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Falling For Jack

Page 12

by Christina Carlisle

  “I can assure you both I can manage the seating arrangements very well on my own.” Francesca gave her own quiet smile and then continued her conversation with Hubert.

  ~ * ~

  He aimed his cue and parted the rack of billiard balls with a loud crack wishing Michael’s head was at the end of the cue.

  “Good start, Jack.” The king was in an affable mood following, what was to Jack, a long and laborious dinner. Johann had insisted the men retire to the games room with their ports and coffee and he and Carl had challenged Jack and Michael to a game of billiards.

  I need this like a hole in the head. Jack shot a couple of balls into the pockets and wished he was anywhere else but here. He wasn’t sure he could cope with any more royal functions and he certainly couldn’t cope with another evening of Michael pawing Lara as if he owned her.

  Missing the next shot, he shrugged and leaned against a chair making room for Carl to move to the table. It was odd that Carl was here for a start. He was supposed to have left for Monaco that morning but had changed his mind and attended the dinner to welcome Michael and the aunts.

  I wonder if his mum and dad had a go at him. He was certainly subdued during the meal but so was Lara. Something was really wrong with her. She was pale and sort of shell-shocked. Also, Francesca had placed her next to bloody Prince Charming instead of me while I had to put up with Francesca and Aunt Bertha.

  He chalked the end of his cue as his mind went over the disastrous evening. Funnily enough, he had enjoyed the company of the aunts who were lively and very entertaining, but his attention had been constantly drawn to Lara and the creep next to her. Jack knew he was suffering from an enormous attack of jealously. The agony of it had twisted his insides at every look Lara gave Michael, every word she said to him.

  But what had grated with him the most was the way Michael had been so familiar with Lara. Throughout the dinner, he had constantly touched her arm, kissed her hand and whispered to her. At any time it would have been rude, to say the least, but to Jack, it was like a red rag to a bull. Nobody remarked about Michael’s behavior, they were too polite for that, but he could see Lara was embarrassed.

  His Lara. No one else’s, he thought savagely as he watched Michael prepare to take his turn at the billiard table. He had messed things up completely by springing his marriage proposal on her. He should have handled things differently. He had floundered hopelessly. No wonder she had refused him, assuming she was part of the business deal he had made. Unfortunately, as far as her parents were concerned, she was. But not to him. He wanted her as his wife because…because…

  Jack frowned. Because he loved her? Or was it sheer pig-headedness because he hadn’t got his own way. He wasn’t sure. He did know he was trying to make up for his earlier crass mistake. They needed quality time together, time to get to know each other. She needed to be courted, for God’s sake. Who could blame her for acting this way? He could see she was still vulnerable to him. He had seen it when they were on the sleigh ride when she had opened up to his flirtatious remarks and blushed at his nearness. He would have done anything to have taken her in his arms tonight and protect her from that fool Michael.

  “Jack, your turn.”

  Wearily, he played a shot and missed the pocket giving Carl the opportunity to play and win the game.

  “Johann, why don’t you and Carl play the next game? That will give my new friend and me the opportunity to chat,” Michael said, in his strong guttural accent.

  Christ! That’s all I need—to sit and talk to you. At this point, Jack would much rather have disappeared somewhere and drown his sorrows in a bottle of whisky. However, he followed Michael and they sat in the armchairs either side of the roaring fire.

  “I understand you are interested in marrying Lara?”

  Jack was suddenly wide awake as the older man posed the question. “Yes, I am.” As if it’s any of your business, he wanted to add.

  “I’m afraid you might be a little late, my dear man.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “As you may know, Lara and I are second cousins and it has always been understood that we would marry.”

  “Then why haven’t you?”

  Michael laughed unpleasantly. “Because I needed to wait until she was ready to accept the responsibility of becoming my wife. Oh, I’m aware she’s had a little dalliance with you and that’s fine. It gets it out of her system. But in the future when we are married, there will be no more affairs. Not for her, anyway.”

  Jack stiffened and his jaw clenched as he placed his coffee cup on the table beside him. “What if she’s pregnant?” His words were as cold as ice but Michael didn’t seem to notice.

  “C’est la vie, as they say. I will insist she has an abortion and afterward, I will make sure I impregnate her with my child, a child of royal blood who will be a fitting heir to the throne of Challoner. I have waited many years for Lara and when I have her, I intend to enjoy her, if you take my meaning.”

  Jack waited knowing he had to continue to play Michael’s rotten little game and keep his cool or he was in danger of punching him right in the mouth.

  “Are you going to pay any money for the privilege of acquiring Lara as your bride, Michael?”

  “Heavens, yes. I’ve topped your offer, the difference being Lara was always going to say yes to me. It took a little negotiation with her parents. Besides, she would never let Carl down. She adores him.”

  Jack raised an eyebrow. What the hell was this slime ball talking about?

  Lowering his voice Michael said, “I suppose they didn’t tell you. They do like to keep such a …delicate matter in the family.”

  “Tell me what?” He was rapidly losing patience.

  “The king and queen don’t want money just to prop up Challoner’s economy, Jack, dear boy, although that is certainly required. They need it to pay Carl’s gambling debts, which amount to many millions of dollars. If word leaked out, the royal family would be finished and a dynasty that has lasted centuries would come crashing down.”

  Keeping his face expressionless, Jack casually stretched his long legs toward the fire. “Oh, really,” he said casually. “I wondered why their majesties seemed so concerned on what should be a government matter. So, Lara was aware of her brother’s gambling problems, you say?”

  “Of course. That’s why Francesca and Johann were putting pressure on you when they found out you had a bit of money. Luckily for us all, I stepped in and let you off the hook.”

  “Indeed. Lucky me. Well, thanks for filling me in. I think I’ll call it a night, if you will excuse me, prince.”

  ~ * ~

  Dear Diary,

  The most terrible thing has happened. I don’t know what to do.

  Let me start with the sleigh ride. I thought it was going to be awful and Jack would be difficult but, he was wonderful. I’m more in love with him than ever, heaven help me. I was on a knife’s edge but all the time I had this warm glow inside me. Even though Jack was talking to mother and Hubert, I knew he was aware of me. I have made the most dreadful mistake in refusing to marry him and now, dear diary, it’s too late.

  Before dinner HM came to see me and told me Carl was in trouble. Over the past five years, he has gambled away millions and now, unless we can pay his huge debt, the news will come out and we will be disgraced and ruined.

  Then HM told me Michael had offered a few million more than Jack as long as I promise to marry him. HM says Michael doesn’t care about my affair and any possible pregnancy. I told her then that I couldn’t be pregnant and explained why. I have never been so embarrassed talking to my mother about something like that. But, she was pleased at the news, so I suppose that’s something.

  I couldn’t answer her when she said I had to agree to Michael’s proposal. I couldn’t! So, HM has given me until the morning to make up my mind.

  I don’t know what to do but deep down I know I will have to say yes. How can I let our family be disgraced? Tonight, Michae
l was all over me and I hated it. He’s never been like that before and I was aware of Jack watching us. It was agony. I’m so unhappy.

  She passed a weary hand over her eyes and closing the diary locked it in the safe. So much for that, she thought. Words aren’t going to get me out of this. I’m trapped. Really trapped.

  She prepared for bed and as she lay looking into the darkness, she was sure she would never sleep again. However, she must have dosed because a sound woke her. Startled, she turned on the bedside lamp and checked the time on the clock. It was two thirty in the morning and Jack was standing at the end of her bed.

  “I thought you might be pleased to see me,” he said, moving closer. “I mean, I’m making a habit of coming to your bedroom, aren’t I?”

  “What are you doing here? Are you drunk?” she hissed, pulling the covers up to her chin.

  “No. But I wouldn’t mind getting drunk.”


  “Because you’ve let me down, Lara.”

  Reaching for her robe, she hastily pulled it on and sat on the edge of the bed to face him. He looked disheveled with his dress tie loose around his neck and his shirt halfway undone. Disheveled and angry.

  “I don’t understand, Jack.”

  “Because, my beautiful princess, you turned down my marriage proposal. I obviously wasn’t good enough to kiss the feet of Your High and Mightiness, so you hung out for a real prince.”

  He sat on the bed beside her and leaned forward, his eyes dark and bitter as with a mocking smile, he continued, “You knew you had Michael neatly tied up in a big satin bow, didn’t you? You will now be comfortable in your own little royal circle with all your brother’s debts paid and perhaps occasionally you might think of Jack Whatsisname, that rough Australian fisherman, with whom you had a bit of a fling.”

  “That’s not true. Why are you behaving like this?”

  She flinched as his hand cupped her cheek, his eyes on her mouth. “Princess, I told you I always get what I want and the fact you don’t want me doesn’t matter. I have come from a meeting with your parents and Carl and this time the negotiations are final, all signed and sealed.”

  Lara’s stomach churned at the contemptuous look on his face. She waited for him to continue.

  “They agreed to accept one billion dollars for you Lara, and all things considered, I think we both got ourselves a bargain.”


  Lara placed a hand to her throat, her eyes wide as she tried to take in what he’d said.

  He was willing to pay one billion dollars to marry her? She opened her mouth to rebuke him and then decided against it.

  “You can always refuse to marry me seeing it goes against your esteemed values and the fact that I don’t have royal blood in my veins.” Jack’s tone was challenging.

  “I’m not refusing,” she replied quietly.

  “No. Of course, you’re not. How could you refuse and let your beloved brother down? So, you and your parents have skillfully manipulated Michael and me. Like two fools, we fell under your spell. Only you had counted on marrying Michael and keeping your royal bloodline untainted. You hadn’t anticipated I would make an offer too good for your parents to refuse.”

  “Why did you offer if you hate me so much?”

  He hesitated and Lara’s heart gave a huge leap. Surely it must be that he cared for her, perhaps loved her? She held her breath waiting for his reply.

  “Of course, I don’t hate you, Lara, but I resent anyone trying to trick me. You knew your brother was in trouble, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Yet you refused my proposal and accepted Michael’s. As far as I’m concerned, that says it all. Don’t get me wrong. I understand this isn’t your fault and thanks to your brother, your parents have placed you in an unenviable position. I pity you because I know you don’t have a choice in deciding your own future.” He paused and then continued. “So, I’ve decided it for you. I told you a while ago, Lara, that I always win, no matter what. So, this time I have won myself a bride.”

  Her head shot up as a wave of anger threatened to engulf her. How dare this man judge her? He wasn’t even aware it was only tonight she had been told about Carl’s gambling debts and yet he hadn’t giving her a chance to explain.

  “You are obnoxious,” she hissed. “I certainly misread you when I climbed aboard your boat in Port Margaret. You’re nothing but a ruthless predator who believes his filthy money can buy anything.”

  “I’ve proved it can.” His smile was arrogant as he ran a sensual finger down the line of her throat stopping where the robe covered and protected her breasts.

  Pushing his hand away, she stood and moved to the center of the room. She tried to control her breathing as she faced him, faced the mockery written clearly within his blue eyes. “You might have bought a princess and a title and a place in my family but I warn you, Jack, you’ll regret what you have done.”

  “Why? Overall, I consider I’ve made a good investment. We’ll quietly clear Carl’s debts out of the way and the rest of my money will correct Challoner’s economy. In time I expect to receive a good return.”

  She clenched her fists. “I can’t believe we are standing here in the middle of the night discussing a return on your damned investment,” she burst out.

  Stepping closer, he grinned and for one moment, she saw her other Jack, the relaxed fisherman without a care in the world, not this ruthless business tycoon who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. Then the moment was gone but to her horror, her skin burned as if it was on fire at the look of desire in his eyes. She trembled, wanting his arms around her.

  “Don’t forget the most important return, Lara. I will have you as my loving wife and together we will make beautiful babies.”

  “I may be obliged to marry you but I don’t need to accept you willingly as my lover. I despise you for treating me like some sort of slave girl who can be bought and used for your sexual gratification.”

  He laughed, throwing his head back and she watched as the soft light from the bedside lamp caught the sheen of his dark hair. “How dramatic you are, princess. You, of all people, should know royal marriages are still arranged and I would think most of them are reasonably happy.”

  “Yes, royal marriages. Not marriage to a commoner who barters and trades with human lives. If you think I would ever let you make love to me now, you’re sadly mistaken.” She stopped at the sudden change of expression on Jack’s face. She had pushed him too far.

  He reached for her and with a flick of his hand, discarded her robe leaving her exposed and vulnerable in her silk nightdress. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her open hand as he pulled her against his chest.

  “Having sex for us won’t be a problem, Lara,” he said, his voice harsh. “But, like every good royal bride, you should walk down the aisle in virginal white so, as much as I would like to take you now, I still intend to wait until we’re married.”

  Breaking away, she picked up the robe and pulling it on, held it tightly around her, fighting the tears welling in her eyes. “You have not only bought me, you have made me feel like a whore. I will never forgive you.”

  “A whore? Well, that should be an education for us both then, sweetheart. But, don’t fret, you won’t have to wait too long before we indulge our sexual fantasies.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your parents have decided on a tight schedule with the wedding in two months time. But don’t worry, you don’t have to act the doting fiancée because I fly back to Australia later today and I won’t return until a week before the wedding.”

  She was stunned, first by the news of the wedding date but more so, that he was leaving her. A surge of pride made her utter her next words. “Good. I’m glad you’re going. I don’t want you near me.”

  “Temper. I’m sorry I’m leaving you to arrange all the wedding plans but I’m sure you will have an absolute army of people to help you.”

  Sitting on
the bed again, Lara stared at her trembling hands. She was shocked at the bitterness of the words between them.

  “If we’re to get this investment sorted, I have a lot of work to do in Australia,” he continued, his voice calm. “I have excellent managers of my companies but I need to spend time with them so I’ll be free to enjoy our honeymoon.”

  “Is that the only reason you’re going back?” She hadn’t meant to sound so suspicious.

  “No. It’s not. If you prefer me to be blunt, I need to keep away from you.” The bed dipped slightly as he sat next to her and took one of her hands in his. “I know we don’t like each other, Lara, but nothing has changed in regard to our physical lust for each other. When I’m near, I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. Did he really mean that?

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing each finger in turn. “I admit I was jealous of Michael. Just as I think you might be jealous of any woman friend I have, particularly one that would like to marry me.”

  “What woman friend? Are you going back because of her?” She tried but failed miserably to keep the jealous tone from her voice.

  He gave her a wicked smile. “I’ve told you why I’m going back but you know what we men are like. We like to have, shall we say…a final fling before tying ourselves down to having a wife and kids.”

  She tore her hand from his grasp. “You are vulgar and crass,” she said, not quite believing what he was saying but then, she knew little about him and his love affairs in Australia.

  “I’m behaving as you would expect a common man like me to behave.”

  “I was willing to give myself to you when we were on the island and here, yesterday. Why are you saying these things, Jack? Why are you deliberately trying to hurt me?”

  He sighed and rubbed a hand across his face in a tired gesture. “I’m sorry, Lara. I don’t mean to hurt you. This has been an extraordinarily difficult couple of days for both of us, especially you. But things will get better when we are married, I promise.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly against hers before she could reply.


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