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What a Girl Needs

Page 5

by Aimee Duffy

  ‘Where are we going?’ The streets were empty and being smack bang in the middle of the Upper East Side, she didn’t worry much about getting mugged.

  But she was worried when he tugged her into the shadows at the side of the hotel. ‘Max…’ She tried to pull her hand free, but he only tightened his hold.

  Digging her heels into the concrete, she almost snapped one of the spiky stilettos. ‘What the hell are you doing?’

  He turned on her then, and the dim light showed his expression. He wasn’t pissed off like she expected, but his jaw was tight and his eyes smoldered. A flash fire burned beneath her skin and her heart beat so loud it drowned out the sound of her staggered breathing.

  Max lifted her and pulled her legs around his waist. She dropped her clutch as she gripped his shoulders to keep from falling. His mouth attacked hers before she could take another breath. The fiery contact was all it took for her to forget why this was a bad idea.

  Her lips parted, allowing him entry, and Max took charge. He tasted smoky and delicious, better than anything she could have imagined. Better than he had earlier. His kiss was born of desperation and she was right there with him. Threading her fingers through the silky waves of his hair, she squeezed her thighs around him tighter, pressed her aching breasts against his chest, and sucked on his tongue like she wanted to suck on his cock.

  A deep growl vibrated in his throat, then cool stone met her back. She didn’t give a shit that he had her pressed tightly against the wall, didn’t care that the chiffon would probably tear as he ground his erection into her.

  The bundle of nerves between her legs was just out of reach, and she tried to shift her hips to get some friction, but she couldn’t move. She broke away from his mouth, gasping in a lung full of air.

  ‘Max, I need—’

  He unwrapped her legs from his waist and placed her back on her feet. Georgia was about to protest when he said, ‘I know exactly what you need.’

  Before she could register what he was doing, he had her panties at her ankles and was kneeling on the ground in front of her. ‘Lift your feet, one at a time.’

  She did and he removed the black lace, pausing long enough to tuck her panties into his inside pocket. He pushed her dress up her hips, then lifted her right leg over his shoulder, exposing her to him in the most intimate way. Instead of embarrassing her, her core throbbed and more moisture flooded her pussy.

  ‘Hold onto the pipe. You’re going to need the support.’

  She tried to move her leg away, but then his thumbs were parting her folds. His breath brushed her clit, making it swell and burn. All she could do not to fall was obey him. She reached both hands up to grab onto the cold pipe.

  His forefinger circled her clit and she bucked her hips to get more friction.

  ‘Your cream’s everywhere, Georgia. I need to taste it.’

  Max dipped his head and then she couldn’t protest if she wanted to. His tongue was gentle, teasing, but it sent a shiver through her. She clutched the pipe tighter, trapped in the pleasure coursing through the lower half of her body.

  He pressed her hips to the wall until her ass was flattened against the cool brick. Max continued to torture her with his tongue, only sweeping her clit lightly then moving down to her entrance. When he pierced her she was glad she had something to hold onto, because the burn in her lower belly got more intense, like he’d found the G-spot she thought she didn’t have and was licking it mercilessly.

  Pressure built and built until it got hard to breathe. Unable to move her hips, she thrashed her head from side to side. Little desperate sounds escaped her mouth, but she didn’t care as long as he kept doing what he was doing.

  Her muscles tightened and his tongue continued to spear into her for a beat, then he stopped. Gasping, Georgia glared at him. Even in the dim light she could see his chin shine with her juices, and it was so hot it stifled her irritation.

  ‘You need to relax. We’re not leaving this alley until you come for me, Georgia.’

  She squeezed her eyes shut as what she was doing registered. She wouldn’t come; she never could. Then he’d never look at her the same way again, knowing she was a freak.

  ‘I can’t,’ she whispered.

  He was quiet for so long, if it wasn’t for the fact that his breath still brushed her soaked flesh and her leg was supported by his shoulder, she’d swear he’d left. Metaphorically pulling on her big-girl panties, she opened her eyes to face him.

  Which is what he seemed to be waiting for, because he leaned forward and very deliberately sucked her clit into his mouth, his gaze never leaving hers. The bundle of nerves sent jolts through her body – burning jolts that added to the pressure inside. She whimpered and dug her heel into his back to pull him closer. But he released her and she let out a frustrated groan.

  ‘Your body works just fine. Relax. Let me make you feel good.’

  ‘I don’t know how.’

  He stroked the leg she was using to keep herself up, all the way down to her ankle. His touch scorched through her, even though the chilly breeze brushed her skin.

  ‘Put this over my other shoulder,’ he commanded.

  She hesitated, not wanting to burden him with her weight. He was built and impossibly huge between her legs, but the conversation she’d been worrying about for hours came back. If he was right, doing this would be like surrendering everything to him. She had to trust him to hold her up, to give her what she needed and the thought didn’t only terrify her, it kicked up the inferno burning through her.

  Screw it.

  Georgia lifted her leg and hooked her knee over his shoulder, keeping a firm hold of the pipe. She was fully open to him now, seeing nothing except the top of his head. This position made it hard to tense the lower half of her body, since her focus was split holding on to the cold metal and what he was doing between her legs.

  ‘Honey, I’m going to make sure you enjoy this. I promise.’

  Her heart thumped unsteadily at the endearment, but she didn’t have time to consider it. The flat of his tongue pressed down on her clit at the same time he slid two fingers inside. Everything doubled. From the fiery burn to the sizzling jolts coming from where he worked her clit.

  Her stomach muscles tightened at the need to move, but she was trapped as the joint tortures made her more and more breathless. The pressure built again – so fast it made her head spin – until something felt like it was about to explode. Tears burned her eyes as she knew she was stuck in this agony, having never been able to get past it.

  Max must have known. He sucked on her clit so hard she had to choke back a scream. His tongue flicked the nub faster and his fingers pumped harder. Everything shattered, sending waves of ecstasy through her. It was too much, but not enough. The ripples of pleasure were more extreme than she’d ever thought possible and the rush of emotions that came with it knocked her sideways. So this is what she’d been missing out on.

  Her whole body twitched as she was moved away from the wall. She couldn’t see, or maybe she’d closed her eyes. A minute later her face was pressed against warm silk that smelled delicious, like only Max could, and she was secured to his chest, wrapped in his arms. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears and breathing was so hard she wished it wasn’t necessary.

  ‘You’re so beautiful when you come. So fucking beautiful.’ Max’s breath brushed her ear as he spoke, his hands rubbing up and down her spine.

  Her heart cracked at the words. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her with what looked like wonder. Surely she should be thrilled to find out she wasn’t a freak with a body that didn’t work right? Instead the fissure in her heart ached.

  This was supposed to be pretend, yet she’d never experienced anything that felt this real.

  * * * *

  Something that felt suspiciously like pride swelled Max’s chest until drawing air into his lungs became a struggle. Christ, this woman in his arms was going to be the end of him. He’d wanted to be the first to giv
e her an orgasm and had succeeded. But that’s not why he was so choked with emotion; he was in danger of being a sissy.

  Georgia had surrendered her body to him, trusted him completely to know what she needed and he’d given it to her. Her cry when she came, the intensity in which she trembled, and the way she clung to him now fought against his rational self until all he could think was mine.

  The certainty of it put frost on his libido. Georgia wasn’t his; she couldn’t be. He was done with relationships, done with being screwed over and rejected and it wouldn’t be fair to lead her on by pretending this could be any more than a bit of fun.

  But he did still need Georgia on side, especially if he was going to have his revenge on Marcello.

  Getting away from her now would be a smart move – just not that easy when she was looking at him like she’d never seen him before. And hell, he knew exactly how she felt. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

  ‘I didn’t believe you,’ she said.

  ‘I know.’

  The chill of the concrete digging into his knees reminded him where they were. He stood, bringing Georgia with him and keeping a hold of her waist when she wobbled.

  She laughed a little and it was the loveliest sound he’d ever heard. ‘I can’t feel my legs.’

  Max grinned at her. ‘Lesson one; never underestimate me.’

  Georgia bent to pick up her clutch. ‘Duly noted.’

  He took her hand and led her back to the street. People were filtering out now and some primitive part of him didn’t want any of them to witness the afterglow of her first orgasm. That was his right, even though the thought was insane. Still, after sending a quick text to his driver he guided her away from the hotel.

  ‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going this time?’ she asked, but didn’t try to stop him.

  That made him grin like an idiot, or maybe it was the fact they’d got through a whole night together without arguing. Much. ‘To the limo,’ he answered.

  After a few blocks he spotted the car parked in front of a closed store. Street lights made it easier to see, but he kept scanning the darkness just in case. It was New York they were in, after all.

  He opened the door for her then followed her in, desperately trying to keep his eyes off her ass. Having sex now was too risky when his inner caveman was beating the urge to claim her. Georgia shuffled closer and he couldn’t resist tucking her under his arm. She was tough though vulnerable; firm yet soft and about a hundred other contradictions he couldn’t get his head around.

  One thing was sure, when she’d cut Marcello down with a few sentences she’d turned him on so much that in his still-jealous haze he couldn’t think of anything other than getting her alone and thanking her the only way he knew how.

  ‘Is this the part where you give me back my panties?’ she whispered.

  Max reached for the control that would raise the privacy screen, then stopped. With no one watching, there was every chance he’d strip her naked and take her right now. Bad idea. His emotions were running too high and he could tell from the way she looked at him that he wasn’t the only one.

  ‘They’re mine. I earned them.’ He turned to her, making sure his expression was serious.

  She glared for a second, then a huge smile stretched her lips. In the overhead light she took his breath away. He’d never seen her smile like that, and his inner caveman roared at him to claim her as his in every way.

  ‘Put that screen up, Max. We’re not done.’

  Her hand reached for his zipper but he caught her wrist. Her smile disappeared and pain clouded her eyes before she turned her head. Shit.

  ‘We’re not done, honey. Just getting started, I promise. But not tonight, okay?’

  She looked at him with the fire back in her eyes. ‘What’s wrong with tonight?’

  He loosened his tie, hoping that would make the suffocating feeling disappear. It wasn’t her, it was him. If he let them get close now, things could get messy with the turmoil of emotions inside him. But he couldn’t tell her that.

  ‘It’s getting late and I wanted to check on my father before I go home. I didn’t think tonight would work out the way it did.’

  Her expression softened with something that looked suspiciously like pity. Max squeezed his eyes shut. Since his conversation with Georgia earlier, Max had wanted to visit. His father’s new live-in nurse had called yesterday, saying he was eating less and less. Giving up on life and himself. Why the hell his father still wanted to control these functions, when it seemed he had nothing he wanted to live for – Max included – was a mystery.

  ‘You love him, but you’re angry too,’ she said.

  His eyes snapped open. ‘You don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Her wince made him lighten his tone. ‘I’m not angry at him, not anymore.’

  Georgia’s frown was thoughtful. ‘Why were you?’

  Max gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to go there with her, not now. Not ever. And if he could completely crush the anger and resentment toward the old man he would have long ago. She cupped his face in her hands and seemed to stare into his soul. It unnerved him, but also made him want to ask her to come with him. She’d lived through the loss of the last of her family. When his mother died, he’d tried to console his father, never having much time to face his grief. This time it was different – he was watching it happen and didn’t know how to stop it.

  ‘You don’t have to tell me, but sometimes it helps to talk.’ Her thumbs rubbed the hollow of his cheeks and his eyes slid shut.

  His anger dissolved slightly as his body relaxed under her touch. The car pulled to a stop too soon, and the warmth of her skin left his.

  ‘Thank you, Max. Tonight was amazing.’

  The smile she gave him wasn’t a happy one and it tugged at him. He reached for her face before she left, pressing his lips against hers. It wasn’t filled with lust, instead gratitude, for everything she’d given him tonight.

  But there would be no more heart-to-hearts here. He had to take this back to what it was supposed to be. Pulling his head back, he forced a teasing smile, ‘I want you to practice making yourself come this weekend. When I see you on Monday I want you to show me.’

  ‘I think I might need your tongue for that.’

  His thumbs skimmed the side of her throat, down to her collarbone. ‘No, you only need to think about me telling you how to pleasure yourself.’

  She shuddered. ‘I think I can manage that.’

  Blood pulsed back into his groin, which was his cue to say goodbye now. He couldn’t resist one last kiss, cupping her breasts and tweaking the hard tips with his fingers. She gasped into his mouth, revving him up further. The urge to throw her down and sink into her creamy channel, to claim her, rose up to the surface so fast he had to release her.

  ‘Don’t forget your breasts.’ His voice was so thick he had to clear his throat. ‘I want you to tease your nipples into hard points when you make yourself come.’

  Georgia swallowed, then nodded. Her pale skin was flushed and she was breathing hard when she left the limo. Max had to fist his hands on his lap to keep from reaching for her again. Somehow she’d burrowed under his skin, but he was positive time apart would lessen her hold on him. It had to.

  Chapter 5

  Anticipation turned Georgia’s stomach into knots on Monday morning. Forcing herself to concentrate on work was harder than it should have been. By the time noon came it was as if a raincloud had settled over her, dimming any hope she had of Max contacting her.

  She’d done as he asked this weekend, surrendering to his imagined demands over and over again by herself, but the orgasms she’d had didn’t even get close to the one he’d given her.

  The last two days had been a special kind of torment, so she wasn’t really surprised Monday morning wasn’t going as she’d hoped. First, there was the burning need to see Max that hadn’t vanished and she was beginning to suspect she was developing more than lust for her boss.
br />   But that didn’t compare to the lectures from both Shey and Eloisa. They’d made her feel like a silly kid, explaining that good sex – even great sex – wasn’t love. How intense pleasure could blur the lines. She’d found that out herself after her first-ever orgasm, but it hadn’t been love she’d experienced then; only emotion, and emotion she could deal with.

  This waiting for him to contact her – that’s what was driving her nuts.

  A red light on her desk phone flashed on, indicating a new voicemail. Georgia frowned at it. It hadn’t chimed, which meant someone had dialed straight to the machine.

  She picked up the receiver and fetched the message.

  ‘I hope you studied hard. Your test is in fifteen minutes. My office.’

  Her heart raced as she listened to his voice, deep and husky over the line. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins and her whole body tingled. Oh, he knew how to make a girl want him. But she wasn’t going to let him win so easily.

  After all, he may take control in the bedroom. Might even boss her around more at work, but she wasn’t a pushover, and irritation sizzled right alongside the want. He left the message so she couldn’t tell him no.

  Just then Janice poked her head into the room, her purple curls bouncing around her face. ‘I’m going to the café across the street. Do you want me to bring you something back?’

  The part of her that needed to keep her pride got an idea. ‘How about I come with you and we can have lunch out?’


  ‘Great. I need to make a call but I’ll be there in a sec.’

  Janice left and Georgia dialed Max’s voicemail. After his greeting she left a message.

  ‘We’ll have to reschedule. I have a lunch date.’

  Kind of. Technically Janice counted as a date, which was why her voice remained steady. She picked up her handbag and headed out of the room. Janice met her in the corridor.

  ‘Should I ask?’ Janice said as they made their way to the store front.


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