ‘What do you want?’

  Max made sure the charming smile was still in place and stayed right where he was. Any closer and he’d want to touch her. ‘To apologize.’

  Her lips parted and for once Georgia Lewis seemed lost for words. His smile was easier to hold as he spoke. ‘I was an ass. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.’

  She let her arms fall to her sides, but he didn’t miss the way she squared her shoulders.

  ‘Before you say anything, I want to clear something up.’

  This time he did enter the room, then closed the door. Suspicion tightened her expression, but he only leaned back against the wood, keeping space between them. Last thing he needed was one of the big-mouthed sales assistants hearing this.

  ‘I didn’t suggest you pretend to be my girlfriend in exchange for sex because I felt sorry for you. I hadn’t meant to say it at all, but the second I read your email I wanted to be the guy to show you what you’ve been missing. Call it my inner caveman taking over my mouth.’

  Though she looked bewildered, she opened her mouth to say something. No doubt give him hell. He held his hand up.

  ‘Let me finish. It was inappropriate and not the way your boss should behave. If I didn’t think you were interested I wouldn’t have said a word. The thing is, whether you want to accept that part of the deal or not, I’d still like you to come to the ball with me tonight. I’ll pay you overtime, will even let you pick whatever dress you want from the store and I won’t push you for anything else. You have my word.’

  Her throat worked and he ignored the shiver that ran through him wondering what it would have felt like if she’d done that around his dick. Hauling his head out of his pants, he focused on her frown, hoping that didn’t mean she was about to shoot him down again.

  The thing was, he needed her to do this for him. Though he’d caught Georgia eyeing him up in the past, he’d never gotten the same vibe from her as he had from other members of staff who were attracted to him. There didn’t seem to be a needy bone in her body, and that was perfect, because a real relationship wasn’t something he wanted again.

  ‘I don’t understand why you can’t ask someone else. I doubt you’re hard up for a date.’

  Her cheeks flushed with pink and he fought back a laugh at her admission. ‘I don’t want to ask anyone else. There’s no one I can trust to do this. You come in every day, leaving your personal life at the door. Well,’ He cocked a brow and she shuffled from foot to foot, remembering the email, ‘most of the time you do. I never see you gossiping with the others and you’re stunning. How could I not ask you?’

  Max couldn’t believe how easy it was to say all this to a woman. He hadn’t dated since Clarissa, but being with Georgia was different. There was attraction, but not one she wanted to act on. Yet. But that was all there was between them. No pressure, no risk of falling hard and being rejected. Just pure lust.

  And he knew she felt the same, so he wasn’t going to give up hope they could have a little fun. Friends and colleagues with benefits and clear boundaries. And he’d make sure he left her satisfied every time..

  Finally, she spoke, ‘I’m not sure. I’ll need time to think about it.’

  The smile froze on his face. ‘It’s tonight.’

  Her glare would have had a weaker man bolting out the door.

  ‘Friday’s girls’ night.’

  He held his hands up at her clipped tone. ‘Look, think about it. Like I said, you can take whatever you want from the store and I can pay you overtime. I’m only asking for tonight.’

  She folded her arms again, but her expression smoothed a little. ‘And the next function? That’s in a fortnight isn’t it?’

  Yeah, and there were also a few dinners and shows in the upcoming weeks, but he didn’t need to freak her out by telling her that now. ‘Let’s just see how tonight goes.’

  Her jaw tightened. ‘I’ve not agreed to go.’

  Max decided not to push further, but left her with something that may tempt her. ‘I have a meeting I need to get to. If you decide to come, email me and I’ll let the sales girls know you’re coming down. Sky’s the limit.’

  Excitement glinted in her eyes and she pursed her lips like she was trying hard not to smile.

  ‘I’ll let you know soon,’ she said and the excitement was there in her voice too.

  Since he was ninety percent sure she’d go with him, he decided it was time to leave before he said anything to get her worked up again. He opened the door, stuck his hands in his pockets and turned his back to her. He looked over his shoulder to see if she’d taken the bait and caught her staring at his ass with her lower lip trapped beneath her teeth. He wanted to grin, wanted to tell her she could have all of him if she wanted it, but forced himself to leave.

  Max had no doubt he’d have Georgia where he wanted her. He just needed to tread carefully.

  Chapter 3

  ‘I can’t do it,’ Georgia told her friends.

  Eloisa’s eyebrows almost hit her hairline. ‘You’ve got the dress, the shoes, the clutch and the jewelry. I don’t think he’ll be thrilled if you changed your mind now.’

  Georgia looked down at the midnight-blue dress. She was worried her skin would look too pale in poor lighting, especially since she was a week late on her spray tan. She’d been tempted to get one on her lunch hour, but orange wasn’t sexy. Pity the tinted moisturizer hadn’t done much but give her a light glow.

  But that was the least of her worries.

  A car was due to pick her up any minute to take her to the ball and she was sweating off all her make-up.

  ‘Georgia, you agreed to go. If you’d told us first we could have talked you out of it, but you never said a word.’ The look Shey threw her made her feel like a spoiled brat, getting everything she wanted then deciding she didn’t anymore.

  Which was pretty much true.

  Georgia hadn’t told them until she got home. Max had been so unlike himself that she’d believed he wouldn’t push her, which had put her on a downer until he’d dangled pretty clothes bribes in front of her. She’d been excited about the prospect of shopping in Briggs with no price cap, and really what was one evening for a dress that cost more than she made a month? And there was more than that; she got the matching shoes and accessories any girl would forego her hairdryer for.

  After doing a mental inventory of Briggs’ stock, there weren’t many functional brain cells left to think about ulterior motives. The doubt hadn’t kicked in until she left work and bumped into Max getting into his car. He’d winked at her and told her he couldn’t wait for tonight, but it had sounded way too suggestive.

  It had all clicked into place for her then. He’d told her a load of bull so he could get her to go with him. Get her exactly where he wanted her, then
turn on the sexy. It was getting harder and harder to resist him, but she would. After all, it was only one night…

  Shey topped up Georgia’s wineglass and she swallowed half in one go. The buzzer sounded and she said, ‘Don’t let him in. I’ll meet him downstairs.’

  ‘You need to put your foot down with him,’ Shey said. ‘Unless…’

  Georgia turned on her, ‘Unless what?’

  ‘Come on Georgia, you go on and on about how hot he is. Maybe fucking him will put you off him for good.’

  ‘And you said he was pretty clear on what it would and wouldn’t be, so there’s no real risk,’ Eloisa added.

  Great, now they were both ganging up on her. Georgia stormed over to the door, snatching her clutch from the coffee table and handing Eloisa the glass as she passed. ‘You’re both idiots.’

  ‘We love you too,’ they chorused.

  The buzzer went off again but Georgia didn’t wait for it to be answered. She took the elevator down and used the time to compose herself. She may want him, but not enough to embarrass herself further by sleeping with him. Whatever his agenda for needing a date to these functions, she’d treat it like she would any other day in the office. He was her boss, whether she stood by his side or not.

  So by the time she strolled through the marble lobby, she was resolved. At least until she opened the door and got a load of Max in a tux. She thought there was nothing hotter than Max in a charcoal suit, with one of his silky ties and his hair all askew – not that it was neat at the minute – but this was worse…Much worse.

  The black suit hugged every inch of him, highlighting every bit of delicious sculpted muscle. His waistcoat was a deep purple and the shirt beneath was black too, not white. The effect it had against his tan skin was so hot her heart even missed a beat or two, but it didn’t stop her blood from sizzling.

  His eyes were stormy blue as they raked her over. ‘How the hell do you expect me to keep my hands off you when you look like that?’

  Best. Compliment. Ever.

  Georgia couldn’t help her grin any more than she could help her attraction for this man. She wanted his hands on her, right here, right now. Pity that wasn’t part of the deal tonight. Although…

  Feigning nonchalance, she strolled past him and climbed into the open door of the limo. Instead of going in the other side, he watched her shuffle over to make room for him. When he was inside and had given the driver instructions, Georgia turned to face him.

  ‘Who says you have to keep your hands to yourself tonight? I’m playing the part of your girlfriend after all.’

  A small frown pushed a line between his brows, but then he smiled, grabbed her around the waist and hauled her across the leather seat. Georgia gasped. The feel of his warm palms against her hips made her skin tingle. Though the chiffon was in the way, she almost felt naked pressed against his side. His crisp, cool aftershave invaded her senses and when he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, his breath caressed the nerves on her neck, making it hard to breathe.

  ‘You’ve no idea how much I’m looking forward to it,’ he said, then his lips brushed her earlobe, the touch scorching a fiery path down to her clit.

  This close to him, all she could do was fight for control for the rest of the journey. She wanted to straddle him – hell, she was that ready. Maybe suggest they ditch the party and go straight to his place. She forced her mouth closed and bit her lip.

  Max took her right hand in his, brought it over to rest on his solid thigh and rubbed teasing circles in her palm. She could feel the touch throbbing through her system, to every pulse point she had. Georgia knew it was dangerous to let him keep this up, but she was helpless to move, especially when he trailed his fingers down her forearm in light, teasing sweeps. A shiver ran through her and she focused hard on breathing.

  ‘I should give you free reign in the store more often,’ he said.

  Georgia had to work to keep her voice even, but looking up at his smoky eyes didn’t help her cause. ‘Why?’

  Max lowered his head until his lips were a few inches from hers. The air sawed out of her lungs and his minty breath brushed her face. She wanted him closer, wanted to know what those full lips would feel like against hers.

  ‘Because you look heartbreakingly beautiful tonight.’

  Her breath caught as his head dipped, but he didn’t take her mouth. Instead his lips brushed her jaw, light as a feather, making her skin feel too tight and her mouth feel neglected.

  ‘Max.’ She whispered the word, but desperation leaked through.

  He pulled away, which was not what she’d been begging for.

  ‘I’m sorry, Georgia. I know I promised to keep this professional, but it’s not easy.’

  His expression was tight and his eyes almost dark gray with his need. The same need making her body vibrate and ready itself for him to take her. She pulled her hand back and slipped across the seat, ignoring his small frown and the protest screaming deep in her bones. Tonight wasn’t about sex. Ten minutes and she’d already caved to him. She used the space to go over why asking him to slide up the privacy screen and fucking him where he sat would be the worst idea ever.

  ‘Let’s just keep the touching for when we’re in public, okay?’ After all she couldn’t lose control at the party and straddle him – she didn’t want to end the night with them getting arrested.

  He nodded once, then turned to look out the window at the city around them whizzing by. Georgia didn’t look away, pretending to admire the same view of the buildings and streets all lit up in the fading light, but she didn’t notice much. Instead she focused on his neck, so thick and strong. And his shoulder, which wasn’t over-the-top muscly, but had perfect definition. She guessed he spent more time swimming than pumping weights. Then a vision of him doing a push/pull with naked arms and legs through water kicked up her body temperature and she forced her head to turn around.

  Staying out of his bed was going to be harder than she thought, especially since she’d given him free reign to touch her at the party.

  * * * *

  The second they entered the function room, Max pulled Georgia close against his side. It was packed already, with Briggs’ designers their dates and from all over. Tonight was different, though. It was the first of these functions he’d attended with a date since the split with Clarissa.

  He waited for the usual anger to come, the vengeance against that bastard who’d seduced her right under his nose, but it didn’t. All he could focus on was the woman pressed against his side and how she’d reacted to him in the car. Looked like this attraction between them had more perks than he’d thought.

  ‘Your father knows how to throw a party,’ Georgia murmured.

  Max had to agree, though personally he thought it was over-the-top. A buffet prepared from the best gourmet restaurant in town was spread out at the far side of the ballroom and he had no doubt it would still be there at the end of the night. With the models in attendance, no one ate much. Although the champagne feature next to it would be sucked dry in an hour or so.

  Already the live musician hired for the evening was singing, filling the room with an almost hazy sound. People had taken up space on the dance floor, but there were more seated at the tables scattered around the hall.

  ‘Do you want something to drink?’ he asked.

  Georgia nodded, but he didn’t guide her to the champagne feature. Instead they crossed the room to the bar. As they waited to be served, Max leaned against the wooden frame and pulled her closer until she was standing between his legs. She surprised him by slipping her hands under his waistcoat, spreading her palms over his abs.

  Every muscle in his body hardened and blood pounded to his dick so fast the room swayed a little. She pressed their hips together. He gritted his teeth against the need to grind against her to get more friction, knowing that would cross lines she wasn’t ready to cross yet.

  Though by the dilation of her pupils and the flush spreading over her face, she want
ed him just as much as he wanted her.

  Max tried to think clearly with Georgia pressed against him, but it was tough. Why was it different for her now, when she’d pulled away in the limo?

  ‘Don’t you like champagne?’ she asked.

  Her words barely registered, not when he was picturing them alone, and all the things he’d do to her beautiful body. ‘I prefer something harder.’ And he needed it right about now.

  She cocked a brow, a little smile playing around the corners of her mouth. A mouth he wanted to claim, right before he claimed every other part of her. He tugged her closer, his hands pressing against the top of her firm ass. Despite how toned she was, her breasts and stomach were soft against his chest and erection. He almost groaned.

  ‘Like gin?’ she whispered.

  Max couldn’t believe she could still keep up a conversation when he was using every ounce of his control not to drag her out of this party right now, maybe into the alley next to the hotel and take her hard and fast.

  But he forced himself to play whatever game she had going. ‘Bourbon.’

  Max glanced toward the bar and saw the bartender was finishing up serving a couple in front – an underwear designer he thought was called Melissa and her date. ‘What would you like to drink?’ he asked Georgia.

  She took a step back but he pulled her closer. When she glared at him, he explained. ‘If you move now people will see more of me than they bargained for.’

  Her skin flushed a pretty pink shade. ‘Oh.’

  He ordered their drinks, after she requested champagne, then moved her over to a table close to the bar. Sitting down was a must at this point. Though he didn’t mind Georgia seeing how much he was feeling her, the rest of the guests didn’t need to know.

  She slipped in next to him, their backs against the wall and both scanned the crowd in silence for a minute. He should mingle, play the role of host his father usually did, but that wasn’t going to happen for a while. He took a swig of his drink, then relaxed back into the chair.


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