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Sufficient Encouragement: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (When Love Blooms Book 1)

Page 17

by Rose Fairbanks

  Chapter Fourteen

  It had been over a fortnight since Wickham had last entered Longbourn’s environs. However, Denny frequently visited with Carter and Saunderson, and things were going just as he hoped. Meeting Darcy and Eliza by chance on the street the day before proved that Darcy’s intentions towards Eliza were progressing as well. Curiously enough, Darcy did not seem threatened by his presence. He patently disliked seeing him, but Darcy showed no signs of insecurity of the lady’s regard. Even more curious, he was no longer hiding his affection for the woman. It appeared Darcy’s brief return to London had illuminated his mind to the treasure Eliza truly was. If he was honest with himself, the distance from her had increased his own attraction as well.

  “My congratulations,” he said to her once he was afforded a moment of privacy.

  She nervously looked around the room. “What do you mean, sir?”

  “Your aunt Phillips has regaled the area with news of Mr. Bingley’s courtship of your eldest sister.”

  She smiled, and he was drawn to the shape of her mouth. Had Darcy tasted those smooth lips yet? “Thank you! I am quite happy for her! But you had best give them to her rather than me.”

  “You are the one who did the hard work in cultivating a friendship with Darcy. You clearly reversed his opinion of the acceptability of a match with your family.”

  Eliza shook her head. “You make it sound as though I have purchased Jane’s security by drawing Mr. Darcy in.”

  “I would never accuse you of such an art,” he said with a wink, which she did not see.

  “I am glad you accepted my mother’s invitation tonight. I had hoped to ask you if you knew Lord Arlington at all.”

  “You are quite the astute observer, Miss Eliza.” He took a sip of wine to allow time to form a credible lie in his mind. “I gather you do not know much about Darcy’s family, although you have clearly met his sister.”

  “I have also met Lord Arlington on a number of occasions now. He seems a very amiable gentleman.”

  “That does not surprise me. He can please where he wants. The Darcy family, as I have said before, are everything generous and kind. The fact is, Darcy’s aristocratic relatives never forgave his mother, Lady Anne, for marrying an untitled man. I know it weighed on his father’s mind, and that is one reason why Darcy’s other cousin was named co-guardian of Miss Darcy.”

  “Not the viscount?”

  Wickham shook his head. “I am afraid by that point the viscount had a very bad reputation. The elder Mr. Darcy had always demanded propriety be strictly observed by his family, a standard adopted by his son. However, his titled relations are very influential in society. If he thought he may need additional clout in the future, it would make sense for Darcy to reach out to Lord Arlington despite having previously shunned him.”

  Eliza furrowed her brows. “But it seemed his lordship knew you particularly and that Mr. Darcy was not pleased with his reaction to you.”

  He took another sip of wine. He had hoped, providing he was vague enough, she would lead him down her line of thought, a far safer device for creating a plausible deception. “I am only the son of a steward. Arlington is a liberal man, but there are limits to it. Knowing he is in the neighbourhood, I am unsurprised Darcy has chosen to have no interaction with me.”

  “Do you not think that is a mark against his character? That he can be so fickle in his friendships? That he would have to hide them to gain the approval of others?”

  “It is the way of the world, Miss Eliza.”

  “Not in my world,” she muttered.

  At that moment, Mrs. Bennet called Eliza over, and she excused herself. He was content to watch her graceful movements as she played hostess to her mother’s guests. Denny circled around the room before sidling up to him.

  “Bennet is getting ready to retire to the library for cards. Are you coming?”

  “How much does he have now?”

  “He has won four thousand pounds and certainly thinks he is the cleverest of us all. Carter likes to talk about his ample allowance from his father. He likes to pretend he is equal to Bennet or Bingley.”

  “And Bennet keeps increasing the stakes?” Denny nodded. “Let him continue to hang himself. He and Darcy both are fools enough to deserve what is coming to them. I shall bide my time for now. However, if I get to work on the next phase, it will only be a few days before everything comes together.”

  “Of course,” Denny agreed and dutifully went on his way.

  Wickham went around the room before departing, saving Eliza for last. “Miss Eliza, I hope it is not another fortnight before I see you again.”

  “You are not coming to Sir William’s tomorrow evening?”

  “Knowing how Lord Arlington feels about me, I would not wish to cause any uneasiness for Darcy.”

  “You are a true friend to him!”

  “I believe you are as well.”

  She blushed, and Wickham’s confidence grew. She would be hurt for a time, but it would not last long for a lady as shrewd and scheming as she, and he would be there to console her. He left Longbourn for the local tavern, intent on gossiping about suspicions of Darcy courting Eliza. He felt no envy of Darcy for the first time in years. They would finally both have exactly what they deserved.


  Darcy arrived with the others at Sir William Lucas’s dinner gathering. It was a large event for the area, eagerly looked forward to every year by many. It occurred to Darcy that he had not felt out of place in Meryton since his return. Several at the party smiled and nodded at him as they walked past. It was hard to believe these were the same people who he had felt examined him as though he were some circus freak on his first night in the area nearly three months ago.

  Had it truly been less than twelve weeks since he met Elizabeth Bennet? He felt like a new man in many ways. Before Michaelmas, he would not have credited that his sister could be drawn out of her shell and making friends, with young ladies her own age, by Christmas. He would not have thought Bingley would be on the verge of matrimony—and with his approval—or that he would be courting a lady from the country. Perhaps the biggest change of all was that he had not thought he would reconcile with his cousin or that he would feel so complacent when in the same vicinity as Wickham. Fear had no power over him any longer.

  How could it when he had the admiration of the most delightful woman he had ever met? A treasure he would cherish. He smiled to himself as he recalled his conversation with Lady Belinda only weeks ago. He very well knew the worth of Elizabeth Bennet, and regardless of the possible consequences to his position in society, he intended to make her his bride. After the holiday, he would send to his solicitor to begin matters, and surely by then, Elizabeth would be ready to admit her love.

  First, though, it seemed he needed to disclose information about his history with Wickham. Besides lacking privacy the other day, he had needed time to consider how to present the information to her. His pride revolted at the idea of seeming like a fool or weak to her. There was much more pain involved in the trespasses of a childhood friend and favourite of his father than even Arlington would imagine. Tonight, however, he would not dwell on such things. Wickham likely would not show, and he expected to spend the evening with Elizabeth. Rumour had it the locals referred to this evening as the Mistletoe Ball, and he intended to collect.

  At last, the Bennet family arrived. It was the first time he had seen Mr. Bennet in weeks, and the man appeared thinner and more haggard than he recalled, but his attention was soon drawn to Elizabeth. She wore the ribbons he picked out for her at the shop the other day, and the twinkle in her eye beckoned him over. Bingley was not far behind him, similarly drawn to Jane. They did not have much time to speak before dinner was served, but he secured two dances with Elizabeth.

  He would have rather sat near Elizabeth but was surprised to find himself seated next to Lady Lucas. Arlington sat on her other side.

  Arlington met Darcy’s eyes and nodded towards
their hostess, clearly suggesting that he compliment her on her arrangements. “The meal is exquisite, Lady Lucas,” Darcy said.

  “I am so pleased you like it! And from someone who, I think I heard, has three French cooks.” His praise caused her to preen.

  He smiled a little. “No, ma’am. One English cook, but I think he would very much like to see the recipe for this soup.” Truthfully, he cared little for soup, and so it mattered not to him at all how the cook prepared it.

  “Ooh! Sir William was correct! He knew how it would be. He said you had your eye on our Miss Eliza and that she would soothe your feathers. You are ever so much more approachable now than when you first came to Meryton. Surely you will tell such close friends of the family when we can wish you joy.”

  Choking on his wine, he met Arlington’s eyes. His cousin merely shrugged. Good Lord! Were people expecting a match between him and Elizabeth? How long had this gossip been going on, and where did it spring from? As much as he wanted her for a wife, he hated the idea that she would feel she had no choice but to consent to protect her reputation.

  Still gasping for breath, at last his cousin intervened. “My cousin is a very private man. It would be best not to say anything further.”

  “Oh, of course! It is only we understood that matters were quite settled.”

  “May I ask how such rumours came about; who informed you?” Arlington asked.

  Lady Lucas blushed and looked away. “I do not quite recall now.”

  Darcy squeezed the bridge of his nose. Her prevarication was a sure sign that she must have heard it from a servant or shopkeeper and felt too embarrassed to be caught repeating their gossip. And that likely meant one source: Wickham. He could not conceive what his nemesis hoped to gain by spreading news of an engagement between him and Elizabeth. He could not think of a way it would lead to money for him. Attempting to put his annoyances behind him and feeling chastised for Lady Lucas’s mentioning of his earlier unfriendly behaviour, he focused on the meal and the conversation at the table.

  When the gentlemen separated, Arlington pulled him aside. “You have not managed to consider what Wickham gains from spreading such gossip, have you?”

  “You also believe it is Wickham?”

  “Who else?” Arlington shook his head as though Darcy were too kind-hearted. “I believe this confirms he hopes to wound you instead of gain money from you. He clearly does not know your true feelings for Miss Eliza. How could he? I would be surprised if she understood them. He hopes to wound your pride by entangling you with a country lady.”

  “How is it you think you understand his thoughts so well?” Arlington had seldom been in Wickham’s company and that had been many, many years ago.

  “Who better to know a charming rogue than another one?”

  Darcy nodded. It made quite a bit of sense. “So what do you suggest?”

  “Besides making it clear to her as fast as possible that you are genuine in your attentions? Nothing. Once again, the game is on him. He has never held all the cards that he imagines he does.”

  They could no longer avoid entering the room with the other men, so Darcy could make no further reply. While he sipped port and drew on Sir William’s fine cigars, he wondered if he should simply propose to Elizabeth this evening. And if not tonight, then on the morrow.


  Elizabeth glanced around the room, surreptitiously locating the hanging pieces of mistletoe. It was her first year attending Sir William’s annual dinner with the possibility of receiving a kiss from a suitor. Her cheeks grew rosy just thinking about it. The blush deepened when she heard Will’s voice behind her.

  “I believe I can guess the direction of your thoughts.”

  “Can you?” she asked softly.

  “Indeed. You think you will tease me on our old topic of dancing. I believe when it was last discussed, you claimed I was fickle and capricious in my choice of partners.”

  She smiled at the memory of those words. They had been spoken weeks ago when she was more pretending to think well of him than feeling it in earnest. When had such a change come over her? He was incorrect, however. “No, when last I mentioned it, I declared you a very accomplished dancer.”

  As they spoke, the rug was rolled up and Mary directed towards the pianoforte.

  “Hmm. And yet I prefer to think about my words: that I do not care if it is a jig, so long as I dance with you. Shall we?”

  She put her gloved hand in his, and a thrill coursed up her arm. Their hands were covered, but she could still recall the feel of his hand caressing hers. He noticed her reaction.

  “Are you well?”

  “Very.” He looked at her dubiously, and so she dropped her voice. “I despise gloves.”

  He drew in a sharp breath. “Minx.”

  They went down their set in silence, and although Elizabeth was aware of the attention of her neighbours, she could not find words to speak.

  Just as Jane and Bingley were going down, the song abruptly stopped. Looking up, Elizabeth grinned to see them under the mistletoe. Mary beamed, clearly proud of her plotting. Jane immediately blushed, but Bingley whispered something in her ear that set her head to quickly nodding, and the widest smile Elizabeth had ever seen on her sister appeared. Bingley swiftly kissed her, and the crowd cheered.

  “Was that a yes?” Bingley said loudly over the noise.

  “Yes!” Jane said breathlessly, and the crowd began to hush. “Yes, I will marry you!”

  Mrs. Bennet immediately screamed and ran to Jane’s side. “I knew it! I knew how it would be!”

  Elizabeth and Will approached them to offer their sincere congratulations, and others gathered round as well. Sir William headed to the front of the room, clearly intent on calling the dance back to order, but stopped just long enough at Elizabeth’s and Will’s side.

  “I am so happy to see you two dancing! I trust it will happen all the more in the future!”

  Elizabeth smiled, believing he meant after Bingley and Jane’s wedding, but Will frowned.

  “Are you unhappy with them?”

  “No, I could not be happier for my friend.”

  Elizabeth chewed her bottom lip with a dawning realisation. “But with a wedding, you will need to return to London,” she said softly, but Will’s attention had turned to congratulating Bingley.

  Pain seared her heart at the thought. She hardly knew what she had thought would happen. She would not take away Jane’s joy at having a proposal. She told herself that she could meet with Will again in the future, but he had only asked to call and had never come close to declaring his attentions. She had supposed he could mean nothing serious with his admiration, but that had been weeks ago—before she truly knew him. Would he really leave without securing her hand?

  Sir William called the dance back to order. They went down their set again without speaking, but this time, the feeling had changed completely. It was as though a veil were drawn over Will’s face and mind, and she could not determine what he thought.

  He danced with Jane, Georgiana, Caroline, and Kitty. She danced with Arlington, Bingley, a few local men, and Mr. Denny. In times past, Will had always seemed to pay attention to her partners and her conversations; now he seemed absent-minded watching the crowd in general, and once she saw Mr. Collins speak to him with no hint at replying. Charlotte came to her side.

  “Jane certainly deserves her happiness,” she said.

  “Indeed! What shall I do? You will be in Kent, and although Jane will be settled at Netherfield, it will not be the same.”

  “Especially once you are in Derbyshire.” She gave Elizabeth a knowing look.

  “I cannot imagine what you mean!” She wished she could joke, but that was the best she could muster when she felt her heart was breaking.

  “My dear Charlotte,” Mr. Collins intruded on their conversation, “your father wants you and your mother with him when he makes the announcement, but I cannot find Lady Lucas.”

  “Oh dear,” Ch
arlotte said. “Do excuse me, Eliza.”

  Mr. Collins awkwardly lingered. “I was happy to see Cousin Jane’s acceptance of Mr. Bingley’s proposal. It will surely raise the respectability of your family to have one married daughter. Even with the stain you seem intent on bringing the family.”

  “Mr. Collins!” she chided. “You have no right to resent my refusal when you are so blessedly happy in a better engagement.”

  He came closer to her, and his foul breath hit her square in the nose. “You misunderstand me. I meant your acceptance of Mr. Darcy’s attentions when he is engaged to Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s daughter.” He smiled a crooked grin and then nodded towards the front of the room. “I see Sir William motioning to me. Take heed, Cousin Elizabeth.”

  He walked off, leaving Elizabeth fuming. She may have been uncertain of Will’s intentions, but he would never encourage her if his honour were bound elsewhere. Nor would he dishonour her with an indecent proposal. She saw her father leave the card room, scrubbing a hand over his face. He stank of port.

  “Papa, are you well?”

  “I have survived another one of these stupid dinners with our neighbours. I have conveyed your mother and sisters about. And I hear one even was offered and accepted,” he paused and raised his eyebrows at Elizabeth, “a proposal tonight. I daresay I have earned the right to appear exhausted.”

  Elizabeth frowned at his words. “Can you not be happy for Jane? You would like Mr. Bingley if you spent more time with him instead of reserving it only for the officers.”

  “Egads, Lizzy. You would have me watch a suitor simper and smirk? I would rather have Mr. Collins in my library for another week!”

  Elizabeth smiled. She had grown worried about his alteration in disposition, but he could not be too ill if he had his wit. “Just the same, you have not been used to such exertion lately. Let us get you home.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Her father seldom overindulged in spirits, but by this point in the evening, she had a rather strong suspicion she and Jane might be the only sober ones left in the family.


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