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One Swinging Summer

Page 5

by Hellsmith, Patience

My eyes closed, and I leaned back into him, my breath starting to quicken. His hand slid back down to my waist, where his t-shirt was pooled around me. He slid his fingers against my bare skin, sliding up under the shirt, from my stomach back toward by breast. The heat of his touch tingled without the fabric of the shirt to block it.

  I rolled into him, onto my back, so he could explore some more. His mouth came down onto mine and he kissed me teasingly, deeply, while his fingers made a trail to my other, neglected, breast. I raised my hands and slid them behind his head, pulling his mouth more firmly against mine, meeting his tongue thrust for thrust.

  He slowed the kiss for a second, just long enough to nibble the edge of my lip the way he had nibbled my neck, then his tongue dove deep, and the kiss became frantic and searching. I let my hands explore his wide, solid shoulders, and run down to squeeze his biceps. It was like trying to squeeze sun-warmed marble. I moved my hands from his arms to his chest, and then around him to run them up and down his back. I felt the rope-like muscles on either side of his spine, and followed them down to curve around his ass. "Nice ass," I thought through the haze that was my lust-fogged brain.

  I heard him moan as I squeezed his ass and used that leverage to pull him against me even more. His hand left my breast, and followed the indent of my waist, grazing over my stomach, and detouring around my hip to grab my ass as well. He then ran his hand from my ass, down the back of my leg, down toward the back of my knee, and used that grip to pull my knee forward, so that my whole body turned toward him, and my leg wrapped itself around his waist. That accomplished, his hand slid right back up to my ass and he pressed me close.

  His hand slid back up to my waist, burrowed itself under the waistband of his sweats that I was wearing, and slid right back down to cup and squeeze my ass, this time with no fabric between my skin and his hand. Then he turned his hand at the wrist so that as he brought his hand from my ass, over my hip and onto my lower stomach, his fingers were facing down, the tips of them teasing just at the ridge of my panties.

  He didn't slide his hands under my panties, but instead slid down over them, his fingers pressing against my wetness through the thin skin of the fabric barrier. As his warm hands explored between my legs, I slid my hands down inside the back of his pants and felt his hot, smooth skin and squeezed. I could feel his fingers trying to get inside me, blocked by my panties. "You are so wet, you are soaking through these," he said against my lips. I felt his fingers slide the thin fabric aside, and glide up and down between my lips before he slid two fingers inside me. I moaned against his mouth, my hips arching against his fingers, helping him inside farther.

  My hips rocked back and forth against his hand and I heard him say, "Damn it girl, that is hot, you rocking like that."

  "I can't help it," I mumbled back, as my hands wandered freely over his warm skin, pushing any clothing aside. As I pushed his pants down around his knees, he helped me out and kicked them off completely. He sat up just long enough to pull his shirt off over his head. Now there was nothing between my hands and him and I took full advantage of it.

  We were still lying on the trampoline, covered by our blanket, but he was gloriously naked under it. After he helped me remove his clothes, he started on mine. My sweats and panties were kicked off to join his, and his soft t-shirt was quickly peeled the rest of the way from my body. Free of clothes, we went right back to exploring each other.

  He pressed me back against the trampoline, holding my arms down above my head, kissing my lips and my neck. His mouth blazed a trail toward my breast, and as his head dipped south my eyes focused on the trees above us. I watched as the leaves blew slightly in the warm morning breeze and gasped when his tongue got to my nipple. I groaned and arched into him, pressing my nipple farther and farther into his mouth. His one hand released mine and cupped my other breast, as his mouth sucked and pulled. I was still pinned by his one arm holding both of my hands above my head, so I could not touch him in return. I lay there with the trees above us going in and out of focus as all I could do was feel what his other hand and his hot tongue was doing to my body, now half exposed to the warm breeze as the blanket fell to my waist.

  He released my hands as his exploring worked its way farther south. His mouth traced kisses under my breasts, along my rib cage, and down the flat of my belly. My hips rocked back and forth again, of their own accord, in anticipation of what was coming. I heard his warm laughter against my skin as he noticed.

  "I do aim to please," I heard him say for the second time, right before I lost all thought and hearing when his tongue slid between my lips. My hips bucked against him, and he put his fingers to work along side his tongue. "Oh, yes, come for me," I heard from his muffled mouth minutes later. "That's it, let me taste you."

  The waves of pleasure that had been building finally broke, and I cried out. "Mmmm," He said against me. I barely heard him as I spiraled out of control. Before I had a chance to come down, I could feel his mouth making the reverse trip, kissing and nipping his way back up my body. As he got to my breast, and sucked my hard nipple into his mouth, I felt him slide inside me. My legs instinctively wrapped around him, pulling him deeper.

  It was his turn to rock against me, filling me deeper and deeper with every thrust. After a few seconds I realized that his thrusts were keeping the same tempo as his mouth on my nipple. As he would thrust deep inside me, I felt his mouth suck my breast deeper inside his mouth. Soon I was rocking with him again, the pull on my nipple and his weight against my clit starting to push me again over the edge.

  He slid one hand down between the trampoline and my back, finding and gripping my ass. Holding it in a tight grip, he called out. The sound of his pleasure pushed me farther into mine and I came again, as his final thrusts drove me deeper and deeper into the giving mesh of the trampoline.

  He softly collapsed on top of me, my legs still wrapped around him. After a minute his hand went in search of the blanket, found it, and pulled it up to cover us once again. He shifted off of me, but pulling me with him as he rolled, so that he ended up on his back and I nestled against him with my head on his chest and my leg thrown over his.

  His hand started making mindless designs on my back as our heartbeats slowly returned to normal. He brushed my hair back with his fingers as it lay matted around us. He picked his head up long enough to kiss me on the top of mine, and said, "Are you ready for breakfast? I make killer french toast."



  We gathered the blankets around us, me taking the top one and him the bottom. We picked up our clothes and wound our way into the house. I cleaned up in the same bathroom that I had changed in last night, re-dressed into his sweats and soft t-shirt, finger-brushed my hair and then my teeth, and took a good look in the mirror.

  "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" I asked my reflection sternly. After a few seconds of searching, my reflection broke out in a huge grin. "That is not how you are supposed to look after your first one night stand," I tried to scold my grinning image. "And you do know that this is a one night stand, right? What man keeps the girl who sleeps with him on the first date?" It was not making a difference, my happily sated reflection just kept grinning back at me like the utter fool I knew we both were.

  "At least there will be breakfast, if nothing else," my grumbling stomach added it's opinion. "Fine, you two, lets go face the music," I thought as the three of us finally left the bathroom.

  I must have been in there a while, because when I came out the coffee was ready, Caleb had already beaten the eggs in preparation for french toast and a griddle was sizzling with bacon.

  "Mmmm, I love the smell of coffee and bacon in the morning," I said sheepishly as I poured coffee into the mug Caleb handed me and settled into a corner, leaning against his kitchen counter. I was close enough to be able to speak easily with him, but out of the sizzle range of the bacon, giving him room to maneuver around the kitchen.

  "Oh, that is good." I said s
ipping the hot coffee. Kyle looked over at me from his breakfast preparations, winked at me and said, "Nectar of the gods." I nodded my agreement and went in for another sip. I watched him cook over the rim of the cup.

  "Anything I can help with?" I asked.

  "Nope, almost done." He flipped the bacon, flipped the french toast, and while he had a spare minute, he slid over and stopped in front of me. We looked at each other for a quiet moment, and slowly grinned. His eyed crinkled in that way I like so much, and he bent down for a slow, coffee tasting kiss.

  "What movies do you like? I have a bunch of old ones here, or we can go get a new one."

  "You were serious about that part?" I asked.

  "Oh yeah," he looked at me while the bacon sizzled. "I don't hand out offers I don't mean, and besides, I just got you here. Why would I be in any hurry to get rid of you? I like you."

  I could feel myself turning red again at the compliment, and tried to hide it by burying my face in my coffee. He laughed at that. "You are cute when you turn pink, by the way."

  "Yeah, yeah," I said, smiling. "You're burning my french toast."

  After breakfast we climbed onto his couch, curled up together under a huge, fuzzy blanket and watched 'Secondhand Lions,' my favorite movie. After that we watched 'Transformers' and then he picked 'My Cousin Vinny,' two more of my favorites. We snacked on and off through the movies, but by the end of the third one we were starving. He was so warm and comfortable snuggled up with on the couch that I hated to get up, but we definitely needed to eat.

  "We could go out, there is a really good little Italian place close by." He said as we were trying to decide. "Or, we could order pizza, stay in, watch another movie, and you could stay the night."

  "It's Sunday night." I stated.


  "And, don't you have to work tomorrow? Monday through Friday, eight to four, like a regular working Joe?" I teased him.

  "Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to leave. You work your own hours. I could get up and go to work, you could stay here until you woke up, and let yourself out. I trust you."

  "You do? Why? You barely know me."

  "Call it a hunch. I have a good feeling about you. You can't sleep on a trampoline with someone and spend all day wrapped up on the couch and not tell if they are going to destroy your house the second they are left alone. Besides, I know where you live. If you cleaned me out I would know where to find you."

  I laughed, "That is true, but, there is one glaring fault to your rather tempting little argument."

  "What is that?"

  "You know where I live because you picked me up, remember? I don't have a car here. Unless you really are planning on keeping me in your non-existent basement, you will need to drive me home so that I can work tomorrow too."

  "Oh, yeah. Shit, I didn't plan this real well, did I?" He said as he used his hand tucked under my chin to tip my face up to his. "Guess I need to take full advantage of you before I drop you off."

  His slow Sunday afternoon kiss turned hot fast, whether he meant it to or not. Soon I found myself naked for the second time in one day. As I straddled him on his couch, it was my turn to set the pace. I started out going slow, my hips moving in circles, watching him watch me. I ran my own hands up my body, stopping at my breasts. I lifted them, squished them together, watching his reactions. I lifted one, and dipped my head down to lick my own nipple. I heard his quick intake of breath, which just encouraged me.

  I sucked my own nipple, switched my attentions to my other one, and then squished them together, riding him. I let go of one breast, and watched it bounce with my rhythm. I slid that now free hand down between us, and rubbed myself as I rode him. His eyes didn't know where to land, on my one hand playing with my breast, or my other, working between my legs as I rode him faster and faster.

  As the waves rolled over me, he sat up, grabbed me around my waist and stood up, with me still straddling him. He knelt down and placed me on the edge of the couch, leaning back against the cushions, and he pulled behind my knees, bringing my knees up to my chest. With my ass hanging off of the very edge of the couch, and him kneeling before me on the carpet, he pounded into me. It only took a few hard, driving thrusts and he called out with a guttural, primal grunt, and poured himself into me again.

  "Damn it woman," he said a few recovered moments later, "I knew you would be trouble."



  He had eventually taken me home, after feeding me at the Italian place he had mentioned before. Thankfully it was a casual restaurant considering I was dressed in Saturday night's clothes once again, with my hair pulled back in a finger-combed ponytail since I had no grooming provisions at his house. I had used his deodorant, so I kept getting these flashes of his smell as I moved around my place Sunday night.

  I usually showered at night so I could get up and out easily in the mornings, but I put my shower off until Monday morning, just to smell him in my sleep. Yeah, I was a goner already. I really liked him. Such a strange mix between comfortable friend and hot new relationship. I kept trying to tell my serious, rational side that I would not be disappointed if he never called. I knew what I had done, and I knew that relationships don't normally start in such a quick fashion, but deep down I wasn't worried. I knew I had one hell of a memory at worst, and the possible beginning of a fun relationship at best.

  "So relax," I told myself, as another work week began. "It is what it is."

  He did call. And text. And over the next week we found ourselves spending a lot of time on the phone. If I missed a call, and saw a voice mail, I tended to listen to it over and over, just because I liked the deep way he said, "Hello."

  We made plans for the weekend. He lived closer to the bar than I did, so we agreed that I would drive to his house on Friday after work. That way my car was available in case Friday night eventually turned into the Monday morning that he had suggested before. Or if everything went to hell, I told myself, at least I had an escape route and could go home at anytime.

  Friday was Cinco de Mayo, and he asked if I would be up for meeting some of his friends at a restaurant early, and then we could all go dancing together after dinner. It sounded good to me.

  I rang his bell around six. When he opened the door he gave me a wolf whistle. I was a bit embarrassed by the attention, but the feminine parts of me glowed with pride, and I was glad I took the extra time to put on nylons. Black nylons, black heels and a short, swingy black dress that hugged me tight in all the right places.

  He led me inside and poured me a drink. We went upstairs, drinks in hand, so he could finish dressing. I sat on his bed as he finished, and he filled me in on the people I would be meeting at dinner.

  One couple was married, and had been for years, Mark and Maria. Caleb said Maria made the world's best Mole. "Just don't ask what is in it, she is authentically Mexican. Like from Mexico Mexican, none of that Tex Mex stuff." Another couple, Jean and Robert, just started dating. Caleb said Jean had originally been a friend of Maria's and had been hanging out with them for a couple of years now, but that Robert was new to the group, brought in by Jean. Sometimes there were a few others, but tonight it would just be us three couples.

  I watched Caleb as he shaved and talked, his eyes occasionally meeting mine in his mirror. He was handsome, but not in a traffic stopping way. He has a presence about him more than anything. A stance, the way he moves, the way he looked right at you, like he knew what you were thinking and was highly amused by the workings of your brain. But he wasn't mocking or making fun when he laughed at you, instead he was genuinely enjoying you as the unique person that you are. He made you want to laugh with him, to be a part of his world and see people the way he saw them.

  His eyes had that twinkle to them, and his mouth was often held somewhere between a smirk and a shit-eating grin. If you caught his eye across the room, you met and then held his gaze, you had no other choice. But during the look, you felt like you were sharing an ins
ide joke, and when you finally broke eye contact, you felt like you had gotten a glimpse of something special, and were better for it.

  He had stopped speaking and was looking at me, like he was waiting for an answer. "Umm, I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked, embarrassed to be caught not paying attention.

  "Where were you? Just now." He asked, facing me with his arms crossed over his chest, and that smile on his face.

  I flamed red, yet again. I held his eyes and even though I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter, I said, "I was watching you."

  He walked slowly toward me, arms still crossed, eyes still locked on mine. He came to a stop in front of me and held out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. He let my hand go and brought both of his hands up to cup my face. Still gazing into my eyes, he slid his hands toward the back of my head, his thumbs resting just in front of my ears and his fingers behind my head, buried in my hair. His mouth slowly lowered to mine, eyes breaking contact and closing only at the last second.

  This kiss was different. It was slow and sensual. Questioningly probing instead of demanding. My stomach did its strange little dance, and my hands came up to sit at his waist. In my heels I was just barely shorter than him, and met his kiss at this almost equal height. He started walking me slowly, smoothly backward the few small steps until the back of my legs hit the side of his bed.

  The contact with the bed made me sit suddenly, with an undignified thump. His kiss didn't stop though. He kept up the sweet plunder as he slowly pushed me back until I was laying under him on his bed. He had himself propped up on his elbows, one on each side of my head, and seemed to be in no hurry to stop kissing me. My arms went around him and my hands slid up his back.

  I kicked my heels off so I wouldn't damage his bed, and I wrapped one leg around him, the one that wasn't pinned beneath him. In one quick movement he rolled over, bringing me with him, and I found myself on top, kissing him with more and more abandon. I shifted to the side, and again we started to roll. Only this time there wasn't any bed left to roll on. We felt the mistake and tried to correct it, but it was too late, we were going down.


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