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Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den

Page 3

by Sydney Addae

  "I'll ask Quinn to take me, we can look for them," Alden said, caught up in the possibilities.

  "He said if we need anything to ask, want me to wake him?" The ever-helpful Jude asked.

  "Yeah. No. Wait. I need to think."

  "What's the matter?" Jude asked a few moments later.

  "Trying to remember where I lived," Alden said.

  "Oh. Tennessee?" Jude asked.

  "No, I don't think so," Alden said. "I remember the house with snow. Three other houses on the street," he said.

  "Ask Quinn to help," Jude said.

  "Not yet. He can't help ‘til I remember more," Alden said.

  "Oh." Jude sounded disappointed.

  Quinn lay in that position until the turtles gave their last hurrah and the boys turned off the TV. He stretched, glanced at them heading down the hall toward their room and mentally promised to teach them everything they needed to know to cut down the bastard who stole their youth.


  Driving was one of Jackie's favorite activities. When she arrived in Dallas nine months ago, she took the test to receive her license. After saving a large portion of her salary for a few months and taking money from her savings, she paid cash for her Mercedes. Buying it herself made the drive more special. She glanced at the dashboard clock, two hours before the dinner meeting with Jonas. That'd give her enough time to shower, change into a pair of comfortable jeans and talk to her mom.

  One concession she had to make, her mom backed her dad on this, her home had to be on pack lands. Alpha Theron would have given her a home but she wanted her own space and purchased a three bedroom, three bath, home as far from the Alpha's house as possible. She pulled into the two-car garage and parked.

  Twenty minutes later, dressed in a pair of her favorite jeans, tank and slippers, she sunk into the corner chair in her room. She dialed her mom's phone and placed her feet on the large, comfy ottoman.

  "Jackie, it's good to hear your voice," her mom said. "I miss you. How's everything going?"

  Just hearing her mom's voice filled her with warmth. "I miss you and Daddy too." After asking about her siblings, and their families, she mentioned what happened at work. "Mr. Bradley mentioned me in the department head meeting which I found out later wasn't that good of a thing." Although her mom was more flexible than her dad, she wouldn't appreciate the games Bradley and his team pulled. Slow to anger, but when her mom was angry everyone, except her dad, stayed far away until she calmed down.

  "So, proud of you, honey."

  "Thanks. Other than that, nothing much has changed since we talked last."

  "Are you making friends? I know you and Renee talk every day, but it might be nice to have friends in Houston to hang out with sometimes. Go to a concert or dinner, stuff like that."

  That had been Jackie's goal when she moved here but it went south fast. "Not yet. When I first got here I went that route but it became too much work to keep up with their interests."


  "Shopping. Guys. Money. Guys with money to take them shopping." She smiled at her mom' laughter. "I've never been into that stuff. It gives me headaches when Renee wants to hit every store in the mall but I'll do it for her. Nobody else, though. Never understood why any sane person would go to a place just to look in windows." She shivered in disgust.

  "Can't you meet people you have more in common with? Join a meet-up group or something to help make life more interesting?"

  Jackie hadn't thought of that. Several people in the office joined those groups and did all kinds of things. "That's a good idea, I'll look into it." She paused. "Oh, I'm having dinner with a guy named Jonas." She explained what happened at lunch.

  "Sounds interesting."

  The way her mom said those two words rang bells. No doubt her father would have a file on the guy before they met for dinner, if he met her dad's approval, she added. "Tango's running a background check and will be with us tonight at dinner. Probably a few more outside."

  "Any idea what he wants?" Her mom's lack of comment on the security arrangements meant Alpha Theron had already alerted her parents about the meeting. What if she met a guy she'd like to date? Living outside the compound came at a cost, privacy.

  "Not really. He didn't give off vibes like he wanted me to petition you or Daddy for something."

  "But you think he wants something?"

  Jackie thought about it. "Probably." Breaking the sober turn in the conversation, she said. "What if he's my mate? No one knows when the mating knowledge kicks in. He could be older than Daddy, and already knows I'm his one and only." She placed her fingers over her mouth to keep from laughing.

  "What if he is? Will we be planning a wedding soon?"

  Jackie frowned. "No. He's too old."

  "Like your father? Angus?"

  "That's different, he's Daddy and you're you. Age didn't matter back then."

  "Back then? In the Stone Ages you mean?"

  Jackie laughed. Her mom kept her on her toes and she loved it. "Not quite that old but in the days before electricity, old."

  Her mom laughed. "That is old. Although I'm pretty sure we had a television and cell phones growing up."

  "I'd like a younger man."

  "Younger? A hundred? Two? Is it just 300 that's too old?"

  Smiling she sank deeper into her chair. "I want someone who likes the same music I do, with similar experiences and who loves pups."

  "This Jonas may have all of those qualities, it's hard to judge a person's age by looking at them." Her mom cleverly boxed her in.

  Jackie sighed. "He's not my mate. There was nothing, not a flicker of attraction."

  "Ah, I see."

  "Where did Nionis go?" She asked to change the conversation.

  "A town south of Knoxville, Tennessee. She's teaching at a junior college. Lilly says she likes it there and has hopes of finishing her doctorate soon. Cameron bought her a nice house. Lilly is planning to go visit her in a few months when the kids are out of school."

  "Knoxville, that's a strange choice, wonder why she went there?"

  "I don't know, according to Lilly she made the decision in one day. She applied for the job, searched Alpha Gilbert's vacant homes and moved within two-weeks. Brendell planned to go with her but changed her mind the night before. Lilly's having a hard time with her now."

  "Nionis and Bren were the closest of the older ones," Jackie said thinking of the sweet young girl who had grown into a beautiful young lady. When they were younger, Nionis told Jackie, Brendell had several operations as a young child on her arms and legs. The botched surgeries messed up her limbs, leaving her with an awkward gait and nervous condition that worsened whenever Brendell was upset. When they had sleepovers, Jackie and Nionis would allow Brendell to sleep near them because of her nightmares.

  Jackie hoped Nionis' departure hadn't set Brendell back.

  "That's part of the problem. Brendell's too afraid to leave the Alpha house, and Nionis has too much energy, drive, ambition, to stay. They're hoping the visit to Nionis in a few months will help Brendell realize she can live in the world without nightmares. If not, Lilly's prepared to allow Brendell to stay as long as she wants."

  Jackie thought of her friend and decided to give her a call tomorrow, maybe she could visit during the four-day weekend coming up. "Knoxville's not that far, I might go see Nionis or have her come here. It'd be good hanging with her again," Jackie said, liking the idea more and more. She and Nionis were similar in a no-frills kind of way. Both were straight shooters and preferred not living in gray areas. Even with her gift of sight, Nionis was one of the most level headed people Jackie knew.

  "I'm sure she would love that. Make sure you let Tango know, so arrangements can be made," her mom said.

  Jackie didn't bother reminding her mom of her top ratings in marksmanship, or hand-to-hand combat, or her ability to pull energy and skills from her three siblings at any time. Jasmine Knight knew all of that and it didn't matter.

  "Yes, Ma'am. I'll call Nionis tomorrow, see what's up. I'll let you know what we come up with."

  "Sounds, good."

  "When's Adam leaving? I'd like to see him before he goes halfway around the world."

  "I'm not sure of the exact date, he's still going over paperwork. I think Tomas is more excited about the trip than Adam who seems to be dragging his feet. Oh, Rose is pregnant again."

  Thinking of her older brother, Tyrone's mate and one of her favorite people, Jackie jumped up and pumped her fist. "Yes. Yes. Tell her girls this time. Not that I don't love Ryan and Ryder... we need more nieces."

  "You have three from Dani and Rese."

  "But they had a boy as well, so it cancels it out. Plus, Uncle Angus had two boys, Damian had two boys and one girl, and Asia had two boys. Come on, we need more girls."

  "You have a point, call Rose and put in your request. Tell her to have three girls and a boy like Mama and Lilly. That should help balance things."

  "I'll tell her when I call her. The compound is over-run with testosterone, just like the military base. I hated staying in the barracks. It always smelled like socks no matter how much I dialed down my senses." She dropped back into her chair and glanced at the clock. "I need to get moving for dinner." She enjoyed talking with her mother because she could share anything with her.

  "Alright, let me know how it goes."

  "Yes, Ma'am. I want your opinion on it. Love you."

  "Love you, too. Be careful."

  Jackie picked up her purse, changed shoes in her mudroom, grabbed her jean jacket and went through the garage.

  Fifteen minutes later Jackie strode through the door of another steak house with an outstanding national reputation. Tango had been outside her home when she pulled out the driveway and entered the restaurant first. Jonas stood when he saw her and waited at the table until the hostess pulled out her chair before retaking his seat.

  With his dark hair combed back, dressed in a black suit, and white collarless shirt, he looked like a pirate from one of the books she'd read.

  "Thank you for coming, I appreciate it," he said watching her.

  Jackie ordered a sweet tea and lemonade combination, and a plate of calamari.

  "Is that all you care to eat?" Jonas asked leaning back in his seat.

  "I'm not sure. What did you want to talk about?" No need in wasting time.

  He leaned back as the waiter placed a glass of water and her drink in front of her while he sipped what smelled like beer.

  When they were alone he tapped, the white linen draped table with his fingertip. A few moments later he leaned forward with his hands clasped together. "My sire owns a fairly decent sized business," he started, surprising her. "Recently he was approached by... a human company to consider selling his business. An offer was made, and accepted. Now we have learned the head of the company has rejected our proposal without explanation."

  She held his gaze until the waiter delivered her calamari. Hungry, she picked up a few and popped them into her mouth. "Good," she told the waiter who remained at the side of the table. "I'd like the Chateaubriand, extra sauce on the side with the fresh vegetables and another drink, thank you."

  He looked at Jonas. "Would you care for anything, Sir?"

  Jonas looked at her. "Will I be joining you for dinner?"

  "Probably not," she said as she ate more calamari.

  His face didn't change but she sensed his disappointment. When the waiter walked off, she patted her mouth with the napkin. "I don't know why you're telling me this."

  Their gazes locked for a few seconds and he leaned back. "I was told you worked for the company and the CEO holds you in high esteem. Earlier today, I picked up a whiff of his scent, which meant you were in close contact with him at some point."

  Anger raced through her at his presumption. "Because I sat in a meeting with the CEO, you sought me out to...." She left the sentence hanging. When he didn't say anything, she shook her head at his audacity. "What did all that mean to you?"

  "I hoped you would speak to him on our behalf," he said smoothly as if she should've figured it out.

  "Why would you hope that? Until this morning I've never seen or heard of you."

  "We're pack."

  "Then talk to Alpha Theron, your Alpha."

  "He's not my Alpha. I'm from Pennsylvania."

  "Alpha Samuel, then. Have them intercede on your behalf, not me. I can't do that."


  Now he pushed her buttons. "Won't. I won't go and ask a human CEO about your project just because you're pack. Pack matters go through Alphas. You know that."

  "This isn't a pack matter. The company is human-owned."

  "Then deal with the company on a human level instead of bringing pack into it," she said, praying for patience.

  He nodded, pushed from the table and stood. "I'll leave you to your dinner." He buttoned his coat, offered a stiff bow from the neck down and walked off.

  It took everything in Jackie not to watch him walk away, the full-blood gave her the creeps. When her food arrived, she forgot about Jonas and enjoyed her meal.


  Nionis stood in the airport, just beyond security waiting for Jackie. Excited to see her friend and, in her opinion, the most real of La Patron's den, she moved to get a better view of the deplaning passengers. The wild mass of black curly hair, stood out above the rest of the much shorter people headed for the exit.

  Nionis smiled.

  Jackie's sun-kissed face, a few shades lighter than Nionis' peanut-butter complexion, glowed as she strode through the crowd. Jackie would be the first to say she wasn't glamorous or beautiful like her twin Renee, but she was wrong. Not that Renee wasn't glamorous; the pup was born that way. Jackie had an earthier beauty, and if she paid the slightest bit attention to the men stumbling and gawking at her long-limbed stride in her snug, fitted, jeans, tee-shirt and ankle boots she would realize it. Fortunately for the males populating the airport, Jackie wore sunglasses, otherwise they'd salivate over her unusual bluish-green eyes. A gift from her sire, La Patron.

  Jackie waved and headed toward her.

  "I'm so glad you could come," Nionis said as they embraced.

  "Me too, I needed to get away without running home. So happy to be in Knoxville. Wahoo hoo!" Jackie raised one arm and pulled her carry-on luggage behind her.

  Nionis smiled at her friends’ antics. "Hungry?"

  "Kind of. But I want to do some sight-seeing while I'm here." When they reached the exit, she paused, looked around and waved.

  "Who's that?" Nionis asked looking at the full-blood standing across the street.

  "Tango, security."

  Nionis pointed to a tall, muscular full-blood walking toward them. "This is Chip, security. Chip this is Jackie."

  Hi Chip," Jackie said.

  He dipped his head and took the luggage. "The car is this way." He turned and walked to the left. Nionis and Jackie followed in silence. Nionis glanced over her shoulder, Tango had disappeared.

  An hour later they pulled into the driveway of Nionis home. Considering her uncertain beginning, living in the laboratories of the Liege and then left to die, she thanked the Goddess for her parents' love and generosity. She and her siblings would be dead if it weren't for Lilly and Cameron Knight. Although she lived on pack lands, that had been non-negotiable, she loved her new home and the freedom to work and support herself.

  "We're here," she told Jackie who had been fascinated with the history of Knoxville, Gatlinburg and the community college where Nionis worked.

  "This is beautiful," Jackie said. "I love the brick. This is a lot of house for one person, something you want to tell me?"

  Nionis laughed as they waited for Chip to finish his security check of the house. "Only that Daddy wanted a place big enough for them when they visit. He personally negotiated the deal with Alpha." She shrugged. As long as she got to do what she wanted, it was all good.

  Chip walked toward them, nodded
and walked to his car. Tango strode into the house in front of them. Nionis waited for Jackie's opinion of her limited interior decorating skills. The furniture was functional, solid wood and soothing neutral cushions, easy to clean fabrics, a step above a minimalist design. She'd always disliked clutter and kept things simple to see everything at a glance.

  "Beautiful." Jackie walked to a vibrant painting on the wall. "You framed it."

  Nionis nodded. "Our team won which was major considering Renee's talent." In middle school, she, Jackie, and two other kids in their class created this abstract picture and entered it into the art contest. Renee won the overall prize, her work was incredible, but they won a category award for this piece.

  "She still says the contest was rigged," Jackie said grinning and pulling out her phone. "I'd like a picture of our middle school masterpiece." She glanced at Nionis.

  "Help yourself." She caught Tango's eye and winked.

  He smiled and headed outside, locking the door behind him. Nionis fished out her electronics scanner and headed toward the back of the house with it in front of her. When it beeped, and picked up speed she found the small device Tango left behind. Cranking up the scanner's strength, she searched for more listening devices and found three before Jackie came looking for her.

  "What do you feel like eating?" Jackie asked coming down the hall.

  Nionis checked the blocker in her bedroom to make sure it hadn't been tampered with. "Anything except Mexican food, it still doesn't like me as much as I like it."

  Jackie laughed.

  "I put you in here." She opened the guest room door which was another master suite. The house had three. The other one was on the top floor with four additional bedrooms. That area was reserved for her parents and siblings.

  "Thanks," Jackie said looking around and flopping on the bed. "Feels good."

  Nionis jumped on the bed beside her.

  Jackie shrieked as she rolled to the side. "Still crazy I see." She smiled as she lay on her side. "Dating anybody?" Jackie asked through their link.

  "Not really although Tango looks yummy. Do you have to take him back home with you?"


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