Forbidden Days (The Firsts)

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Forbidden Days (The Firsts) Page 15

by C. L. Quinn

  Zach was getting stronger. And with Park’s blood in him, he was transitioning with a fairly low level of pain. He was even remaining coherent and even tempered, and that was unheard of.

  Bernie was nearly finished, her pain level diminished enough that she, too, was coherent again. Instead of the enraged, vicious creature she’d been during the conversion, she was quiet and calm.

  Too much so, Vaz thought. She was almost docile. That didn’t seem right. For two days now, she quietly sat on the floor and accepted whatever came her way. Bas, when he fed her, now just held her gently, she drank carefully and even said a soft “thank you” when he was done. They were trying her on some solid foods now, carefully, small amounts, to see if her system could tolerate it. She meekly took the food and ate it slowly. It stayed down. When she was finished, she would back against the wall and close her eyes.

  What disturbed Vaz the most was that she wouldn’t look at him. From those intense stares and flaming sexual invitations and displays, to downcast eyes and murmured thanks, he was concerned.

  Otherwise, she seemed well. The day came when Bas completed a feeding and he stood up and announced to Vaz that it was over.

  “I’m releasing her from containment. She’s past conversion control issues. I’ve arranged for Cherise to set up the rose suite for her, next to Park. She can help her readjust to her new life.”

  “Sure, okay, but…Park isn’t vampire. How is she going to help her adapt to a vampires life?”

  “She’s as close to a friend as Bernie has. And Park has become pretty comfortable with our kind. I’ll be there as her Sire, guiding her on actual vampire matters, but I think Park will help her adjust to the new life better than anyone. She’s a link to what Bernie was. What it will take Bernie time to move on from. It’s the best place for her. Don’t worry Vaz, we won’t destroy all your good work.”

  Vaz stepped back into the room with Bas. “I’ll do it,” he said, and went over to Bernie. Her eyes were downcast.

  “Bernie, you’re done with the worst part. We’re taking you to your own room. You’ll be able to get a shower and something to eat. And your friend Park will be right next to you. Congratulations, you’ve made it.” He tried to sound excited, but he knew it fell flat. All he could think of was he unlocked the cuffs was that he was going to miss her. Well, that sucked, didn’t it? She was just another newbie vamp, that was all. And she wasn’t by any stretch the most pleasant one he’d ever helped cross over. The cuffs dropped to the floor with a clang, the chains rattling, and she just stood there. Bas waited across the room for a few minutes and then came forward and took her hand.

  “Come on, Bernie. Let’s take you to your new room.” He glanced at Vaz and gave him a smile. “Thanks for everything. I’ll see you upstairs. Say “thank you”, Bernie.”

  Bernie let her hand lay limply in Bas’s, and waited a few moments before she complied with his request. When she lifted her eyes, she made contact with Vaz, her eyes sliding across his face and locking with his eyes briefly.

  “Thank you,” she said, so low he couldn’t have understood it if he hadn’t already known what it was. She dropped her eyes immediately and Bas led her out.

  The room smelled of blood and piss, and Vaz walked out slowly.

  Bas led Bernie into the large pale pink suite, done completely in crème and pink. It looked like a dollhouse she had when she was a little girl. Emotions waved over her suddenly, paralyzing her. She closed her eyes and squeezed them, thinking if she just kept them closed for a few minutes, she’d wake up in her own bedroom in her little downtown loft, and this would all have been a horrible nightmare. She embraced the peaceful darkness and when she opened her eyes, the woman she knew as Park was standing there. She was smiling happily and holding out her arms. What the… I don’t know you, she thought.

  Park came forward and embraced a stiff Bernie in a hug, but not tightly. It was apparent Bernie needed some space. Still, there was going to have to be a bath.

  Bas looked up at Park. “Shall I go?”

  Park nodded and mouthed “thanks.”

  As the door clicked shut behind them, Park took Bernie’s hands. “Bernie, can we clean you up? I know you’ll feel better afterward.”

  Bernie nodded because she didn’t know what else to do, and because she knew she did smell awful.

  “Bernie, I drew you a bath and it smells like chamomile and roses. And Bas got you a fluffy warm robe with a soft satin nightgown. They’re in pale blue, and I thought they’d match your eyes, but…well, it’s okay. Come on, strip off those clothes and I’ll have Cherise burn them.”

  Vaz came to Bas during breakfast that night. He grabbed a huge cinnamon bun and covered it with a thick sugary icing.

  “Hey, Bas. I wanted to let you know I’m going to take off for a while. Since I got that baby vamp finished, you won’t need me right now so I’m going to head south for some r and r.”

  “Vaz, I wish you wouldn’t. We’re at the start of a battle like we’ve never seen. I know you’re really good, but Shanks knows you’re part of my crew, my family. You’ll be a target. Besides, I actually have another assignment for you. Normally, we wouldn’t do this, but with the threat, I need everyone at their best. I’d like you to train Bernie and Park, and next week Zach, in combat. Teach them hand to hand and weapons. I can’t think of anyone better suited to bring them up to task quicker or better than you. Please consider staying.”

  Hmm. He’d still be with Bernie. Not a good idea, he thought. He’d decided that he’d let himself get too close to her, which is why he’d wanted to take a break away from the compound. He’d intended to head to Vegas for some drinking and fucking for a while. Yeah, this wasn’t a good idea…

  “Uh, yeah, sure,” was what he said instead. “I’ll take care of your human and the babies.” Pussy. He grabbed another cinnamon bun and turned away, rolling his eyes at his own folly. He was treading on soft ground here.

  Bas watched his long time friend walk away whistling and wondered what was up with him. Why the hell was everyone around here acting so strangely lately? And that included himself. It was the humans…those genetic leftovers from their own pasts. Or the best of what they were. One of the two. His head hurt too much to suss it out right now.

  Jacob rounded a corner, grabbed a cinnamon roll, covered it with thick sugary icing and said, “Bas, I got her. Your bitch. Down in cell three. It still smells like fucking hell from your baby vamps recent stay. I thought you’d like that.”

  “Jake, you get a double raise. Thank you. I’ll be right there.”

  “Do you want me to have Cherise bring your lady?”

  “God, no. She doesn’t want to see her.”

  “Ah, okay. I’ll be there when you get there.”

  Bas had left Park to deal with Bernie, so he was free to get to the interrogation. As he was leaving the kitchen, they came in. Bas smiled as he saw Bernie dressed in some clothes he’d bought for Park. Park was dressed similarly. She hugged him and asked him what he was up to. He decided to keep it simple.

  “Just getting a few things done. I hope you guys have a good day. I’ll join up with you two for dinner. Bernie,” he said, watching her eyes darting around the huge buffet of food. “I think you’re well enough to have whatever you want for breakfast. We’re going to get with you ladies later to talk about defense training. You’re going to need it with the oncoming war. Vaz will be handling most of it.”

  Bernie looked up sharply at that. She had only spoken a few words since being released from the cell. But now she said to him, “Vaz? I don’t want him to.”

  That surprised both Bas and Park. Bas nodded at her. “Well, he’s the best hand to hand we have. You’ll learn better with him as your instructor. He’s a really good man, Bernie. He took excellent care of you during your change.”

  She kept her head down, her eyes averted. “I don’t care. I don’t want him.”

  Bas shook his head. “Well, he’s the one you’ll be work
ing with. You’ll just have to find a way to do it. Park, feed her, maybe that’ll help her mood.” He left quickly.

  Park led her to the buffet Eugene prepared each night for the vampire population of the house.

  “This is from Eugene. He’s human, but he’s lived with the vampire community for about a hundred years. You can’t imagine all the incredible things he makes. As a vampire, you will need to consume a lot more calories. A lot. And here’s the part you’ll love. You don’t have to worry about your weight or health. Vampires stay healthy and fit, no matter what. Those bodies you’ve seen? None of these guys have to suffer for them. Now you won’t have to either. Come on, get whatever you want.”

  She was tentative. She watched Park selectively place a few items on her plate, licking her fingers after picking up a small donut and halving it.

  “I’m not vampire, so I can’t just go crazy. I envy you that. Come on, here’s your plate.” She handed Bernie an obnoxiously large plate that should more aptly be called a platter. Park laughed. “I know. It’s vampire sized. Seriously, Bernie, fill it up.”

  Bernie stepped forward and laid a couple of pieces of bacon on the plate. She wasn’t hungry. Was she? Suddenly a strong urge to eat assaulted her. The aromas hit her, and she was filling the plate like Park told her to. When the plate was stacked, she turned to Park, gaping helplessly.

  “I can’t eat all this,” she said. Park waved her over to the table.

  “You’d be surprised. And Bas tells me your sense of taste will be heightened, so it should be even better.”

  Bernie sat the tray down and took a seat next to Park, then just stared at the mound of food for several minutes before she took a small bite of a chocolate covered donut. Her moan reminded Park of sounds they’d made the night before in Bas’s suite.

  “This is…is really good. You’re sure I can eat all this and not get fat?”

  Park nodded. “You can. Bernie. Do you mind if I take a blood test after you eat, just to see how your metabolism is dealing with the large amount of foods?”

  “I don’t care. Sure.” Once Bernie got started, she didn’t stop. Park was pleased to see her smile. She hadn’t been sure that would ever happen again.

  “Oh, hell,” Bernie said between bites, “Bas was right. It’s incredible. It’s like every cell in my body is exploding with pleasure from the flavors.”

  “I understand that is only the beginning of all the incredible experience’s you’ll have now as a vampire. I know it was a horrible week and getting your life interrupted such a tragedy, but I think you’re going to love it. Everyone I’ve met here has been awesome. And you’re super strong. Plus, you not only stay thin, but you stay young and healthy indefinitely.” Bernie kept eating and just looking at Park wordlessly while she ate. “So, what do you think?”

  Bernie polished off a large slice of banana bread and then stopped and stared at Park. Again, wordlessly for several minutes. “Park. You smell really good. Why do you smell so good? I noticed it when you gave me the bath.”

  Park really didn’t know what to say. “Um, I just think everything is in overdrive right now for you. Please, just know that I’m really happy you made it through and that you’re still alive.”

  Bernie put down an enormous cinnamon bun. “I know I’ve been difficult. This has been the nightmare no one could ever have dreamed of. But…I’m okay now. It’s going to take some time but I’m okay. I know you’ve only been trying to help me. None of you are the bad guys. Speaking of…what did Bas mean when he said there was going to be a war?”

  “The guys that hurt you…they’re coming for us all. Not just us, but the entire vampire race. It just looks like, right now, we’re on the front line. I guess they’re going to train us to defend ourselves. I’m human, though, so if they get to me, well, I’m done. But you’ll have a chance now.”

  “Nah, I’ll take care of you. I think I owe you. I think I’ll owe you for the rest of my life.”

  “Bernie, when we met in the diner that morning, we both felt something, a kinship. I’d like to think we can keep that and become friends.”

  “So you’re staying? Even though you’re not a vampire, you’re staying?”

  “I hope to. Bas and I have something…I’m not sure, but we have a relationship I hope to continue. So yes, I hope I can.”

  “I’d like that. I need you here, if I’m starting my new life with these people. They’re all men.”

  “Oh, there’s a female vamp. You’ll meet her soon enough. She’s a hard ass compared to the men. Right now, she’s bringing someone else over, like you just went through. He nearly didn’t make it.”

  “God. Do they do this all the time?”

  “No. From what I understand they prefer not to. It’s just that he was dying like you. Same assholes. It’s going to be an ugly fight.”

  “Well, I guess we better learn to fight. Let me kill a few more of these amazing cinnamon rolls and I’ll be ready.”

  Even Bas wanted to hold his nose when he entered the cell just recently vacated by Bernie. It smelled like death and shit on steroids. He couldn’t help but smile that this was exactly where Park’s “mother” belonged. More important, though, was that he hoped to finally get some answers. Jake was on one of the concrete benches, an earpiece obvious in one ear, a tablet computer on his knee. He was earnestly talking with someone as he glanced up.

  “Gotta go, boss is here for some torture and interrogation. Just get that done and I’ll check in later.” He touched the tablet and got up.

  “Here’s your toy, Bas. I have her personal effects here for you, and I sent Quincy to the rathole apartment she was staying in to get her other things. There wasn’t much. I didn’t tell her anything. She’s all yours.”

  “Thanks, Jake. You can go if you need to.” Jake nodded and walked out.

  She hung from the cuffs with her head down. She was skinny, emaciated really, but Bas knew that was common for drug addicts. Park had mentioned that there was always money for drugs….it was apparent that hadn’t changed. He walked over to her, wondering if she was awake, but then she lifted her head sharply, piercing blue eyes stabbing him as he moved to just inches from the cuff’s maximum reach. Her skin looked like old beef jerky. The smeared blue eye shadow and red lipstick didn’t help. She was wasted flesh and rage in cheap clothes that smelled like she hadn’t had a bath in months. It struck him that the smell in here might not be too much worse than she was used to living with.

  They stared at each other for several minutes without speaking, and he couldn’t help but feel she knew exactly what she was here for and exactly what he was. And she did. Moments later she licked her lips and spoke.

  “Well, fuck me to dawn. I guess you found her.”

  He acted clueless. “Her? Found her. Who do you mean?”

  She laughed bitterly. “I might not be the smartest bitch around, but I ain’t an idiot. I can smell her on you.” She sniffed like she had a whiff of something rank suddenly. “I could always smell her.” She snorted.

  Fuck, he wanted to hit her. So hard she would never wake up. But…

  “You think you know why you’re here?”

  Another gruff snort. “I fucking know why I’m fucking here. The little whore sent you for me. A little revenge on mommy dearest.”

  He lost it. “Don’t call yourself that! You’re not her mother. You’re just the cunt that bore her.”

  “Well, now you’re getting real. So. She found your little cocksucking nest. Figured she would. Figured it would end up this way. Soulless bitch.”

  Bas tried to stay calm. He had a goal. He could always kill her slowly later.

  “Park is one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever known. But you should know soulless, you hag. In spite of your criminal parenting, she turned out incredibly.”

  “Hey, I didn’t drown her when she was a baby. Give me points.”

  God help him get through his.

  “You tell me what she is and you may liv
e to walk out of here.” No she wouldn’t.

  Now the woman pulled back. Shock on her face. Suddenly she smiled and laughed.

  “You don’t know what she is. You found her, but you don’t know what she is. Oh, that is fucking rich. That is fucking justice.”

  “What is she?”

  “If you demon monsters don’t already know, I sure the fuck ain’t telling you. It’s better if you just put her down like a fucking dog. I should have done it when I had the chance. I was just too fucking scared of him!”

  “Who? Who were you afraid of?”

  “I told you, I won’t tell you anything. I’ll take it to my fucking grave!”

  “That’ll be today if you don’t start talking. Tell me what I need to know!”

  “Compel me if you want to know!”

  He’d thought about it, but he needed her sharp. Sometimes people would get confused with compulsion and not able to remember things. Compulsion did have its limitations.

  “Yeah, I was hoping not to, but it appears that I’ll have to.”

  He moved closer and trapped her eyes with his. She stared at him and he used his ability to control her will.

  “Now, tell me all about what Park is and who her father was.”

  She let herself go slack and dropped her arms. “She’s an alien from outer space and her father was the fucking Easter bunny!” Then she laughed uproariously.

  What the fuck?! She couldn’t be compelled either?

  “What are you? What is Park? I swear, you bitch, you will tell me!”

  Nearly on the floor, her guffaws were choking her up. “That was fun! Better than sex! I think I need a cig!”

  He’d had it. Something was so wrong here. He left the room and started back up to the main floor when Eugene texted him. He wanted to have all the vampires meet him and Cherise in the study. What the hell? Eugene didn’t call meetings. Bas didn’t need this with all the other craziness right now, but Eugene had to have a reason and it had to be important. He texted him back a time, then texted Jake to have everyone attend. He needed a shower after that visit. He’d leave her there, alone, no food or water, for the night and see how she felt the next night about answering him. After this meeting with Eugene, he’d sit down with her personal items Jake and his men had obtained to see if there was anything there that could help him.


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