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One Swinging Summer

Page 8

by Hellsmith, Patience

  We were meeting his friends for dinner again before we hit the bar, so I just made plans to meet everyone at the restaurant. We would have two cars there, but we planned after dinner to drive both cars to his place, leave one there, and ride to the bar together.

  Dinner was fun, it was Mexican food this time, and they had an out-door patio that we sat on. The margaritas were fabulous, and the conversation was light and teasing. Everyone slowly relaxed from their work weeks, and you could feel the anticipation building now that the weekend was beginning. Even Robert was more lively this time, relaxing into the group, and Jean was fun and didn't keep quite as much of an eye on us as she did last time. That was probably a good thing, since Caleb spent most of the evening with his hand under the table, on my knee, trying to slowly inch up my thigh under my dress. I spent the dinner letting him get to a certain point and sliding his hand right back down to my knee, to start all over again.

  By the time we left the restaurant, we were relaxed, teasing and looking forward to meeting up for a night of dancing. We mentioned we would be a few minutes behind them, so we could drop off a car. Mine was a sporty little convertible, and the night was warm, so when we got to the parking lot, I took the top down and prepared to meet Caleb at his place. The group headed toward the bar, and I got in line behind Caleb and started following him home. He was watching me in his rear-view mirror, so I made faces at him.

  Traffic on the side streets was pretty slow, with everyone heading home from work. At one intersection, the light turned yellow and then red as I was sitting behind Caleb. That left the rear of my car blocking the intersection, so I pulled up beside him instead, behind a different car. As we waited for the traffic to move, he had rolled his window down and was talking to me. Since my top was down, it was easy to harass each other. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he said something like, "Tease."

  We inched up a little bit, but stayed even with each other. As I looked over at him, I remembered something I had either read in a book, or seen on TV, I couldn't remember which. But what I remembered was a lady being beside a guy in a car, like we were, and she teasingly slipped her panties off from inside her dress, and had tossed them to the guy in the car beside her. She made it look easy, so I thought I'd try it.

  As we inched up again in traffic, the butterflies in my stomach started going crazy at the plan in my head. I'd never done anything like this before, so I was really nervous. When Caleb looked over at me again, we were again sitting at a stand-still. I looked him right in the eye, and undid my seat belt. He looked at me confused, wondering what I was doing. Keeping eye contact with him, I slowly pulled the hem of my dress up, higher and higher. His eyebrows raised up into his hair line, and he kept looking back and forth, between my eyes and my rising skirt.

  He was right next to me in his truck, which was taller than my little convertible, so he could easily see what I was doing, but no one else could. I lifted my hips, reached my fingers up, and slid my panties off, all as he watched. I could see the excitement in his eyes, as he glanced nervously around, watching the traffic, making sure no one else could see, watching my eyes, which stayed locked on his, and watching my hands pull my panties down, over my knees, and completely off.

  I smiled mischievously up at him, and he grinned back at me, knowing I was sitting in the car beside him, riding commando. Traffic was starting to move, so we scooted up a little. We were almost to the front of the line at the light now. He watched as I wadded my panties up as best I could, and tossed them toward his window.

  As everyone knows, things you read in books or see in movies work out perfectly, but most things in real life do not. Panties are not very heavy, nor do they tend to stay wadded up when you throw them. So, instead of my perfectly thrown panties sailing right into his window as planned, they instead opened up, caught a breeze and slid right across the hood of his truck and stuck there, as the light turned green and everyone in front of us took off. I took off too, laughing hysterically as I watched him, now in my rear-view mirror, put his truck in park, and jump out to retrieve my panties from his windshield. The cars behind him started to honk, and he quickly jumped back in the truck, and headed off in pursuit of me.

  When he took off at the light, he gave it a bit too much gas, and squealed his tires, burning rubber. That, combined with the cars honking in impatience behind him, got him immediately pulled over by a cop neither one of us saw until it was too late. "Oh Shit," was my laughing reaction as I watched the whole thing unfold in my mirror as I drove away.

  I was sitting on his front porch when he pulled up about ten minutes later. I was falling over myself laughing as he got out of the truck and waved my panties at me. "What did the cop say?" I could barely get the words out, I was laughing so hard.

  "Oh, you saw that part, did you?"

  I could only nod, I was laughing so hard I was bent over in two.

  "Actually he was a good sport, when he asked me what was going on, I asked him if he saw the little convertible driving away in front of me, top down, you laughing like a mad woman inside. He said 'No, why?' So I told him that the girl in the car had tossed her panties at me, they got stuck on the windshield, and the reason I had been holding up traffic was so that I could retrieve them."

  That only made me laugh harder, tears were now streaming down my face and I could barely breathe. Caleb was laughing as well.

  "And then I told him that the reason I had pealed out was that I was planning on catching up to you. At that point, he looked at me for minute, not sure if he should believe me or not. I didn't say another word in my defense, but instead, I held up your panties."

  "Oh, god, can't, breathe." I struggled to get it out. "Thank, God, they, were, pretty, ones." And I fell over laughing. "Then what?"

  "Then he closed his ticket book, looked me in the eyes and said, 'Drive safe' and walked away."

  "No ticket?" I asked, still not in control of myself.

  "No ticket," He said. "He didn't even get around to asking for my driver's license."

  "I'm sorry," I said between giggles.

  "Don't be, that was one of the coolest things that have ever happened to me." He unlocked his front door and let us in.

  We dropped his keys off inside, deciding to take my car to the bar. As he turned to leave again, I said, "Wait, my panties. Give them to me so I can put them back on."

  "Oh, no. I don't think so."

  "What? Why not?"

  "Cause they are mine now. And I am going to enjoy dancing with you all night, knowing that you are not wearing any, and that I have them in my pocket."

  What could I say to that, after getting him pulled over? "Fair enough," I bluffed, pretending that I went out dancing without my underwear all the time.



  We arrived at the bar, some of us wearing less clothing than others, stopped by Lana for a drink, and met Caleb's friends at a table. Mark and Maria both greeted me with a hug, Jean and Robert were out on the dance floor, and I was finally properly introduced to the two single girls who stood at the table with them some nights, Tracy and Barb. They both seemed really sweet.

  Caleb and I danced a few slow songs, waving to Jean and Robert as we passed them. As we circled the dance floor I saw a few tables full of my friends, and signaled that I would come see them in a minute. I don't think anyone minded how much time I spent with Caleb and his friends at their table, because I usually spent the night ping-ponging between tables anyway.

  When I came here alone I had a few tables I would stand at, like Tracy and Barb did, just to stay out of trouble. I would use them to visit and catch up with everyone and to safely leave my drink when I was dancing, but I always tended to be on the dance floor more than at any particular table. When I wasn't dancing or standing with friends, I was walking around. Saying hello to people I knew, hugging old friends, and trying to recruit dancers to dance with me. So the fact that I had been spending a lot of my Friday night bar time with Caleb and
his friends really didn't phase anyone.

  I made sure to still dance with friends, as did Caleb. This was only our second time to show up here together, so I tried to hang out with everybody. It was hard to believe that we had only been dating, if dating is what you called us, for a little while. So much had happened, it seemed like we had been hanging out for months.

  As I danced with my friend with the alias, Gary James, I tried to count back in my head. We met here, and sat out on the golf cart in early to mid April, then I missed a week. So two weeks after meeting him, at the end of April, was our first date. Friday night was when I agreed to the date, then Saturday was the marina, Sunday was waking up on his trampoline. Wait, was that really just two weeks ago? Yeah, it had to be, because the next weekend, last weekend actually, was Cinco de Mayo and the whole restaurant bathroom thing. So we had only met a month ago? He first kissed me here, only two weeks ago. This was just my third weekend to sleep at his house. We really have only been dating for two weeks. Wild. Two weeks from first kiss to him keeping my panties in his pocket. So much for my swearing off men.

  As Gary James returned me to Caleb's table, I took a sip and waited for Caleb to come back. I could see him dancing with Tracy. While I waited, I visited with Maria. Maria was already a bit drunk, and she motioned me to her. "I really like you," she said. "Way more than anyone else Caleb hangs around with."

  "I thought he hadn't dated anyone in a while?"

  "He hasn't. Not officially anyway. Not since I set him up with Jean. Oh crap, you knew about Jean, right?"

  "Yeah, Caleb told me. He said there wasn't much chemistry, just friends."

  "Oh good. Don't say anything to Robert though. Jean hasn't told him that they dated."

  "Why not? If it wasn't serious?"

  "She said he wouldn't be willing to go out all together, he has a jealous side."

  "Oh, OK."

  I heard the music change over to a hard, driving beat, and Maria squealed, "I love this song, come on, dance with me." She took me by the hand and pulled me toward the dance floor. On our way to dance we passed Jean, Robert, Caleb and Tracy, and tried to drag them right back out with us. Caleb, of course, said no, it was a fast song. Robert stuck with Caleb, so it was just us girls.

  Once we wormed our way through the crowd, I saw some of my other friends already dancing, so I led our little group their way. I hugged Kate, Michael wasn't much into the fast songs either so he wasn't out here. Kate was dancing with Krystal and a few others that I knew, plus three or four that I had seen here before, but didn't know their names.

  We did a quick half-ass introduction all around, consisting mainly of smiles, waves and head nods at each other as we started dancing. They played "Bad, Bad Girlfriend," it was an old song, but still fun to dance to. We did everything that Caleb considered thrashing around with abandon, and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly.

  With a little liquor in our systems, the driving beat, the flashing, strobing lights, the crowd of dancing, sweaty people was exactly what I needed tonight. Even more than the slow dances with Caleb, this is what I had been craving all week. I gave in to the music. I let the throbbing base beat for my heart, I let the alcohol pulse as my blood, and I just moved. I closed my eyes, sang out loud, jumped, spun and bounced in the normal fashion we called dancing, and had a fabulous time with the girls.

  One song blended into another, each one faster than the one before, and soon we were breathing hard, grinning hysterically, singing badly, arms raised and waving, and generally just having a good time. It is amazing how a long work week can just melt away with a little drinking, a few friends and a lot of fun.

  As we eventually filed off of the dance floor, I found myself walking between Maria and Kate. Giggling, I threw an arm around each one of their necks, pulled them close as we walked and planted a kiss on both of their cheeks. First Maria on my left, a big smack on her right cheek, and then I turned my head to my right, and got Kate on her left cheek. I yelled out, "I love you guys, and I love this bar."

  They barely heard me, the music was so loud, and both girls were at least as dance-drunk as I was, but they each put an arm around my waist and we walked off the dance floor three wide. Maria and I dragged Kate back to where we had left the guys, Jean and Tracy right behind us. We bought Kate a drink, and after a few minutes I let Kate drag me over to her table to visit, telling Caleb I'd be back.

  I said my hellos, got and gave a bunch of hugs, and danced with a few of the guys. Way too soon it was approaching midnight and Kate and Michael were saying goodbye. As Kate hugged me good bye she whispered in my ear, "It's naughty school-girl night, my costume is in the car."

  "Are you kidding?" I asked her laughing and nearly choking on my drink.


  "You dress up? I thought you just watched."

  "I don't get naked, but I dress up. It's fun, like a secret, sexy Halloween."

  She gathered her things, Michael right behind her. Also gathering their things were two of the girls we had all danced with during "Bad, Bad Girlfriend."

  "They aren't ...?" I asked Kate.

  "Yeah, they are coming too. Not often but they go with us every few months or so. I'm telling you, you gotta try it once, for laughs if nothing else. You might just like it."

  "I do love Halloween, it's my favorite holiday."

  "So come on, with or without Caleb," she teased, knowing I wouldn't.

  "Maybe next time," I teased back.

  I rejoined Caleb, and stayed with him the rest of the night. I really liked his group, especially Mark and Maria. Maria got us girls back out on the dance floor a few more times, and I got a lot of slow snuggly dances in with Caleb. People came and went from our table all night, Caleb seemed to know everyone. I thought it was amazing that with as many friends as he has, and as many as I have, that we never met in here before. I'd swear this man had never met a stranger.

  It was getting late, and if I was here alone I would have left by now to avoid the 2 a.m. craziness, but I felt safe here with Caleb and his friends. This place was still packed, and Caleb and I headed back out to the dance floor.

  As slow as Caleb liked to dance, holding me tight, we found ourselves in the very middle of the dance floor, with the faster moving couples dancing circles around us. He kissed me long and slow, and when he finished he whispered in my ear, "I have your panties in my pocket."

  That made me laugh and blush at the same time. "Shut up," was my embarrassed reply. He just grinned down at me. "You are turning a little pink," he teased.

  "Am not," I grinned back.

  He looked down for a few seconds, and I finally followed his gaze.

  "Are you looking down my top?" I asked in mock outrage.

  "Most definitely," was his smirking response. He looked into my eyes at that point, and had a devious look about him.

  After a few beats I narrowed my eyes back at him and said, "What?"

  "Take off your bra." He said it quietly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  "Wait, what? No. Why?"

  "That's a lot of questions. Take off your bra, I want to hold it with your panties."

  "No way, we are on the dance floor. Dancing. You know, with people. Everywhere. You're crazy."

  "You slipped your panties off, in traffic, threw them at me, and you think sliding your bra off discretely, while no one is looking is crazy?"

  I just looked at him a minute, shocked. And actually thinking about doing it.

  He could see my thought process running across my face, and he watched, smirking, with one eyebrow raised in challenge. I ran the how-to through my brain. Most girls, by the time they are my age, are quite good at removing a bra from under their shirt, so it was easily doable. What got me though, was that he didn't think I would do it. I could see it, in his challenging eyebrow, so I decided to call his bluff. Why stop now, right? Bathroom panty hose, thrown panties, why not a bra too?

  I was wearing thin spaghetti straps, so it was quite easy. I unhooked my bra wit
h one hand. I slipped my right hand up to my left shoulder, looking him right in the eye, and slipped my bra strap down around my elbow, and pulled my arm out of it. Halfway done. I cocked my eyebrow right back at him, reached my left hand to my right bra strap, and repeated the process.

  'I can not believe I am doing this,' I thought. I kept my eyes locked on his, and felt the tingling in my stomach step it up a notch. I used my peripheral vision to look around and see if I was being watched. No one seemed to be paying the least bit of attention to us. I reached my hand down, sliding it down the front of my shirt, between my breasts, until I could feel the center piece of the bra between my fingers, and slowly pulled up.

  I grinned up at him as I pressed my bra to his chest. He took it from my hands and tucked it under his arm, under the jacket he was wearing. "That was hot," he said, his eyes glowing with lust, and if I wasn't mistaken, admiration as well. I just kissed him in response, making sure to press my unbound breasts against him.

  We danced one more song like that, him holding both my bra and my panties, and I was surprised at what a turn on that was. Maybe just because I felt so naked without them, or maybe it was just the naughty thoughts that it triggered, but he was right. It was hot.

  When that song ended, we went back to our table like nothing had happened. We stood there with our group, talking and drinking, like I wasn't wearing less clothing than I had been when I had walked away. 'I seem to be losing clothes at an alarming rate in public,' I thought, while I was pretending to listen to something Jean was saying.

  It was almost two o'clock at this point, and the bar had already called last call. They were playing the last few songs, and the place was beginning to thin out. We were talking about leaving as well when we saw officer huge arms from the night we met walking toward us.

  Usually around this time one of the front door officers comes in and stands by the DJ booth, waiting for the bar to close. Once they turn on the 'ugly lights' they quickly herd everyone outside, and the officer helps with that, bringing up the rear of the crowd.


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