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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

Page 14

by Rayanna Jamison

  He handed her a blue bathrobe, soft cotton and many sizes too big for her. “Usually this week is dead. It’s only a quote anyway. I’ll try to price myself out of the competition.”

  “Well we still have today, and all those cold nights to keep each other warm.”

  “Sorry, babe,” he said and kissed her.

  You’re breaking my heart she thought, but smiled at him all the same, refusing to ruin the time they did have together by worrying about the time they didn’t. It would be better this way, if his work separated them for a while. If they spent too much time together, she’d never want to leave.

  The job turned out to be bigger than Will had guessed. The couple was going to Mexico for month and wanted a new kitchen installed while they were away. They wanted Will, and no one else, because he’d done several of their friends’ kitchens and bathrooms and was known for his excellent work and reliability.

  That night, Will called his subcontractors. The next day he began a grueling schedule that had him on the job site from early in the morning until late at night.

  As a way of keeping Kylie close, he gave her a set of keys to his house so she didn’t have to watch for him to come home on nights when she wanted his company. Kylie accepted the keys gratefully. She always wanted his company.

  She spent her days doing lesson plans for the start of the school year back home. When she wanted to dream, she looked at the University of Alberta website, perusing the graduate programs. She’d always wanted to take a Master of Education. But it all looked too difficult, and besides, she’d signed another year’s contract with the private school where she taught in Sydney. Even if Will did want her to come and stay with him for a while, it was impossible. Besides, she couldn’t imagine being away from the ocean for that long.

  Still she couldn’t resist going over to Will’s house every night. She was drawn to him by the same magnetic force that kept the moon circling the earth.

  On New Year’s Day Kylie watched him play hockey, thrilled by the primal contact sport and dazzled by the ease with which Will moved on skates, forwards and backwards. He was power and grace combined. Until she saw him on the ice, she didn’t think she could desire him even more, but when they went out for dinner after the hockey game, she had trouble keeping her hands on the table.

  As they drove home, he was still smiling, happy at his team’s victory, which he had helped with two goals and an assist.

  Kylie stole glances at his rugged profile, savoring the woodsy smell of his shampoo and the way he sat so relaxed like he was king of the world, one hand on the steering wheel, the other softly rubbing her knee. She couldn’t pinpoint the moment when her lust had morphed into something so strong it had a power of its own.

  She knew many types of love: love of family, love of friends, love of animals, love of the sea. But she’d never known this before, this all-consuming obsession. She’d never wanted someone so badly that it made her body ache. The pain only stopped when he was close.

  While she wanted to hold him close and never let him go, she knew that wasn’t going to happen. In three weeks, she’d board her plane for Sydney and someone else would move into her side of his bed.

  Suddenly frightened at the grief that lay ahead, she decided to push him away, to make him not want her any longer. Maybe she could provoke him to hurt her so that she would stop loving him.

  She shoved his hand off her leg and spoke in a hard, brittle voice. “You are fucking awesome on ice and I totally get hockey. It’s caveman stuff, basic and raw.”

  “It is,” he agreed, planting his hand on her thigh before forcing it deep between her legs, rubbing her lips through the fabric of her jeans. “And this caveman is going to spank your bottom when we get home. Did you just deliberately provoke me?”

  “How could you accuse me of such a thing?” She forced indignation into her voice, hiding the note of gratitude that he’d refused to be pushed away. “I’d never do anything as fucking silly as that.”

  He gave a small hoot of laughter. “You playing games with me, missy? Because I know exactly what to do with little schoolgirls who play naughty tricks.”

  Kylie slumped down into her seat, both thrilled and resentful at his effect on her. If he didn’t move his hand soon, he was going to feel the dampness.

  One of the disadvantages of Will’s period home was the unattached garage, so they had to slog through the blowing snow to get to the house. They hung their coats in the main closet and Kylie started to walk upstairs.

  Will touched her arm, guiding her toward the kitchen. “This time we’re going to do something different, something I haven’t tried before but I’m sure it will work.”

  He stopped in the center of the room. “Here’s the thing about an over-height kitchen island: it’s the perfect height to bend a tall woman like you over. I only know the theory, but I’m sure it’s going to work.”

  She blinked at him dumbly.

  “Drop your jeans and your panties – around your ankles.”

  She didn’t move.

  “I’m waiting – and counting. Swearing twice has cost you twenty penalty points. Every second you delay I’m adding five more. I’d be quick if I were you. Or maybe you need some extra persuasion?”

  Kylie hesitated until he moved toward the drawer where the wooden spoons were kept. Then, with speed she didn’t know she had, she wrestled her jeans and panties around her ankles and waited.

  “Put your toes against the island,” he said.

  She shuffled forward.

  He laid his hand in the middle of her back and pushed her down, breasts flattened on the cold granite.

  “On tiptoe,” he added and she wriggled to do what he said.

  “We’ll start with a nice slow warm up, get some blood into the area.” He slapped her slowly, with deliberate upward smacks. “I like the way my hand bounces so nicely on your bottom.”

  He was laughing, but his voice was thick with desire. Kylie’s plan had backfired. Being spanked by him didn’t make her want him less – not at all. It made her want to please him, to obey him in a deep primal way. She smiled at her own foolishness.

  The next smack wiped the smile off her face and she straightened up.

  Will eased her chest back down onto the counter. He said softly, “Stretch your hands out in front of you and stay that way until I tell you differently. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Her voice quavered. She’d done it again, gone looking for the biggest scariest wave on the beach and found it. There was no way out of there but right down the middle.

  “When you ask for a spanking, I hear a call for help and I’m only too pleased to answer that call.” He spanked her rapidly.

  She had no idea how many strokes he’d delivered, but this spanking was much worse than the one over his knee. The only contact was his hand on her backside and thighs. Pinned to the counter, she couldn’t move or avoid the spanks as easily. Very quickly she found herself begging him to stop.

  And he did. He went over to the drawer by the cooktop. He rummaged around in it for a minute. Kylie watched in horror as he pulled out a long, thick wooden spoon. “I think you may need a quick taste of this to see what’s going to be on the menu regularly around here.”

  The first stroke landed across both cheeks and Kylie jumped back from the island with a shriek like she’d been scorched.

  Will helped her back to the punishment position and took a moment to rub her throbbing cheeks. “You’ve been pushing me away all day, as though you’re mad at me or something. Do you want to talk about it?”

  He was too close to the truth. She couldn’t let him inside, not to this deepest place, where her most intimate and private fears were hidden. “Fuck you,” she said.

  The wooden spoon cracked across the lower part of her bottom, the sit spot. This time she screamed, half in rage, half in pain, but she couldn’t move. Will had her hands pinned to the small of her back.

  “You’re getting noisy,” he said. �
�I think it’s time to test the soundproofing in the basement.”

  “No,” she pleaded, not disguising the fear in her voice.

  “Baby, you’re fighting me all the way and I can see you need a bit more attention. There are things I want to do to you that I can only do downstairs.”

  “Please, no, Will. I’m sorry. I’ve just been a little bit lonely and upset. I didn’t mean to make you so angry.”

  “That’s academic now, surfer girl. We’re going downstairs. First you can kick off the jeans and panties. You won’t need them down there.”

  He helped her slide her pants off and pull down her tunic top for temporary modesty. He opened the door to the basement and went down, holding her hand in the middle of his back.

  She clambered after him, awkward in his hold. Halfway down, she stopped and sniffed.

  The smell of summer.

  He looked back up at her, one eyebrow raised. “Yeah?”

  “It smells like – gardenias?” She was losing her mind.

  “Let’s go see,” he said.

  When they stepped into the man cave, the fragrance engulfed them like a cloud. There were pots of gardenia bushes everywhere: on the pool table, on the games table, around the TV, on the exercise equipment.

  “When did this happen?” she asked.

  “Today while we were at the hockey game, Megan and Thomas brought them over. It’s part of a little surprise I planned.”

  She stared into his sky-blue eyes. “Surprise?”

  “If I’m going to fly back to Australia with you, I thought I should at least get used to the smell of it. Does this look like a fair start?”

  “Fly back with me?”

  “Are you going to repeat everything I say?” He drew her to him and rubbed her smarting bottom.

  “Yeah, I guess I am, until I know what’s going on,” she said, inhaling in her favorite smell of all time.

  “Do you think I’m going to let you get away so easily? That I’d just drive you to the airport and say goodbye to you forever?”

  He sat down on one of the big recliner chairs and pulled her onto his lap. “You don’t get away from me that easily, surfer girl.”

  She snuggled into him and listened to the deep rumble of his voice as he continued talking. “You need someone to take you in hand, to warm your bottom and keep you honest. And I need someone who makes me laugh, someone who keeps up with me when I run and someone who doesn’t mind cleaning the kitchen when I cook. If you want me, that is.” He touched his forehead to hers and she felt herself melt into him.

  “I want you,” she said, straight from her heart.

  “That’s good because I’ve already bought my ticket, same flight as yours. I’m making enough on this January job that I can take off a few weeks in February. How d’you feel about having me as a roommate? We can figure out where we go from there later on.”

  A tear rolled down her face and she smiled brightly. “I thought you’d never ask, you bloody heartbreaker.”

  “And every time the word bloody, or any other swear word crosses your lips, you will end up over my knee, understood?”

  “Oh calamity,” Kylie said softly. “Oh-fucking-calamity.”

  The End.

  About the Author

  Libby Campbell

  Mischief-maker and Dreamer

  Libby lives on the West Coast of Canada with her husband of over twenty-five years. An avid reader, she savors books that feature strong, independent women and the loving men who challenge them.

  Libby loves mountain hikes, deep bubble baths, and all animals, but particularly small dogs with big attitudes and big dogs that think they are lap dogs. She’s a four season woman who enjoys winter nights in front of a fire, summer sunsets on the beach, and all the in between months.

  She reads and writes for pure escapism. If you like her books, she hopes you will leave a review – it will help her write the next one.

  Visit my website and blog here:

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  Follow me on Twitter: @LibbyC26

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Libby Campbell and Blushing Books!

  Simon In Charge Series

  Simon Says - Book 1

  Winning Sadie - Book 2

  Sadie Says I Do - Book 3

  Joining of the Clans

  New Year’s Bride

  Mira Brooks

  ©2016 by Blushing Books® and Mira Brooks

  All rights reserved.

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  Mira Brooks

  Joining of the Clans

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

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  Chapter 1

  December 1632

  It was tradition. A stupid tradition that Clan Campbell had done for more than three hundred years, Annalise mumbled walking through the great hall of her father’s castle. Laird Aleck Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll, announced before everyone in the supper hall that evening that this year Anna was eighteen, and tradition was that daughters of Campbell lords were married off on December 31st, New Year’s Eve, once they reached the age.

  It was something she had been well aware of for more than six years, when the betrothal contract was signed between her and Kenrick ‘The Falcon’ Mackenzie, the eldest son of Laird Colin Mackenzie, Earl of Seaforth, and a known warlord in his own right. The betrothal had been conducted by the two chieftains at the Mackenzie’s Brahan Castle, but Anna was too young at the time to accompany her father. It formed a strong bond between the clans, one that had been desperately needed in the recent uneasy times when the English were often aggressors. All too frequently, Scotland’s streams ran with the blood of both countries’ young men, and the chieftains, for a change, were aligning themselves together against their common enemy.

  The Campbells were one of the richest and most feared clans, known for their ruthlessness and fearlessness when it came to battle. The Falcon had a similar reputation. It made Aleck proud, that his daughter would be on the arm of such a powerful warlord, and more so that such a strong force in Scotland would be his son-in-law. Together, Clans Mackenzie and Campbell would be a cyclone of destruction. Two super powers, converging in one of the greatest betrothals either family had ever seen. Family meant everything to the Scots, and this marriage would bring a lot of comfort to both clans’ people.

  Kenrick obtained the name of The Falcon early. His strategies and lethal notoriety for winning became more legendary every passing season. Like the predator, he would swoop in on his enemies and capture or kill them before they even realized he was upon them. He was called a myth in the highlands. A shrewd, calculating giant who took into consideration every possible avenue a tactic might have in failing, before executing. His father was older in age, so once Kenrick reached maturity, he was sent out as his father’s enforcer. He crushed his enemies, and made countless men cower at the thought of facing his wrath.

  Annalise had known for some time that the announcement would be coming. She was just unsure of when. As December set
in, and the house was being decorated in the festive trees, furs and rushes, she had almost given way to hope that her father had forgotten the betrothal and she would be free a bit longer.

  She had heard whispers about The Falcon, especially in the village. Everything she heard was about his ruthlessness in battle, and how he had been leading an army around the border. Normally, whenever his name came up around her, people changed the subject. It was public knowledge a betrothal between the couple existed. Unlike them however, the thought of the union was not a cause for celebration for Anna.

  The sweet smell of cider was in the air, a true hint that Christmas was upon them. The next morning would be Christmas Eve, so she knew she had to get to see Marisol either that evening or the following morn. It was just her luck that her lavender oil ran out just as she was beginning the next set of candles. Her mint was also running low, and she still needed four more bars of soap for her brothers’ gifts.

  When she took her seat, a servant filled her goblet. Aleck clinked his glass and raised it in a toast. The hall went silent, as many pairs of eyes raised to their chieftain. It was the Christmas celebrations, and for twelve days before and during Christmas, the clan gathered to give thanks and praise as a unified family. Respected friends from the village were also invited to attend. The Earl of Argyll was kind to those loyal to him, and put on a spectacular feast.

  “I have received word that The Falcon and his men are descending upon our fortress, and I am expecting them within these next celebratory days. The wedding of my daughter Annalise will be taking place as tradition has dictated, on the 31st day of December at midnight. Clans Campbell and Mackenzie shall be celebrating the new year with a new family, and peace. It is my command that everyone, who is able, be in attendance and share in the merriment. Subhachas.” The old man looked jovial, as he winked at his wife and avoided eye contact with his daughter.


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