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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 19

by Morgan Ashbury

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life. Will you accept?”

  “Hell, yes.”

  They chuckled because both Lucas and Chase answered her at the exact same time. Then Chase picked up his champagne glass, held it up, in toast. “To us. To the three of us who have chosen each other.”

  “To us,” Maddy echoed, and took a drink to seal the pledge.

  “Marriage is a sacrament,” Lucas said as he set down his glass. “A joining of the parties involved, taking them from being individuals, to being one.”

  When he reached for Maddy’s hand, she gave it. Chase’s warm palm cupped their joined hands, and his words embraced them both.

  “I think it’s time for us three to become one.”

  * * * *

  Chase had lit the candles, so the bedroom shimmered in a soft glow. Lucas had brought the wine into the bedroom, and turned back the sheets.

  Slowly, they undressed themselves. Maddy thought symbolism lived here, too, for they were choosing to present themselves, one to the other, choosing to come together with clear heads and full hearts.

  With long, loving kisses and slow, reverent caresses, they came together, three bodies, three minds, three hearts, but one love.

  How had she ever existed without these two men who truly had become a part of her? Maddy’s heart overflowed with love, with joy, so that she wanted nothing more than to give everything, and take everything in return.

  Chase came up behind her and gently lifted her arms, showing her how he wanted her to entwine her fingers around his neck. In front of her, Lucas ran his work-roughened hands over her belly, her breasts. It’s as if Chase is offering me to our lover. Lucas had done that once, and the act had moved her, incredibly. Now, at this moment, Maddy felt like an offering, for she joyously surrendered to not only their pleasure, but her own.

  When Lucas stroked her dewy folds, when he parted her lips and tested her moisture, her dampness increased.

  Sliding to her knees, she tasted one, then the other of their cocks. Closing her eyes, she reveled in the absolute knowledge that these two vibrant sexy men belonged to her, and to each other. Each of her husbands—for that was how she truly thought of them—handed her a condom, and she sheathed them in turn.

  Chase gently helped her to her feet, and together they watched as Lucas laid down in the center of their big bed, supine. Cupping her breasts, squeezing them gently, Chase whispered, “Darling, our husband awaits you. Won’t you take him into your body? Let him feel your hot, wet clasp. Let him touch the edge of your womb with his cock.”

  “Yes.” Maddy wanted to feel her lover deep within her body. Chase followed her onto the bed, and it seemed as if she was a gift he offered his lover, as he helped her straddle Lucas.

  Maddy groaned in bliss as she impaled herself on Lucas, as his hot, hard cock moved up into her, stretching her. Chase’s hand stroked her ass, down, around the curve until he came to that one spot where she and Lucas joined.

  “You’re both so hot,” his voice came out in a hiss, and Maddy knew he was as aroused as she and Lucas. Reaching back, she wrapped her hand around his cock, enjoying the sensation of the latex-covered rod sliding through her fingers.

  She’d had each of them inside her, but she’d never had them both at the same time. Now, as she undulated slowly up and down on Lucas’s hot shaft, she wanted them that way with a passion she could barely contain.

  “Please, Chase. I want you inside me, too.”

  “Then lean forward, baby. Put your hands beside Luc’s head and raise that lovely ass of yours.”

  Did she hear music in the air? A heavy seductive beat resonated through her blood, heating, pulsing with need. She felt Chase move behind her, shivered as the glide of his finger spread a silky substance that would help ease his way.

  “From this moment on,” Chase said as he placed the end of his cock against her rosebud opening, “we are one flesh. We belong to each other.”

  Maddy trembled as the skin of her anus stretched, as the hot proud head of Chase’s cock penetrated the outer ring.

  He moved slowly, carefully, and she knew if it became too much, he’d stop. Pressure, heat, and yes, pain sizzled along her nerve endings, licked and snapped along her flesh. Arousal heightened and she moaned, subtly moving her ass in tiny sideways motions, easing his passage into her.

  Hot, throbbing, Maddy had never felt so full, so alive. Her lips sought Lucas’s, and his tongue and lips savored hers. Then he brought her head down so that she lay upon him. One hand stroked her neck while the other reached down to stroke her clit.

  “Oh, yes. Yes.” Arousal surged, and Maddy’s eager body eased, relinquishing the last vestige of control, trusting her men completely.

  Chase groaned as he slid all the way inside her ass.

  “Chase, sweetheart, I can feel your cock inside her! It’s as if I’m fucking you both at the same time.” Lucas’s reverent words caressed Maddy’s heart. They were three, and they were one.

  “Mm. Lucas, yes, I can feel you too. Oh, man. This is incredible!”

  The wonder in their voices filled Maddy with such a sense of union. She could feel Chase trembling behind her and knew he was being so careful of her. Lucas’s hands, restlessly stroking her breasts and sides told her that he was balanced on a fine edge between arousal and frenzy.

  Could there be anything better in the world than giving the two men she loved above all others complete and total pleasure? Could there be anything more generous than submitting to them completely?

  In that instant, poised on the very edge of rapture, Maddy knew the answer to both those questions was no.

  Slowly, deliberately, she clenched her inner muscles and pushed back subtly with her hips.

  Chase inhaled through his teeth and Lucas grunted.

  “Careful, sweetheart,” Chase said. “This is so good, but if you move too much, I’m going to lose my control.”

  She shivered with those words, shivered in pleasure. Her body had adjusted to the double penetration, and her hungry little clit, which Lucas was still stroking, demanded everything.

  She wanted it all.

  “Come for me,” she begged, squeezing one husband inside her pussy, pushing back against the other in her ass. “I want you to let go and come inside me. Hard. Fast. Together.”

  “Lord, Maddy!” Chase’s curse, low and heartfelt echoed in the room and her spirits soared.

  “Maddy!” Lucas’s cry sounded just as emotion-filled.

  Chase’s hands clamped on her hips just above Lucas’s. They began to thrust in her, a hard, poetic pounding plunder that exploded heat and need through every inch of her body. On her hips, her husbands’ hands met, their fingers linked. Inside her body their cocks nudged and stroked, pleasuring her, pleasuring each other.

  Lucas’s cock tickled her G-spot, the hair of his groin brushed her clit, and the thrusting in her ass impossibly connected them both.

  “Yes!” Maddy’s rapture ignited, a hot, electric thrill of sensation, mind-numbing, soul-wrenching pleasure and she surrendered to it, rejoiced in it, as the cocks within her, swollen, hot, quivered and stiffened, as Chase bowed over her, his panting, heaving breath bathing the back of her neck, as Lucas’s groaned pleas caressed the shell of her ear. Her heart raced, a hard sharp rhythm that soon was matched by a similar staccato beat under her ear, and another on the flesh of her back.

  “Mother of God, they’re going to find us in this bed one morning, dead,” Lucas said.

  Maddy wanted to laugh but the energy eluded her. The best she could manage was a chuckle.

  “There are worse ways to die,” Chase pointed out.

  “True,” she had to agree.

  It took them a few moments to extricate themselves. Chase and Lucas took a minute in the bathroom then returned to the bed, one on either side of her.

  “One hell of a wedding night,” Lucas said. Maddy rested her head on his shoulder, while Chase snuggled against her back. Hi
s arm enveloped her and rested on Luc. Lucas’s arm spanned her, and enveloped Chase.

  “This is like a wedding night,” Maddy agreed.

  “And the night is young,” Chase agreed.

  “This is going to work, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter what anyone else says or thinks, we’re a family, the three of us. Aren’t we?”

  “Yes.” Chase pushed himself up on one arm and kissed the side of her face. “We’re a family.” Then he stretched further and kissed Lucas, too. “All three of us. Thank you, Maddy. Thank you, Lucas. I’m grateful to and for the both of you. You’ve made my dream come true.”

  “I thought I’d die a lonely old man,” Lucas confessed, and Maddy felt incredibly moved by the emotion in his voice. “Instead, I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  “I love you both,” Maddy said, contentment filling her. “I never believed in happy-ever-after, but I do now. Because you’re it. You’re the perfect mates for me.”



  Wanton Wager

  James and Jonathan Keller are identical twins who've always shared everything--clothing, a strawberry allergy, and the family businesses. They're considered to be the area's most eligible bachelors and plan on staying bachelors, too. If there's one thing they don't want it's a pair of women coming between them. "It's just a damn shame," James once mused, "that we couldn't just share a wife, too."

  Enter Tabitha Lambert, a no-nonsense agent for the Bureau of Land Management. Transplanted from DC after her divorce, she's sent by her new boss to talk to the owners of the Farenough Ranch about wild horses. James and Jonathan are instantly attracted to the blonde haired blue-eyed beauty. They know the lovely Ms. Lambert could be the woman for them. All they have to do is figure out a way to get her to drop her defenses--and her panties--and throw her lot in with them.

  When they discover she has a weakness for gambling, they lure her into making the bet of a lifetime. And they do their best to ensure that everyone comes out a winner--despite one ex-husband, one ambitious casino manager, and an enemy disguised as a friend.

  Genre: Contemporary/Ménage a Trois/Quatre/Western/Cowboys

  Length: 59,477 words



  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  For one moment, Tabitha Lambert doubted her senses.

  That hadn’t been a near-miss on I-80 after all. I actually crashed, died, and now am being met by two of the most scrumptious archangels God has ever created.

  She brought her car to a stop, turned off the ignition, and waited for the dust her tires had raised to settle. She regretted not putting the top up on her Porsche but it had been a beautiful day. Now the tawny clouds of dust caused her eyes to blink and tickled her nose. Focusing on the gorgeous vision of mankind before her, she used the fingers of her right hand to pinch her left arm.

  Her senses screamed ‘I’m alive’ while her hormones chimed in, ‘and raring to go’.

  “Not dead. This is good. But maybe I’m addled.” It seemed a reasonable explanation, since she was not only seeing double, she was instantly aroused.

  The archangels appeared to be almost identical twins.

  For a long moment she simply sat behind the wheel of her car, admiring the scenery. God knew this was the first vista she’d seen since moving west worthy of that endeavor.

  The northern Nevada landscape sure as hell was different than her native upstate New York.

  The archangels were tall, and seriously built. Tight worn jeans encased muscular hips and thighs. Shirts had obviously been discarded in the heat of the day, revealing masculine chests that glistened with sweat, and pecs and abs honed by the best gym in the world, hard physical work. She couldn’t tell what color hair they wore as twin Stetsons covered their heads. The hat brims also hid a lot of their upper faces, but their mouths were visible. Their mouths looked sinfully delicious.

  A woman would have one hell of a hard time choosing between these two hard-bodies. What a rotten shame I’ve sworn off men.

  When those yummy mouths stretched into identical expressions of masculine smugness, Tabitha decided it was time to stop ogling and get to work. Uncle Sam wasn’t paying her to lavish lascivious looks on local Lotharios. He was paying her to save wild horses.

  Donning her poker face as a line of defense, she opened the car door and stepped foot on the Farenough Ranch—strange name for a ranch in her opinion—owned by the Kellers of Humboldt County, Nevada.

  The file Tabitha’s boss had handed her detailed some of the history of this sesquicentennial ranch—including the fact that the current owners were brothers, great-grandsons of the founder. It hadn’t mentioned they were twin T-bone steaks waiting for some woman to gobble them up, blood rare.

  I did not just think that. Tabitha took a deep, calming breath and approached the twin beefcakes.

  “Can we help you, darlin’?” the man on the right asked.

  He’d spread his legs just a tad, hooked his thumbs in the waist band of his jeans on either side of his belt buckle. It took no effort on Tabitha’s part to envision those hands moving for that hunk of steel, opening it, and following through with an eye-popping zipper pull.

  Tabitha Louise Lambert, get you mind off your glands! She reached down for her slipping professional demeanor with both hands. It was buried under about two feet of freshly fallen lust, but she found it, dusted it off, and fit it back into place.

  “I certainly hope so. I believe my boss called ahead on my behalf. I’m Ms. Lambert from the Bureau of Land Management.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Lambert. I’m Jonathan Keller, and this is my brother James. And no, your eyes aren’t deceiving you, we are identical twins.”

  His smile bloomed so easily Tabitha thought he must be used to the exercise. Now that she was this close, she could see wisps of dark, dark hair under those Stetsons. Two sets of eyes the color of the deep Atlantic sparkled with humor and male appreciation. Tabitha gave herself a mental kick to stop gawking and begin acting like the professional woman she knew herself to be.

  “How do you do?” There, that’s better, very professional. Aware of the correct protocol of the situation, Tabitha extended her hand, initiating the customary gesture of greeting.

  Her palm met Jonathan Keller’s and her sexual organs vibrated in response. She felt like a slot machine that had hit the jackpot. Any minute now her lights were going to flash and her bells start ringing.

  She nodded as she broke contact, and had no choice but to repeat the gesture, extending her hand toward James.

  Holy hell. They didn’t look completely identical in appearance to her, but their ability to spin her reels was absolutely the same.

  “A lot better than we were before you got here, darlin’,” James said.

  Tabitha blinked. Then she realized that he had taken her question as other than rhetorical and answered her.

  “I’m here to talk about wild horses.”

  “Now that is a co-incidence, since it feels like a wild horse is galloping in my heart.” Jonathan’s smoothly delivered line, corny as it was, shouldn’t have had the power to speed up her own cardio rate.

  “Speaking of wild horses, that’s a very nice car you’re driving, darlin’, considering that you represent my tax dollars at work.”

  James’s teasing had nearly as lethal an effect on her as his brothers’. The pair of them were stirring her juices and lighting her fires.

  Tabitha didn’t want her juices stirred or her fires lit. She wanted to do her job and go home. Well, not home, exactly, because in her mind home was still Washington, D.C. But since divorcing Edward Lambert three months before she’d considered it plain good sense to get the heck out of Dodge.

  Simply thinking about her ex put her in a nervous frame of mind. She didn’t want to be nervous, either. Instinct took over, pulling out the old responses, the ones sure to make Ego-Ed’s eyes glaze over.

  “That’s not just a car. It’s a Porsche Boxster, S series, with a six cylinder Boxster engine, three point four liter displacement, three hundred and ten horsepower at seventy-two hundred rpm.”

  Two pairs of eyes didn’t glaze over. They lit up.

  “Oh yeah? What’s the acceleration rate?” Jonathan asked, as he and his brother both passed her and went to look at her fire engine red baby.

  “Zero to one hundred in five point three seconds.”

  “Sweet.” They said in unison.

  She had to give them both credit. They didn’t exactly salivate, nor did they touch the car. They looked, and looked well.

  “Holy cow, it’s got PDK! How do you like that?” James exclaimed, looking as if he really did want to touch.

  Apparently he knew cars. Not many Americans were familiar with the new Porsche Dopplekupplung transmission. A button on the steering wheel replaced the familiar gear shift and clutch.

  “Now that I’m used to it, I love it.”

  “So you’re really into cars, darlin’?” Jonathan asked.

  Oh, he’d better not say ‘darlin’ to her in just that tone too often, or she would be nothing more than a puddle at their feet. Tabitha closed her eyes and called on every bit of will she possessed.

  She pulled her thoughts back to the conversation and tried to filter out the physical effect these two were having on her. Never in her entire life to date had she become so aroused simply by talking, and talking about cars, at that! “Not especially. Why would you ask that?”

  The brothers shot each other a look she couldn’t interpret. The expression on their faces when they turned their attention on her again wasn’t hard to read. Her libido began to chant a ‘let’s go’ litany when she realized they were as attracted to her as she was to them. It was time to gain control of this situation.


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