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Vadir: Star-Crossed Alien Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency)

Page 6

by Susan Hayes

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Just like that.”

  He scissored his fingers, and her inner walls tightened around him as she uttered another wordless moan. Her breaths were coming faster now, and he knew she was close to release. Speeding up the tempo of his assault, he curved his fingers slightly so he could reach the spot his research on female human anatomy indicated would give her the most pleasure.

  She came almost immediately, her body quaking as she clamped down on his fingers and ground her pussy hard against his lips, the sweet cream of her arousal flowing over his chin.

  Legs trembling, she finally slumped against the edge of the bed. He rose to his feet, leaning over to plant an open-mouthed kiss to one shoulder blade.

  “Whatever challenges we’re going to have, I’d say sexual chemistry is not going to be one of them.”

  He chuckled. “Definitely not.”

  Lisa’s pulse was still thundering in her ears when she glanced back to look at her lover. Vadir was staring at her like she was cherry at the top of his sundae. There was naked hunger in his gaze and a predatory smile on his lips as he rubbed the impressive length of his cock against her ass. His hands landed on her hips, and before she knew it, he spun her around and lifted her into the air. She landed on the bed he’d recently vacated, his hands coaxing her to lie down as his lips claimed hers for another delicious, toe-curling kiss.

  “I don’t need a check-up. I need you.”

  “And me is exactly what you’re going to get.” He walked around to the foot of the bed, running his hands from her bare feet to her ankles.

  “As much as I like these, I think they need to go.” He unfastened the clasp of her anklet and set it aside, then gripped her legs firmly and tugged her down the bed until her legs were dangling over the edge and her ass was on the edge.

  She lifted her head to watch as he fisted his cock in one hand and moved between her thighs. She was half out of her mind with need already, so when he rubbed the thick head of his cock along the seam of her pussy, she arched her back and nodded in a silent plea.

  He eased himself inside, her body giving way to his an inch at a time until there was no room between them. Vadir groaned, his cock throbbing as he muttered in his own language. When he looked up at her, his eyes were flickering gold again, and she knew he was at the edge of his control.

  With a grin she arched her hips, managing to slide him a bare fraction of an inch inside. “Move.”

  His control snapped, and he thrust into her with a guttural groan. “You better hang on.”

  She gripped the edges of the bed as he settled his hands on her hips and began to move. He stroked her hard and deep for several thrusts, then ground his body against hers so tightly that his balls brushed against her ass and her clit was pressed against his pubic bone. Again and again, he did this, until both of them were sweat-slicked and panting. She was riding a wave of pleasure that lifted her so high she felt as if she were flying.

  Vadir was a man possessed by passion, and soon her every nerve flared hotter than the sun as a second climax began to blossom. He reached between her legs and pressed a finger against her clit, sending her spiralling into orgasm as his cock began to thicken and pulse. He came hard, calling out her name as he emptied himself inside her. Instead of softening, his dick continued to swell, pressing against her g-spot and prolonging her own orgasm.

  He was slumped over her, one arm bearing most of his weight as he rested his head against her stomach. Both of them fought for breath, and it was a long moment before she had the strength to speak. Gently flexing her inner walls around his still rock-hard cock, she asked, “Is there something else you forgot to mention?”

  “I’d forgotten about this, myself. We only reach complete climax with our true mates. This…” He lifted his head to regard her with eyes that had turned to a brilliant gold. “This is something new for me, too.”

  “Only with me, huh? I like the sound of that.”

  His lips curved into a sinfully sexy grin. “Only with you. Forever.”

  “Now, you look like the drawing I made of you. Golden eyes and all.” This was the image she’d seen in her mind’s eye months ago. She had captured his face at this moment, right down to his arrogant smile.

  “And you look…” he trailed off as he stared at her. “By the Flames of the First One, your eyes changed, too.”

  “What? Changed how? What colour?” She started to sit up, then froze when she realized they were still locked together.

  “They’re even more lovely now.”

  “Not helpful. The artist wants words. Details. Tell me exactly what’s changed.”

  “They’re the same shade of blue as before, but they glow with an inner fire.” He touched his face. “Like I imagine mine do. Now, all who see you will know you are mated. Untouchable. Mine.”

  “Your eyes are incredible. Just like the rest of you. Are all the men of your species drop-dead gorgeous like you, or do I owe your gods a thank you present for sending me their best?”

  “If I answer that honestly, you’re going to think I’m an arrogant ass.”

  “You are arrogant. Or did you think I didn’t notice? Your ass, however, is very nice.” She bucked her hips lightly. “So, how long are we stuck together like this?”

  “Impatient to be free of me already?”

  “Not really, no. But I am hungry, and I’m pretty sure there aren’t enough cookies in my purse to feed us both. Not if this Scorching thing goes on for days.”

  He kissed her for a long, heart-stopping moment, and when he finally raised his head, she could feel they were no longer locked together. As he gently withdrew from her, he continued their conversation as if it had never been interrupted. “The mating fever varies slightly from couple to couple, but in general, it lasts two solar cycles. And we don’t have much time before we’ll need to be together again. Dare I ask why you brought cookies to a dinner date?”

  She grinned at him. “Because my roommate thought they’d make a good snack if things went well. Shit. Gwen. She’s going to be worried when I don’t come home tonight. I didn’t send her a text letting her know what I was up to.”

  “You don’t live alone?” Vadir was frowning now.

  “My two best friends and I share a house. It’s divided up into suites, so we have our privacy, but we watch out for each other. I’m not the only one out on a date tonight, either. I hope Maggie is okay.” She froze as her thoughts piled into each other like trucks on an icy freeway.

  “Shit! Double shit damn it, how could I forget about Maggie!” She sat up and poked her finger into Vadir’s chest. “She’s on the same dating site I am. Well, we are. Star-crossed. That one. Please tell me not every guy on there is an alien because she is not going to take that well. Not at all.”

  “Your friend has been matched on the same dating site as we were?”

  Vadir looked shell-shocked. Not a good sign.

  “Uh huh. Judging by the expression on your face, I’d guess her match isn’t human, either. I need to call her.” Lisa looked around for her purse, then swore again. Her phone was in her purse. She must have lost it both during the fight with Vadir, because she couldn’t recall having it on her when she came to after the crash.

  “I’m afraid you cannot contact your friend,” Cas said.

  “You don’t get to tell me what I can and cannot do. You don’t even have opposable thumbs. How are you going to stop me?”

  “It is not necessary to stop you. Your phone will not work. We impacted in an area outside the area serviced by your cellar device.”

  Damn it. Maggie was on her own. “If she meets with this guy, he won’t hurt her, right?”

  Vadir stood and offered her his hand. “Come with me. I’ll explain, but not here. We don’t have long before the Scorching will flare again, and there’s more I need to tell you. If your friend has been matched to Joran, then I can assure you, he won’t harm her. He is the next king of Pyros, and a man of honour.”

bsp; “He’s the what?” She hopped off the bed, took his hand, then glanced down at her clothes. They were torn and unwearable. “You owe me dinner, something to wear, and a whole bunch of explanations.”

  “He’s the Crown Prince of my planet, and a friend. Since we were the only two with matches in this part of the world, it’s safe to assume your friend is his mate. This is concerning since every effort was made to ensure that none of our matches had close relationships. It would make it difficult for them to leave undetected.”

  Vadir led her out of the medical bay and down the corridor. She noted that there was more light now. Cas’ repairs were progressing.

  “You keep talking about me leaving. This is my home, Vadir! I can’t just run off with you, no matter how hot the sex is.”

  “I can’t stay here for long without being detected. It’s not safe for me to remain. I’m here because my people are dying out. You, and others like you, are our last hope. If you come with me, you will be treated like a queen. You will want for nothing. I swear it. You and our children will be cherished by all.”

  He passed his hand over another panel, and a portion of the wall vanished, forming a doorway. Beyond, was the most luxurious room she’d ever seen.

  The walls were deep blue and mottled with subtle patterns that moved in a hypnotic flow across the surface. The furnishings were elegant and more ornate than anything else she’d seen on board. Polished wood carved with intricate designs, rich fabrics in varying shades of white and cream. There was a work space in one corner, with monitors and what looked like a highly stylised version of a keyboard, but most of the room was taken up by a large circular bed covered in a satiny looking coverlet of midnight blue.

  One look at the bed and her head was full of erotic visions of her and Vadir in the middle of that soft expanse, sweat-slicked, limbs entangled and panting with need. The flames of desire rekindled in a rush, and she turned to Vadir, only to find him striding towards her with his eyes gleaming and his cock already hard and ready.

  Whatever else he had to tell her, it would have to wait. The only thing she wanted right now, was him.


  It had taken a long, glorious soak in Vadir’s bathtub to banish the worst of the aches and stiffness from Lisa’s body. Two days of marathon sex had left her feeling deliciously used and abused in all the right spots.

  The time alone had given her a much-needed chance to ponder everything she’d learned over the last few days. The Scorching had fogged her mind for much of the time, but Vadir had answered all her questions, clarifying things until she finally understood the basic issues. Pyros had a population problem. It had started as a minor dip in the number of girls being born, but instead of self-correcting, the anomaly had increased with each new generation.

  Now, there were seven men to every woman born on the planet, and their population was dwindling rapidly. Vadir’s species could only reproduce with their true mate. So far, there was only one exception to this rule. Humans. To the Pyrosians, it was a miracle that there was another species they could interbreed with. No one had expected the pairings to be true matches. They hadn’t been prepared for either the Spark or the Scorching. Reports would have to be made, and future expeditions would take that into consideration.

  Future expeditions. She didn’t like the way that sounded. Now that she was thinking clearly, she had more questions for Vadir. A lot more. And a small, worried voice whispered to her that no matter how amazing the last few days had been, she might not like his answers, or what came next.

  She rose from the water and towelled off, still organizing her thoughts. She could hear Vadir speaking indistinctly from the other room. He must be talking to Cas, though the only voice she could hear was his. By the time she was dry and had the knots combed out of her hair, she could hear him clearly, loud enough to pull her out of her musings and focus on what he was saying.

  “I’m going to need to buy a different house when we get home. Something airy and light, with a studio for Lisa. In the capital would be best, then she can still see her friend whenever she wishes.”

  She listened to him mutter to himself and wondered if she should make a noise to let him know she could hear him.

  “Yes, that’ll work. That way when I’m gone, she won’t be lonely. If our children have her gifts, they’ll need training. Protection. Flames, so will she.”

  Gifts? What gifts? And what did he mean when he said he’d be gone? She stomped back into his bedroom, intent on asking him what he meant, but there was no one there. “Vadir?” She called, despite the fact she could see the room was empty.

  “I need to talk to Joran once communications are back up. Confirm he claimed his mate. Then let Kash know there’s a problem with the roommate. How did that get missed? If this were my operation, the entire research department would be fired. Too many details got overlooked. It’s sloppy.”

  She could still hear him clearly. As if he were standing only a few feet away. She spun around, confused and a little alarmed.

  “Cas, where’s Vadir?”

  “He is currently in the engine room, facilitating repairs.”

  “Where’s the engine room?”

  “Lower deck, forward compartment. Do you wish to join him?”

  Hell, yes, she wished to join him. Maybe he could explain why she could hear him even though he was on the far end of the ship. “Yes.”

  “Follow the orange lights. I will guide you there.”

  Lisa grabbed the shirt Vadir had left out for her, pulling it on as she headed for the door. Vadir had taught her how to activate the doorways and instructed Cas to give her free range of the ship.

  Once out in the corridor, she followed the series of strobing, orange lights that Cas used like electronic breadcrumbs to show her the way. She could still hear Vadir, but it slowly dawned on her as she walked that she could hear him better when she concentrated on what he was saying…or thinking. It was obvious that she wasn’t really hearing him at all. Was this something else Vadir had forgotten to mention? Would he know what was going on or react with unease when he found out what she could do?

  She stepped out of the lift and turned left without even looking at the guide lights. Now that they were on the same level, she could feel his presence and walked towards him with total surety. He was still musing to himself, but his focus seemed to be on repairing a power coupling. At least, that’s the little she understood. Apparently, she didn’t need to speak his language to understand his basic thoughts, but technical jargon was beyond her.

  The air down here was stale and warm. The narrow passageway walls were barely far enough apart to let her walk through without side-stepping, and the ceiling was lined with an array of pipes and conduits that stretched the length of the ship.


  Vadir’s head popped out a door at the end of the corridor. “Hi. Cas and I have almost finished repairing communications. The broadcasting array on the hull was wrecked in the crash, and it took longer than expected. I didn’t intend to leave you alone so long.”

  “I was fine with being on my own for a while. We’ve been in each others’ constant company for the past two days. I’ve never experienced anything that…intense.”

  “Me, either.” He came out to join her, eyeing her with open appreciation. “You look better in that shirt than I ever did. I see you didn’t bother with the footwear I found for you. Is there a reason for that?”

  “I like being barefoot. But that wasn’t the real reason. I was in a hurry to see you. Something weird happened.” She touched her temple. “I could hear you. I thought you’d come back, but there wasn’t anyone in the room. It took me some time to realize it wasn’t your voice I was hearing. It was your thoughts.”

  He stared at her. “You read my mind? Are you certain? What was I thinking?”

  “You weren’t impressed that no one had noticed I had roommates, and that if they worked for you, you’d fire the entire research team. And you were thinking about bu
ying a house, one with a studio because I’d need something to do while you were gone.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “And we’re going to talk about that issue once we deal with the fact I woke up telepathic.”

  “We can’t test my theory since there’s no one else around, but I suspect the only mind you can read, is mine. I told you that true mates form a bond between them.” He touched his chest, then reached out to tap a finger over her heart. “Ours is stronger than most. Likely because you are psychically gifted.”

  “Does this mean you can read my mind, too?” She wasn’t sure how she felt about any of this, but if she could sense Vadir’s thoughts, it seemed only fair he could read hers.

  “I don’t know.” He gave her a perplexed look. “How would I even try?”

  “I was thinking about you when it started. So, try focusing on me.”

  Vadir’s lips curved into a sexy grin that made her clit throb and her breath catch in her throat.

  “I think I can manage that.”

  “Let’s start with something simple. I’ll think of a word, and you tell me if you hear it in your head. Ready?”

  He nodded, and she tried to stay focused on a single word.

  A split second later, Vadir’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open in shock. “Alien. I heard you, even though I was watching your mouth and you never said a word. This is the strongest version of the bond. No matter how far apart we are, we’ll always be able to connect with each other.”

  “You mean all those times you plan on leaving me alone, I will still sense your thoughts?” She didn’t mean for the words to come out quite so acidic.

  “We haven’t had time to discuss that, yet. We still need to negotiate terms and work out a deal so that both of us are happy.”

  She didn’t like his cool tone or the even colder words he was using. “This isn’t a deal you’re brokering, Vee. This is my life. I understand that you can’t stay here. It’s too dangerous for you to do that. But I’m not about to follow you across the galaxy to live in a strange world if you don’t even plan on being there with me. At the very least, can’t I come back home to Earth when you go away?”


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