You're Kitten Me

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You're Kitten Me Page 9

by Celia Kyle

  Ronnie nodded, hearing and understanding his words. The future, their future, was in her hands. How far was she willing to go for him?

  The ends of the Earth.

  “I,” she wet her lips, trying to put her thoughts to words. “I want to be yours. I want you to be mine. I want to share bites so others know you’re mine, but the rest—”

  “The part that could tear us apart.”

  “Yes, I think we should wait for that.”


  Chapter Thirteen

  If they didn’t let him see Veronica soon, he’d kill someone. Or maybe more than one someone. They’d given him some time with his mate, but not enough. Not nearly enough. He’d held her close, dried her tears, and they’d agreed to mate. Then the women descended en masse. They swept in and shoved him out.

  If he hadn’t been flying high over getting her agreement, he would have fought harder. But, he was getting his way so he didn’t give a damn.

  That was hours ago.

  He threw himself back into organizing the men, making calls and setting plans, ensuring everything Walter and Ares planned for the party and coming days were enough. He trusted the two alphas, but… Veronica was his mate.

  The party was in full swing, pride members arriving early to try and get a peek at Veronica, but failing since she wasn’t at his side.

  He took a calming breath, releasing it slowly, and then took another sip of his beer, the cold brew sliding down easily and smoothly. There was a little something extra in there, a taste he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Sweet yet savory, and he wondered…

  “How you doing?” Ares came to his side and leaned against the porch railing.

  “Fine.” Why wouldn’t he be? He had a mate, a protective pride, and a good life. “The question is, how are you doing?” He tipped his head toward the small cluster of women on the other side of the yard—a group of wolves surrounding one tigress. “And are you going to be okay?”

  The alpha growled low, drawing the attention of one of the more timid tigers nearby, and the sound was silenced as quickly as it began. “I don’t want her going anywhere. Not with anyone, not with them.”

  By “her,” he meant Claire and by “them,” he meant the wolves.

  He could relate. The alpha—alphas since it was a surprise to Walter as well— had finally been told about the plan for Claire, about the tigress heading off to the Lakes while they waited to discover if the human transitioned.

  “It’d be good for her,” he murmured. “No one here has gotten through to her, you know. First time I heard her laugh was this morning with Veronica. I haven’t seen her smile so much since Talia claimed her and has dragged her everywhere. Veronica’s sisters have already brought her into their circle as family.”

  “I know,” Ares grumbled. “But I can’t protect her when she’s with the wolves.”

  “They can handle it. She’ll be in the alpha’s house, not some random apartment. The beta and several sentinels live with him.”

  “She’s so young. What if they—”

  Braden snorted. “She’s twenty-two. And a tigress. What happened with the human aside; she’s a strong feline. Stronger since all that happened. I hate what was done to her, but she’s a fierce bitch now. You need to see she can take care of herself physically. She needs emotional help.” He took another sip, savoring the taste and still wondering why the hell it was so good. There really was something extra he couldn’t quite pinpoint.

  “We can help her.”

  “You’re pouting like a woman.”

  “Fine, our cousins can help her.”

  “Uh-huh.” Another sip that went down nice and smooth. He generally wasn’t a big drinker, but this…

  “Mom’s uniquely qualified to help her, Ares. It’s a good idea and she’ll be safe.” His mate’s voice reached him, and some of his lingering tension fled.

  Her footsteps were soft as she approached, and he lifted his arm, inviting her to snuggle against his side. She eased into his embrace without another word, and he tugged her even closer before dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

  “Missed you,” he murmured low and breathed in her scent. It went straight to his cock. A mating party organized by her parents seemed like a great idea, and he was behind the event… in a week. Maybe two. It would give him time to sate his need for her.

  Unfortunately, thwarting Cadman involved their mating and having it recognized by others.

  Hello, mating party.

  Veronica chuckled. “You snuck in and saw me this morning.”

  Yeah, he had. It’d been painful but he sensed their bond growing stronger after their talk.

  “And then your mother kicked me out,” he grumped.

  Ares coughed. “Not to interrupt—”

  “But you’re doing it anyway.” Braden managed to keep his growl in check. Barely. His body was on fire for his mate, and talking to people just delayed his claiming even more.

  “How is she uniquely qualified? What makes you guys think she has any idea what Claire is going through? How can she do something none of us can?”

  Veronica nuzzled his chest, hiding her face, but she did answer. “Because someone close to her experienced something similar and my mother managed to keep the girl sane.”

  His mate’s pain filled the air, earning more than one confused look, and he glared at his alpha.

  “I see.” Ares’s expression told Braden he understood. Or at least could put a few pieces together.

  He rubbed her back, tracing her spine in a gentle caress. The three of them remained silent—Braden sipping his beer, Ares enjoying soda, and Veronica clinging to him.

  Wait, soda? The alpha enjoyed a good beer as much as Braden did. He flicked his gaze to the male’s cup and then raised an eyebrow, causing Ares to roll his eyes.

  “Zoe wants to have cubs soon-ish. Which means she refuses to drink alcohol, and if she can’t drink alcohol…”

  Braden snorted and shook his head. “Then you can’t drink alcohol. Can’t believe you agreed.”

  A small elbow collided with his side. “Hey, you’re going to deal with the same thing eventually so enjoy that beer while you can.”

  He froze, heartbeat stuttering as he imagined Veronica swollen with his cub. Or pup? No matter what she had, she’d be beautiful, and their child would be just as precious. “Really?”

  Braden took another sip. If it was going to be outlawed, he wanted to finish his drink first. Maybe more than one.

  It was her turn to stiffen in his embrace. The scent of her nervousness slipped free of her pores. “Uh… I dunno. What answer are you looking for?”

  He emptied his cup and set it on the railing, freeing up his hand so he could get both of them on her. He cupped her cheeks, encouraging her to meet his gaze. “I want to have a family with you. Today, tomorrow, a year from now. I want that.”

  “But our mating…”

  “It’ll be what it’ll be. You have your reasons.” At his words, her lips twisted into a grimace. “And I respect and understand them. I have my own, remember?” He still didn’t trust his tiger even though it assured him she’d be a match for them and it would accept her. The animal was convinced she’d prove herself to be a good mate. “But our mating will be just that—ours. No matter what it is or what it becomes, I want to have a family with you when you’re ready.”

  Her eyes glistened, moisture filling them for a moment before she blinked it away. “How’d I get so lucky?”

  He grinned. “You haven’t gotten lucky yet.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Wanna?”

  His joke had the desired effect, his mate snorting and then laughing aloud. “Dork.”

  “Hard as hell dork.” He flexed his hips, making sure he rubbed himself against her softness.

  Fuck, but he was hot for her. His mind wouldn’t let go of thoughts of her spread beneath him, body welcoming his possession as he thrust in and out of her wet pussy. His dick twitched with the thought, and he swal
lowed the groan threatening to burst free. He burned for her, and his tiger roared, demanding he snatch her to him and carry her to their den. He could lock her in the room. Or rather, lock others out. Then he could strip her bare, lick, taste, and bite her until they were as tied as they could be.

  She’d be his then. As bound as they could be without pushing his mate further than she wanted to go.

  Veronica licked her lips, gaze dropping to his mouth, and he smiled. Soon the flavors of her nervousness vanished only to be replaced the musky scent of her arousal. Her nipples hardened and pressed against his chest, the fabric between them doing little to blunt the sensations. His mate was aroused, her body preparing for him, and he wanted nothing more than to strip her bare and fill her pussy. First he’d lap at her cream and savor each delicate morsel. She’d be so sweet on his tongue, a flavor he could quickly become addicted to.

  Braden lowered his head, anxious to capture her lips since he couldn’t exactly rip her clothes off and mount her with everyone nearby. Well, really, it was because her family was around. When it came to the pride, his tiger was more than happy to take Veronica in front of the crowd. The animal wanted every shifter to know she was his.

  He didn’t think her father wanted to see.

  “Really? Can you, I don’t know, keep your naughty thoughts to yourselves? We’re in public.” Zoe’s words cut through his growing arousal.

  He wanted to growl at the tigress but managed to suppress the sound. Veronica had no such compunction and snarled at her best friend.

  “Like you two haven’t been humping each other’s legs.”

  “Touchy, touchy.” Zoe held out two cups, one nearly overflowing with beer while the other was filled with some sort of dark liquid on ice. “Here, Daddy Walter wants to start the toasts soon. He’s got a video camera guy hanging around too because he needs some good tape to send to the press in the morning. You know, us being human.”

  Veronica wrinkled her nose. “Black Wolf on ice?” He raised his eyebrows in question. “Sambuca, Green Chartreuse, and a little Tabasco. Wolves are sorta a fan of anise the way catnip gets feline motors running.”

  Catnip? Braden took a sip of his beer and turned his questioning expression on Zoe. That savory sweet he’d tasted in his last drink was present in this one as well. His tiger was tempted to get angry at being drugged, but the catnip was already doing its job. The cat told him they’d bitch about the catnip tomorrow. They felt too good right now.

  The tigress shrugged and didn’t apologize. “You two need to be friendly and act like newlyweds but you’re both a little growly. Being the helpful, wonderful, amazingful alpha fem I am, I came bearing gifts.”

  “So you drugged us?” Veronica growled.

  Zoe grinned. “You being pleasant is a sure thing now. Besides,” she smirked. “You’ll really enjoy yourselves now instead of just pretending.”

  “Zoe?” Walter’s raised voice reached across the yard and the tigress nodded.

  “C’mon. He hates waiting. Talia promised you just have to play nice through a few speeches, and then you can run off and do newlywed things.”

  Ares followed Zoe across the yard, leaving them a little space, and sank into his mate. Her scent, the musky sweetness, enveloped him. He breathed it in, loving and cursing the flavors at the same time. She made his dick rock hard, but she… made his dick hard. It was real damn difficult to move when his cock was being strangled by his pants.

  “Veronica!” The alpha wolf’s bellow reached them and they both winced. Apparently the wolf was done being ignored.

  “Grab your drink. A few toasts and then we can find some privacy,” Veronica murmured.

  Braden glanced at the house, knowing all of the guest rooms were filled and then raised his eyebrows. “And that will happen how?”

  “Privacy that may involve the forest,” his mate chuckled. “Now, come on. The quicker we’re done, the quicker we’ll both get what we want.” They took two steps and then she stopped, reaching out to squeeze his hand and grab his attention. “I… I’ve never felt this good. Not since…” she shook her head. “Not ever, actually. Like I can breathe. Thank you for that. For being you. For helping me be me.”


  The national wolf alpha was done waiting.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ronnie didn’t realize how much she giggled when she was drunk. Or that she found everything in the world hilarious. That initial Black Wolf had led to another. And then another. And then she sorta lost count because, like she told Braden, they really were like werewolf catnip.

  And Braden… had ingested a lot of catnip. He said it was sweet and smoky and a wonderful complement to his beer.

  Hours later, toasts complete, smiles flashed for cameras and video recorders, and howls and roars released in celebration, and Ronnie was ready for bed. So her mate could fuck her and… claim her? The wolf agreed, anxious for his fangs in her flesh, but could she trust the animal? It’d betrayed her once before. Would it again? What would it do to Braden?

  Nothing, it assured her. The animal would never hurt their mate.

  Ronnie shook her head. She wasn’t ready to risk his life. She’d keep a lid on the wolf and wouldn’t let it wrench control from her human body. Maybe someday, but not today—tonight.

  Her mate tugged her close, his heavy arm draped across her shoulders, and she snuggled into his side, nuzzling his firm chest. He was so strong, so fierce. And even if her father refused to admit it, she knew he liked her mate. At least a little bit. He hadn’t challenged Braden, so that was a plus. If her daddy really wanted him gone, he would have found a reason to kick Braden’s ass. Since Braden’s ass was hard under her hand and decidedly unkicked, she figured they were ahead of the game.

  The last lingering tigers intent on wishing them well slowly made their way around the house and toward their cars. Which left her and Braden mostly alone in the backyard. Zoe and Ares cuddled beneath a nearby tree while some of the other couples who’d attended also found private places.

  “How you feeling?” Braden nuzzled the top of her head and inhaled. “You drank a lot.”

  “Hmm…” Yes, she had, and it was delicious. “Good. Buzzed, but not really drunk. Just happy.”

  He hummed and then spoke once more. “So what comes next, if you’re not really drunk and just happy?”

  Ronnie’s wolf was intrigued by the question and pushed to its feet inside her mind, padding forward and nosing her. “What do you want to happen?”

  He chuckled. “No fair. Don’t try and catch me in one of those women questions. Tell me what you want. Because I want you naked beneath me. I want you screaming my name. I want my teeth in your shoulder.” He bent and nipped her shoulder. She tilted her head to the side and gave him more room. “I want yours in mine.”

  “Yes.” Yes to all of that.

  And more, the wolf assured her.

  Ronnie swallowed hard, a hint of faith blossoming in her heart. Could she trust the animal? All she could remember from the last time she’d tried to get close to a man was pain and blood. Screams suddenly cut off by death.

  “But I’m not doing this inside the house where everyone can hear every sound.”

  She giggled. Her. She giggled. “Forest it is. They can stumble over us, but I imagine whoever else is out there tonight is looking for privacy too.” Ronnie scraped her fang over his skin. This was what she wanted, what she’d always wanted. Understanding. Support. Acceptance. They both had issues, they both had reasons, and they both wanted to be together in any way they could. Mates, but not, and that was okay. “Know any good spots?”

  “I know plenty.” He pulled back and his intent gaze met hers. “Are you sure?”

  “More than. I want your bite, Braden.”

  The wolf wanted more.

  The wolf could go fuck itself. She would not risk Braden. Ever.

  He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, and she was glad he didn’t try to take it deeper. She couldn�
��t guarantee she wouldn’t pounce on him if he had. Her pussy was wet—soaking—for him, and she couldn’t wait to get naked. “Not solidifying our bond doesn’t make it any less than another couple. It doesn’t lessen my commitment and lov—” He cleared his throat. “C’mon. You wanna shift, or do you want skin.”

  Oh hell no. She grabbed his hand when he went to move away. “Nope, finish what you were gonna say.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He even blanked his expression. Too bad for him shifters could scent emotions.

  “Try again.”

  He grimaced.

  “Here, I’ll help you.” She slipped her hands around his neck and pushed to her tiptoes until less than an inch separated their mouths. “Not solidifying our bond doesn’t lessen my commitment and love for you.” Those words rang true inside her. Their love wasn’t overnight, but slowly established over the weeks she’d spent with him. It was strengthened by the recent adversity and hardened by their talk earlier in the day.

  Braden was her mate, her other half. Her forever.

  Ronnie nipped his lower lip. “Your turn.”

  “Veronica…” He tried to lean in and kiss her, but she jerked back.

  “Nope, let’s hear it. All of it.”

  Braden pressed his forehead to hers. “I love you. I want to mate you. I want you to be mine, and no matter how we form our bond, it’s still going to be as strong and fierce as any others.” He squeezed her tightly. “You’re mine, Veronica Barrington.”

  “Veronica…” she swallowed hard, heart thumping a rapid beat as nerves assaulted her. Why was this part so difficult to say? She’d said everything else, but… She mentally growled and huffed. She wasn’t a pussy even if she was mating a tiger. “Veronica Scott.”

  “As soon as we find a little moonlight and a nice patch of forest, you’re mine.” He moved away from her and she let him go, not objecting when he dragged her toward the forest.

  He loved her. Her, a woman who’d killed a man for what they were about to attempt. The wolf snarled and told her she was an idiot. The animal wanted the tiger just as much as Ronnie ached for the human.


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