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Desert Strike

Page 10

by Leo Nix

  She was strong at first but then she began to cry again, a soft moan that hit every nerve in his heart. “I know you'll be safe, but I worry so much. You're so damn brave and heroic. You'll charge in there and shoot everyone and then every damn idiot Revelationist in the territory will want to shoot you.”

  “Glenda, darling, look at me,” he cupped her face in his hands then kissed her. A long slow kiss that might have gone further if there wasn't a knock on the door.

  “What is it?” Glenda called out impatiently. She liked it when Nulla kissed her like that, she didn't want it to stop.

  “Nulla? Are you in there? Sergeant, Captain Walker wants you pronto,” came the messenger's voice.

  The powerfully built warrior lay back in resignation, his arms loosely wrapped around his wife. “Tell Johnny I'll be there in a minute,” he called through the closed door.

  “Nulla, Johnny said now. He said it's important,” came the youthful voice again.

  'Damn!' he muttered to himself. He kissed Glenda on the lips and let his hands slide down her naked body, revelling in the sensual softness of her pale skin. He eased himself off the bed and quickly pulled his trousers on.

  “OK, tell the captain I'm on my way,” he called.

  Chapter 10 - Secrets of Pine Gap

  It was dusk when Sundown arrived at the Pine Gap intelligence facility with McFly. The two desert fighters were transfixed by the domes and obvious defences set up for protection. There were trenches, barbed wire entanglements and they drove past two heavy bulldozers working to extend the earthen barricades around the perimeter.

  McFly pointed out what appeared to be a robot-like weapon outside the main entrance. They could just see it's mini-gun turret, he told Sundown he thought it would no doubt have laser sights too.

  “Robocop, it probably has radar or some sort of thing to pick up movement and then it'll fire if it looks human. It's probably totally automatic, just arm it at night and go to bed,” said McFly confidently.

  Sundown smiled at his adjutant's enthusiasm. If he were to join forces with these people, this was what he wanted to see; preparation, professionalism and people, lots of trained personnel he can call upon to fight.

  The four guards searched the two men before leading them through the entrance gate. They guaranteed no one would touch Sundown's commando knife as he reluctantly handed it over. They were escorted into the lift, which took them deep into the bowels of the earth, to Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen's quarters.

  McFly tried to engage the guards in conversation, but failed. Sundown observed and noted it accordingly. 'Well trained and serious, good. I need boys like these. Commander Cullen must be one heck of a leader to maintain discipline like this through the apocalypse,' he thought. Soon the doors opened and they were led into an antechamber with comfortable seating. They sat and waited.

  “I bet they're watching us. See that picture, Sundown, I bet that's got a camera inside it. See those beady eyes? They look like camera lenses.” McFly stood up and walked over to check. He picked at one of the eyes and grunted, shook his head and sat back down. “Maybe it's in those specks on the wall there?”

  The door opened and in walked three women with refreshments. They were soon joined by a forth.

  “My name is Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen, I gather you are Commander Sundown, and this is your adjutant, Captain McFly?” She took a plate of biscuits and cheese and offered it to the two men.

  Both Sundown and McFly were slightly taken aback. They hadn't expected the commander to address them as fellow human beings. Everything they had read in Vic's papers was to the contrary.

  “Welcome and please come with me. My office is just down the corridor.” The group walked the few metres to enter a small, but comfortable room that was obviously well used. They noticed a makeshift bed against the wall. “Please ignore my mess, I often sleep here when I'm working.”

  Commander Cullen asked her girls to show McFly around the base. She needed time to speak with Sundown, alone.

  She then took Sundown on a private tour. He was soon lost in a honeycomb of tunnels and rooms. Commander Cullen explained that there were secrets inside the facility which would be revealed when the time was right. She explained that she was in touch with other such facilities around the world, but communications dropped in and out as the terrorists hunted them down.

  “Fortunately, none have been handed over intact. There are weapons up there, available to us, which we don't want in terrorist hands. We have the means to ensure there is no unauthorised access to them. Any terrorists that do break in have a very messy ending.” Commander Cullen didn't smile as she spoke.

  “Don't worry, Commander, I have no interest whatsoever in seeking to take control of your base. But I'd like to talk to you about sharing information, for our mutual benefit.” Sundown shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “It'll certainly come in handy for our patrols.”

  When he saw the massive screen or 'big board', as she called it, it took his breath away. It was just like he'd seen on TV. The commander asked the operators to zoom in on the enemy patrol they were currently observing. Sundown could see individual features of the soldiers from above and he relived the thrill of being a child, waking on Christmas morning, to unwrap his gifts.

  When they returned to Sue-Ellen's office, Sundown's demon was now aroused and alert. His instincts were scattered, floundering, as he tried to pigeon hole Commander Sue-Ellen Cullen and this incredible asset she controlled.

  “Colonel, or is it Commander Sundown? Considering the state of the world we can do without formalities.” She sat beside him on the lounge and poured herself a drink offering to fill Sundown's glass.

  “Thank you, commander.” He took a mouthful to calm his racing mind. “I don't quite know why you've called me here today, particularly since you've given Alice Springs Command the cold shoulder since the apocalypse.”

  She gave a light laugh and Sundown's skin tingled as though she had stroked it lightly with her finger nails.

  “Sundown, that was because we didn't trust their administration. General Hughes was a political appointment, not a strategic or military one and Thompson, well, I wasn't sure of his capabilities. Besides, the world as we knew it is gone, I'm now in command of this asset and I no longer answer to anyone. Between you and I the US administration is no longer, there's only a few facilities like this left intact in the world.” She paused to watch his expression, she noted he just stared at her, speechless.

  “As far as I am concerned I am whatever I wish to be. I'll never return to the states. None of my staff will ever see their homes or loved ones again. It's over. I have accepted that if I want, I can run my own war, in my own way. If I wanted I could play at being a warlord. Fortunately, I'm a reasonable and intelligent woman and that's why I've contacted you.” Sue-Ellen spoke smoothly removing a strand of hair from her face with the back of her hand.

  The demon inside Sundown groaned with desire and he knew right then that he was in big trouble. 'I've just met this woman and already she's got me where she wants me. Damn it demon, get down now and don't show your head until I tell you,' he said to himself.

  The commander continued as though he hadn't drifted off. “I've been watching you Sundown.” She paused to let that sink in - Sundown didn't miss it. “We're Intelligence with a capital 'I' and I think you already know we've intercepted every conversation you have ever had over the past twelve months. We're quite impressed with what you've done too.”

  “Ah, right, thank you.” Sundown took a gulp of his drink to distract his thoughts and he felt the temperature in the room rise by several degrees. He had to speak to gain some level of control over himself.

  “Umm, commander, can I ask what you know about the Revelationist intentions, both Marree and Darwin. I'd like to shift our discussion in that direction. I'd also like your opinion on a few things we're planning.” Sundown forced his mind to stay on track, and it did, to a point.

  “Sundown, I kn
ow what you're planning and that's why I've invited you here today.” For a moment Sue-Ellen looked vulnerable but her mask shifted and she was back in control. “I've got interests in the events in Darwin. Personal interests and I need your help. Or better still, I'd like your help. In short, I'm proposing we join forces.” She stopped and took a long look at Sundown, then continued.

  “I've been a widow for fourteen years. I loved my husband, he was my hero. Reece died doing what he loved, flying navy planes.” Sue-Ellen looked at the table and placed her empty glass on it. “We had a son, an only child, the apple of our eye. Sadly, his father died before he really got to know him. But it didn't stop Tanner joining the navy when he was old enough. I've always worked for navy intelligence and, naturally, he gravitated towards intelligence too.”

  Sundown nodded for her to go on. He could now observe her noticing that she was as attractive as the reports stated. Straight blond hair, in her forties with a well formed womanly body. She looked fit and was clearly intelligent. He hadn't yet witnessed her power but he knew she had it in her, her presence was almost overwhelming. Sundown lifted his drink to finish it, then lifted an eyebrow to ask if Sue-Ellen wanted a top-up of her drink too. She nodded and continued.

  “Tanner, our son, has a natural talent for covert operations, so we sent him to investigate the Revelationists. He ended up in Darwin to keep an eye on Reverend Albert. Up till recently, he worked as Albert's secretary. He's performed outstandingly, leaking information to us for the past two years. But this past week it stopped, suddenly and without explanation. We have two other operatives in Darwin, they operate out of Mount Isa and Longreach. They've stopped communications too.” Sue-Ellen paused again. “Sundown, I know you and Thompson are planning a trip to Darwin, I want to go along.”

  Sundown's mouth opened and closed, his demon went silent and he didn't quite know what to say, so he didn't.

  The navy commander giggled nervously. “Sundown, please, don't do that, you make me feel like a school girl. I haven't given in to temptation in all my years of marriage, not even as a widow.” She lifted her glass and drank half of it before putting it down to look again at this handsome man with the smouldering dark eyes.

  “I'm sorry commander, but I don't know what to say. You want to go through the desert, with Blondie and the girls, to Darwin? That's going to be dangerous.”

  She stopped admiring Sundown and flared. “Don't be condescending to me commander! I know it's going to be damned dangerous, why the hell do you think I called you here!”

  Immediately Sundown's demon shifted forward into his mind and body, ready. Sundown stood up, but instead of releasing his berserker demon, he breathed deeply and settled back down into the lounge chair. His demon, under control for the moment, permitted him to continue.

  “Commander Cullen, you are most welcome to join my patrol, but you will then be under my command. I just wanted you to know that before we take this conversation any further.”

  “You bastard!” she said softly, almost breathlessly. “I knew you were clever but, hell's bell's, Sundown… and call me Sue-Ellen please, it's uncomfortable being so formal with you.”

  The tension in the room dissipated. Sundown leaned back on the lounge and unconsciously put his arm over the back of the chair – it almost touched her shoulder. It also appeared to be deliberate. Sue-Ellen noticed and moved a fraction of an inch closer, they were now in contact with each other on another level.

  “Friends?” she asked, her face a mixture of joy, longing and fear. Even she didn't realise how vulnerable she would be with a man, a man who was so like her husband it sent her head into a spin.

  “Yes, I'd like that Sue-Ellen. Friends.” He lifted a finger and touched her cheek which had come even closer, almost as if it willed itself towards his hand. There was a groan from inside his mind and Sundown recognised his demon was awake and restless again. It's urgency pushed but he forced it back down, quickly. 'I can't go there today, mate, back off.' He pulled his hand away.

  “Sue-Ellen. I've just met you and I like you. You're attractive and intelligent, everything a man could want. There's something I can't do with you that I'd like to do. Like you were with your late husband, I'm faithful to my wife. No matter how strongly I'm attracted to you, that's a bond I could never break.” He then stood up for a second time and began pacing the room as he tried to assemble his thoughts.

  “Sundown, for crying out loud, sit down will you. I had to put up with watching you pacing in Thompson's office today, it's making me sea-sick.” She giggled again and Sundown, his mouth opening and closing involuntarily once again, sat back down.

  “Vic and McFly were right, you do have your spy camera's everywhere.”

  “And I know you're married. I've seen Pinkie several times and she seems like a lovely woman. I'm not trying to seduce you Sundown, so calm down will you.” She was back in control and officious again. “When you leave here this evening, it will be with myself and four of my people. I want to meet with and find out more about your commando. If I like what I see, and I'm sure I will, then you will have gained eight hundred personnel who will come under our joint command.” She knew she had him hooked now. It seemed a game was needed and she excelled at games.

  Sundown thought for a moment. “Yes, I can do that, I think. You'll need transport and I've got just the one Cessna. It'll seat four, five at a pinch.” Sundown mused his mind calculating rapidly.

  “It's fine, I've got a helicopter. A stealth MH-X Black Hawk. We've had a few problems with the electrical system but it's a great chopper. It's looked after us since the apocalypse. We'll all travel together in that.” Sue-Ellen smiled and Sundown noticed just how perfect she looked right then, it was a smile that took his breath away.

  Without thinking he moved across the gap between them and they were so close they could have kissed. Sue-Ellen breathed deeply and brushed her lips across the stubble of his cheek and broke the spell.

  “If I knew I'd get this close to a man I'd have put on some perfume. Damn, I wish you weren't married,” she said and pulled back.

  “You don't need perfume, Sue-Ellen, you smell just fine right now.” His eyes were closed and he seemed to be in a semi-trance.

  When Sundown opened his eyes he saw tears on her cheeks. “I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening here. I never do things like this. I don't want to do the wrong thing by you or my wife.” He stopped speaking when she placed her fingers on his lips.

  “Don't talk. I know, me too. It's just that you remind me of my beautiful husband. He was just like you and I can't stop liking you.”

  For a single awkward second they stared into each others eyes across the chasm of rules, morals and common sense. Sundown reached for his drink. “Strewth, I sure need a drink.”

  “Me too.” They smiled recognising just how close they had come to crossing the line - and liking it.

  “Sundown, my friend, and I would like you to be my friend, I don't have many. I want you to know that I won't let this go any further. I have a son to rescue and you have a patrol to organise. Finish your drink and we'll be on our way.”

  Sue-Ellen stood up and held out her hand. Sundown took it and she helped him out of his chair. Her breast brushed against his chest and she leaned into him. “Damn it man, I just made a promise I don't think I can keep.”

  His arms around her Sundown chuckled. “Sue-Ellen, if you don't behave yourself I'm going to put you over my knee and spank you.”

  “You would too I bet, and, I might enjoy it.” She teased then led him to the door only dropping his hand when she was ready to open it.

  “Sundown, we're back in the real world, are you ready?” said Commander Cullen softly, then she called to the girl at the desk in the corridor. “Inform my team that I'll meet them at the helipad in fifteen minutes.”

  McFly was fascinated by the special operation team's equipment. They had bags of everything. From radios and grenades to secret spying equipment which, no matter how hard he
tried, they wouldn't talk about. The flight arrived around midnight when Captain Walker formally welcomed the commander of the Pine Gap facility and her team.

  “Commander Cullen, welcome to the Christian Palace which will be your home for as long as you want. If you need anything just ask any of our people.” He was very proper and formal but his smile belied how his time in Sundown's Commando had spoiled him.

  As he walked Sundown and Sue-Ellen towards their accommodation, Sue-Ellen took the opportunity to embed herself with the commando.

  “Thank you, Captain Walker,” she said. “I believe you led the retreat to Alice Springs? We heard about that and were very impressed, captain. I'd like you, Nulla and Wiram to accompany us and help set up a camp, just south of Darwin, when we're ready. I'll need a support team. You may wish to select a squad of men that you know personally and who also know Darwin inside out. Can you do that for me please?” Sue-Ellen had taken command and even Captain Johnny Walker was impressed.

  “Ah, commander, wasn't I supposed to manage this outfit?” asked Sundown with a worried frown.

  “Sundown, you're too slow for me. If you don't get up to speed I'll leave you behind.” She looked at Sundown in such a way that Captain Johnny Walker did a double check. He suddenly realised Sue-Ellen was flirting.

  “Commander, I've put you and your team in the quarters just here.” Captain Walker politely cut in then left Sundown and Sue-Ellen alone in the unit while he returned to the helicopter. He then showed the four special forces soldiers and helicopter crew to their rooms, next to Roo and Charlene's, at the back of the main palace building.

  He returned to Sue-Ellen's room where Sundown was just leaving. “I've set up a meeting with the girls who will be going on our special patrol. I'll come and get you for breakfast first thing tomorrow.” Captain Walker then saluted and went off to bed. Sundown left with him, he had a few things to think about.


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