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Fractured Spirit (Alpha World Book 5)

Page 9

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “That book and its contents belong in a museum,” Ioaniss snapped.

  Gerald slapped the desk, cutting off the conversation, “We already had this argument, and you both agreed to wait until Alburet arrived. Al, did you wish to handle this as your last act?”

  Alburet looked from Gerald to the two nobles. “Things like this are some of the reasons you’re taking over,” Alburet sighed, then turned to the nobles. “We value both of your Houses as friends of Alpha Company. Is there any compromise to be had?”

  Vladimir eyed Ioaniss as he spoke carefully, “I have a suggestion that he will not like. Let me remove the section on my House and he can have the rest of the book.”

  “You want to damage a tome of such importance to what end? To hide a secret?” Ioaniss asked, almost enraged at the idea of damaging a historical artifact.

  “Have you no skeletons in your family closet, Jones?” Vladimir asked with frost in his voice.

  Ioaniss paused, sitting back with narrowed eyes. He hesitated for a long moment. “I see. As much as it pains me, I will agree to your suggestion.”

  “Good. But first we need to discuss the price of the book and allowing the removal of some of its pages,” Alburet said as he walked over to stand next to Gerald. “I’m open to suggestions on behalf of Alpha Company, as I have turned the guild over to Gerald here.”

  Both nobles went quiet as they considered his words. Vladimir spoke up first, “I would extend lifetime membership to the Royal Auction House to the Guild Officers. I could also help by making sure you are all equipped as Alburet was originally, with maps and bags of equal quality. That is what I would offer for allowing me to remove the pages detailing the history of my House.”

  Renful went stiff at Vladimir’s words, his lips going white in shock. His hands twisted at his robes, fighting with himself to speak. Vladimir fixed him with a single eye and Renful went still. While that occurred, Ioaniss continued to mull over what he should propose.

  “I will do what I mentioned earlier. I will recommend to the King that he raise the leader of the guild to Nobility. You would receive the lands surrounding the Keep, under the banner of the King. I could press him to negate the taxes owed on the Keep and lands for ten years.”

  Alburet glanced at Gerald, “It’s your call, Leader.”

  “You know, Al, I have a feeling you knew all of this was coming,” Gerald muttered.

  “Not really,” Alburet replied. “I just don’t want to be known, as that could cause me issues. But I would ask another small addition to the offer Ioaniss already set forth.”

  “What might that be?” Ioaniss asked.

  “Remove the penalty for summoning minions inside the city. Make the penalty dependent on the minions committing an offense, instead of them just existing.”

  Sitting back, Ioaniss pondered the request. “I know your reasoning, and I’ve heard about the Assassin’s Guild going after you repeatedly. I can understand why you would want that. I can’t promise that the King will grant that request, but I will promise to ask.”

  “That’s it from me,” Alburet said as he stepped away from Gerald. “As your first order of business as new guild leader, what’s it going to be?”

  Gerald rubbed his chin briefly, “There are a number of other artifacts from the Keep, correct?”

  “Yes,” Ioaniss and Vladimir agreed.

  “I would be willing to accept the current deal and provide two artifacts of your choice to each of you, if you would agree to owe the guild another favor from each of your Houses,” Gerald offered.

  “Done,” Vladimir answered without hesitation.

  Ioaniss paused as he eyed Vladimir for a moment. “I also agree.”

  “Then we have a deal. Sir Jones, you may select first, then Sir Dracon, then repeat for your second choices. Sir Dracon, please liquidate the others via the auction house, with the proceeds deposited in the guild’s account at the bank.”

  Both nobles rose to their feet, Renful moving to stand behind his master. “I hear there’s a feast about to happen. Might I go mingle for a bit now that we’ve worked out our issues here?” Ioaniss asked as he stepped towards the door.

  “Feel free,” Gerald replied.

  “I will stay also, until the meal is served,” Vladimir said. “Renful, go back to the Auction House and begin cleaning and preparing the items. If anything becomes damaged or goes missing I will torment you until your last days.”

  Renful bowed deeply, “Yes, master.” He scuttled from the room.

  “Please enjoy the party Sir Dracon, Sir Jones. We’ll be along shortly,” Gerald said, opening the door for the nobles.

  “Thank you,” Vladimir said.

  Once the door closed behind them, everyone in the room let out a deep breath. “That was a little fun,” Gerald chuckled. “It was almost like watching two companies fighting over a third one.”

  “You did well,” Marysue told him as she came over and took his hand.

  “I do nay like bein’ in the middle of the peacocks,” Stacia added with a shudder.

  “Don’t care for it much myself,” Karen agreed. “I bet becoming the first Two-souled noble is going to be huge, though,” she wiggled her eyebrows at Gerald.

  “Yes, I’m sure it will be,” Marysue added as she linked arms with Gerald. “We should go mingle.”

  “We all should,” Alburet agreed as he opened the door for them all. “Let the good times roll.”

  Chapter Ten

  The banquet room was packed. Gerald and Marysue split off to go talk with Kim and Rolland. Stacia excused herself to go say hello to her family and friends while Fluff and Karen went towards the refreshment table to get drinks.

  Alburet found himself suddenly alone in a room full of people. He felt a strange disconnect, as he hadn’t been alone in some time. He put a smile in place, waving to Wilbur, who stood with Erin near the Crowleys.

  Looking around, he spotted Banthor and Roberto talking to a group of Alpha Company members who hadn’t made the trip. His lips relaxed into a real smile when he saw Pablo, Arion, and the other merchants all talking at a table.

  A sense of pride filled him as he looked over the gathering. He had somehow helped this moment happen, though he was still a bit unsure about the convoluted path that had led him to it. He did notice that the guildies who had been on the raid all sported new armor and weapons. A number of them preened at the attention the members who hadn’t gone were giving them.

  He started towards Stacia and her family when Ioaniss popped up beside him. “Sir Jones?”

  “I find it odd that you’re handing over all the influence being offered to you so easily,” Ioaniss said as he looked around the room. “Many men would kill without hesitation to wield the influence you’ve given away.”

  Alburet shrugged, “I have no want of it. If anything, I want none at all. My goal here has nothing to do with power in Alpha World.”

  Ioaniss eyed him with pursed lips, “Interesting. What is it you seek?”

  Shaking his head, Alburet’s lips went thin. “I can’t say without upsetting those who would yank me from this world.”

  Nodding, Ioaniss sighed, “Ah, yes. The inscrutable ways of the Gods. I’ll leave it be, though I’m sure it’s a very interesting story. Are you sure you wish no reward personally for taking Gwain’s Keep?”

  With a short laugh Alburet nodded, “I’m sure. I want all of it to go to the guild, not me. I’ll be here in Alpha World for some time yet. I’m sure I’ll have other chances to earn a name that aren’t as splashy.”

  “If that is the way you wish it,” Ioaniss said before moving off.

  Watching Ioaniss go, Alburet shook his head, then started towards the Crowleys again. He hadn’t gone more than a couple of steps before Vladimir made him pause. “Can I help you, Sir Dracon?”

  “I wished just a moment of your time.” Vladimir smiled. “I wonder if you would be amenable to undertaking a task for me in the near future?”

�Depending on what it is, I don’t see why not.”

  “Very well. Once you reach the level of eighty, please let me know,” Vladimir smiled again before he moved off.

  Watching the Vampire go, Alburet wondered what the quest would be. He started towards the Crowley family again, making it with no more interruptions.

  “Alburet,” Wilbur greeted him, “good to see you again. Congratulations on taking the Keep. I’ve had word from my people there that it will take a month for all the renovations and upgrades. They spoke highly of how you tried to keep them as safe as possible.”

  “The thanks for that should go to Captain Roberto and his men, and Banthor Ironshield and his Gold Runners,” Alburet replied while shaking Wilbur’s hand. “They figured out the best way to protect people day to day. I’m glad we only lost one person. It was almost as if the Dead Lands wasn’t prepared for such a large force.”

  “Ya brought me daughters back safely,” Alistern cut in, “tha’ be all tha’ matters to me.”

  “We are all glad for that,” Stewart added.

  Alburet frowned, not seeing Marian at the table. Looking around, he found her seated next to Violet across the room. “I see Marian isn’t wasting time trying to get out to hunt,” Alburet commented, changing the topic.

  “She is eager to find her class,” Lilith commented. “We hope she is happy with her choice.”

  “No telling,” Alburet replied. “Grimgar, Almira, did you two still want to talk to me?”

  “We been wonderin’ if ye know if ye be needin’ weapon and armor services at the keep?” Grimgar asked bluntly.

  “I don’t think the courtyard has room to add the buildings inside the walls,” Alburet replied after a minute. “Much of the room is being taken up with extra barracks space.”

  Almira frowned, “Is the King not going to claim the town surrounding the Keep?”

  “Sir Jones be askin’ about tha’ soon,” Stacia said. “We do nay know wha’ the answer be yet.”

  “Well, if he does and the buildin’s come free, we be thinkin’ of movin’ our shops out there,” Grimgar commented. “Ye think that be an issue?”

  With a genuine smile, Alburet replied, “I would be thrilled to have you both out there.”

  “I also think it might be time for me to take more control of my life,” Stewart said. “I know how to run an inn. If one of the buildings is an inn, do you think I could claim it?”

  Alistern started, “Stew? Ya be sure?”

  Stewart nodded, looking his oldest friend in the eyes. “It’s time. You helped me through my depression, and in turn I stayed. Maybe for too long. It’s time that I try to find something on my own.”

  “We will wish you well. We can even help you get things up and running if it happens,” Lilith told him, though her smile was fragile.

  Giving her a bow of his head, his voice thick with a mixture of thanks and sadness. “I thank you, Lilith. You and Alistern have always been there for me, after Flora…”

  Alistern coughed loudly as he raised his glass. “To my oldest friend, brother, and confidant. We be wishin’ ya nothing but the best as ya go on with ya new life. We will be sad at ya goin’, but we will pray for ya success.”

  The toast was echoed around the table. Once everyone had drunk, with Alburet having to grab a glass from the table to join in, Alistern held up his glass again. “To our other friends, who also wish for a change in life. May ya have success, and know ya be missed while ya be gone. Mayhap this will finally force ya to become a couple already.”

  A pregnant pause filled the air for a moment, before Grimgar began to laugh. “Funny ye should mention tha’.”

  Almira laid her hand, which had been under the table, on top of it. A beautiful platinum band set with an emerald sparkled on her finger. “He asked me this morning, and I said yes. With everything happening it seemed stupid to let our old fears stop us any longer.”

  A cheer went up from the table, which garnered a lot of looks their way. “It’s about bloody time,” Stewart laughed, though his smile was strained.

  “Aye, well done ya two,” Alistern added as everyone drank to the news.

  “On that note,” Deirdre added with a smile of her own as she held out her hand, which also had a ring on it. “For those of ya tha’ were nay at dinner last night. Chris and me be getting’ married in a few days.”

  “Me own marriage be a month away,” Erin sighed. “Silly noble traditions be delayin’ us.” She looked at Wilbur, who smiled fondly at her. “But it be me soon-to-be husband’s wish, so I be waitin’ patiently, even as me sister gets married before me.”

  Wilbur gave her a strained smile. “I’m sorry Erin, but I want to do things properly for our station. It is customary to have some time between engagement and marriage.”

  “Aye, ya have to balance ya station all the time,” Alistern agreed. “He be thinkin’ of ya, Erin. He wants the name ya be takin’ to be honorable and right.”

  Erin frowned slightly, “I know, but it be so hard to wait.”

  That earned a number of chuckles from the rest of the group. The talk became more general, as everyone started asking questions about the Keep. Karen and Fluff joined them and the conversation was lively as they recounted the adventure.

  After an hour Gerald rang a gong from the far end of the room. “Alpha Company and guests, thank you for coming to our celebratory banquet. As you all know, the guild was successful in conquering Gwain’s Keep. We did this with the help of our merchant partners and the invaluable support of Stormguard and some of its noble houses. Take the time to speak with them, thank them for their help and raise a glass to our success.”

  As Gerald spoke, the officers moved over to join him. Alburet had a smile in place as he looked at the large crowd. Gerald nodded to him, so Alburet stepped forward. “Alpha Company, over this month we have done some amazing things. As your leader it amazed me to see you all embracing this chance to live here. However, I am aware that I haven’t done as much as I should have as the leader of this guild. Gerald has been running the guild for the most part, due to a number of reasons. I think it is unfair for him to remain second in command, when he has shouldered such a large burden. As such, I have handed leadership over to him. Starting tomorrow, he will be the guild leader.”

  A confused murmur along with a smattering of approval went through the guild. Alburet held up his hand, asking for silence. Once the crowd quieted he went on. “As you all know, I’m also a tester. However, I don’t know where or when I’ll be removed from testing as I’m part of a different program that I’m not free to talk about. That is one of the key reasons for this change of leadership. Not that it’s much of a change except in name,” he paused for a round of laughter. “So, please help me show Gerald our support in taking the reins of our guild.”

  Alburet turned to Gerald and began to applaud. He was soon joined by the entire room, some people even whistling. Gerald stepped forward again as Alburet stepped over to the other officers.

  “Thank you all,” Gerald said after a moment. “Alburet was instrumental in much of what we’ve done. He will remain an officer, while I step into his old spot. Marysue will be taking over my old role. She has many plans for social functions, like the plays we put on during the journey to the Keep. There will also be guild quests for various levels so everyone can have an even chance at winning prizes from the guild.”

  Another round of applause and conversation swept through the room. Gerald waited for the moment to die out before he continued. “One last thing. We’re keeping the requirements to join the guild in place. If you’re not going to be continuing the testing, don’t worry, you will always have a place here, but we will continue to accept only long term members. On that note, eat, drink and party, for this feast is for you.”

  The loudest cheer so far went up from the crowd as drinks were raised. The party kicked into high gear at that point as the real food was brought out by the venue’s staff. Bullman steaks and Langistor s
oup were the primary entrees, though there were also several other options. A huge cake made to look like Gwain’s Keep was the centerpiece, and drew another round of applause when it was brought out.

  The quartet of lovers took a smaller table off to the side. As people finished their meals and started circulating again, some drifted over to greet them. Ironhand’s group, Violet, and a few others all stopped by to ask him if he regretted stepping aside. After reassuring them that he completely endorsed this plan, the visitors drifted away to other conversations.

  After a few hours of drink, food, and even some dancing, the quartet took their leave, though the party looked like it was going to go most of the night. Saying their goodbyes to various folks, they finally made it outside of the building almost an hour after they had started to leave.


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