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The Right Side of Memphis

Page 2

by Jennifer Scott

  Billie insisted, “No, I can't stand seeing him like this. Just let me know what you hear. Try to find out some stuff from other reporters as well. But, be discreet.”

  Jenna giggled, “I'm always discreet, that's why married men love me!”

  Billie stated, “Well, Chris’ not married now, is he?”

  Billie wanted to walk around the house. It was the first and maybe the last time she'd be there. It was very cozy looking and resembled southern living. She saw some of Colby's things. They had given him his own room. There was a room for their other pets also. She wondered if Chris was going to keep Colby and give the other dogs to Lana. All of the bedrooms were upstairs. She couldn't get past the security guards or even the reporters, to see the rooms. But, she did have a chance to see the dining room. She saw an entrance to the kitchen. She thought it would be amazing to know what Chris kept in his refrigerator. As she entered the kitchen, someone tapped her on the shoulder. It was Jenna. “How did you manage to make your way in here? And you are the one telling me to be discreet!” Jenna whispered.

  Billie clarified, “I came in the same way you did. Well, do you know any more about Chris’ situation than you did a few minutes ago?”

  Jenna began, “I doubt that they will be reconciling. Chris is really upset with Lana. I don't blame him. She hurt him. He may never forgive her. According to Chris, she left him for a movie producer, he's not even that well known.”

  ”She’s such a floozy! That man must be made of gold for her to drop Chris Brady,” Billie criticized.

  Jenna continued, “Chris told us that she was with that guy a few months ago, before their divorce. He also commented on the fact that he is the Entertainer of the Year, and Lana is the Loser of the Year.”

  Billie observed, “I guess he had the last laugh. He's handling it a lot better than I thought. I've always pictured him as tender-hearted. You can tell by the songs that he writes. Before he married Lana, his songs were sad and misguided. Once he met her, the lyrics were full of life and positivity. I hate to see what he writes about now.”

  Jenna feared, “Cold hearted bitches, probably.” "Ha, ha. Seriously, I hope not. He'd lose more than his wife. He can't offend the entire female fan base or population, or he would never find someone else,” Billie predicted.

  Jenna observed, “He may not want anyone else.”

  They left Chris’ crowded house and went their separate ways. Billie wasn't sure where to go from that point. She'd found out about a scandalous breakup and could investigate it further. Or she could track down Bobby and really get the truth from him. Then, there was Ricky and Lydia. She still had not heard a word about Lydia's condition. The best thing she could do was send flowers to the Ricky Todd fan club. She was unsure of her exact hospital.

  Billie was due some time off. She wasn't sure when to take it. She didn't want it to be wasted being a snoop. She could look for Ricky when everything was okay. Billie could only assume that Ricky was in a lot of pain. All three men were losing their wives, and she seemed to be stuck in the middle of a Bermuda triangle.

  Chapter 2

  Florida was pretty in June. Billie was so happy that Mr. Reid sent her there to get the scoop on Bobby Douglas. She wasn't forced to go either. She actually had not been to that state in a while. If it were spring break, she would be chasing him down in Panama City instead. He tried to go to the 'Redneck Riviera' every year. Plus, he even wrote a song about it, but never released it as a single. She had to rely on the help of a pen pal in Bobby's fan club to find out where his family lived. She had called her in advance to meet. Her name was Shelia Merritt. Since she seemed trustworthy, Billie filled her in on the situation. Shelia was shocked to know that Bobby was back home. Since they were unsure if he went back to Kelly, they had to look around town to find him. They checked his old hangouts first. They had no luck, so they waited around his house, hoping he would come outside. They did happen to see his sisters. Shelia made a remark that it was like a reunion or the holidays. She knew of only those times that most of the family would be in town. Billie figured that he must be in the house. She didn't want to talk to him at his home, though. He would have more freedom to push her away. She decided to follow him, if he indeed left the house. She couldn't go back to Nashville empty handed.

  Shelia left around sunset. She asked Billie to let her know how things turned out for Bobby. A few minutes after Shelia left, he came outside. He got into his truck and drove off on a back road. Billie followed far behind. He stopped at a lake. She parked behind some trees. She started jotting things down. Then, she heard something. She looked up, but couldn't tell what it was that she heard. So, she started writing again. There was yet another noise, so she got out of her car. There was still nothing for her to see. When she got back in her car, she couldn't see Bobby anymore. His engine was still running. As soon as she finished writing, she decided to go look for him. By that time, he was standing outside of her car. She froze. Once he tapped on the window. She rolled it down. He argued, "I thought I ditched you back at my house. Have you been following me, or am I just paranoid?”

  She admitted, “I am very concerned for your well being. I have to keep an eye on you because it is my job, in a way.”

  Bobby beseeched, “What did you think I was going to do, jump in the lake and drown myself? How long have you been following me?”

  She said in response, “I hope you are not angry. I hate that my job turns me in to a stalker. I just came a great distance to see you.”

  Bobby indicated, “Now I know where I have seen you, at fan fair! How could I forget that camera! How did you know I was in Florida?”

  Billie claimed, “My intuition, maybe?”

  Bobby stated, “My fans seem to know all that there is to know about me.”

  “We don't know it all, or else I wouldn't be here,” She objected.

  “What are you trying to discover about me?” he asked. She assured, “Only what you are willing to tell me.”

  “Can't anything be sacred in a famous person's life? It seems like once you are a star, the media is in your business,” he snapped.

  Billie conveyed, “Don't consider me as the media. You can say I'm a caring admirer or just someone you can trust.”

  “I just need time to think about my life, and what I plan to do next, “Bobby insisted.

  “Apparently, you've made up your mind about something. You are here, aren't you?” she acknowledged.

  “I had to leave to get away from…“, he paused.

  Billie quized, “Kelly? What happened between the two of you? I have never seen you this unhappy. I have always known you to be a jovial husband and father.”

  He answered, “Like I told you earlier, or maybe you misunderstood…”

  Billie interrupted, “Yeah, I know. You'd rather not talk about it. You need to tell someone. I assume your family knows. I think I know who you should talk to.”

  “Who might that be?” he begged.

  She smiled and suggested, “Chris Brady. He's going through a similar situation, although, he is ready to sign his divorce papers.”

  Bobby then asked, “When did all of this happen? Why are Chris and Lana breaking up?”

  “If you had been in Nashville, you would know. Lana ran off with some movie producer and dumped Chris. He's torn apart inside. I could tell it when I last saw him at a conference. Just like I can tell that you are very upset about something. So, are you going to talk to me, your friend Chris, or a professional?” she petitioned.

  Bobby decided, “I guess I should get my feelings out in the open. It is not good for my kids, or for me. If I ever see my kids again...”

  Billie thought of an idea. She reassured him, “I know how you can see them. I can help you out. Who knows, you might even get to work things out with Kelly. That is what you want, right?”

  He expressed, “More than anything. But, how do I know if it will work, and how do you plan on doing any of it?”

  Billie prayed, “Wi
th luck!”

  Billie talked him in to riding back with her to Nashville. He didn't open up that much to her. But, he seemed more at ease. All Billie wanted was to help him and make some kind of difference. She was trying to get him to take his mind off of his problems. She explained to him why it was so important for him to get back so soon. If he wanted to reunite with Kelly, he'd have to start before she had more time to get over him. The longer he waited to talk to his wife, the easier he was making it on Kelly to end their marriage. When they arrived in Nashville, she told Bobby her plan. “If you agree for an exclusive with my magazine, I will set up a meeting with Kelly. She doesn't have to know that you will be there. You mentioned before that she was not speaking to you. Maybe she will speak to me. This will give you a chance. So, what'll it be?” Billie demanded.

  He commanded, “When is this so called interview supposed to take place?”

  She responded excitedly, “Is that a yes?”

  He taunted, “It's a maybe. Right now, I am still not ready to discuss it…especially not on television.”

  Billie ordered, “If you run into the media, just say ‘no comment’ and avoid them like most stars. They do have ways of finding out stuff, like I do. But, if everything goes as planned, you won't have to worry about that. Hopefully, you'll be back with your family.”

  Bobby estimated, “But things will never be the same again.”

  Billie told Mr. Reid what happened and part of her plan with Bobby. He made arrangements for her interview with Kelly. Bobby supplied Kelly's phone number and address, just in case she wouldn't return the calls. Somehow, Kelly agreed to it. Billie told Bobby to be there and to stay out of sight. He could very easily blow the whole thing. Kelly didn't seem too happy when she arrived. Kelly knew they were going to ask her about Bobby. Her children were there, along with their nanny. When Bobby saw them, he wanted to go to them. But, he knew if he did, Kelly would leave.

  The interview was very simple. Billie made it sound like she was interviewing all of the wives of country stars for their upcoming anniversary issue. Kelly went along with the basic questions. She didn't mention her separation. Billie couldn't ask her straight forward about the situation, but she really had no other choice. She inquired, “Is everything fine with you and Bobby Douglas?”

  Kelly emphasized, “A lot is going on right now, but I'm sure it will all turn out the way it should.”

  Billie objected, “Well, we're not so sure. I hear there is trouble in the air. Now that one of country’s hottest couples are splittsville, we are doing some digging on couples in trouble. As you know, you and Bobby wouldn’t be the first to have problems. Keep in mind that we like to play cupid when necessary. Is there anything that you would want to tell Bobby?” Just as Kelly was about to wipe the tears away, Bobby came in from his hiding place. His son ran up to him and hugged him.

  Kelly stood up and shouted, “I had a feeling this would happen. I just can’t believe you’d stoop this low.”

  Bobby implored, “Can’t we go somewhere and talk this over in private?”

  Kelly taunted, “Where do you get off talking about privacy? You’re the one who has reporters involved.”

  Billie intervened, “Excuse me, I’m not a reporter. I’m a photo journalist…big difference. This was my idea, not your husband’s. So, don’t get angry with him.”

  Kelly warned, “This was only the icing on the cake. I’m already upset with him. But, I’m not telling the whole world. That’s between us. Bobby, be waiting on a phone call from my lawyer. That’s if you pull another stunt like the one you pulled today.”

  He chased her outside and vowed, “I won’t let you take away my children!”

  Kelly screamed, “If it were in my power, you’d never see them again!” He tried to get her to stay, but she seemed more determined to leave.

  As he was heading back inside, Billie came out and pleaded, “Are you alright?”

  He answered, “Not really. She just won’t listen.”

  Billie asked, “What could you have done that was so terrible? I know you didn’t abuse her.” He decided to tell her, especially after what just took place.

  They went to a place in Memphis to talk, since Bobby was in the mood to do some driving. He wasn’t up for being mobbed for autographs or pictures. He was too tired and upset. Billie found out, finally. Kelly had accused him of having an affair. Kelly had believed one of her friends, over her own husband. He swore to her that he was innocent. Billie approved, “Doesn’t she know by now that you’ve had millions of chances and temptations on the road, and you even recorded a song about it. For crying out loud! That is so petty. You wouldn’t betray your family for a bus toy.”

  Bobby moaned, “I wish that she thought that way. I might as well be doing what she is accusing me of. You are absolutely right about cheating on her. I would only do that if I knew for a fact that we would not be getting back together. I’d like to thank you for what you said in my defense earlier. No one has ever stood up for me like that before. It really took me by surprise.”

  Billie articulated, “You're welcome. It was the least that I could do. I felt responsible for your argument. My plan didn’t work out and I am beginning to think that I may have ruined your chances with her. If I had let things work themselves out on their own, she might not have threatened you the way that she did.”

  He intervened, “I take full responsibility for my problems with her. If I didn’t feel that I needed some help getting her back, I would not have agreed to let you help me. Maybe I was worrying about it all for nothing. She may never take me back. This is really serious to her. How can she love me if she can’t trust me anymore?”

  Billie bargained, “Don’t give up so soon. Sit down and write your feelings on paper. It will help you to clear your head. Who knows, you might get a #1 song out of it! You can stay focused on your goals. Remember, when the going gets tough, you have got to be just as tough.”

  Billie left him alone with that thought. When she returned, what he had composed was so depressing, but a bit like classic country that he grew up listening to. He begged, “Where is Merle Haggard when you need him?”

  Billie announced, “I could arrange that.”

  He hesitated, “That's all right. He’d lift my spirits just temporarily. This wouldn’t be so hard if I did not miss my kids so much. They are the innocent ones involved in this whole thing. I am afraid that they are going to hate me. I don’t want them growing up without knowing their father. I don’t want them to suffer the way I did when I lost my dad.”

  Billie agreed, “I honestly can’t disagree with what you said. I felt the same way when my dad passed away. I still feel lost without him sometimes.”

  Bobby declared, “We are so pitiful. What is happening here? It used to be so easy to look on the bright side of things. Now, I don’t want to even continue living like this. I have to prove to Kelly that she is wrong about me…but, how?”

  Billie ruled, “I don’t know if there is anything else that I can do to help you. But, if there is anything I can do, let me know. Just give me a call.”

  Bobby related, “What about that interview?”

  Billie assured, “I think I have what I need. I promise it will be something you’ll appreciate.”

  Billie stayed up most of the night finishing up her report. It had to be as good as she promised Bobby Douglas. The next day, she turned it in, feeling a bit hopeful. Her worries were short lived because it was printed in the next edition. The reviews were astounding. She found out that Bobby’s fan club received thousands of phone calls after that interview was published. She decided to get in touch with Bobby, to see what he thought of it. He was not answering his phone, so she left a voicemail. He returned her call later that evening. Billie questioned, “Have you heard from your wife since the article was printed?”

  He notified, “Yes. She wasn’t thrilled, but slightly moved. I don’t know if that's what it takes to get her back. She’s not as easy to persuade.
I’m going to have to do a lot more than an interview to get my marriage back to normal. But, thanks for trying. Thanks for not printing all of the garbage that I said when I was upset. It would not have been so warmly accepted if you had.”

  She responded, “Most of that was off the record. Did Kelly agree to let you see your kids?”

  Bobby replied, “Unfortunately, not. Like I said before, she is not feeling any pity on me at this point.”

  She asked him, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  He mentioned, “I have an appointment with Kelly’s lawyer. She didn’t arrange it, I did. I want to see what she has in store for me.”

  Billie suggested, “Can you cancel it? I have an idea on how you can see your kids. Do you want to?”

  He grinned, “Of course I do. What is the plan this time?”

  Billie told him, “It’s good that you are checking up on her, but shouldn’t you be checking up on your kids as well? I’m sure her lawyer told her that you were meeting with him. Where do you think she will be during that time? Why don’t you get her to go to your house to pick up some things, since she will think you are with her lawyer?”

  He admitted, “That is pretty clever. Then, I can show up there, just so I can see my kids.”

  Chapter 3

  The arrangements had been made for Kelly to go over to Bobby’s place to get some of hers and the kid’s things. Bobby just hoped her lawyer wouldn’t tell her that he canceled. He invited Billie over so she could help out. She had a disguise that she wanted to try. When Kelly arrived, Billie decided to do it. She made Kelly think she was Bobby’s new nanny. She told her she would watch the children while she packed. It worked. Bobby wished he could take them somewhere else to be with them longer. But, he didn’t want to risk getting caught. Luckily for him, they had a big house. Billie kept her eye on Kelly so she could warn Bobby of her actions. Kelly didn’t stay very long. Billie returned the kids to Kelly without her suspecting a thing. Once she left, Bobby thanked her for helping him to see his kids. He insisted, “There has to be a way for me to see them for more than a short period of time.”


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