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Heart Of Glass (A Heart Novella Book 1)

Page 6

by Lolah Lace

  Patricia was a beautiful Black woman in her middle thirties. Patricia was very classy. She sported a short, choppy pixie cut that paired perfectly with her expensive workout gear. She had flawless honey brown skin and could be a model. She had a regal quality about her.

  Tami sat on a wooden bench in the gym locker room. She was facing away from the open locker that housed her belongings. The locker in front of Patricia was slightly ajar.

  Tami reached down to put her tennis shoes on her bare feet. Her unbuttoned blouse fell open as she reached down to stuff her heel into her shoe, and then sat back up.

  “I’m so tired.” Tami huffed as she buttoned her blouse.

  Patricia gave Tami a sly look. “You should go to Jamaica. You need to get your groove back. You can take Mike with you.” Patricia smiled.

  Tami feigned a look of disgust. “That’s not even remotely funny.”

  “Well?” Patricia smirked.

  “Me and Mike, that’s not going to happen. I can’t go anywhere anyway. You know what’s going on.”

  “Yeah, I read it in the paper, that poor girl and her family. There is no way I could do what you do for a living.”

  “Maybe I could marry a handsome doctor like you. Leave all the crime fighting to my coworkers.” Tami reached down to tie her shoes.

  “You’re trying to be funny, but you definitely ain’t getting no younger. You need to settle down and pop out a baby or two.”

  “You sound like my grandmother.”

  “So now I sound like an old lady.” Patricia giggled. “Where the hell are the clocks in here? What time is it?”

  Tami looked at her wristwatch. “It’s five-twenty.”

  “Damn, Britt is coming home for dinner. She called me upset. Her crazy, crackbrain ass mammie called her at school. Whatever she said upset her.”

  “Was she drunk?”

  “Of course, drunk or high on something. That bitch is the most pitiful excuse for a mother I have ever seen. Britt was already upset. There was a shooting at her college. It was at some frat party she went to last night. Her raggedy ass mammie woke her up at two o’clock in the morning with some bullshit.”

  “Why doesn’t she just leave that girl alone?”

  “Because she’s an alcoholic bitch. She knows Britt is sensitive so she tries to make her feel guilty.”

  “At least, she has you. You are a great stepmother.”

  “Yes, I am.” Patricia laughed. “I don’t even feel like cooking, but I told Britt I would, so I need to get home.”

  “Go on girl and cook for your family.”

  “Don’t be jealous.”

  “I’m still trying to figure out how you became a mother without ever getting pregnant.”

  “It’s a skill. I have to keep my body tight, so I refuse to stretch it out for any man.”

  “What if your husband wants a baby with you?”

  “He’s a doctor. He’d better figure something out that doesn’t make me fat.”

  “You are a mess.”

  “I have to go to the grocery store. I’ll call you later.” Patricia picked up her gym bag, closed the door to her locker and walked down the long corridor of lacquered lockers.


  Patricia stopped off at the store and still had time to grab the dry cleaning. She pulled into the driveway of her opulent home. She stepped out of the black Mercedes and rushed in with her grocery bags. Because her hands were full, she decided to return later for the dry cleaning. She wanted to hurry up and make dinner. Britt loved her cooking.

  After a few hours, Patricia heard Britt pull into the driveway. The front door opened, and Brittany walked in with her best friend Keisha trailing behind her. Brittany closed and locked the front door. The house was quiet, a sweet aroma wafted throughout the house. With the drama at the college the night before, Brittany was just so happy to be back at home.

  Britt turned to Keisha. “You have to take your shoes off or my mom will have a major fit.” The young ladies both removed their sandals and placed them on the Persian rug near the front door. They walked deeper into the quiet house and made their way into the family room.

  “Have a seat,” Brittany said. Keisha took a seat on the plush, pillow-clad couch. “I need to go find my mom. The remote is on the TV. I’ll be right back.”

  Brittany vanished through a doorway leaving her friend alone. Keisha moved off the couch to fetch the remote control. She turned on the television and immediately picked a music video channel. She noticed some family pictures above the oak entertainment center.

  There was a picture of Brittany at about five years old with her maybe ten-year-old brother at the Brookfield Zoo. Keisha glanced over a few more pictures until she stopped at a picture in a gold flowered frame.

  Keisha looked up as soon as Brittany entered the room.

  “Hey, are you checking out our ugly family photos?”

  Keisha thought they were far from ugly. They were all beautiful people. The Black woman in one of the photos looked like a movie actress. The man she assumed was Brittany’s father was extremely handsome.

  “Is this your brother?” Keisha pointed at the first picture she noticed.

  “Yeah, the dork is my brother.”

  “You guys look so cute.”

  “I look cute. He looks like a jackass.”

  Keisha pointed to the picture featuring Patricia. “Who is this Black lady?”

  “That’s my mom.”

  A confused look registered on Keisha’s golden face. “I thought your mother lived in Ohio. Didn’t she call you last night?”

  “I call my stepmom, mom. That wicked witch that lives in Ohio just gave birth to me. My dad remarried when I was in kindergarten. So my stepmom, Patricia, is like my real mom.”


  “Yeah, I have a Black mom. It is weird right? I have a Black mom, and you have a Black mom.”

  “Weird that you never mentioned it.”

  “Well, I never really think about it. My mom has been my mom for so long.”

  “You probably mentioned it and I didn’t even hear you. I know you get sick and tired of me talking you to death.”

  “Well sometimes.” Brittany joked. “No, I’m just kidding. Give me the remote. I love this video.”

  “Me too.” Keisha gave the TV remote control over. Brittany increased the volume so that the song played louder on the television. Both girls took a seat on the couch and sang along to the music video. They both had beautiful singing voices that blended together perfectly.


  Brittany’s father entered the room interrupting their acapella concert. Dr. Bob Ziewicke was a very tall, handsome, blonde man. He was in his late forties. He nonchalantly held his duffel bag over his shoulder. His good looks were marred just a bit by the weary look on his face. He had worked a double shift at the hospital and he looked tired.

  The sight of her father made her leap from the couch. Brittany ran over and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

  “Hey dad.” Brittany kissed Bob on his cheek.

  “What are you doing home from college?”

  “I’m here to surprise you,” Brittany smiled widely.

  “I am surprised. Who’s this?”

  “Dad this is my new roommate, Keisha. Keisha, this is my dad.”

  Bob put his duffel bag down and offered his hand. Keisha stood to shake his hand. Bob held on to her hand a little bit longer than she expected. Keisha’s confident and outgoing posture turned into an uneasy stance.

  “Hi, Dr. Ziewicke.” Keisha said.

  “Call me Bob. It’s nice to meet you, Keisha.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Brittany left them alone and headed upstairs to her bedroom.

  Keisha looked around the open space of the living room. She tried to pretend Brittany’s father wasn’t scrutinizing her.

  “So Keisha, you’re a junior?” Bob’s deep voice startled her.

  “Yes, I transferred from Iowa State.”<
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  Bob stared conspicuously at Keisha’s extremely tight, sleeveless T-shirt.

  “Yes.” The sound of Keisha’s voice broke Bob’s lascivious gaze.

  “So are you staying for dinner?”

  “Yes sir.” The doctor was making her nervous.

  “Please call me Bob.”

  “Sorry, Bob.” Keisha nodded hoping he would stop eyeing her breasts.

  “That’s a really nice outfit.”

  No such luck. “Thank you.” She choked.

  “Turn around let me see you from behind.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Bob spoke slowly and deliberately. “Let … me … see … you … from behind.”

  Keisha tilted her head in a confused manner, but she was far from confused. As attractive as Dr. Bob was for an old guy, Keisha wasn’t that type of girl. Brittany’s father was married, and he was so old. She tried to think of ways to distract him from his perverted thoughts.

  “You’re not wearing a bra.”

  Now she was appalled “Yes, I am.” She smarted.

  “I can see your nipples.”

  “Well good for you.” Keisha’s nerve allowed her to sass Bob.

  Bob reached out and quickly palmed Keisha’s left breast. She jumped back and almost fell on the couch. Keisha’s evil glare and Bob’s blatant harassment halted with the sound of Brittany’s feet running down the stairs. Brittany was there to save the day, or at least that’s how Keisha felt. This was a new experience for Keisha. No one’s father had ever hit on her.

  Brittany broke the awkward silence. “I’m starving. I miss home cooked meals.”

  “I second that.” Bob smiled like he hadn’t just been inappropriate minutes ago. “Let me go tell Patricia to speed it up.”

  Bob left the young women alone in the family room. Keisha cut her eyes, watching him until he was gone.

  Dinner went well. Bob was on his best and most charming behavior with his wife sitting across the table from him. The dinner conversation mostly centered on his grueling day at the hospital. Brittany mentioned the drama at the frat house but made sure to leave out how extremely dangerous it was.

  Keisha couldn’t understand Bob. He had a beautiful wife. Patricia appeared to be every man’s dream. Why was he such a hound? In her eyes, he was proof that all men were jerks, the Black ones and the White ones. Keisha was mixed with Black and White, and she laughed inside when she thought about maybe dating an Asian guy. There was no way they could be jerks too.

  Brittany took Keisha upstairs to her bedroom after dinner. Brittany sat at her computer desk polishing her fingernails. Keisha stood by the closed bedroom door with her car keys dangling from her hand.

  “Seriously, you can sleep over here if you want. My parents won’t mind.”

  “You know I have to go back and study for my psych class. I have an exam tomorrow.”

  “Call me so I know you made it back to the dorm safe.”

  “I will,” Keisha assured her as she turned to the door.

  “Hey, slut! Can I get a hug?” Brittany jumped up from her chair holding her arms wide. “Don’t mess up my nails.”

  Keisha maneuvered to hug Brittany without coming in contact with her glossy purple fingernails. She backed away and turned the doorknob. “Bye Britt.” She opened the bedroom door.

  “Keisha,” Brittany called out to her.


  “Don’t go over to see Marcus. Promise me.”

  “I won’t. I’m really, really, going to study. It’s over between us. I just hate I transferred here to be close to him.”

  “There are plenty of guys that would treat you better than that barking Alpha asshole.”

  “I know. I know.” Keisha rolled her eyes. Brittany wasn’t the first person to warn her away from her boyfriend.

  “Don’t forget to call me.”

  “I won’t. Are you coming down to lock the door?”

  “In this neighborhood?” Brittany chuckled. “I’ll lock it later.”

  Keisha shrugged. “See you tomorrow.”


  Keisha left the bedroom and ventured down the stairs. Her keys jingled in her hand as she trotted down the steps to the front door. She closed the front door on her way out. Keisha walked to the side of the house where her old model compact car was parked. There was a brand new, expensive, black luxury sports utility vehicle parked next to her car. It wasn’t there before. She was sure it belonged to the doctor.

  Keisha put her key in her driver’s side door. Suddenly a hand reached out from behind and touched Keisha on her shoulder. She jumped forward and quickly turned.

  “Oh my god.” Her heart was beating too fast for her to think straight.

  Bob was standing before her with a lit cigarette in his hand.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you saw me behind my truck.” Bob took a long drag from his cigarette and exhaled.

  Keisha tried to catch her breath. “No, I, ah … didn’t see you.”

  “I’m sorry darling, my bad. Your heart is beating fast.”

  Who uses the word darling? Keisha thought as Bob stared down at her breasts.

  “I’m a doctor. You want me to take a look?”

  Look at what weirdo? Her thoughts turned foul as quickly as she could think.

  Bob’s smoke-free hand tried to grab hold of Keisha’s breast.

  “No, thank you.” She swatted his hand away, but somehow she knew he wouldn’t give up that easy. Thus far, his lecherous tongue matched his body language.

  Keisha backed away from him. She banged into her closed car door.

  “You sure?”

  Keisha swiftly turned around and opened the driver’s door to her car with her key. She managed to place her rear in her seat. As she went to slam the door, Bob forcefully held it open.

  “Let it go,” Keisha muttered.

  “Hey slow down, calm down.”

  “I’m in a rush.”

  There was a short period of silence that passed between them. Bob took another puff off his cancer stick. He held a firm grip on the car door with his other hand.

  “Keisha, you drive careful. It’s late. It’s dark and there are some crazy people here.” Bob smirked and finally let go of the car door. He leisurely backed away from her car.

  Keisha slammed her car door hard enough to wake the dead. She started her engine and put the car in reverse. She backed out the driveway, while rolling down her window at the same time. She really needed the night air blowing in her face. Maybe it could blow away these last two days.

  She drove down the dark street and mumbled to herself. “Child molester, pervert motherfucker.” Somehow the words made her feel better about being groped by her roommate’s ancient father.


  The college campus wasn’t far from Britt’s house. Keisha pulled into the dormitory parking lot. Someone sitting in a car in the lot watched as Keisha’s car pulled into a parking space.

  The lurker followed Keisha with their prying eyes as she exited her car. She walked across the lot to the front door that led to the dorm lobby. The eyes continued to gawk as she entered the glass doors and vanished into the elevator.

  Keisha pushed the number five on the silver elevator panel. The circular five lit up. She was antsy in the elevator reliving the over the top moments in Brittany’s driveway. She had a list of expletives swirling in her head.

  The top panel lit up, and the doors opened. She walked out and headed to her left. She approached a female student on a cell phone that was seated on the floor with her back against the wall. She eavesdropped on her conversation as she passed.

  “No, you listen!” The irate student roared into the cell. Keisha peered down at the student. Keisha tried to give her a sympathetic smile, but the girl only returned a fake one accompanied by a quick eye roll.

  “Why are you doing this to me? You’re such a liar!” The girl squealed.

  Keisha passed dorm room nu
mber 518. She squinted, trying to hear a sound in the distance. She recognized the sound of a telephone ringing a distinct ring. She picked up her pace. She jogged a few steps to unlock the door to room 520.

  The landline rang again once she opened the door. She dashed in between two unmade twin beds to answer the phone on top of the computer desk.

  “Hello? I just got here … I was going to call. You didn’t even give me a chance to get here.” Keisha smiled into the phone as she explained to Brittany. “I had to drive the speed limit. No I didn’t, thank you—”

  Keisha turned toward the door and was startled by the sight of Marcus standing in her dorm doorway.

  “Okay, okay. Yeah … I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

  Keisha placed the phone on the receiver ending the call. Marcus closed the open door behind him and walked over toward Keisha.

  “Who was that?” He asked with a tone Keisha had grown all too familiar with—jealousy.


  “How do I know that’s true?”

  “She’s not here.” Keisha hoped that she was saying the right words, calming words, words without sarcasm or insolence.

  “Where have you been?”

  “I went over to Brittany’s house for dinner.”

  “I called you. How come your answering machine wasn’t on? You could have checked the caller ID.”

  Keisha looked on the desk at the blinking caller ID on the receiver of the phone.

  Her demeanor changed from docile to pissed off and ballsy. She had already had a rough night with the handsy old doctor.

  “Didn’t I just tell you I wasn’t here?” She gritted the words through her teeth. She didn’t want to fight, but she had worked up the nerve to brawl if need be.

  “How am I supposed to know you weren’t here?”

  Keisha was tired of the twenty stupid questions. “I know you were probably sitting out there in the parking lot waiting for me.” Keisha rolled her eyes.

  “Look girl, I came here to apologize to you. What the fuck is your problem?”

  “Apologize, pssss.” She hissed. “I’m sick of your apologies.”


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