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Hannah (The Coven's Grove Chronicles #2)

Page 16

by Virginia Hunter

  “Really?” he asked with mock concern. “I was afraid you might get mad and hurt me.” Then his expression went dead serious. “I didn’t take you for the stupid type, but alright, we’ll do this the hard way.”

  “Your funeral.”

  He charged her full on.

  Cassie sidestepped his careless swings easily, and struck him once in the ribs with her fist. She felt his bones break before the telling snaps reached her ears.

  The bounty hunter screamed and collapsed, cradling his side. “You bitch!”

  Cassie reared back to punch him in the face, but stopped. Calm yourself. You’ll kill him. She settled for a kick to the shoulder that flattened him on his back and sent him sliding across the parking lot. “Eat shit, asshole.”

  His overconfidence had been laughable, though it played to her advantage. They never learn, she thought smugly. It was easy to understand their stupidity however. Cassie’s five-foot-five frame didn’t really speak of a powerhouse. So much the better.

  She brushed her hands on her jeans and turned to go back in the bar to call for a tow when a fist slammed into her cheek. Spots of bright light swam in her vision as she stumbled away from the attack. Another blow connected with her lower back, sending her to the ground writhing in pain.

  “Think you’re tough, little girl?” asked someone that wasn’t the dude she had just laid low. “Tell me what you think of this?”

  A kick to the stomach folded Cassie like a sheet of paper, and almost made her lose her dinner. She gagged trying to regain her breath. Through the haze of pain a thought came to her, Asshole hadn’t come alone. The taste of iron filled her mouth as Asshole’s two friends rained blows down on her. She curled into a ball and covered her head.

  The punishment stopped suddenly. There was a scuffling noise and then Blondie’s voice echoed in the parking lot. “Two on one? That’s just not cool, man.”

  “She’s a wanted felon, dumbass,” Mr. Right Hook spat.

  Cassie rolled away from the bounty hunters and staggered to her feet.

  Blondie had a hold of Right Hook, while the other guy crouched in indecision of whether to go after Cassie or help his friend.

  “That’s bullshit!” Cassie lied, jabbing a finger at the pair. “These guys were looking for a good time!” It was a dirty move, but she wasn’t going back with them—no matter what.

  That was enough for Blondie. He slugged Mr. Right Hook in the face and the fight was back on. Mr. Indecision came at Cassie with another pair of handcuffs. He didn’t charge like the first guy, instead he circled her with caution, looking for an opening. Little did he know it wouldn’t do any good.

  Cassie’s anger was up, and her power, or whatever it was, corsed through her veins like liquid fire. Whenever that happened, people got hurt. A voice in the back of her head pleaded with her to stay calm, but it was starting to weaken in the face of her building rage. Five years was a long time to deal with this kind of shit, and she’d had about enough. In an attempt to force the bounty hunter’s hand, she pretended to slip on the slick pavement.

  Mr. Indecision went for the bait and rushed in. He tried to get a cuff around her wrist.

  Cassie stepped back and punched his hand as hard as she could.

  Bones shattered and the man screamed. He fell to his knees clutching his mangled hand.

  “I told you to just go away, but no, you wouldn’t listen,” Cassie ranted. She stalked over to an old pickup and punched the door. Her fist and arm went right through the metal exterior and into the cab. Ease down, she thought, taking a deep breath. You don’t want to kill anyone...again. She pulled her arm free and glared down at the bounty hunter.

  His eyes had gone wide, and he scrambled to get away from her as best he could. He finally got to his feet and ran.

  That’s two. Cassie turned to face the pair of men still grappling. Blondie looked like he was holding his own pretty well, so she scanned the parking lot to make sure there weren’t any other people outside. It would be better for her to not have any witnesses. Thankfully the tournament and cold weather had kept everyone in the bar.

  She would have walked away just then, but her car was out of commission and it didn’t seem right to ditch Blondie after he’d saved her bacon. Cassie sighed. Fine. She walked up to the fighting men and grabbed hold of Right Hook’s arm as he was about to swing.

  Blondie launched an uppercut into the guy’s chin, and it was over. Right Hook crumpled to the ground in a heap.

  Cassie stepped back, and made sure she was standing between Blondie and the truck she had punched a hole through.

  “Friends of yours?” Blondie asked as he caught his breath.

  She scoffed.

  “Ex-husband then?”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  Blondie shrugged. “I’ve seen stranger things.” He wiped the blood from his lip. “You okay?”

  Cassie nodded. “Yeah. You?”

  “I’ll live.” He grinned. “This was a lot harder than buying you drink. Tell me I at least earned a kiss.”

  Cassie shook her head. Men. “Tempting, but I don’t normally kiss men who I don’t even know their names.”

  “I’m Caleb.” He offered his hand. “Caleb Snyder.”

  She didn’t take his hand, but decided to do her part of the introduction. “Cassie. Thanks for the help.”

  “No problem.” Caleb lowered his arm and eyed her for a moment.

  A really uncomfortable silence followed. Those stormy blue eyes bore into her, while his chest still heaved a bit from exertion. And those biceps. Cassie wasn’t sure what to do. On any other night she would have at least flirted with him, but currently she needed to get the hell out of there.

  Caleb rubbed his jaw. “Well, it’s been exciting meeting you, but I should be going.” He tilted his head toward her and started back to the bar.

  Cassie watched him go with a touch of regret, and then looked at the flat tire on her car. “Wait,” she called after him.

  He stopped and turned with a raised brow.

  “Look, I’m kinda in a bad way here,” Cassie said as she walked up to him. “Those guys trashed my car and I need to get out of here...”

  Caleb smiled. “Let me get my jacket, and I’ll give you a ride home.”


  Within five minutes they were in his 1967 Shelby Mustang. It was a sweet ride. Black with white stripes, leather seats, and an ass-ton of speed. A rock song from the 70’s blared from his stereo as they cruised down the highway.

  Caleb turned the volume down. “What was all that about back there, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “It was a mistake,” Cassie replied. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

  “I get that, but those guys were trying to rape you. That’s pretty serious. I mean, don’t you want to press charges or anything?”

  The guilt of her lie, and her past, suddenly weighed down on her. “What’s the point? It’s not like anything would be done about it.”

  “Well, it’d go on their record at the very least,” Caleb said. “Might not be much, but it’s something.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  He glanced at her. “You are a felon, aren’t you?”

  Shit. Of all the people to get a ride from, I had to get one from Sherlock Freakin’ Holmes. Cassie rubbed her temples, but didn’t say anything.

  “It’s cool,” Caleb said. “I just don’t wanna get knifed or anything.”

  Cassie barked a laugh. “I’m not that kind of felon.” Well, technically she was, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “That’s comforting.”

  “Look, you can let me out here,” Cassie said. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I’m not that big of an asshole.” Caleb chuckled. “A ride home isn’t a problem. Just don’t knife me. Deal?”

  Relief flowed over Cassie and she smiled. “Deal.”

  When they pulled up to her hotel the parking lot was pretty scarce. Not un
usual for this time of night, but it set Cassie on edge considering the evening she’d had. The realization that her world had been disrupted, and the life she had built here was over started to sink in.

  “You sure you’re gonna be okay?” Caleb asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied lamely. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I can get us something to eat if you want.”

  Cassie laughed. “You are persistent, I’ll give you that.”

  He gave her that enchanting grin. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  As gloomy as she felt, Cassie couldn’t deny the man’s charm, and at this point it didn’t matter if she kissed him or not—she’d be gone in the morning. Okay handsome, let’s see what you’ve got. She leaned over, took his head in her hands, and planted one right on him.

  Cassie had kissed men before, but since she’d been on the run for so long, that particular activity had been few and far between. Even so, none of them had felt like this. His lips generated a lightning bolt of desire that went straight to her core. She was wet instantly, and an urge to devour him like candy took control.

  Caleb returned her passion, hungrily sucking and biting her lips. He pulling her close in a crushing embrace.

  Their clothes had become a barrier that prevented the closeness Cassie desperately desired. She needed to touch his skin, to press her naked body against his. She clawed at his shirt until the neckline tore. Heat akin to her power rifled through her veins, driving her mad with want.

  This isn’t right, Cassie thought suddenly. My power... She pulled away from Caleb, panting. His eyes were wide, filled with as much shock and desire as she felt. He feels it too! The electrical pulse she’d felt during their kiss continued to ebb from his bare chest into her touching hands. “What’s happening—”

  Caleb kissed her again, pulling her back into his embrace. His hands were everywhere, rubbing and squeezing. Their clothes came off and flung heedlessly away.

  Cassie climbed on top of Caleb, straddling his legs in the driver’s seat. She eased down on his hardness and shuddered. A moan of delight escaped her as she began to rock back and forth. The tingling from before now charged every part of her that touched him. It was glorious. One of his hands cupped her breast while the other gripped her hip, urging her to rock at greater speed. She slammed her hands on the roof of the car as she bucked against him. His lips and tongue played with her hardened nipples, causing her to gasp and grab a handful of his hair. An orgasmic wave crashed into her. She screamed out while clinging to him. Caleb called her name as he too released his ecstasy.

  Cassie collapsed on top of him. Her arm streaked the condensation that had built up on the window as it fell to her side. The tingling from their touch continued to ripple across her entire body.

  “I think part of my soul came out with that one,” Caleb remarked.

  Cassie laughed, and then realized what had just happened. I unprotected sex with a a damn car! Who the hell does that?! She slid off of him, shuddering again. She instantly regretted the lack of contact, yearning for that electrical touch, but refused to acknowledge it. She scrabbled at the floorboards in search of her clothing. I’m a total slut. Ugh, the humiliation.

  Her hands finally came across a shirt, unfortunately, it wasn’t hers. Cassie sat up and offered the torn t-shirt to Caleb, unable to meet his eyes. “Sorry about the damage.”

  “It’s okay,” he replied. “I’m sorry about this...”

  The taser hit Cassie full in the ribs, bringing all thought to a stop as she convulsed into unconsciousness.

  Get the Next Book!

  The third Book in the Coven’s Chronicles, Cassie, is up and ready for download.

  Get it Now!

  About the Author

  Virginia L. Hunter

  Was born in St. Louis, and has traveled much of the United States during the course of her life. Her journeys have allowed her to experience many wonderful things, and make many lifelong friends. Married for 19 years, Virginia met her husband in college and knew upon first laying eyes on him that she would bewitch him and become the mother of their two children.

  Virginia has always enjoyed her supernatural stories to be flavored with a bit of steamy romance. The many stories she has read over the years inspired her to write about the things she loves most—titillating tales about sexy witches and the men lucky enough to be chosen by them. Her hope is that her readers will enjoy her stories as much as she has enjoyed reading the stories of countless others.

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