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Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den

Page 12

by Sydney Addae

  "He killed Arianna. My mam's mam. You would call her my grandmother."

  Jackie frowned. "Are you sure? I've never heard of any woman being killed."

  Quinn shrugged and kneeled on the bed waiting for her to join him. They could talk just as easily lying down. She crawled toward him. He pulled her close, her head lay on his chest while she pulled the covers over them.

  Settled, he inhaled the fresh scent of her damp hair and rubbed his chin across the top. "Yes, I'm sure. Ramos told us, happened a while back." According to Ramos his mam was punch drunk with power she'd acquired over the years and went after La Patron. No one was sure what happened once she arrived at La Patron's compound, but the agonizing screams and curses toward La Patron she sent through her mental link to some of her pups left a chilling mark.

  Neither spoke for a few moments. "He won't kill you, but he will question you, ask why you broke the law, things like that. If Ramos knew we were mated he'll understand once you tell him. Find out from him what you can say and can't."

  "Ask me questions? Talk to me?" Quinn asked.

  "You sound surprised."

  "Because he doesn't have to. He can pull my wolf, find out anything he wants without saying shit to me and there's nothing I can do about it." He didn't bother hiding his irritation over being helpless, it had always pissed him off that someone, anyone could level his defenses so easily.

  "Go human deep. To break that he'd have to destroy you and he won't do that."

  Quinn stilled. Did Jackie realize she'd just chosen him over her sire? "That I can do. What about you? Will he pull information about Ramos from you?"

  "No. I've locked it down so no one can access it. But..." She leaned back and looked up at him. "Information on Ramos is all I've blocked from him. Be prepared to be thoroughly investigated. Come clean about med school, helping kids, staying off the grid to fight the rebels, your parents, all of it. Most importantly, register in the database, today. No more illegal stuff. We've gotta come clean. I prefer you fix this before I tell my parents about us. Since they probably already know, the longer you wait the worse it is. Trust me when I say you don't want him or my mom coming here to check on us because I haven't checked in with them."

  Meeting the equivalent of a king, let alone claiming said king's daughter as his mate, made Quinn's stomach clench. Goosebumps flashed across his skin and he fought the dark specter of fear threatening to overtake him. "We can do that now. We passed a computer on the way to the bedroom."

  When she rolled out the bed, put on his shirt and headed toward the door in a flash, he realized how serious she was about him giving up his freedom. Thinking over his options, Quinn followed slower. By the time he reached her, she sat at the desk in the office area, clicking keys.

  "I've got the main page opened." Jackie stood, stepped to the side and waved him into the chair.

  "Pull over that seat." He pointed to an upholstered office chair while looking at the screen. The landing page showed happy, smiling litters of people who appeared healthy, whole and full of promise. Unfortunately, many dual-natureds didn't live or look that way. He paused, thought about what he was about to do. All those years he had avoided detection. Jackie's question, "why didn't he like La Patron" surprised and made him think. He had no personal beef with their leader other than the man had a blind spot when it came to pack members living their lives outside the pack. If he were being honest, he despised La Patron based on what he'd been told. That wasn't right, he needed to investigate the Alpha for himself. Fate stepped in and gave him that chance. He glanced at his mate and touched the keyboard.

  Following prompt after prompt, he filled in his information, answered Jackie's questions about his family history and 15 minutes later uploaded photo. "Done." He faced Jackie who appeared relieved.

  She leaned forward, wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you." She kissed him.

  Eager for more, he deepened the kiss. By the time they finished, she was on his lap. "I need to talk to Ramos," Quinn said softly.

  Jackie nodded and eased off his lap. "I'll fix us something to eat." She moved to the kitchen area and opened the refrigerator.

  "Uncle Ramos." Quinn watched Jackie pull out meat, eggs and cheese.

  "You've emerged."

  Quinn's lips twitched. "Yes, but --"

  "Mates are the greatest gifts from the Goddess. Jackie is a brilliant strategist who walks in both worlds with ease, you are blessed by such a beautiful, compassionate wolf."

  "Who's also La Patron's daughter."

  "What? That monster! Tell me you are in no way mated to anyone with his blood."

  Quinn hadn't expected his uncle's angry response. A part of him assumed Nionis spilled the beans already. Quinn repeated his remark and added he enrolled in the database at his mate's request.

  "Already? With no warning? You should've told me, given us enough time to move the pups," the older man snapped.

  Still reeling with the knowledge of a looming, personal interaction with La Patron, Quinn wasn't in the mood for a scolding. "My mate asked. I complied. You would've done the same thing." He explained his and Jackie's plan to protect Ramos, the ranch and the children.

  "I fear that won't be enough but thanks for considering our position."

  Quinn thought he heard a sharp twang of sarcasm but wasn't sure. "Her sister is arriving to meet me today."

  "Yes, there are four litter mates in addition to two older ones. Good fighters, brutal and inflexible in their allegiance to their ruler."

  Ruler? Ramos said things like that about La Patron all the time. Listening to Jackie's love for her sire, Quinn wasn't sure La Patron was the ruthless, immoral, Alpha he had heard about all his life. His mate was too sane, balanced and family oriented for La Patron to be a crazed psychopath.

  "How're the pups?" No need to dwell on what wouldn't be changed. He was now in the half-breed database.

  "Good, good. Craig still asks about Jackie. I guess he won't see her again." Ramos paused. "What are you going to do? Return here? Pack your things? Stay there? Return with her? What?"

  Quinn hadn't gotten that far. "You do remember what it's like when you enter the mating heat?"

  Ramos chuckled. "Fair enough. When your gray mental cells flare to life again, let me know."

  "Will do."

  “And be careful, your beast is changing. Not only will he not allow another male near your mate, you’ll be feral, ready to destroy any perceived threat to her our your union.”

  “Perceived?” Quinn couldn’t imagine he’d try to destroy anyone based on a hunch. Saving lives was his profession.

  “Your beast is in charge of the mating and will prove to his mate he’s the best and only person capable of protecting and providing for her. Your human side is just along for the ride and pleasure. I’m just warning you so you won’t be surprised or think something’s wrong when you behave out of character. Protecting Jackie, making and keeping her happy will drive your actions from now on.”

  Quinn didn’t know what to say. “Thanks, I appreciate the heads up.” They disconnected. He strode toward the smell of cooked meat and fried potatoes. He stole a slice of bacon and popped it into his mouth before Jackie could stop him.

  Smiling, she split the meat, eggs and potatoes onto plates, giving him the larger portions. They ate in silence. When they finished, he took her plate along with his and washed them.

  "Everything okay?" Jackie sat sipping juice at the table.

  "Yeah. He was concerned that he'd need to move the children." Quinn looked over his shoulder at her.

  "I was thinking about that," she said slowly. "What if we got the ranch sanctioned to do what it's doing? Chances are Alpha Gilbert already knows and allows it."

  "No." Ramos' dislike of La Patron went beyond the ranch.

  "No? Why not? We could help more pups."

  "It works the way it is, leave it alone." He didn't want to argue or explain Ramos' personal beef with her father.

  "Not re
ally. Ramos could do more if he wasn't in the shadows."

  "The shadows help others trust him." When the confused look on her face remained, he tried a different approach. "We aren't the only ones who don't trust the database. Lots of breeds aren't registered. You think they'd trust Ramos if he was on La Patron's radar?"

  Frowning, she put down her fork and stared at him. "Trust? Radar? What aren't you telling me?"

  Seriously? She still thought the world was bright and cheery after seeing Craig, Sean and the girls. They were the lucky ones who escaped. "Not everyone is a rebel who doesn't enroll in the database."

  "Who break the law," she stressed watching him closely.

  He clamped his jaw and released it slowly. "Right, it's illegal not to enroll, but the reasons for not doing it aren’t the same as rebels who hate breeds, at least that's the lie they peddle to recruit. But it doesn't matter to ... those in charge. We’re all painted with the same brush, called rebels if we don't comply, when that's not true."

  "Different levels, different kinds of rebellion?" she asked a few seconds later.

  He thought about it. "Maybe, but not the malicious intent. I didn't enroll in the database because I wanted to continue helping save the pups. I've had pups whose parents didn't want to be on pack lands or had been shunned for one thing or another. Maybe they didn't see the benefits offered in the national pack, or were accustomed to living apart in small groups and didn't bother. But reasons don't matter. If you don't do it, you're a rebel, law-breaker, end of story. When that's not the end, it's a different story that hasn't been told."

  They stared at each other for a few moments. "How many do you think haven't registered?"

  Quinn shook his head. "Have no idea. But it's not unusual. Before breeds were accepted, Alphas always had remnants of those who lived on the fringes, away from pack lands, doing their own thing within their smaller packs."

  "You blame my... La Patron for being too harsh? Not understanding?"

  "I blame no one. We're having a conversation. You asked. I answered." Finished with the dishes and the conversation, he extended his hand to her. "Sex?"

  She glared at him a few moments before standing and taking his hand. "Yes, please."

  He smiled. "So polite, I like that."

  She grabbed his cock. "I like this."


  Several hours later, alert to added security driving behind them, Jackie and Quinn pulled into Nionis' driveway. Renee walked out the door and stood on the porch watching. Wearing snug pair of designer jeans and cream tee with five-inch ankle boots, Renee's sleek hair lay in perfect dark waves across her shoulders and back. Regardless how casual she dressed Renee always looked polished and runway perfect.

  Happiness spiraled inside Jackie's chest as she twirled one of her unruly curls. Exiting the car, they held hands as they strolled forward. Seeing her sister's smile Jackie released Quinn's hand and extended her arms toward Renee.

  The two embraced. It felt good.

  "Handsome," Renee said through their link.

  "You think?" Jackie teased as they pulled apart.

  "Yeah, he looks nerdy and sexy, an interesting combination. What does he do?"

  "Doctor." Jackie glanced at Quinn who hadn't moved and continued to watch them. She hadn't thought of him as nerdy.

  "Surprising. He seems a cross between David and Adam, studious yet adventurous."

  Jackie looked at her sister with a narrowing gaze. Had Renee researched Quinn? Granted, as an artist Renee saw things from a different perspective, allowing her to capture the essence of whatever she choose to paint or draw, but Jackie hadn't realized that talent extended to people.

  "You pegged him without him saying a word. Did you research him?" Jackie asked.

  "No. But you can look at him and tell he's no pushover. The way he's watching patiently while we greet each other says a lot about him as well. He's alert, probably could tell you where every person is standing within 50 feet of you. But he also has that look of an academic, like you." Renee smiled, looped her arm in Jackie's and took a step toward Quinn. "Hello, I'm Renee."

  Jackie groaned. "Quinn, this is my litter mate, the one we specifically drove over here to meet you."

  Quinn smiled but didn't move. "Hi Renee, welcome to Tennessee."

  Without releasing Renee, Jackie extended her hand, he took it and they entered the double doors of Nionis' home. Inside Nionis stood in the living room with a welcoming smile. Heavenly aromas of cooked meats and other foodstuffs filled the air causing Jackie's stomach to growl.

  Quinn grinned.

  "Glad you made it," Nionis said offering Jackie a wide smile. "Food's done."

  "We promise not to mention you being over an hour late," Renee said releasing Jackie and heading toward the kitchen.

  Heat flew to Jackie's face. She glanced at Quinn, noticed he took the comment in stride and relaxed. Renee spoke her mind and some people didn't appreciate her off-beat brand of humor. But Renee had a heart of gold once you got past her defenses.

  "Thanks, I appreciate that," Jackie said heading toward the dining area. Platters of baked chicken, ribs and steaks sat in the middle of the table. Steaming side dishes of mac and cheese, yams, greens, beans and peas lined the side buffet table. Jackie handed Quinn a plate and looked at the cakes and pastries on the buffet behind them.

  Quinn filled the plate with a little of everything and handed it back to her. Surprised, Jackie blinked a couple times before accepting it.

  "What do you want to drink?" he asked staring into her eyes.

  "Water. A bottle of water." She held up the plate of food. "Thanks."

  He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. When his mouth touched hers, Jackie forgot where they were, who was in the room and that she held a full plate of food in her hand. The kiss, getting closer to him, tasting more, occupied her mind. With her free hand, she grabbed a fistful of his shirt, pulled and opened her mouth. He removed the plate, and pulled her close, deepening their kiss. Once again, heat erupted between them. Her fingertips inched into his hair. His strong hands clasped her ass, lifting her against his hardness. She ached to be filled by him and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  "Jackie, you need to stop," Renee said through their link.

  They broke apart on a gasp. Jackie rested her forehead against his and bit her bottom lip. A chair scraped the floor. Sounds of eating and drinking filtered through her lust-filled mind. Leaning back, she met Quinn's smoldering gaze and swallowed hard.

  "Hungry?" Jackie asked him in a low, lusty growl.

  "Eating here," Renee said from the other side of the room.

  Quinn released her slowly down his front while leaving their next move up to her. She took a deep breath and looked at her plate on the table.

  Renee snickered as Jackie pulled out the chair in front of her and plopped onto the upholstered cushion. Quinn placed a bottle of water next to her.

  "Thanks," Jackie whispered meeting Renee's amused gaze.

  Quinn squeezed her shoulder and left to fix his plate.

  "Girl," Nionis said. "He must've worked you over because you've been walking crooked since you got out the car."

  Jackie's face heated but she didn't respond to the teasing. "This tastes good." She held up a fork full of food and ate.

  "Hungry?" Renee asked smiling from the other side of the table.

  "Famished," Jackie said without missing a beat.

  "I'm sure you are," Nionis said as Quinn returned to the table, sitting next to Jackie.

  He glanced at Jackie. "Need anything?"

  More heat raced to her face as she read the promise in his eyes.

  "He's talking about the food, Jackie," Renee said.

  "I know that," Jackie said grinning. "No thanks, I'm good."

  Quinn ate his first plate in silence.

  Jackie lingered on hers a bit, thinking of their time together at the safe house. She still hadn't contacted her parents but planned to do so soon. Mayb
e she'd put Quinn on the phone, let them talk a bit. The idea had merit. Mama wouldn't grill him but her dad... she wasn't sure what he'd say or ask. Maybe she'd just wait.

  Quinn speared a piece of steak she'd cut from her plate and ate it drawing her attention.

  "Have you always lived in Tennessee?" Renee asked Quinn.

  "No. I moved in with my uncle after my parents died."

  "I'm sorry about your parents," Renee said.

  Quinn nodded and continued eating.

  "Welcome to the family," Renee said.

  Quinn's brow rose. "Thank you."

  "I like him for you," Renee told Jackie.

  "Really? Why?" Curious, Jackie looked across the table and met her sister's blue gaze.

  "He fixed your plate first, made sure you had what you needed before seeing to his own needs. Most importantly I don't think he sees anyone else in this room." Renee took a sip of water from her glass. "The two of you threw off so much heat during that kiss, I thought the walls would catch fire."

  "I can't help responding to him," Jackie said as Quinn stiffened next to her and stood. She hated they weren't able to mind link yet, according to Ramos it happened sometime during their bonding. She grabbed Quinn's hand and looked up at him.

  "Ramos and the pups were attacked."

  Nionis gasped.

  Jackie's chest hurt as she stood and moved closer to Quinn. "Where? When? What happened?"

  Quinn glanced at Renee, took Jackie's hand and headed to the front exit. "I've got to go help them."

  "What happened?" Jackie asked again as they strode to his vehicle.

  They sat in the car and he turned it on. "He wanted the pups moved from the ranch." Quinn met her gaze. "He doesn't trust La Patron and with our connection..." Quinn shook his head and she read the guilt in them. "Rebels attacked the van on the road. I've got to help track them."

  Cold dread slid down Jackie's spine. "Did they take the pups?"

  Quinn nodded. "Ramos thinks they plan to kill Marsha."

  Jackie gasped. Unable to speak past the lump of fear in her throat, she shook her head.

  "I'll be back after... later, but I need to head out." He leaned forward and brushed a kiss against her mouth.


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