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Destined For The Alpha: Six Heart-Racing Shifter Romances (Werewolf's Harem Book 7)

Page 5

by Wood, Vivian

  Well, she’d lost her shit. She’d broken down and bawled, told Edgar everything just like she’d done when they were kids. When her tears had dried and she’d happily made another video chat date with her brother, she’d disconnected and then just sat at her desk for a long time. She was so grateful, and felt so blessed, but she’d also blown through every kind of positive and negative emotion in the last few days, and she’d found herself feeling hollowed out.

  She’d thought of the big claw foot tub, thought of all the times during her exile in India when she’d wished for something so simple and soothing as a hot bath. She’d headed for her private bathroom and found that Lucas had laid out big fluffy towels, fresh lilac petals and bath salts, and all her favorite beauty products.

  Now she’d soaked her way back to life, it seemed. Her little aches and pains had floated away, along with her emotional exhaustion.

  She climbed out of the tub and let the water out, quickly drying herself and getting dressed. She went for a simple outfit, her favorite jean shorts paired with a dark blue bandeau bra and a trendy dark grey cotton tank. She knew that Lucas liked her pale skin, liked when she showed off as much of it as possible. She figured that since she had the body for it, she might as well.

  She didn’t so much as glance at the rows of shoes in her closet, because the Compound was wolves-only and that meant that comfort was key. She’d never seen Lucas, Walker, or Ben wearing shoes in the house or even in the backyard; shoes were for coming and going in the human world, and Aurelia wasn’t going to see the human world for a nice little stretch. Not until her deal with the U.S. Justice Department was ironed out, anyway. Lucas’s lawyers were still arguing over the details, getting her the best deal possible. Until then, she was hiding out in North Carolina, and for the moment she couldn’t be happier.

  Leaving the suite of rooms that she shared with Lucas, Aurelia headed downstairs into the Compound’s main living space. The huge kitchen was empty, but Ben sprawled over one of the big couches with his laptop. Dark hair, gorgeous dark blue eyes which were only enhanced by his large black-framed Wayfarer glasses. He was dressed in his usual tight jeans and band t-shirt, barefoot and being his usual hot geek self.

  Ben was immersed in whatever he was doing, and since Aurelia knew he was the programmer in charge of the Fortune 500 company he co-owned with Lucas and Walker, she was more than a little curious about what he was working on. She started to head over to interrogate him, but then she caught sight of Lucas outside on the back deck and her path changed course.

  Tall, packed with lean muscle, and gorgeous curly blond hair… even from here she could see the stunning grey streak at his forelock, which made his silver eyes sizzle. He was unshaven, an unusual occurrence for fastidious Lucas.

  He wore dark jeans and a grey button-up, impeccably groomed even in his down time. He’d turned, aware of her presence, and a smile lit his face as she approached. Her stomach flipped over when she saw his pleasure at her arrival.

  “Aurelia,” Lucas said, and she gave a little shiver at the sound of her name. Coming from him, it was like a prayer. That kind of worship was dangerous. Heart-stopping.

  “I was starting to wonder if you’d left me,” she said, stepping out onto the back porch.

  “I had some business to attend to in Asheville this morning. You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t want to wake you,” he explained. Taking her hand, he pulled her down the steps and out into the yard to walk.

  “I’m not sure how you didn’t wake me, since I woke up dripping in diamonds,” she said, peering at him from under her lashes.

  “The necklace? Let’s call it a signing bonus. I’ve only had you for a few days, but you’re everything I could have hoped for,” he said. He stopped, turning to pull her close. Leaning down, he brushed a soft kiss against her lips.

  Aurelia could feel herself begin to melt into his embrace, knowing the pleasure that awaited her in Lucas’s bed, but he released her after a moment. She bit her lip when he took her hand and tugged her toward the tree line.

  “I want to walk,” he said.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “I want to talk, too,” he said, his eyes scanning the trees as they went.

  “What about?” she asked, curious.

  “Us. The Compound, and the Harem,” he said.

  “Ah. Um, okay,” she said, keeping her tone light.

  “Walker left yesterday,” Lucas said, his hand warm on her own.

  “I saw him in shoes,” Aurelia said. Lucas chuckled, nodding.

  “He’s left to acquire the next member of our group,” he said.

  “Another female? I didn’t know you were bringing someone so soon,” Aurelia said, a lump forming in her throat. Was Lucas about to tell her that she was going to be set aside already?

  “The timing is not as I planned,” Lucas admitted. “I wanted to give you a chance to bond with Ben and Walker first; frankly I wanted more time for you and me, alone. Something’s happened, though, and we’ll need to bring the next female in right away.”

  “And you sent Walker to get her?” Aurelia asked, surprised. “He’s not, um… the most friendly guy on the planet.”

  “He’s very private, and hard to get to know. His no-nonsense attitude is what’s called for in this situation, though. The next female is going to be tough as nails, and I think he’s uniquely suited to bring her in. I think they’re well matched, to be honest.”

  “It sounds as though you picked her for him,” Aurelia said, scanning Lucas’s face.

  “I did, although neither of them knows that yet. Still, her presence is going to change things at the Compound, and we’re barely a stable unit as things stand. I wanted to make sure that you and I talked before her arrival, that we both made our wishes known.”

  “O-kay…” Aurelia said, not sure what to say. She figured it was best to let him lay out his plan first. When he stopped on the wooded path and pulled her close once more, her heart thudded painfully.

  “You’re my choice, Aurelia,” he started. “I watched you for a year. I tracked you down, brought you to my home. Made you the first of my Harem.”

  She nodded, swallowing and staring up into this face. His voice dropped as he continued, and she was riveted.

  “I want to learn you, learn everything about you. I want to take my time with you, but it’s hard. I’m feeling a lot of social pressure announce a human engagement. My wolf is pressing me to act, to claim you before someone else can. My instinct now, even at this very moment, is to bury my teeth in your neck and mark you, drag you to the ground and fuck you until you promise to be mine, keep you here until you’re heavy with my child,” he whispered.

  Aurelia’s breath hissed from her lungs, surprise catching her hard. Part of her was elated, part was wary. It was too soon for him to be saying this!

  “I want that, and I hope you want that, too. But I don’t think we’re ready for that yet, are we?” he asked.

  “No,” she breathed, shaking her head. “No, we’re not ready.”

  “I want to live out this year, the length of your contract, with an open-minded arrangement,” he said. “I want us both to have everything we want, everyone we want. To get our fill, before there’s no one else. Forever.”

  Aurelia’s gaze narrowed, uncertainty plaguing her thoughts.

  “I don’t if I can just watch you with other women and wait around for you to come back to me,” she said.

  “I don’t want you to wait around. I want you to experience the other males, if that’s what you want,” Lucas said, staring down at her.

  Aurelia’s gaze snapped up at his, surprise finding her again.

  “I’ve seen you watch Ben,” Lucas said, his hands slipping around her hips and squeezing. “I know he interests you. Just as I know that your wolf prefers me.”

  She blushed at his frank words, dropping her gaze.

  “I do prefer you, Lucas. How could I not?” she asked, leaning into him.

sp; “That is why you are my female, why you share my quarters. You’re the first one here, and you’ll shape the Harem as much as any of us will.”

  Aurelia thought for a moment. Everything he said was true. She didn’t want to rush into things with Lucas. She was growing more and more curious about Ben. The other women were coming whether she liked it or not, and she did like the idea of having other female wolves around. As long as she and Lucas were open and honest with each other, there was no reason that this couldn’t work.

  “There will have to be rules,” she said, looking up again. Lucas grinned at her, dipping his lips down to meet hers.

  “Yes,” he whispered, pressing her close so she could feel his hardness between them. “You are the perfect female, Aurelia.”

  “I don’t want anyone else in your bed but me. No other females in our suite,” she said, giving him a stern look.

  “And no males but me in your rooms,” Lucas agreed.

  “If I start to feel jealous, I want to be able to tell you. I want you to come to me when I ask you to, even if it means you’re leaving someone else to do it,” she said.

  “Agreed. As if I could ever refuse you,” he said, his eyes growing hot as they traveled down from her face to her breasts.

  “Take this seriously, Lucas,” she warned.

  “I have a rule of my own,” he said, sliding his hands up her waist and then back down to her ass. Pulling her close, he ground his erection against her. She couldn’t help the blossom of warmth that grew within her at his attentions, his obvious hunger for her body.

  “Oh, yeah? What’s that?” she asked, running her hands up his muscular back.

  “I don’t want you to do anything with Ben or Walker that could result in you carrying a child,” he murmured, sliding a hand up her hip to her breast. He fondled her gently, rubbing his thumb over her hardening nipple.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but only a gasp of pleasure escaped.

  “You can give them your mouth,” he insisted. “Your hands, your tits.”

  Sliding his other hand down to cup the juncture of her thighs, he licked his lips. He unzipped her shorts, tugging them down to give his fingers better access to her slick heat. In moments his fingertips were on her clit, stirring her need. He pushed at her shorts again, pressing his fingertips into her entrance. She cried out, clinging to his shoulders.

  “They can lick you all damned day. They can even fuck you, if they’re careful. But they’re going to wrap it up, and they’re not going to finish inside you,” he commanded.

  “Oh,” she breathed, her breasts aching as he teased her with his fingers.

  “Say yes,” he ordered, fingers coming up to circle her clit again. “No one else will cum here, right Aurelia?”

  “Yes,” she agreed, impatient for more.

  “Only me,” he said.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Say it!” he growled.

  “Only you!” she said, pressing into his hand.

  “I need to fuck you,” he said.

  Pushing back from him, Aurelia grinned and stripped off her shirt and shorts. Lucas began to undress, anticipation hot in his eyes.

  “You want to fuck me, huh?” Aurelia asked, running a hand down her bare hip and highlighting the vivid roses tattooed from her ribs to her thighs.

  Lucas growled, unbuttoning his pants and pulling them down.

  “Guess you’ll have to catch me, won’t you?” she teased, turning and dropping to the ground to shift. She released her wolf, and in the space of a few heartbeats she was flying down the path.

  It was no surprise when she felt Lucas running right on her flank a moment later. She was fast and powerful for her size, but Lucas had the sheer muscle and speed to beat her. Their run was for sport, to increase excitement for them both.

  She heard Lucas give a growl of warning, and she sped up. Cutting off the hiking trail, she headed for a spot she’d found a few days ago. A small stream ran through the Compound’s property, and there was a clearing near the banks that Aurelia had thought very pretty.

  Muscles burning, she allowed her speed to drop a bit and let herself relax into the joy of the run. Lucas seemed to sense that she had a goal, and loped along behind her as they went. Her wolf was overjoyed, soaking in the gorgeous greenery and the sunlight.

  When she reached the clearing she slowed to a trot, circling. Lucas intentionally barreled into her, knocking them both head over heels in the soft grass of the stream’s bank. With a yip, Aurelia shifted back to her human form.

  She watched Lucas shift and approach, all that wavy blond hair and the gray streak in the front making his silver-gray eyes shine like molten steel. He was so big and muscular, when he caught her around the waist and dropped her to the ground she never even considered that she might fall. Lucas protected her, held her, cared for her.

  “Looks like I caught you, little one,” he murmured, laying her back in the grass. Leaning on his elbow, he brushed a kiss to her lips. Aurelia sighed, more pleased than any female had any right to be.

  Their mouths met again and caught, their kiss deepening. In moments they were breathless, the kiss stealing away their thoughts as they pressed their bodies together. Aurelia writhed against Lucas’s muscular frame, eager for his skin on hers. Everywhere they touched he burned hot as flame, and it made her crazy.

  Lucas’s hand found her breast, cupping her and teasing the nipple with his thumb. Aurelia bit her lip, grinding her hips against his.

  “You like that?” Lucas asked, his voice gone rough with need. When she didn’t respond, he pinched her nipple.

  Aurelia gasped, bringing her hands up to push at his shoulders. Lucas released her breast, snaking his arm around her waist to restrict her struggles.

  “Lucas!” Aurelia cried, her protest turning into a plea for more.

  “Be a good girl,” Lucas commanded, his lips quirking up into a challenging smile.

  “Fuck you,” Aurelia snarled. Her wolf was torn between the need to fight and the powerful pull of his dominant glare, the feel of his hot skin and taut muscles pressing down on her body.

  For the moment, fight won. The second his grip loosened, Aurelia pushed him off her body and rolled away from him onto her stomach. Lucas growled, and before she could move further he was behind her. He grabbed her hips, pulling her roughly to her knees. Lucas pulled at her shoulders, bringing her upright. His forearm slid across her chest, pulling her back against his body as he knelt behind her.

  Aurelia struggled, conscious of his hand sliding down to knead her breast. Her traitorous body lit for him, and she could feel herself growing wet. Lucas flipped the heavy curtain of her hair forward over her shoulder, baring her neck. He leaned down and brushed his stubbled chin over her nape. She shivered, white hot chills flashing across her skin like lightning. He dropped light, teasing kisses on her nape, her shoulder, her neck.

  “Lucas!” she panted, jerking in his hold.

  “Be still,” he murmured, his lips brushing her earlobe.

  She moaned and melted against him, defenseless against the wet heat of his mouth as he tongued her ear and sucked her earlobe. Aurelia shuddered. She jumped when he used his teeth to nip her nape, hard. Her hands fluttered up to where his forearm held her fast. Wasn’t she supposed to be fighting him?

  When she tried to pull his arm away, he growled in her ear and pulled back for a second. Then he planted one hand on her hip and dug the other deep into her hair, bending her over. His erection pressed against her ass, his knees pressing in to trap her thighs together.

  She panted, writhing as he pressed her face down into the grass. He was rough, true, but Aurelia noticed that he was also precise and very careful not to hurt her. She could sense the control he exerted, feel it in the tension of his body and the stiffness of his movements.

  Her wolf had no reservations, unabashedly turned on by her mate. Aurelia couldn’t blame her; Lucas taking complete control felt more right than anything she could re

  He bent down over her, whispering in her ear.

  “Tell me yes,” he said.

  Even now, even when his wolf was pushing him to dominate and his need was driving him over the edge… even now, he was still her Lucas. He needed to know that she wanted him, too.

  “Yes. Fuck me, Lucas,” she said.

  His hand tightened in her hair for a moment before releasing her. His hands ran up the backs of her thighs, shaped her ass before slipping up to her hips.

  “You make me so hard,” he said, using a hand to guide his cock to her waiting heat.

  Aurelia braced her arms over her head and pushed back against him, impatient. Lucas teased her for a moment, running the slick crown of his cock up and down her slit before pushing inside her. Immediately a hot pressure began to build in her womb, a sign that she wouldn’t last long at this rate.

  When he tilted her hips just so and thrust, hitting her most sensitive spot, Aurelia nearly lost it right then and there.

  “Ah, yes,” she breathed. “That’s it, baby. Right there.”

  Lucas groaned and slapped her ass, then grabbed her hips and began to pump into her.

  “Jesus, you’re so fucking tight,” he cursed as he moved. He moved faster, pounding against her.

  Aurelia sank into the hot pleasure of his thrusts, closing her eyes and losing herself entirely. The pressure of his hands on her hips, the way he kept moving her hips to hit just the right spots as he drove his cock home into her body… nothing else mattered. She could feel the hot, wet pressure building inside her body, threatening to overflow and shatter her completely.

  Lucas snarled, his thrusts growing brutal as he lost himself in her body.

  “I’m going to come,” he warned, his voice rough as gravel.

  “Finish me,” Aurelia begged, desperate to find release.

  Lucas slammed into her body, pumping with such force that Aurelia lost her breath. A heartbeat later, the pressure inside her womb swelled and burst, and she came all over Lucas’s cock in a hot gush. Her vision faltered, her heart seemed to stop, but Lucas kept moving against her.


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