Forbidden Days (The Firsts)

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Forbidden Days (The Firsts) Page 16

by C. L. Quinn


  Chapter Fourteen

  Alvin drained another woman. She’d been tasty, which had been nice, but mostly it was because he was going to turn two more men tonight and he needed the excess to feed them and maintain his own strength. His current soldiers had put the scare into the vampire community, but he really just wanted to get to the payoff now. He needed to ramp up the conversion and get this battle won. He was tired and he wanted to go home to her. To Lucille. Where he would take his place beside her when this was finished and rest for eternity with his beloved. He truly believed there should be no vampires. This did include him. So once he killed them all, his own converts as well, he would take his own immortal life and leave the earth clean. Reaching for a moist wipe, he wiped the blood off his chin. Ugh, always hated that, the blood everywhere after a vigorous feeding.

  Dropping the now pink colored wet wipes, he picked up some photos Shanks had just dropped off. Long range digital images of two young women, both lovely. One had long red hair swinging from a ponytail. Bas’s girl. Alvin smiled and his heart skipped a beat in excitement. Oh, he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. He’d feed, of course. He’d been shocked when Shanks made it clear to him…she was not vampire! Bas’s girl had not been brought over. This was going to be much, much more satisfying than he’d ever imagined. He actually felt himself salivate at the prospect of feeding on her with Sebastian for his audience. Shanks had assured him that securing her and Sebastian would be the first thing he did when they breached the stronghold. Oh, goody. Let the fun begin.

  Vaz waited, surrounded by his favorite weapons for his two students to show up. He was early, and pissed at himself for it. He hadn’t seen Bernie in two days and was completely pissed at himself for missing her like a fifteen year old human with a crush. Fuck! He might as well have someone castrate him right now. He’d turned into a girl! Then he thought about his leader, Bas, and his behavior around the little titian haired human. He grinned to himself. Yeah, they were both fucking pitiful. Well, there was nothing he could do about it….he really was looking forward to seeing her, to working with her. He knew…Bas had told him…she’d requested not to have to work with him. He’d find out what the fuck that was about and fix it. He thought it couldn’t be because she didn’t like him or think he was attractive. In two hundred years he’d never had to compel a female for sex. No woman had ever refused him. He knew…he was what women these days called a stud.

  Bernie followed Park through the twisted corridors, certain she’d never learn them. They were both dressed in really nice workout gear, designer sports bras and shorts, athletic shoes she would never have been able to afford on a waitress’s salary. As they’d dressed, giggling about how Bernie’s breasts seemed bigger and firmer, she had to admit…she was looking and feeling amazing. Her skin practically glowed and her hair was now down to her waist. It hadn’t been two weeks ago she’d had her short spike cut that she loved. But the long soft honey colored hair was fuller and shiner than it had ever been and would barely fit in a large jaw clip Park gave her. And even though Bernie had always worked out, she’d never been this cut. This morning, before going to bed for the day, she’d looked herself over, naked, in the wall of mirrors inside the large walk-in closet in her room. She had to admit…she was rocking this vampire thing.

  Her elation waned as they reached the courtyard where she saw the blonde Adonis sitting with his back to them. And wasn’t sure she could face him. God. Her face flamed. What she had done. How she had been with him…watching her every moment. She remembered it all…sexual act after sexual act, trying to tempt him to fuck her. She remembered trying desperately to reach him with her own fingers up her, moving herself to orgasm after orgasm. Worse yet, she still wanted him, so badly she wanted to do the same thing again. This was unhealthy for her. He’d refused her every time. And now she was going to have to spend the night with him. She hadn’t told Park why, but Park knew she didn’t want to train with him.

  Although she’d straightened Bernie out.

  “Look, you’re a supernaturally strong ass vampire now. You can do anything. Don’t let him get to you.”

  Bernie had said, “Yeah, you’re right.” She’d meant it then. Now, she just had to believe it.

  He was stunning. He turned to them and smiled. It made her melt and it made her pissed. There wasn’t anything about him that she didn’t think was perfect. Floodlights lit the area, the deep shadows highlighting his muscles, bunched enticingly under the tight white tee as he slid off the bench he was seated on and started toward them with a sword in his hand. He looked right at Bernie the entire way.

  Park noticed. Something was definitely going on with these two. The sexual tensions that rode between them was palpable, but there was something else she couldn’t determine. As they met, Park stepped up and smiled at Vaz.

  “Hi. Thank you for agreeing to stay to train us. Bas told me you were leaving.”

  That got Bernie to finally look up at Vaz. Their eyes met and she froze, not allowing herself to look away. Park knew it was going to be an interesting night. Hand to hand was first.

  Initial sparring went well. Vaz started with Park since Bernie hung back. She did well, and while she had only human strength, she was able to master several of the techniques he taught her that would give her a chance against a stronger adversary. They’d donned boxing gloves to work on power, Vaz allowing her to punch him fully.

  “Use all your strength, Park. We want you to know what it feels like to hit as hard as you can. Bring the anger, punish the bastard who wants to hurt you.” Park let fly and tried to splatter him. Vaz tried to act like it hurt him, but she saw the little smile around the edge.

  “Okay, I’m a weakling. I’m not taking down any vampire.”

  “Not with your fists, but with the proper weaponry, maybe. This is just to give you a chance. Against a human, I think you could hold your own with a little more training.”

  Bernie watched, her eyes missing nothing, and when it was time for her one on one lesson, she stepped up, boxing gloves on, hands up. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Vaz started to go over method and she shook her head.

  “I already got it. Let’s go!”

  She perfectly repeated everything she’d watched him teach Park. Vaz couldn’t land a blow on her, and after a few minutes he realized she’d kicked it into a competition and started landing harder and harder blows on him. He tried to take it easy on her and step back, but she refused to relent. She kept pushing him and pushing him. Until he pushed back. With patience and a hard punch, he tried to end the session. But she kept going. So the next time she came at him with an aggressive roundhouse kick, he shifted his position, she missed, he pulled her down and laid his entire weight on top of her. Angry, she tried to get free, but couldn’t budge him. He leaned down a little harder and trapped her tighter against his body. All the wriggling and teeth gritting growls didn’t phase him. Their faces were within inches of each other, his warm breath fanning her loose hair.

  “Bernie, I don’t know what your problem with me is, but you will get over it. I’m much older than you and this is something you need to learn…older vamps are much, much stronger than new ones. So, no matter how pissed you are, you could never take me.” He leaned closer, his lips touching her cheek in an air kiss. “Unless I want you to.”

  She started twisting now like she was possessed, trying to buck him off of her. Vaz sat back and then released her arms and got up. Bernie surged up and stomped off, back to the house. Vaz looked at Park.

  She shrugged. “I have no idea. What happened during her transition that might make her so pissed at you?”

  “Nothing. I took really good care of her. I didn’t even take advantage of her when she wanted me to fuck her.”

  Park looked up suddenly at him. “Oh, that’s it. When I first came down there you said she would be embarrassed if I saw her like that. She was kind of out of control. But you were there to see her. You
saw it all. She’s humiliated you saw her acting like that.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I told her this was common…normal. Sex is a lot of what we are. Her body was in overdrive…it needed the release. It’s normal.”

  “It isn’t for her. Ah, Vaz. I think she can’t face you.”

  “That’s just shit. Should I talk to her?”

  “I don’t know. Let me feel her out about this and we’ll come back to lessons tomorrow, hopefully with a better temper. Does Bas still want us out here? I thought we weren’t supposed to be out here because of the threat.”

  “No threat now. Bas has all these hills covered with electronic surveillance as well as armed soldiers. That will not happen again. You really are safe here now, Park. Unless they breach the perimeter and then we may all be fucked.” He grinned.

  Park though he had an incredible smile. He was as handsome as Bas, and while no one could touch her heart like Bas, she thought he would have been amazing to be with. Bernie had a hell of a ride ahead of her if she’d let it happen. Park suddenly wanted to give Vaz a hug and she did. He was surprised, but responded back with a light hug. He frowned suddenly.

  “Park, what do I smell? There’s something…I’m not sure what…something I didn’t notice before.”

  This had to stop. What the hell? She decided to be honest with him. “Vaz, I don’t know. Everyone seems to think I have a weird scent. I can’t explain it.”

  “It’s not weird, it’s…attractive…like catnip to a cat…it makes me want to… Bas would rip my throat out, but it makes me want to taste you.”

  “Resist it.”

  “Of course. But Park, you need to have Bas find out what makes a vampire drawn to you. It can’t be good for you.”

  “He is. Well, let me go check on our girl.”

  “Alright. See you tomorrow night.” They each turned to go their different directions. Vaz’s cell buzzed. When he pulled it out there was a request to meet in the study in three hours. He began to gather the weapons to store them before he attended Bas’s little get-together.

  There was nothing in her personal items. Old cheap makeup, cheaper jewelry, clothes that no respectable thrift shop would take, and wads of money that looked like it had been somewhere no one wanted to know about. Some dirty papers, but they looked like they might be used to roll something that you smoked. The only thing he found interesting was a medallion on a chain. That wasn’t cheap. It looked old…very, very old. There was a script on it that he didn’t recognized and an animal that looked like a mythological hybrid of a polar bear and large cat. He assumed she might have stolen it. Otherwise, her stuff was another dead end.

  He sighed in frustration. His best chance was to learn from the source what Park was. If he couldn’t get her to talk, and couldn’t compel her, he was back to his original plan…he had to call Eillia. She was the oldest known vampire, and if anyone in the vampire world would know what Park might be, it was her. He pulled out his mobile and texted her second. Eillia‘s second was a tall man of middle eastern descent who’d been her lover for as long as Bas had been vampire. They were the most devoted couple he’d ever seen. Bas could not imagine the attachment they must have after that many years together. He felt a strong kinship and brotherly love for several of his male companions, but Eillia and Hamid, their love was legend.

  Everyone was already there, spread out in different chairs and lounges around the room by the time Park and Bernie arrived. They moved in quickly and took seats near the front of the gathering. Park murmured a quick “sorry” and smiled at Bas, who tried to look stern, and failed.

  He stepped in front of the group, addressing everyone.

  “Eugene has called us all together, which, as you know, is highly unusual, so I, for one, am very curious. Eugene?”

  The tall dark man stepped to the front and sort of bowed. His presence filled the room, both physically and metaphorically.

  “Mr. Bas, I actually called you all together for Cherise.” Cherise hung behind him, twisting her hands. Bas was getting very concerned now. Cherise was not a nervous person.

  “I…I…this is difficile. It is not what I would wish, but, Mr. Bas, you have all been so good to me and I feel I owe you…fidelite…loyalty.” She took a deep breath and released it suddenly. Then pointed to Park.

  “That woman is very bad for you. For this place. You must send her away.”

  There wasn’t much that she could have said that would have shocked Bas more. Or inflamed his ire. But he forced himself to calm down. “Explain yourself,” he said quietly.

  Cherise hesitated. Her eyes connected with all those who waited, drew another deep breath and prayed this would go well. She looked one more time at Park, who was thunderstruck.

  “She is Shoazan, child of the Father. I knew this when I see her. I feel it across the room. I am seer, you would not know this…I do not do this anymore. But she, the woman you know of as Park, she sparks the visions. C’est mauvais…faucheux… Unwelcome. But I cannot change it. She… is the progeny of the first one. He has looked for her in the past. He… deprave…abandoned the search. Could not find her. Now, I cannot believe she is here. Sacre Dieu. I do not know how you find her, but she will be…pardon…searched out…targeted, yes, that is it. She will be found. You do not want to be in the path when he comes. If she is exhibiting her powers, he will come.”

  The room sat in stone silence. No one had a response to this incredible discovery. Park was the child of the first vampire? The one who brought the virus to humans? The…father. The legend that no one had ever confirmed. This small shattered human was the direct descendant of the creator. It seemed impossible. Bas thought it had to be true.

  “And what are you, Cherise, that you know this? That you knew her when you saw her? You’re not vampire. Now what the hell are you?” Bas waited impatiently as Cherise hesitated in answering. It was apparent she had trouble putting it into words.

  “I am…le rattacher…a connector…I can bridge all forms of human life. I know you all…vampire, demon, hybrids, half breeds, monitors, all the power holders. I left the life because there are so few anymore. It is a hard life. Mr. Bas, I only wish to live simply. That is why when Eugene came here I asked to follow. I have done good work for you, yes?”

  Bas nodded. She had. She’d been completely reliable and exceptionally efficient. And pleasant to have around. He could not think of one moment he had not been pleased with her since she came.

  “Tres bon. So, you must trust me when I say that if he comes, give her to him without question and perhaps he will take her and go. He is known for the temper and you do not want to see it. He can kill many vampires quickly…you would not even know it happened. You would just be gone.”

  Bas felt his blood cool. No. That would not happen. He would not give Park to anyone, even the father of his race. Especially if he was a homicidal psycho. That girl deserved a decent life and she would have it. And it would be with him.

  Cherise dropped her head again. “Mr. Bas, may I go? I have laundry to supervise, and I have said what I came to say.”

  It seemed incongruous, given what she was, what she could apparently do, to send her to wash underwear, but he nodded and lifted his hand in a gesture of good faith. She left quickly without looking back.

  Park was shell shocked, but not as much as Bas, it seemed. She tried to calm him down. But couldn’t do it.

  “The bitch is going to speak. She is going to tell me every fucking thing she knows about him, about you!” He yelled and headed to the elevator to take him down to the lower level to the cells. He told Park to stay with Bernie.

  “No, I’m going with you. You’re angry, I don’t trust you won’t do something bad to her.”

  “Oh, I promise, she doesn’t comply this time, something bad will happen to her!”

  “No, Bas…”

  “Bernie, keep her here.”

  In spite of her own sense of control, somewhere deep inside, Bernie knew Bas was her sire and
she was predisposed to please him. She hoped like hell it wasn’t an inability to disobey him, but nonetheless, right now, she grabbed Parks shoulders and pulled her away from the elevators. Park struggled.

  “Bernie, let me go! He can’t go down there when he’s this upset! He’ll kill her!”

  “I can’t help myself, Park. I seem to need to do what he requested. I’m sorry.”

  The elevator doors closed. Bas, Vaz, Dez, and Jake disappeared behind them.

  Well, the smell was much worse. Little comfort for the enraged vampire storming through the door, slamming its heavy weight, no small feat, against the metallic wall. She was awake, looking little worse for the wear, but she looked so awful to begin with, that would have been hard. She grinned maliciously at him until she saw the blood anger in his eyes. Even his men stayed back near the door. He came forward vampire-fast and grabbed her throat in his hand. He squeezed and felt the air leave her windpipe.

  “Now, you think Parks father scared you…he was a fucking fluffy kitten compared to what I am right now. I’d snap your neck in a microsecond if I didn’t need what you know. I might anyway. So. Don’t. Piss. Me. Off.”

  She believed him this time, and was terrified. He squeezed a little harder just to make sure she got his point. He was not playing her game anymore. This was Park’s life.


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