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Jackie's Journey: La Patron's Den

Page 18

by Sydney Addae

  She pushed back but didn't leave his arms. Looking up she read the mischief in his gaze. "What?"

  "Security is completing their check on us, mostly me. Since they won't find anything, they're suspicious. How long do you want to wait around?" He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. "So, beautiful, I'm a lucky man."

  "Yes, you are," Mr. Bradley said entering the room from behind them.

  Jackie moved to Quinn's side to greet her boss. But the words stuck in his throat. Less than seven days had passed since she'd last seen him and either his suits did a masterful job of hiding his lean frame before or he'd lost considerable weight. She wasn't sure which.

  "We're both lucky," Jackie said when she found her voice. "How are you, Mr. Bradley?"

  The old man's brow rose. "How do I look? The picture of health? Or like a man who knows he's next on list of targets who've gone missing?" He grunted and then started coughing.

  Jackie glanced at Quinn who watched Mr. Bradley. "He knows. I came to the same conclusion in my research. Several of the principles who were loaned money are missing, possibly dead. He looks bad."

  "Is this how he looked when you saw him last?" Quinn asked.

  "No. But I've never seen him dressed in a jogging suit either. Maybe he's always been this... slim."

  "Hmm. Human murders are a constant refrain in history. Money is often at the root of it. If you choose to work in a company, we'll start our own to avoid that."

  The old man sat on the sofa and waved at them. "Sit. Sit. I want to know what you think." His glance shifted from Jack to Quinn and back to her again.

  "What's wrong with you?" Jackie sat on the sofa across from him and scooted forward with her hands clasped tight. Quinn walked to the entrance and leaned against the wall.

  Mr. Bradley waved off her question. "Too much to go into now. Surgery will take care of most of it. But that's after I clear my name. What did you think of the documents I sent you? The missing people and money?" He crossed his legs and held his knee just as he had in previous board meetings.

  "Two companies you signed off on are bogus, money pits. Company funding to those firms disappeared shortly after the ink was dry. I agree its suspicious the primaries in those companies also disappeared." She continued going through her findings, answering his questions and asking a few of her own.

  "I'd like to see the videos of you signing the contracts," she told him when she'd gone through her analysis.

  Mr. Bradley nodded and looked over her shoulder. The room dimmed slightly as a panel against the wall behind Mr. Bradley lowered. Moments later the conference room where she'd sat in many meetings came into view. The door opened, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Johnson and three men she'd never seen before entered.

  "This is the digital company," Mr. Bradley said.

  Jackie watched the signing. "What do you think?" she asked Quinn.

  "Nothing stands out as wrong to me. You?"

  "No. Which means there's a problem. He signed these contracts with no influence."

  "Now he's having buyer's regret?"

  "Could be. I don't know. We're missing something."

  "This is the other one, the one you turned down was revised and resubmitted," Mr. Bradley said.

  Jackie nodded. The camera showed Mr. Bradley, Johnson and one man enter. "Whoa. That's Jonas. The wolf who asked me to intercede on a contract," she told Quinn.

  "Which contract?"

  "I don't know. I said no and dismissed him. Haven't heard from him since. The contract they're signing is the same contract Kristin was upset about. Is it possible Jonas is the wolf you smelled on her?" More pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

  "Anything’s possible. I don't recognize him. Ramos may know him. I'll ask."

  "Can we get a close up of the man in the pearl gray suit?" Jackie asked Mr. Bradley.

  "Jonas Gray?"

  "I want to see his face," she said as the camera zoomed in on Jonas. "I want to run his picture by someone."

  "You know him?" Mr. Bradley asked watching her closely.

  "No. But he approached me at lunch one day, asked if I'd have dinner with him. Claimed he wanted to talk to me about something. At dinner, he said a contract hadn't gone through, I told him I couldn't help him without ever learning which contract or anything else. I dismissed it. He left. I finished dinner. This happened the same day you called me in your office regarding Kristin and the contract you dropped. I wonder how he knew what to do to repair the contract? And how did he know I'd worked on it?" She met his gaze.

  "Kristin Cross." Bradley shook his head. "This is how women get a bad name in business circles. She makes six figures with all the perks, why sabotage the company?"

  Jackie didn't know and remained silent for now regarding his comment on women getting a bad name about the same things men did all the time. "A full-blood being involved changed things, especially with humans disappearing. I have to inform Alpha Theron since it happened in Texas," she told Quinn who agreed. Theron would inform her dad. "Fortunately, the amount he received was significantly less than the digital company who required more for equipment."

  "We're tracking them down and should have that locked down by tomorrow. We haven't been able to locate the Gray fella. Kristin hasn't been with him since we signed."

  One of the big men entered the room holding Jonas' picture. Quinn took a picture of it on his phone and sent it to Ramos. "I may need to record the video on my phone and send it to him so he could see how he moves, maybe hearing his voice will help."

  Jackie nodded.

  "What about Aaron Johnson? How involved is he?" Mr. Bradley asked handing her a few papers

  She shrugged, took the pages and read the first one. "He has money stashed away but the dots aren't as clear to him as they are with Kristin."

  "Shit," Quinn said.

  "What?" Jackie looked at him staring at his cell.

  "Jonas Gray. He's Taurus. Jonas Gray is Taurus, the rebel leader. This must be the deal to get extra money he'd been working on."

  Jackie rubbed her forehead. "Jonas and Taurus?"

  "Not and, they're the same person. Ramos thinks he's headed for Tennessee to get Penny but she and Marsha are staying at Alpha Gilbert's compound for now."


  "Did Jonas know who you were? La Patron's daughter?"

  Jackie thought about how he entered the restaurant and remembered she'd wondered how he found her since she'd been human deep. "Yes, he did. He knew I was pack. Tango was there."

  "He stole money for the rebel's cause from a company where La Patron's pup worked, approached you and asked for your help. Bold bastard," Quinn said.

  "I don't think this is a direct attack against La Patron. If he recognized me, that was an added bonus. I wonder how he gained Kristin's help or is this all her idea. Why would a full-blood pick that company unless someone on the inside assured him it could be done? Maybe she's been doing this for a while and he took advantage of what was offered."

  "Possibly." Quinn didn't seem convinced. "Ramos wants to be kept posted. He informed Alpha Gilbert."

  "I informed Alpha Theron and sent him a picture of Jonas. Tango had reported the initial meeting so they have preliminary information on Jonas already. His men are surrounding this building and will look for Jonas if he approaches. If he had anything to do with the missing men, Theron will take over and handle him."

  A phone rang.

  Jackie looked at her boss.

  The door opened and a tall man she hadn't seen before entered. His gaze zeroed in on Mr. Bradley. "You aren't supposed to have a phone," he said in an accusing tone.

  "It's one of those throw away ones, can't be traced." It rang again. "It's a trap. Only gave the number to Kristin and Aaron."

  Jackie bit back a caustic remark about people playing James Bond in real life situations. Jonas' involvement ratcheted the tension and involved KnightForce as well as Alphas Gilbert and Theron's security. Things could go bad quickly.

Bradley answered sounding more like his old self.

  Jackie marveled at how upbeat he sounded on the phone before he frowned and his face whitened further. "What are you talking about?" He looked at the phone and at Jackie. "Kristin wants to talk to you. She says what happens next is your fault. Something about Jonas not stopping."

  Before Jackie could take the phone, Quinn grabbed it. "Hello?" He paused. "Yes, this is him. She's in the bathroom." Quinn held Jackie's gaze and opened their link.

  The next second the house shook as glass shattered and smoke exploded. Quinn dove forward, covering most of Jackie as the roof caved in.

  Bradley screamed and then went silent.

  Jackie's world went dark.


  Quinn shrugged off the wood and drywall from his back. Sounds of groaning, yells in the distance and stirring filled the air. Through the dust and debris, he saw Jackie lying beneath him.

  "Jackie?" he called through their link. Nothing.

  A large beam and wood had created a small cave-like area protecting them from being crushed. He inhaled. Fire. He touched his mate's shoulder to awaken her and saw the large gash on the side of her head where her skull had been crushed. A tidal wave of fear washed over him. He needed to get her someplace to work on her wound. He crawled beneath the beam, stood slowly and tried to move the wood.

  It wouldn't budge. Spirals of smoke slid into the area near Jackie.

  Desperate, Quinn summoned his beast, and pushed harder on the beam. It gave some but more dust and drywall fell onto Jackie covering her upper body, making her appear ghostlike.

  He stopped moving the piece, crawled to his mate and pulled her next to him while wiping off the dust. Once her head was protected, he moved the beam.

  Smoke filled the room.

  The sky appeared through a large gaping hole in the ceiling. Sensing the fire growing stronger, Quinn cleared a path to the door but stopped at the entrance. Bodies lay unmoving, covered in dust beneath parts of the house. Some were consumed by the blaze.

  He retraced his steps and checked the side of her head. The gash wasn’t as bad but seeped blood. Picking her up, he headed to the doorway. In the hall, he made his way toward the rooms in the opposite direction of the fire.

  Although this part of the house hadn't taken a direct hit, he feared it would falter beneath the weight of holding the remaining structure in place. Fire licked and consumed the entry and garage. At the end of the hall Quinn kicked opened a door and released a pleased sigh at the bed undisturbed in the middle of the room. Over his shoulder he noticed smoke creep down the hall as if following him.

  He shut the door with his foot, laid Jackie on the bed and searched every drawer and closet for a first aid kit or something to clean her face and wounds before her skin re-knitted. Cursing the lack of a attached bathroom and empty closets and drawers, he tore strips from the sheet and wiped her face.

  Smoke curled beneath the door. A loud crash split the air. The house shuddered. They had to leave.

  He opened the window and looked down at the steep cliff filled with rocks and fallen logs. It was at least a eight feet, maybe more, drop and would no doubt kill a human. Quinn kicked out the window, picked up his mate, held her close to his chest, and after calling his beast, jumped. They rolled and came to a stop against a large rock.

  Every place in his body hurt from taking the brunt of the fall. Pebbles and rocks cut into his skin like sharpened blades. Wiping his mouth to remove debris, he took a moment to bring much needed air into his lungs. Maybe they could stay here for a few moments, wait for the Alpha's men.

  "Jackie?" he called her name repeatedly, desperate to hear her voice, to know she was okay.


  His head dropped for a few seconds as despair choked him. He couldn't lose her, not now, not ever. Inhaling, he banished the dark thought as he moved closer and saw the gash to her head seep fresh blood. He clamped down on the howl of anguish rising from his throat and picked her up. She needed medical attention now.

  A burning sensation slammed into his arm, spinning him and sending him to his knees. He held onto Jackie and looked at the hole in his shoulder. Another bullet whizzed by his ear and he ducked down. Where the hell were the Alpha's men? He lay Jackie down and felt the back of his shoulder.

  Relieved the bullet went straight through; he reached out to Ramos and told him what happened. "Pull up a map, we flew into El Paso, drove about 45 minutes, came down a long dirt road, a stream runs through the property, uneven terrain, I can see a couple hilltops, lots of trees. He built the house in a clearing which makes it easier to get picked off."

  "Are you trying to get to El Paso?"

  "That may be the closest hospital." With Jackie close to his chest he eased backward, down the cliff. Hopefully it wasn't a dead end. The wound in his shoulder throbbed. He ignored it and kept going.

  "Okay. I'll also pass this along to Gilbert. They'll be all over this. Can you hide somewhere until they get to you?"

  Hiding went against every fiber of his beast but his mate hadn't stirred. He couldn't risk her wound getting worst. Smoke billowed from the window opening he’d jumped through. Heat singed his lungs. What if it did the same to his mate? That would mean she suffered from a blow to the head, possibly twice and smoke damage. Which was worst? Remaining here inhaling damaging smoke? Or using the smoke as cover to run so she could breathe clean air? Both options sucked. If the shooter hadn't used a silencer, the Alpha's men would have him or them by now.

  "The smoke is too thick I need to move." He opened his senses. There were a lot of full-bloods and a couple humans nearby. Holding Jackie close, he picked his way back up and cleared the small ravine. He moved toward the full-bloods.

  "This way," one called from the side.

  Unable to see clearly through the thick smoke, Quinn followed the full-blood up and out of the smoke into a copse of trees. "We have some help with a full-blood," he told Ramos what happened.

  "Great. I'll pass it on."

  Once they were in a clearing, Quinn inhaled deeply to clear his lungs.

  "Do you need help with her?" He reached for Jackie.

  "No." Full-bloods knew better than to touch another's mate. He looked at his rescuer, the man looked familiar but Quinn couldn't place him.

  "What happened?" the full-blood asked looking at Jackie.

  Another red-flag. Alpha Theron would've told his pack members what he wanted them to know, they wouldn't ask him questions. There should be more of them. "Ramos, I think we have a rogue wolf." He turned so that Jackie wasn't in the wolf's view and lay her down gently.

  "Someone shot something into the house and it exploded," Quinn told the wolf as he prepared to attack.

  "Good thing we came along and the two of you got out safely. Alpha is happy about that."

  Quinn turned and saw the full-blood holding a gun. Rather than ask questions, Quinn leapt forward, morphing mid-air, ignoring the fire spreading through his leg as the bullet ripped through. Intent on destroying the threat to his mate, he crushed the arm the full-blood threw up in defense and went for his throat.

  The full-blood shifted.

  Quinn was on him, fighting through a red haze of rage that wouldn't release him. They charged and fought on hind legs, each seeking the advantage. Snarls filled the air as Quinn went after the wolf with single-minded determination until he snapped the neck of the bastard threatening his mate. When the wolf lay prostrate beneath him Quinn backed up as others formed a half circle around them. He stood over Jackie snarling his threat against any who would hurt her.

  "Easy, I'm Theron, Alpha of Texas. We’re here to help, I promise. My word, she's safe." The tall barrel chested, full-blood with long dark hair extended his hands in a peace offering. His gray eyes changed to a bluish-green similar to Jackie's.

  Quinn recognized La Patron's energy and remained near his mate.

  A few men went to move the dead full-blood. Quinn growled.

"Leave him for now," Theron said watching Quinn who looked down at Jackie and licked her face.

  Quinn morphed to human and stared at the men. "Do any of you have a first aid kit?"

  "Someone will look at those bullet wounds as soon as we get you out of here. The human police and fire department are on the way here. I can't keep them away much longer," Theron said.

  "Not for me," Quinn snapped and picked up Jackie. "For my mate. She's been hurt." He ignored the blood seeping from his wounds and stared at Theron expectantly.

  "I'll get you one. Please come with me, we need to leave this place." Theron waved him forward.

  Quinn looked at the dead wolf on the ground and it clicked. "Johnson."

  "What?" Theron said walking beside him without touching Jackie.

  "The dead man is Aaron Johnson, he worked at the company as Vice President or something similar," Quinn couldn't recall exactly. "Jackie didn't know he was a wolf."

  "In sheep's clothing," Theron muttered as they entered a black SUV.

  Quinn held Jackie close on his lap and kissed her forehead. "Come back to me. I need you. Please come back to me."

  Nothing. He lowered his forehead to hers and rocked gently. "Please come back to me. Wake up, Jackie. The world's too dark without you. I need you as much as the air I breathe."

  The SUV raced over uneven terrain, the jolts reminded him he'd been wounded. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they reached a paved road and could make better time. Minutes later they entered a gated area and pulled into a parking lot.

  "One of our clinics," Alpha Theron said as he slid out the passenger side and opened the door for Quinn. Holding his precious mate close, Quinn moved quickly through the doors, pleased to see a team waiting for them.

  "This way, Doctor," one of the men said.

  Quinn followed them to a room and placed his mate gently on the bed. He removed her clothes, washed and examined her at the same time. The gash to her head concerned him the most. It appeared to have healed. He worried about bone fragments from her skull being embedded in her brain which could cause all types of problems. He ordered several tests and stood by as each one was completed.


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