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The Emma Wild Mysteries: Complete Holiday Collection Books 1-4 (Cozy Romantic Mysteries with Recipes)

Page 22

by Lin, Harper

  “Yes there is,” Joseph insisted.

  “No, Joseph. The presents are really from mom and dad. I told you already.”

  Tears formed in Joseph’s eyes. “No, they’re from Santa,” he wailed.

  Sterling turned to me. “How did you know that it was Matthew?”

  “It’s a long story,” I said.

  Sandra came back to our group. “Come on, let’s go to the station. Tom, can you bring the children back to their parents?”

  The officer on the scene nodded.

  “Can I go with them?” Isla asked. “I want to explain my part in this to Eleanor.”

  “Just let her go,” I said to Sandra and Sterling. “She helped me get here. She’s not going anywhere.”


  “Just say it,” Sterling said.

  He was driving and Miss Pantsuit was sitting beside him. I was in the backseat, feeling like a criminal with these two cops up in front.

  “Say what?”

  “I told you so.”

  I grinned. “But it would be too easy.”

  He sighed. “We should’ve listened to you, okay? We should’ve scooped out who was close to the family too. We did find out that the ink and printer from the second note was printed on a printer that the Champ family owned, so we did start thinking like you then.”

  Sandra turned back and looked at me rather coldly. “How did you figure it out?”

  “It was rather difficult,” I said diplomatically. “There wasn’t a lot to go on. All I knew was that I saw someone talking to the kids at the festival. I was sure it was a guy. Isla told me everything. It was actually Matthew, telling the kids to meet a snowman at the snow cone stand after they finish building their snowman. He was going to have surprise presents for them. So the kids hurried to finish up their snowman for the contest so they could get their gifts. By the time they did, Matthew was in his snowman costume.”

  I told him about having my suspicions towards Henry, Joanne and Isla, and ultimately decided that Isla had the strongest motives, so I followed her. Surprisingly, she led me to Matthew.

  “But what was Matthew’s motive?” Sterling asked.

  “He never got along with the mayor. In fact he hated him, hated how he verbally abused the kids, his mom, and the staff.”

  “Did he physically abuse them?” Sterling asked with concern.

  “Not as far as I know.”

  “Because we’d book him for that.”

  “Matthew just wanted some revenge. He wanted to see the mayor get worked up. Matthew didn’t seem to be pleased with his mother either, because she’d stayed with him for superficial reasons. Since Isla hated the mayor too, Matthew managed to convince her to help him buy food and run errands so the kids were well taken care of in the cabin. Oh, and they’d been staying at a cabin by the way. It’s actually the Champ family cabin. Matthew thought that because he was dressed like the snowman, the kids wouldn’t recognize him.”

  “I’m sorry for not listening to you,” said Sterling. He nudged Sandra.

  She cleared her throat. “Yes. Good job, Wild.”

  Sterling nudged Sandra again. “And sorry for slamming a door in your face. I tend to do that under high stress situations.”

  “Apology accepted,” I said. Although I was pretty certain Sandra still hated my guts and we wouldn’t be BFFs any time soon.

  “It’s going to be a crazy night,” Sterling said. “Lots of action at the police station. The mayor will be furious.”

  “But knowing the mayor,” I said, “he probably wouldn’t want word to spread that it was Matthew. He would want to keep his reputation of having a perfect family.”

  “Yes,” Sterling said. “He’ll probably spin it as a family joke gone wrong. Too bad it’s not anytime close to April Fool’s Day. Anyway, I’m sure he’ll come up with some excuse to save his face. Was Matthew after money as well?”

  “I don’t know. But when he saw that the mayor wasn’t as affected by the ransom note as he’d hoped, he introduced the money element. That really got the mayor riled up.”

  Sterling shook his head. “Some people are just horrible.”

  “Big cities or small towns, political families are just the same anywhere, aren’t they?” Sandra quipped in.

  We drove on for a while, out of the woods and back to Hartfield. I yawned. It had been a long day and I was starving. I’d barely grabbed lunch. Being an amateur spy really took a toll on your body.

  “I’ll drop you home first,” Sterling said.

  “Great,” I murmured before closing my eyes involuntarily.

  By the time he pulled up to the Wild house, I was practically asleep. When Sterling opened the door on my side, my vision of him was blurred.

  “I’m going to walk her up,” he told Sandra.

  I yawned and stretched in the back seat. Sterling looked at me as if I was an adorable kitten.

  “Be quick,” Sandra replied. “Because we have to go to the station ASAP.”

  Sterling helped me out of the car. He held me by putting an around my shoulders as we walked up the stairs. I was still a bit groggy, but I exaggerated my sleepiness so that I could feel Sterling’s arm around me. By the time we reached the top step of the porch, I felt like I’d melted into his arms.

  In the month that we were apart, I had missed him terribly, and I hadn’t wanted to admit to myself just how much I did.

  I wanted to tell him that I chose him, but Sandra was in the car, glaring at us. Why was she concerned with our business? I really did think that she had a thing for Sterling.

  To piss her off, I could’ve leaned in for that kiss, but it didn’t feel right. A kiss had to be pure and full of love, not performed to spite someone.

  “Have a good night then.” Instead I gave Sterling my warmest smile and went inside.


  Early next morning, I went to Eleanor Champ’s house again. We’ve agreed to a brunch date. Joanne led me to the dining room to see her.

  Her eyes were swollen when I came in.

  She gave me a tight hug and I patted her back. When she pulled back, I could breathe again. She pointed to a chair.

  “Please, sit.”

  I did, letting her compose herself a bit.

  Brunch was already prepared—salmon quiches with Greek salads. A bottle of red wine was already opened as well. Eleanor had already helped herself to a glass.

  “How is everything?” I asked.

  “I’m just glad that the kids are all right.”

  The kids could be heard running down the stairs and into the living room. Zoe was chasing Joseph around and Joseph was laughing with delight.

  “Usually I’d tell them to quiet down, but I’m just so happy that they’re safe that they can do whatever they want at this point.”

  “I’m glad,” I said. “So how is Matthew and Richard handling all this?”

  “Richard doesn’t plan on pressing charges. He’s furious as hell, but at least he’s not doing anything to harm Matthew, as long as Matthew does community service hours for the next three months. And, well, Matthew decided to transfer schools to be with his father as soon as the semester is over.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Eleanor sighed. “I don’t want him to leave. But better that he leaves than to end up in jail and getting a criminal record that could ruin his life, right?”

  “He did try to extract $50,000 from the town mayor,” I said. “He’s lucky that he got off easy.”

  “Yes,” Eleanor said. “He’s my son and I love him, but it were up to me, I would put him in jail for a few days to teach him a lesson. He’d be scared half to death. What hurts is that he knew his actions would hurt me too. I know he’s acting out, but this was just so extreme. He’d always been an intense kid, very sensitive, but I didn’t raise him to be cruel.”

  “Maybe it’s the mayor who can be blamed for that,” I said. “So will your relationship change with Matthew?”

  “Yes, but I also think my relationship will change the most with my husband. Matthew is right. I don’t love Richard, and I’m not doing anybody any favors by being with him, least of all myself. I plan on getting a divorce in the coming months.”


  Eleanor sniffed. “Yes. I’m brave enough to do it this time.”

  She nodded, as if it was the fuel she needed to propel herself to believe it.

  “Good for you,” I said. “Why stay in a marriage if you’re not happy?”

  “Yes. It took me long enough to realize it. I always said I was staying for the kids, and to help Richard keep his image as a family man, but really, I’m scared. I’m scared not to have the security, scared of being divorced again, of being alone again.”

  I put a hand over her hand. She began to tear up again.

  “Of course, I’ll wait awhile. I want to make sure Matthew is safe from Richard’s wrath. I’ll divorce after the reelection. If he’s reelected, great, if not, he doesn’t need me anyway.”

  “You’re strong,” I said, looking her in the eye.

  She sniffed and laughed it off, embarrassed. “Thank you, Emma, for everything. I feel like such a fool, blubbering and crying around such a famous singer. But you’re sweet. You’re really a Hartfield girl. I’m proud that you’re representing this town.”

  “No problem,” I said.

  She blew her nose into a tissue, and then laughed.

  “What happened to Isla?” I asked.

  “She’s fired. She was great, but it would’ve been unthinkable to keep her. Richard was tempted to press charges, but he wanted to hush her up as well. Poor girl. She has an unemployed, off-the-wagon father to take care of. I hope she finds a better job. I’d be happy to give her a recommendation, but if Richard ever gets wind of who she’ll work for next, he’ll want to talk to the family and destroy her in the little ways that he can.”

  “He’s kind of scary, huh?”

  Eleanor shrugged. “He’s my husband.”


  I was stuffed after brunch with Eleanor. At least things worked out in the end. No one was hurt, the kids were happy and healthy, and Eleanor seemed to be on track to living the life she wanted, even if she had to go through some obstacles first.

  The first thing I did when I left her house was call Sterling. He didn’t answer, but I left a message saying that I would be trying him at his office.

  Now that this whole kidnapping fiasco was over, I had to face my own life—namely my love life. But I had it sorted out this time. I knew the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He was my first love and I wanted him to be my last. I wondered if he had any sleep last night. Either way, he could always benefit from a coffee or three. With me.

  When I got to the station, the people working there looked at me in a new light. They had looks of admiration in their eyes, not unlike the fans I often met backstage at concerts.

  “Good work, Miss Wild.” An older officer approached me and shook my hand. “You saved everyone here a lot of grief.”

  “Thanks.” I flashed a smile at everyone. “Good work yourselves, guys, for all the hard work.”

  “Can I get an autograph?” A younger cop approached with a pad of paper. “My name is Steve.”

  “Sure, Steve.” I wrote him a quick message and handed it back to him. He turned pink and grinned bashfully.

  “I’m looking for Sterling. Is he in?”

  “Yes,” said the older officer. “In his office.”


  I couldn’t wait to see him. It was finally time.

  When I got to his office I noticed that the curtains of the glass window were drawn closed. Even though they were never closed. I tried the door handle, but it was locked. I was about to knock when I noticed that there was a crack in the curtains and that I could peek through it. Something compelled me to look.

  What I saw disturbed me. It was Sandra on top of Sterling in his chair. Her body was on his, pressing down on him hard. Her top was unbuttoned, showing ample cleavage.

  I let out a gasp and felt a sinking feeling within me. Just when I was about to cry, anger took over and I pounded on the door.



  “Come on, Emma, it’ll be fun.”

  My sister Mirabelle poked me in the ribs with her bony fingers.

  “Ow, stop!” I cried.

  I was lying on the couch still wearing my pyjamas in the middle of the day. Mom and Dad were at work, but I was taking an extended hiatus from my career as a singer…and celebrity. I was on strike. Eating ice cream, cupcakes and Doritos had been my full-time job for the past week.

  “I don’t even think you’re in that much pain anymore,” Mirabelle said. “I bet you’re just using this as an excuse to eat more junk food.”

  “No,” I said dramatically. “I’m really heartbroken. My life is this couch. Is there any more ice cream in the freezer?”

  “I think there’s only lemon sorbet.”

  “Boo. Sorbet sucks.”

  Mirabelle crossed her arms. “I just don’t understand. This is a great opportunity for you to stuff your face with more sugary junk. And you get to be a judge. What’s not to like?”

  “People,” I said. “I don’t want to see people. Especially one particular person.”

  “I’ll make sure he doesn’t get on the premises.”

  We were referring to Detective Sterling Matthews. The bastard. I caught him making out with his partner Sandra at work a week ago. In his office too.

  And to think I’d helped him solve a kidnapping case recently.

  I covered my head with a blanket. Mirabelle yanked it down. Sometimes she was more like my mother than my older sister. She’d certainly been bossy growing up.

  “The last time Sterling broke your heart, you went to New York and became famous. This time you’re just going to sit around and do nothing while your phone is ringing off the hook?”

  Everyone’s been trying to get a hold of me, but I couldn’t even bear the thought of checking who they were from or what they wanted. My manager Rod had been one of the more persistent callers, trying to pin me down for promotional duties for my third album. Representatives from my record company were probably peeved as well. And don’t get me started on my PR team. I also knew that Sterling trying to get in touch as well and I didn’t want to hear from him.

  A week ago, I had caught Sandra on top of him when I visited him at his office. When I pounded on the door, he opened up and was completely speechless.

  “I see that you’ve really moved on,” I had said coldly.

  Sandra had smirked in the background while buttoning her shirt back up. I’d noticed that her bra was hot pink. With her hair down, she’d looked even sexier.

  “Is this what you’ve been doing while we were apart?” I asked.

  Sterling shook his head. “Emma, we were just…”


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