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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 8

by Morgan Ashbury

  Marsh extended the photo he held, and with a sense of sinking dread, Maddy reached out to take it. She didn’t want to look, but knew she had to.

  The lighting was very good, considering the picture had been taken late at night. The scene depicted a street corner in Colorado Springs, just an ordinary street corner on the edge of a less than fashionable neighborhood. The picture had captured a man and a woman, so obviously doing business. The man held out a bag filled with white pills. The woman offered a stack of cash in exchange.

  Five hundred dollars, Maddy thought now. Five hundred dollars once a month for nearly a year.

  Because of the angle taken by the photographer, both faces—the male seller and the female buyer—were not only visible, but recognizable.

  Maddy gazed at her own image, stark and damning, and wondered what in the hell she was going to do now.

  Chapter Eight

  He’d very nearly said the words.

  Chase went through the motions of cleaning the tack, his mind not on his work, but the day’s trip to town.

  Sitting alone with Lucas in the parking lot of that supply store, Chase had very nearly laid himself bare, emotionally. He’d only ever said those words once before in his entire life, and he’d never once heard them back. Maybe to other men, the words ‘I love you’ didn’t matter that much. Maybe other men could say them, and it didn’t matter if they meant them or not.

  But they mattered to Chase. Saying the words had opened him, and when they’d been thrown back in his face, the wound had cut deep and taken a very long time to heal.

  His mother certainly thrived on hearing those words, at least from the men she’d brought to her bed. Now, as an adult who hungered for those very words himself, he didn’t know if he could blame her for that. There lived a need inside the human heart, a need so great that sometimes it eclipsed all other needs: the need to be loved. But to Chase that need meant more than being loved; it meant being accepted for who and what he was, and belonging. It meant the sure and certain knowledge that no matter what, you would never be alone again. And it was the glorious freedom to love, to declare that love, to give. Chase thought that it just might be more important for the heart to be able to give love, than to receive it.

  Chase couldn’t blame his mother for wanting to have all that. He wanted it himself. But wanting and needing so desperately left him nervous of taking a chance, being the first one to say those words now. Just in case he didn’t hear them back.

  Chase knew he was in love with Lucas, and he felt pretty sure he was in love with Maddy, too. But he wouldn’t say the words to them. At least, not for a while. Besides, this relationship of theirs had just begun. They hadn’t yet found their place in it, discovered their boundaries and were still discovering each other. Lots of time for declarations to be made.

  “So what happened in town today? Lucas meet a hot babe or something?”

  Charlie stood at the door to the tack room, his clothes drenched with sweat and caked with dust. He’d heard the man come into the barn a few moments before, but hadn’t expected conversation.

  “What makes you ask that?” Chase kept a smile on his face, even though the question had unnerved him. He’d met all types in his life, and he’d recognized Charlie straight off. The kind of man that men like Chase tended to avoid, he was the type that could be generally mouthy and brave only after downing a couple of six packs and surrounded by a dozen of their close friends. Men like Charlie had given him more grief in the past than he cared to think about.

  “Man’s walking around with a smile on his face like he’s anticipating some prime pussy real soon.”

  “Is that right? I can’t say I noticed—either the smile, or whether or not he met someone.”

  “Or maybe you’re just jealous.”

  “Jealous?” Chase felt a definite chill race up his spine in response to the jeering tone. Maybe Charlie was just teasing, and maybe his words signaled a more onerous attitude.

  “Hot babe goes for the old fart instead of the young stud. Sure as hell would piss me off, I don’t mind telling you. Crap, Luc hasn’t gotten laid in so long, he likely can’t even get it up anymore.”

  Chase felt his temper soar fast and hot. Careful. He had to choose his words carefully. Not for himself—he didn’t mind taking on a walking bullshit artist like Charlie—but he had to be careful not to do or say anything that would make Lucas uncomfortable.

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d not speak unkindly of Lucas.”

  “Yeah, old Bill said you grew up on this place. So you’d probably know if Luc ever banged Maddy. I like to think he did. Talk in town is that she’s a dyke. Now that would be a waste. She sure has a fine set of knockers on her. Wouldn’t mind giving that filly a hot ride myself.”

  Chase set down the bridle he’d been cleaning and turned around slowly. I always thought the expression ‘seeing red’ was only a cliché. Who knew? “What is it with you? What’s this fascination with other people’s sex lives?”

  Charlie must have caught a glimpse of Chase’s temper because his demeanor immediately changed.

  “Don’t mean nothing by it, Chase. Just guy talk, that’s all. You work with people, and you wonder, you know?”

  “Well, do yourself a favor. Don’t share any more of that kind of guy talk where I can hear it. Because I have way too much respect for both Luc and Maddy to give you a pass on it a second time.”

  Chase had to wait long minutes after Charlie slunk off before he dared head over to the bunk house for dinner. If nothing else, that pleasant exchange told him one thing for certain.

  In New York, or any other large city he’d been in, there would be no problem living openly with his lovers. But rural Colorado was more than hundreds of miles away from New York; it was a world away. And any hope he had of being open in his relationships here had just been shot all to hell. He didn’t mind if people gossiped about him. But he wouldn’t expose the ones he loved to that kind of derision in their own hometown.

  * * * *

  “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Maddy tossed down the paper, got to her feet, and nearly stomped into the house. Lucas looked over at Chase. “She’s in a mood.”

  “Yeah, that was a ‘fuck off and leave me alone kind of exit’.” Chase set his portion of the paper down on the chair Maddy had just vacated.

  “I’m no good with this relationship stuff. I figure there are times when a person needs to be alone, take some time to themselves, and it’s okay if they’re pissed off. Is this one of those times?” he asked.

  Chase reached over and ran a hand down Lucas’ arm. He’d always maintained that he’d never been one for displays of affection. None of the women he’d ever dated had looked closely enough to see that, in fact, he was. The small touches that Chase lavished on him made him feel cherished, an amazing feeling.

  “I don’t think so. She’s been in a mood since dinner. Distracted. Edgy. Do you have any idea why?” Chase asked.

  “Bill mentioned he saw Marsh’s car driving off this afternoon. That could be it.”

  “Marsh again.”

  “Yeah. Something about that guy rubs me wrong, but that’s nothing compared to the way Maddy seems to react to him.” Lucas felt restless. Getting to his feet, he paced over to the railing.

  The sun hung low on the horizon, the day nearly done. He could see the very edge of the paddock, the near pasture, and the tall mountains beyond. He loved this area, couldn’t imagine himself living anywhere else.

  “We’re going to have to get her to talk about it,” Chase said from close behind him.

  “She can be as stubborn as two mules when she has a mind to.”

  “Yeah, I think I figured that one out already.”

  Lucas felt the heat of Chase’s body, and when the younger man stepped close, Lucas gave in to temptation and leaned against him just slightly. He was rewarded with a gentle caress against his back that evolved into a small hug.

  “I have f
aith in our ability to worm the truth out of her when she’s good and wrecked from our very thorough attention. Speaking of which,” Chase stepped back after giving Lucas one more caress. “Why don’t you go in and help Maddy with her shower? I’m going to go and grab that parcel I left in your kitchen.”

  Chase hadn’t elaborated on what was in that box he’d picked up at the post office that afternoon. The box itself held no clues, wrapped only in unmarked brown paper. But just recalling what Chase had said earlier—the contents would liven things up in the bedroom—got his juices flowing. Coupled with the image of Maddy, wet and naked in the shower, Lucas felt his cock hardening.

  “Yeah, why don’t I?” He took a moment to watch one lover walk away before heading inside the house to his other one.

  * * * *

  He stepped back into the shadows of the barn. He’d been frozen in place as the tableau had unfolded before him. Even now, a thread of disbelief wove its way through his thoughts—his mind trying to say that what his eyes had just seen was not real.

  In the next instant, the rising tide of anger belayed that. His eyes hadn’t deceived him, but obviously they had.

  There was a word for their kind, a word he could still hear his daddy spit, a word that made his flesh crawl.


  Two faggots lived right here, on the Circle D. His belly burned with instant hatred. They lived on his ranch, tainting everything they touched. One of them slept in the bunkhouse, where he slept. Mother of God, what if Chase came on to him in the night?

  Hidden in the shadows, he stood and watched as Chase walked, free as you please, into Lucas’ house. He flicked his eyes to the front porch of the homestead, but Lucas was no longer in sight. He must have gone inside the house.

  He kept his eyes on the man as Chase walked out of Lucas’ place, back towards Maddy’s. He felt his anger rise as the bastard opened the door and went straight on in without so much as a knock on the door or a by-your-leave.

  He waited, waited, but no one came back out. Darkness descended and he shook himself, wondering how long he’d just stood there watching. He turned, walked slowly toward the bunkhouse. He wouldn’t tell the others what he’d just seen. Hell, just thinking of those two gay boys together made him want to puke.

  Puking wasn’t the answer, though. Something had to be done. He didn’t know what, but he’d think on it.

  Someone had to teach those faggots a lesson.

  * * * *

  Maddy braced herself against the tiles, her arms outstretched, head bowed, and let the hot water beat down on the back of her neck. Stress sat in a heavy knot at the top of her spine, grinding away at her muscles and her spirit.

  From the moment Kevin Marsh had dropped his ultimatum that afternoon, the tension had been building.

  “I’m going to be generous, Maddy. You’ve got till Sunday. That’s four days. You come to me and agree to get married, and sign the ranch over to me, and this picture goes away. You don’t, and I’m dropping the biggest dime of all time. Expect you won’t like the inside of a jail cell much.”

  No way in hell she wanted to marry that bastard. But if he made good on his threat—and she had to believe he would—she’d end up losing not only her freedom, but the ranch, and likely the respect of everyone she knew.

  Maddy didn’t know what to do.

  Her mind was so busy she didn’t hear a sound until the shower curtain moved. Two strong hands slid around her body, cupping her breasts, squeezing gently.

  Lucas. Amazing how she could tell them apart, just by their touch.

  “Thought I’d wash your back for you.”

  “That’s not my back. And I’m not in the mood tonight, Lucas.”

  “Why, you’re right, it’s not your back. My mistake. Oh, well, just give me a minute and I bet you’ll be in the mood quick enough.”

  He kept his left hand on her breast. His right slicked around to her side, then slithered down, over her hip, before moving around to her ass and then dipping between her legs. Two fingers slid inside her while his thumb tickled her clit. She gave up the idea of not being in the mood.

  “Ah…that’s not my back either.” She could barely get the words out, so high had her arousal spiked. Still braced by her hands against the shower wall, she pumped her hips in concert with his thrusts, his long, strong fingers going deep, but not nearly deep enough.

  Lucas’ laughter, soft and smooth, stroked her fires.

  “Like that, do you? Let’s see what else I can do to get you in the mood.”

  His hand left her for just a moment, returning with the bar of soap. The addition turned his touch silky, so that everywhere he rubbed came alive with need. Using his thumb, he traced a line along the crack of her ass, pushing lightly against her anus and Maddy damn near shot from the shower. The explosion of sensation startled her.

  “What did you just do?” She couldn’t stop herself from rubbing against his hand, seeking more.

  “Mmm,” his response sounded less than enlightening.

  He did it again, pressing a little harder against her anus, stretching two long fingers to brush against her clit at the same time and Maddy came, the orgasm so sharp and fierce she cried out. If not for Lucas’s arm around her, his hand on her breast, she might have collapsed into a puddle on the floor. On and on the snap and sizzle abraded her nerves and tingled her toes. He kept the stimulation up until she shivered. Then he gathered her close, and used the shower wand to rinse her.

  “Oh, God.” She felt weak as a kitten and could barely straighten up.

  The shower curtain opened completely. Chase stood, naked, with a towel ready. “That sounded like a good one.”

  “Yeah, one of us had a good one.”

  “Don’t worry, lover, you’ll get yours, too. Let me have her.”

  “Right here, you know,” Maddy muttered, annoyed that they would talk about her as if she wasn’t.

  “Glad to hear it, because we have plans for you.”

  He wrapped the towel around her and lifted her out of Lucas’ arms. She did think it unfair that she had no strength left in her legs to hold herself up. Her head rested for a moment on Chase’s shoulder, and he hugged her in turn.

  Chase made quick work of drying her, and then dropping the towel, turned her around to face the long vanity.

  “Lean against the counter, sweetheart.”


  He didn’t answer her, just laid a hand on her ass and began to massage her. “Spread your legs a little more, and bend over a bit.”

  His touch between her legs gentle, his fingers probed. She didn’t think her sensitive flesh could take more, but she felt the wetness of her rekindled appetite.

  “Open that for me, will you, Lucas?”

  She heard the sound of a jar being opened. Before she could blink, Chase’s hand left her. When it returned, she felt the glide of something slick and chilled against her ass. He stroked over her tiny rosebud, making her pussy clench in desire.

  Then slowly he inserted a finger into her.

  “One day, soon, you’re going to have both our cocks inside you, baby. You’ll ride us both and pleasure us all. It’s going to hurt a little. Less, if we prepare you properly.”

  No one had ever done this to her, inserted anything into her ass. As Chase moved his finger in and out, she whimpered, the hunger for more surging as she thrust back, trying to increase the sensations.

  “Put some on the pink one. Good.”

  “Pink one?” Pink one what? Bent over, she couldn’t see much of what was going on around her.

  “Our lover bought some toys,” Lucas said. She could tell he’d moved beside them, but couldn’t see what he did.

  “Toys?” She knew they existed, of course. The last time she’d ordered a dildo from an online sex shop, she’d perused the other items the company sold. Some had intrigued her, and some had scared the freaking hell out of her.

  “Butt plugs. Two pink—for you, and two blue—for Lucas. I’m
guess I’m just a traditional kind of guy.”


  “Two different sizes. You’ll wear the small one, first. Help stretch you just a little.”

  He worked his finger in and out of her, the sensation more than pleasant. Lucas stepped beside her, and she felt his hand on her bottom, sliding down then stroking her slit, finding her clit and rubbing.

  “Please.” She felt at the mercy of these two men but curiously free. She’d already come once, but her body needed more. The urgency built in her at lightning speed. She tried to work her hips faster, but was held still by masculine hands, her intimate passages prodded by masculine fingers, and could only take what she was being given.

  Sounds communicated motion, but made little sense. The jar lid twisted back on. A foil packet torn open.

  “I’ll put that on for you.”

  “No, love. Keep your hand on her. Keep it there until I tell you to move it. I want you to feel me fucking her.”

  Bossy. Before she could draw another breath, she felt something hot and hard and sheathed slide into her pussy. Chase. It wasn’t only the touch of her men’s hands she’d learned. He moved in and out of her with a smooth rhythm that fed her fires. Lucas’s fingers splayed across her clit, rubbing gently.

  “Mmm. Petting both of you at once. I like that. I like it a lot.”

  “So do I. I love feeling you stroke my cock as I move in and out of her. When she starts to come, insert that butt plug in one slow, smooth move.”

  Right here. She wanted to say the words but her breathing hitched as every part of her body began to liquefy. She bent forward more, felt her lips widen to accept whatever was offered, as her heart raced and her blood pounded, as her body was plundered by Chase’s energetic cock.


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