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A Spanking Good New Year: Short Story Collection

Page 30

by Rayanna Jamison

Logan tweaked her nub faster, then sucked it between his lips. Two fingers sank into her pussy, and she bucked.

  “Please? Oh, please?” she begged openly as he brought her to the cusp of an orgasm. “Let me come?”

  He moved his mouth away from her heat. “Only if you promise to go along with the rest of the things I have planned for tonight.”

  Claudia slapped her hands against the cold, tiled floor. “Yes! Fine!”

  “What was that?”

  “Please, Sir?” She opened her legs wider. “I’ll do whatever you want!” Claudia would have agreed to almost anything when she was so close to an incredible release.

  Logan replied with his tongue and fingers working in perfect tandem, until the muscles in her legs tightened, and she came, screaming his name. He didn’t stop though, and brought her to climax several more times until she lay nearly breathless from the exercise. Could she count that as cardio?

  “Do you feel a bit more agreeable now?” He picked her up in his arms, and brought her against his chest.

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Good. I can’t wait for you to see what else I have in store.”

  His words caused ripples of excitement to spread through her, followed by the tiniest speck of fear. What else could he possibly have in mind?

  Chapter 5

  “I don’t really want to go out tonight.” Claudia sucked in a breath when he stroked a finger across her pussy, then moaned. She only got to put on a bra and panties before the torment started again. “Don’t tease me, Logan.”

  “I don’t remember asking what you wanted tonight.” He repeated the gesture with more pressure. “If I recall correctly, you begged me to make you come while you writhed along the bathroom floor.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “In exchange for your multiple orgasms, I made you promise me to go along with whatever else I planned for the evening.” He cocked an eyebrow, then his hand slapped once against her mound. “Do you recall that particular conversation?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Claudia groaned. “Can we drop the formality?” In seconds he had turned her around and bent her over the bed so her ass popped up. She imagined the set-up to be a perfect height for his hand. Four sharp smacks targeted her sit-spots, then four more danced across both cheeks. “Ouch! Okay, okay. I heard you loud and clear.”

  “Good.” Logan pulled her up, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I took the liberty of choosing an outfit and a location. Be ready by eight o’clock. You’ve got an hour until then.” He licked a long line down to her neck, then further back to her earlobe. He sucked gently before dragging his teeth across her soft skin.

  She shuddered at his touch. “You’re going to get me all worked up again.”

  “Yes, sweetheart. That’s the point.” He nuzzled against the sweet hollow of her throat. “The idea of your pussy being completely bare, and wet for me is intoxicating.”

  “So, getting me all frenzied is actually part of your fun?”

  “Of course, but it’s for both of us.” He released her, then strode to the bedroom door. “I’ll see you in an hour. Don’t be late.”

  Claudia watched him reached for the knob, but she couldn’t let the unspoken threat hang without further explanation. “Or?”

  Logan glanced over his shoulder, and made sure to meet her eyes. His lips tugged up into a broad smile. “Or, I’ll make sure your ass is as red as your favorite heels before we leave. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His exit left her with a bizarre mix of arousal and trepidation in regards to their outing tonight. A quick glance confirmed the outfit he picked held one main goal – to turn him on. Leather pants, ones she hadn’t thought about in years but secretly tried on every now and again, along with a deep V-neck tee shirt in the deepest shade of teal you could imagine. Her forgotten leather ankle boots waited by the foot of the bed, joined by an old-time leather bomber jacket. The first gift Logan ever gave her. She smiled as she remembered the numerous times she’d worn it, and loved the feelings it invoked. She bet his plans involved a small bar, not a dive exactly, but something crowded and intimate. Claudia bit her lip as she tugged on the leather pants. They fit her like a glove, and hugged ever curve. If Logan wanted a show, he would certainly get one tonight!

  Claudia toyed with the idea of tricking Logan into thinking she wasn’t ready. She glanced at her cell phone, then smirked. She doubled back into the bedroom, plucked her boots up by their tops, then grabbed the bomber jacket. She left the room with purpose and sauntered all the way down the hall and steps, until she reached the landing. Logan stood casually at the last step, but appreciated the picture. He eyed the last pieces of her outfit, then raised his eyebrows.

  “I’m not entirely ready,” she cooed, and blew him a kiss.

  “You’ve got thirty seconds.”

  “These boots are tough to get on.”

  “Hurry up, love. The drive is twenty-five minutes and it will be very uncomfortable to have a sore bottom in those leather pants.”

  She gave him a wicked grin, but decided to play it safe. Pulling the boots on in record time, she finished with a flourish. “Huh! Easier than I remembered.”

  “Mmm hmm.” He kissed her cheek, then swatted once across her ass. “Let’s go.”

  Claudia nervously twisted long pieces of hair around her finger, as she watched Logan drive into the outskirts of town. They didn’t explore as much as they as used to, before the move, and the excitement thrilled her. Logan knew how much she loved a good adventure. Almost twenty-five minutes to the dot, they pulled up to what she’d imagined earlier in the night. A small bar with a lit sign flashed, Lucky’s. She shot a questioning look to Logan.

  “It’s a pub. Where else would I steal you away to?”

  “So, are there rules tonight?” she asked as she got out of the car.

  “Yeah, three.” Logan rounded the front of the car. “I want you to have fun. Second, please don’t overthink things. The third one is a bit more challenging.” He ran a knuckle down her cheek then kissed her. “See if you can pick me up.”


  “You heard me. Act like this is the first time we’ve ever met.” He held up a key card, for the conveniently located next-door motel, and then slipped it into her back pocket. “See if you can pique my interest, love.”

  “A bit presumptuous, don’t you think?” Claudia winked.

  “We’ll see.”

  “I don’t fuck on the first date.” She moved around him, but took her time striding to the front door so he could enjoy the view. Two could play this game. Either way, she won.

  For the first time in a long time, Claudia let the tension in her body ease. It felt wonderful to let her worries go and to focus on the rules outlined for her. Some might think it was ridiculous to have to be told to enjoy a night out, but that’s how stressed she had become. In the past hour, she drank two mixed drinks, and started conversations with four different patrons. They were all eager to talk and their simple yet intriguing stories pulled her. She checked her phone, shocked at how much time had passed. Relaxation did a body good.

  Claudia excused herself from the couple she’d been listening to, then wandered through the main room. She’d been so wrapped up in the atmosphere that she forgot to look for Logan!

  The place was not very big, but the lighting was dim in many places. Finally, she spied him playing pool with two other men. She quickly pulled her hair up into a ponytail then made her way to the table. He sank two balls, then looked up as she approached. She hadn’t realized it earlier, but he wore an earring tonight along with black jeans and a faded leather jacket. The outfit combined all her favorite pieces of his wardrobe. His demeanor and overall attitude screamed bad boy, which made him all the more appealing.

  “You looking for something, sugar?” one of the men called out as she got within earshot. “Or somebody?”

  She smiled politely, then leaned forward so her arms rested on the edge, giving all
three men an eyeful down the front of her shirt. “I’ve always wanted to kick a grown man’s ass in a game of pool.”

  “Put your money where your mouth is, honey.” The other one scoffed. “This guy’s been killing both of us.” He jerked his thumb at Logan.

  “Speak for yourself.” The taller of the two men glanced casually at the remaining balls on the table. “I’ve got this one.”

  “You boys sure look thirsty.” She looked directly at Logan as she spoke. “If I go and get us all a round of shots, do I get winner?”

  “Call it, love.” Logan stepped back to allow the other man to take his shot, but his eyes never left hers. “Make sure you bring back something worth drinking.”

  “All right.” Claudia straightened up. “I call winner. Be right back.”

  She felt giddy as she ordered the shots, then carefully returned with four drinks. Grey Goose, a top shelf vodka, filled each one. It was Logan’s poison of choice, and no doubt what he’d alluded to.

  Claudia returned to the group, then set the glasses on one of the side tables.

  Logan sank the last of the solid balls, then he tapped his stick on the far right pocket. It was a long shot, even for him, and the other men shook their heads in disbelief.

  “Eight ball. Far right corner.” Logan reiterated, then made the shot. She held her breath, and watched the ball roll into the exact pocket as if commanded. “Well, would you look at that?”

  The two men said nothing in reply to his slight brag. They quickly downed the shots, threw some cash on the table, then walked away grumbling to each other.

  Claudia downed her shot, and then slammed the glass onto the table. She quirked a brow, as Logan picked up the remaining one and sniffed it. Would he appreciate her choice?

  “Good choice,” he muttered before shooting it. “I suppose you’ve got what you asked for.”

  “I’m CJ.” She held out her right hand.

  “I’m Logan.” He took her hand, but instead of shaking it, planted a kiss on the back of it, just like he’d done so many years ago.

  Heat flushed up her face, and she tugged her hand away, suddenly shy. “I don’t expect you to throw the game just to let me win.”

  “Don’t worry, love.” Logan rubbed his fingers across the back of her hand, before slowly releasing it. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  “Good.” She grinned up at him. “Let’s play.”

  “As long as you follow my rules,” he added as he chalked up the pool stick to get it ready for the next round.

  “I think I can do that.” Claudia picked up several different sticks, testing their weight. It had been a long time since she’d played. “If you remind me of them.”

  “I’d be happy to.”

  “Well, then I should have no trouble at all.”

  The possibilities of where the night could lead them were endless, especially when it started out so well. For now, all that mattered was reconnecting with her husband and following his directions. Everything was prompted by her own personal revolution for a new year along with a fresh outlook on life. Things were changing for the better, she could feel it. No matter where this new path led them, she would follow it, savoring every moment along the way.

  The End

  About the Author

  Adaline Raine

  Adaline Raine enjoys writing paranormal and contemporary romance stories the most and is an avid reader who devours alpha males and strong yet submissive female characters. She runs an active blog on blogger and can be found across social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Adaline also loves creating custom graphics for others and flexing her beta reader muscle now and again.

  You can contact Adaline via:



  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Adaline Raine and Blushing Books!

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2015

  His Winter Princess

  Claudia’s Revolution

  Becoming a Lady

  Freezer Burn

  Susannah Shannon

  ©2016 by Blushing Books® and Susannah Shannon

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  Susannah Shannon

  Freezer Burn

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  Email from


  Hi Nicole, we are here! It is so beautiful. I couldn’t figure out what the awesome smell was and it turns out it is Scandinavian air. We got here late last night, and Nick has already gone into his new office. I am puttering around putting things away. Our house is tiny and so cute. You get a real feel for the Swedish aesthetic, nothing wasted, pristine, simple… a real consciousness of the interconnectedness of the globe. It’s such a privilege to get to experience this way of life.

  The furniture we purchased had arrived, but our bed’s too big to fit into the bedroom! Apparently no one here has ever had a king sized bed. The movers had left the pieces of the frame in the middle of the living room and plunked the mattress into the tiny bedroom – the edges curled up since the mattress was bigger than the floor. I had to crawl all over it to put sheets on. We were too tired to even think about doing anything with it. It was a little bit like sexy camping.

  Today I will go to a store and buy us a smaller bed! Not at all sure how we’ll get the mattress out of the house. I think it’s a lesson in culling our materialistic American way of life, refreshing really.

  As to the other thing, no, I have not. It took me months to get my nerve up. I had read your blog over and over and over. I had printed out “How to ask for the spanking you crave” I had practically memorized that thing – be loving, respect limits, discuss, discuss and discuss some more. I was ready: wine chilling, speech about trust and authority, and love and accountability, and sexiness and love...

  Then he walked in the door, saw the lit candles and said, “Oh, you already know about the job offer.” We had ten days to get moved from the USA to Uppsala. It was not the time to bring this up. “The visa’s arrived. What’s the exchange rate from dollars to krona? Your mother called to beg us not to move the day after Christmas, and oh, by the way, would you pin my wrist in my back and spank me until I cry?” seemed like a really, really awkward conversation to start. I will, though, I promise.

  Love, Lucy

  Lucy put down her laptop. She had been sitting cross-legged on the mattress that engulfed the ridiculously small bedroom. Since the room lacked overhead lights, she had balanced a table lamp in the doorway with a long extension cord and had sort of leaned into it to get enough light to see. December in Sweden was not a bright affair, apparently. It was an awkward and persnickety way to send an email, the laptop careened perilously on her knees and her fingers kept hitting the wrong keys. She crawled off the mattress and out the bedroom door.

  The rest of the house was much more to her liking. The ceilings were high and there were a lot of windows. Apparently, the Swedes just didn’t care about bedrooms. She started coffee.

ick’s new associate, a woman named Astrid, had stocked the kitchen with coffee, milk and sugar. Everything had been arranged by the company Nick was working for. Lucy was going to get them both settled and then get back to her work as an actuarial freelancer.

  Emboldened with kaffe – she had to admit Swedish coffee was pretty terrific – she went to get a shower. She stood in the doorway, and completely baffled, took sip after sip of her coffee. The showerhead cascaded from the ceiling in the corner. There was no barrier of any kind; the drain was simply in the middle of the floor. A pedestal sink with a mirror over it ran along one wall. The toilet was in its own small room across the hall from the “shower room” – no bathtub in sight. Either the whole room was the shower or the shower had a sink in it. No counters, no cabinets. Where the hell did you keep your towels? You couldn’t even close a shower curtain and hide your wilting soap, scabby razors and half empty bottles of shampoo. The Swedish aesthetic apparently ruled out ever being sloppy. This might be a long year.

  After taking a hesitant shower under a dribble of water – she simply could not stand the idea of the entire room getting splashed – Lucy scrounged through a suitcase for a clean pair of jeans. She sat down on the mattress and her attention was drawn away from getting dressed.

  She lay back, imagining Nick saying, “Come here, baby doll.” She imagined herself hesitating and, as her fingers began to stroke between her legs, she imagined him firmly yanking her across his lap. She imagined the spanking building to a fevered pitch while she wriggled and cried and begged for mercy. Her palm pressed against her mound as her breath began to become labored. She imagined his hand being implacable as he enacted a thoroughly deserved punishment. Her need exploded within her and she stilled while her climax washed over her. She lay for a few minutes and then got up and yanked her jeans on.


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