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The Ex Games 2

Page 2

by Cooper, J. S.

  “Come for me, Katie.” He whispered against my hair. “I’m going to come soon, but I need you to come for me first.” The feel of his fingers rubbing against me and his cock sliding in and out of me pushed me to the edge, and my fingers dug into his thighs as I climaxed on him. I felt his arms tighten around my waist as his body shuddered and he came inside of me. He kissed my neck as we both sat back and tried to breath. His fingers clasped mine and I leaned my head into his shoulder.

  “You guys said you wanted to go to the MOMA right?” The cab driver asked us and we laughed.

  “No.” Brandon finally spoke up. “You can just take us back home. Thanks though.”

  “I’m sorry we didn’t make it to the museum.” He smiled ruefully as we walked back into the apartment.

  “Don’t be.” I tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. “I still had a good night.”

  “I think we both had a good night.” He laughed and licked his fingers. “You know I love you, right?” He pushed me back against the wall and stared down at me. “I would never do anything to hurt you. I would never cheat on you.”

  “I know.” I nodded breathlessly as I saw the intensity in his eyes.

  “Good. As long as we are honest with each other, nothing can break us up. And I will always be honest with you, Katie. Remember, if you ever hear anything bad about me, don’t believe it. Only believe it if it comes from me.”

  “Okay,” I felt my heart bursting with love for Brandon and I was about to tell him the truth about my age, when he pulled up my dress. “What are you doing?”

  “You don’t think I’m done for the night, do you?” He grinned at me as his fingers found my sweet spot again. I closed my eyes as ecstasy filled me once again and all thoughts of telling him the truth fled my mind.

  I shifted in my seat, feeling aroused again as I thought about that second encounter in the apartment. The sex in the cab had been hot and quick, but the sex when we got back to the apartment was slow and sensual. So, so sensual. Brandon’s fingers tapping on my knee awoke me from my memories and I blinked rapidly, trying to focus on where I was.

  “So, you don’t have a fiancée?” I looked at him hopefully with my heart in my mouth. Maybe the HR bitch had gotten it wrong. Maybe he was still the decent guy that I knew. Maybe that’s why he had said our phrase. If the words didn’t come from him, it wasn’t true.

  “No, Priscilla was right, I do have a fiancée and I was on the phone with her.” His eyes bore into mine with a challenge. I knew what he was thinking: What are you going to do about it, Katie? I could feel in my bones that he wanted me to react.

  “But,” I shook my head in confusion. “You told me I shouldn’t listen to other people, you told me that if it doesn’t come from you, it’s not true.”

  “You shouldn’t listen to other people about me.” He shrugged. “But, I’m here now and I’m telling you, that yes, I have a fiancée.”

  “How could you?” I gasped, my heart breaking.

  “How could I what?”

  “Sleep with me.” I whispered, my eyes wide.

  “We didn’t do any sleeping.”

  “How could you fuck me when you have a fiancée?” I hissed at him, mad.

  He smiled then, a wide mocking smile. His blue eyes looked down at me in disdain. “Men with power, men with money, men like me… We can do what we want, when we want, with whoever we want. I wanted to fuck you.” He picked up a napkin and wiped his hands. “So I did.” He turned away from me then and stood up. “Okay everyone, let’s get back to work.”

  I sat there, humiliated, feeling like a slut. Once again he had made me feel cheap, like a piece of meat that a dog had discarded. I listened to him talking, but I didn’t hear the words that were flowing out of his mouth. As I sat there, I felt my body getting hotter and hotter. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to leave. I didn’t care if I got fired, I’d find another job. Nothing else mattered but me leaving the room, right then and there.

  I jumped up as Brandon stopped talking and he grabbed my arm as I made to leave the table. “Where are you going?” His eyes were dark as his fingers pinched into my skin.

  “I’m leaving.” I pulled my arm away from him. “I’m not going to let you treat me like this.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” He shook his head. “Not until I say you are.”

  “You can’t stop me.” I turned around and walked out of the room quickly. I could hear my heart beating like drums at a rock concert as I hurried out. People in the room were whispering and watching me, and I knew they were all wondering what was going on.

  “Excuse Katie, everyone. She just got an important call. She’ll be back in a moment.” Brandon spoke up and I looked back at him with a glare. He faked a sympathetic smile and nodded at me. “Take your time, Katie. We’ll be here when you get back.”

  “I’m not coming back.” I shot back as I glared at him. I didn’t care who heard me. I was done. He had no right to treat me this way. Let him explain my abrupt departure. I half expected him to follow me out of the room, and I was disappointed when I realized he wasn’t coming. I walked into the elevator and waited for him to rush out of the room and run into the elevator to stop me. Only he didn’t. The doors closed slowly and the ride down seemed to take forever. I pulled my phone out as soon as I walked out to call Meg. I needed to talk to her. I needed someone to remind me what a jerk he was so I wouldn’t burst out crying.

  “Hello?” Her voice was breathless, and my heart stopped beating.

  “Meg, what’s wrong?”

  “I was fired.” She burst into tears. “The law firm laid me off yesterday with no severance. They said that they couldn’t afford to keep me.”

  “Oh, that’s horrible.” I leaned against the wall next to the elevator with my heart beating fast. “Can they do that?”

  “Yes, I had no contract. I was an employee-at-will.” Her voice broke. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.” She burst into tears again.

  “You can just get another job, right?”

  “They told me that they won't give me a reference.” She sobbed hysterically. “I’m done, Katie.”

  “Oh, Meg.” My heart broke for her, as I knew how happy she had been when she had gotten her law job.

  “Thank God you have this position.” She sobbed. “You don’t mind covering the next few months’ rent, do you? I’ll pay you back as soon as I have a new job.”

  “Sure.” My heart dropped at her words. How could I quit now? “You don’t even have to ask. You know I will always be here for you.”

  “How is everything with you, by the way?” She sighed. “Sorry, I completely forgot to ask if you’d seen Brandon. My mind was caught up in my own issues.”

  “It’s fine.” I lied. “I saw him, but for, like, a minute. I don’t even think he recognized me.”

  “That’s good, right?” I could hear her blowing her nose. “Hopefully you won’t see him again. Then you can just come back home and forget about him again.”

  “Yeah.” My voice was weak as I spoke into the phone. “Everything is going according to plan,” I lied again. Nothing was going according to plan. Nothing at all. I closed my eyes for a moment as I thought about everything that I had been through, everything I had put into action, and my heart broke again. I’d made a big mistake, and once again I was getting burned.

  “So I’ll see you tomorrow night, right?” Meg’s voice sounded a bit happier. “I’ll cook pasta and you can help me look for jobs.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I cleared my throat. “But I better go now, I think we’re starting up again.”

  “Okay, great. Thanks for cheering me up, I miss you already.”

  “You need to get a boyfriend.” I laughed, shaking my head at her words. “You won’t have time to miss me then.”

  “I’m working on it.” She giggled. “Bye, Katie.”

  “Bye, Meg.” I put the phone back into my pocket and pressed the elevator button again. I walked into the
elevator feeling defeated, deflated and devalued. I couldn’t believe that I had to go back to that room and sit next to him. I never wanted to see him again. He had made me feel like a cheap slut once again and I hated him for it. I hated the man he now was. How could he have a fiancée and sleep with me?

  The elevator stopped and I walked out, deep in thought. I had only taken two steps when I heard his voice against my ear as he pushed me up against the wall.

  “What are you doing?” I struggled against him, trying to stop my racing heart from being so excited at being close to him again.

  “I told you, you don’t leave until I say.” His eyes were dark as he looked down at me. His fingers traced the lines of my trembling lips. “Don’t ever walk out on me again.”

  “Or what?” I squared my shoulders and looked back at him with fire in my eyes. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

  Chapter 2

  “So I’m looking for us to make a profit by quarter three.” Brandon’s voice was passionate as he talked about his plans for the company. “That means we’re all going to have a lot of late nights.” He looked around the room, and his eyes fell on me for a brief second before moving on. “Does anyone have any questions?”

  “Will we be getting raises anytime soon?” A guy across the table asked seriously and some others nodded.

  “Let’s talk about raises when we actually start seeing a profit.” Brandon’s tone was brusque. “Anything else?”

  “Excuse me, Mr. Hastings.” Priscilla walked into the room and interrupted the meeting.

  “Yes?” He snapped.

  “Maria is on the phone again and she says it’s an emergency.”

  “Ok.” He nodded and jumped up. “Excuse me, everyone. I’ll be right back.” He walked out of the room, and I sat there in stunned immobility. Had Priscilla just said Maria? It couldn’t be the same Maria, could it? Not the one he was engaged to when he was in college? My heart started racing, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. All my insecurities came flooding back and I wanted to scream and shout. Had he lied to me before? Had he really always been in love with her? I wanted to cry and bury my face in a pillow. Maybe everything I had thought we had was false. What if I had just been someone to pass the time while he tried to forget about his true love, Maria?

  I stood up quickly and walked out of the room. I needed to get some fresh air or I was going to cry. I knew it by the pain in my head and the tightness in my eyes. I rushed down the corridor and to the elevator. I breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator arrived and I ran out when I arrived on the ground floor. I hurried to the outside and was grateful that I didn’t see Brandon as I made my way out. I took two deep gulps of air and pulled out some gum to chew to calm my nerves.

  “Cat got your tongue?” His voice was smooth and melodic and I jumped slightly.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

  “I didn’t know I said anyone could leave the room.”

  “I didn’t know that we had to wait for permission.” I shrugged.

  “I thought you were going to quit.” He changed the subject.

  “I had a change of mind.” I looked at the ground to avoid staring into his eyes. They still made my heart leap and sing, and my stomach was doing flip-flops as he stared at me.

  “It’s funny how that happens.” He smiled at me and took a step towards me. “You look just the same, you know.” He studied my face and then my body. “More of a woman, but just the same.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment.” I smiled and then looked him over. “You look the same as well.”

  “Now, that’s a lie.” He laughed. “I’m greying now.” He pointed to his hair and I noticed a few grey streaks. However, to me they only made him look more distinguished and sexy.

  “It doesn’t detract from your good looks.” I made a face at him and we both laughed.

  “You always were the most honest person I know,” he said wistfully, and an awkward silence befell us at the irony of his words.

  “I guess we should go back up.” I put my gum away and started walking towards the main entrance.

  “Wait.” He grabbed a hold of my arm and stopped me.

  “What?” I looked at his hand with a frown.

  “There was a time when you didn’t regard my touch as something bad.”

  “There was a time when you didn’t have a fiancée when you slept with me.”

  “There was a time when I wanted you to be my fiancée.”

  “What do you want, Brandon?” I sighed and pulled away from him.

  “I want us to forget our past. Let’s move on.”

  “Maybe you should have thought of that earlier in the day.”

  “I can still feel your body shaking as I fucked you in the bathroom.” He groaned. “It felt as good as I remembered.”

  “Stop it.” I shook my head.

  “Did it feel as good for you?” He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me towards him. “Did my cock give you as much pleasure as it used to?”

  I remained silent as he whispered in my ear, his hands grabbing my ass. He stared into my eyes searchingly and I just stared back, unblinking. “You’re shivering.” His lips neared mine. “You’re shivering, but it’s not cold outside.” His lips lightly pressed against mine. “You’re shivering because you want me to fuck you again.”

  “Get your hands and your lips off of me.” I pushed him away. “What would Maria say if she could see you?”

  “That’s none of your business.” His eyes darkened.

  “You’re making it my business.”

  “Are you single, Katie?” He cocked his head and his eyes studied my fingers as I nervously played with my hair. “From your reaction, it seems to me as if you’re also seeing someone. Does that then mean that you’re no better than me?”

  “Matt isn’t my fiancé.” I shot back, though I did feel all sorts of guilty. There were many things Matt didn’t know about me.

  “I’m sure he would love to know that you don’t feel you need to be faithful to him because he isn’t your fiancé.” He shook his head. “But I suppose you like to keep all sorts of things to yourself.”

  “Is it the same Maria?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. I had to know.

  “Is what the same, Maria?”

  “Are you engaged to the same Maria you were engaged to when you were in college?”

  “It’s none of your business.” He looked away then and my heart fell. In my heart I knew it was her. “What are you doing this evening?”


  “I have a business meeting.” He looked at his watch. “With some Japanese businessmen. They’re bringing their wives. It would be smarter for me to go with someone.”

  “Take Maria.”

  “She’s in New York.”

  “I see.” I bit my lip. I wanted to know if he lived with her. I was annoyed at myself. There were so many stones I had left unturned. I shouldn’t be this unaware of what was going on in his life.

  “So, I’ll pick you up at your hotel at 7 p.m.?”

  “I didn’t say yes.”

  “You’re staying at the Diva, right?”

  “Yeah,” I looked up at him in surprise. “How did you know?”

  “Just had a feeling. How’d you like those purple lights?”

  “Fine.” I looked away again, feeling uneasy.

  “I’ll end the session today at 4.” He smiled and started walking back towards the entrance. “That should give you enough time to get ready and do your hair.”

  “Who says I’m going to do anything with my hair?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I’d rather you didn’t, actually. You know I prefer it wild and crazy.” He paused by the main entrance and opened the door for me. “Especially when you were riding me and climaxing. It made me feel like Tarzan, with my wild Jane.” He whispered in my ear as I walked past him. “I miss fucking my wild Jane.”

  I ignored him and continued walking to
the elevator. I was not going to let him intimidate me or make me feel embarrassed. He knew how to push my buttons and was doing everything he could to get a rise out of me. I smiled to myself as a plan hatched in my mind as I walked into the elevator. I would show him who could play a smarter game. I was about to call his bluff, and I was going to enjoy doing it.


  I walked out of the elevator and into the lobby in a long red dress. It had a plunging neckline and a high slit. I wore the dress with pride, and I knew that my accompanying stilettos made me look hot. I was going for sex appeal tonight and if the looks of all the men in the lobby were anything to go by, I had achieved the look quite successfully. Brandon was sitting on a chair waiting for me, and my heart stopped when our eyes met. I saw the look of surprise, desire and lust as he took me in. Then he smiled at me, a warm, gentle smile that reminded me of when we first met, and I was taken back to the days when we were friends and lovers.

  “You look beautiful, Katie.” He stood up and reached for my hand. “I see you’re finding it easier to walk in heels.”

  “Not really,” I giggled, already slightly buzzed from the two glasses of red wine I had enjoyed while getting dressed. “I may need to hold your arm as we walk.”

  “That’s fine.” He held out his arm for me. “I’ll be your knight in shining armor. I’ll be there to catch you if you fall.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at him and my heart constricted as I remembered the last time he had said those words to me. We’d been in Central Park on a picnic. I’d been expecting him to pull out a blanket for us to lie down under so that we could have a quickie, but he’d surprised me by pulling out some rollerblades. “No way.” I shook my head vehemently. “I have no balance. No way I’m rollerblading.”

  “Come on, Katie.” He pulled me up. “It will be fun.”

  “I’m going to fall.”

  “I won’t let you fall.” He pulled me towards him. “I’ll never let you fall.”


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