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Special Cowboy Menage Collection

Page 25

by Morgan Ashbury

  “I read an article once,” James said as he lowered his zipper, “that claimed a little bit of pain enhanced sexual arousal. I’m all for paddling your sweet little ass to see if that’s true.”

  “Ah, look at the way your eyes just glazed as James said that. You want that spanking, Tabby-cat.”

  Did she? As late as yesterday she would have sworn that the idea of any man spanking her would not only not have turned her on, it would have pissed her off.

  The image that had formed in her mind, being laid across Jonathan’s knee—or James’s—and being spanked did nothing but turn her on even more.

  These men are turning me into a hedonist!

  James stood before her, completely naked, his cock fully erect. She wished her hands were free so she could reach out, stroke it.

  He began to step toward her, then walked around so that he brushed up against her back. She could feel the silky heat of his stiff rod on her ass. Just as she tried to push back against him, to feel more of that wonderful cock against her, he took hold of her hips and held her still.

  “Your nipples taste very sweet, darlin’,” Jonathan said slowly. She swung her gaze to him. He was also gloriously naked, fully aroused, and had his eyes focused on her mons. “Makes me wonder what your pussy tastes like. Think I’m going to find out. Right now.”

  He gave no more warning than that. Falling to his knees, he put his arms between her legs to open her just a little bit more, then set his mouth on her.

  Her fires had cooled, but the moist heat of his mouth shot her to the verge of orgasm. While his lips savored and slid, his tongue slicked out, swirling, stabbing into her and sucking out her essence. Satiny hot, his mouth drank her, his intimate kiss merciless, the heat and arousal so huge Tabitha had trouble catching her breath. Up, up, and over, her senses flung her into a thrilling climax. She felt the scream tear through her as the storm of orgasm battered her, relentless rapture cascading through her until she could only whimper and shake.

  He grabbed her when he rose from his knees to his feet, like a god rising from the fire he’d created in her. When had they untied her? She didn’t know, couldn’t think. He carried her, laid her down, then thrust his cock into her, burying himself to the hilt, slamming against her cervix.

  “Come for me again, woman. I want to feel your cunt milk me.”

  “Oh God, I can’t.” Had she thought Jonathan the more passive of the brothers? He was ruthless in his mastery of her, his thrusts hard and fast and deep, his determination as rigid as his cock.

  “You can. You will. Here, let me share your flavor with you. Taste your juices on my lips.” His words brushed her mouth and then those wicked, wanton lips gave her back her own serum in an oral assault that totally drained her will, so that all she wanted was to take whatever this stunning satyr gave her, offer all that she was to his pleasure.

  Her fires re-ignited, the conflagration fanned by the heat of Jonathan’s loving. Wrapping arms and legs around him, she ground her hips into his, the need to get closer, to merge, a fever inside her.

  “You’re hot and tight, Tabby-cat. I feel your wonderful tunnel grabbing me, sucking me in. Squeeze me, baby. Use your pussy muscles and squeeze me…yeah, like that. Come for me. Come for me now.”

  “Jonathan!” He had scooped her closer, his cock rubbing against her g-spot, the hair around his cock brushing her clit, and his tongue forcing her own cream into her mouth.

  Her second orgasm catapulted her beyond pleasure, beyond rapture into a sphere of ecstasy so brilliant, so consuming, that she was certain she would never survive. Her heart pounded in her chest, the pulsations spreading through her body as loud as the trumpets of heaven. If this was all, if this was the end, she knew she would be content. Never had she soared, never had she relished as she did now.

  If she died right this moment they would never get the smile off her face.

  A solid weight pinned her down so that she knew she lived. A hot, heaving breath coated her neck so that she knew she wasn’t alone. Far off, a bird sang, a cow mooed, and Tabitha understood that the world carried on, normal.

  She was changed, somehow. The inferno of Jonathan Keller’s passion had forged her brand new and different. She felt him move, felt him flop over on his back beside her, and closed her eyes.

  Then a hand stroked her hair.

  “My God, I’ve never seen anything so arousing,” James’s voice, impassioned, accompanied his light caress.

  “I’m going to let you rest, though being a gentleman just might kill me. Roll over, darlin’. I’m going to rub your back and see what I can do to stoke your fires once more.”

  The look of longing, of pride in James’s eyes nearly undid her. Jonathan had moved over, rolled over, removed the condom he’d worn and watched them, his cock now nearly flaccid.

  And Tabitha wondered if, while watching her making love to James, Jonathan would become aroused again. Could someone actually be fucked too much?

  She’d never believed herself capable of even a modicum of arousal, of being able to inspire more than a little interest in a lover. In two short days she’d come to know that she really didn’t know what she was capable of at all.

  She became determined to explore these new possibilities to their fullest. And if it killed her, she’d die happy.

  “I don’t need to rest, James. I need you. Kiss me. Fuck me. Make me scream.”

  “God, darlin’. I’ll do all of that. All of that and more.”

  Chapter Eight

  Up until that day, there were only two things in Jonathan Keller’s life that could move him on the deepest of emotional levels: his brother, and his land.

  Now as they headed back to the ranch he realized another person had that power over him—the woman he and James had decided to call their own.

  He couldn’t explain why Tabitha Lambert got to him the way she did. But he knew, as he nudged his horse to catch up to them that he was already completely in love with her.

  He’d never felt the kind of total completion he’d just experienced inside Tabitha’s body. More than physical, their joining had rocked the foundation of his soul. Just as he would never be whole without James in his life, he knew he’d never be whole, now, without Tabitha.

  He wanted to give her something and he knew the perfect gift.

  “Let’s take a bit of a detour,” he announced.

  As always, the look in James’s eyes told him his brother understood.

  “Good idea,” he said.

  “Detour to where?” Tabitha asked.

  She looked like she could use a long hot bath and a nap. He figured between the two of them, he and James had worn her out. It was their duty, then, to see she got the opportunity to relax. The detour he had in mind would only add an extra twenty minutes to their ride. He was pretty certain Tabitha would count it time well spent.

  “You’ll see,” he answered cryptically. He smiled in response to her puzzled expression.

  After only a few more minutes the hillock came in view. If Tabitha had been paying attention as they’d ridden from the point where they’d left the main trail to here, she would have noticed the slow upward rise in the land. But she’d been chatting with James, and been distracted.

  He wondered if his brother hadn’t done just that on purpose.

  Jonathan clicked at his horse, Shiloh, who responded with a puff of air and then burst into a lope. He reached the high point of land just ahead of the other two. He wanted to watch Tabitha’s face as she discovered their surprise.

  Her gaze was on him as she approached and he said, “You work to protect them. I thought you’d like to see them.”

  He noted the exact moment she caught sight of what dwelled in the valley below.

  There, spanning half the length of the valley, a herd of wild horses grazed and played, roamed and rested. The herd numbered around forty. They were all colors, some small foals, some yearlings, and some more mature horses. They were, to his mind, as much a symbol o
f his country as was the bald eagle, or the Stars and Stripes.

  “My God, they’re magnificent! Just look at them! Oh, listen to them! It sounds as if they’re communicating!”

  “I’ve often thought they must say the same thing about us,” he said.

  He loved the way Tabitha laughed. Her eyes were alight with joy as she gave herself completely to the pleasure of watching the horses. He looked over at James, and saw the same satisfaction on his twin’s face that he felt in his own heart.

  “I’ve only ever seen pictures before, and the few video tapes that some of the field teams have taken. It’s so much better seeing them like this. There’s a raw energy surrounding them, as if they’re a force of nature itself. Can you feel it?”

  “This is a small herd. The largest one I’ve ever seen numbered around a hundred and twenty. When a herd that size begins to run, you can feel the vibration of their hooves hitting the ground in your belly.”

  “I can imagine.” She sat back in her saddle. “I’ve been fascinated by these animals since I first heard about them when I was a child. I felt devastated when I discovered that these aren’t truly ‘wild’ horses, as they’re descended from animals that were at one time domesticated.”

  “That’s right,” Jonathan said. “They’re actually ‘feral’ horses. Most species of wild horse are extinct now.”

  “Just thinking about that breaks my heart. Is this some of the land you’re setting aside for them?”

  “It is,” James said. He pointed ahead and off slightly to the left. “Do you see those trees over at the edge of the valley? There’s a stream runs through the land right there, so there’s a basic source of fresh water for them. Even in the worst drought, there’s usually still some water in that stream. We’re close enough that, if necessary, we can run irrigation out to it. The grass is plentiful, but again, if necessary, we could deliver feed.”

  “That’s quite an undertaking. You plan on hiring students from the university to monitor the animals?”

  “We hire kids every year and give them internships,” Jonathan said. “These are students enrolled in courses tied to ranching, animals or forestry, so their work becomes part of their schooling. We still pay them, of course. This will just be another learning venue for them.”

  Tabitha sighed as she turned her attention back to the horses. “Thank you for showing them to me. I hope I’ll get plenty of opportunities to see them again.”

  “Count on it.”

  “Let’s head back to the house. Darlin’, you look plumb tuckered out,” James said that dead-pan, and Jonathan felt honor bound to join in the teasing.

  “Reckon it’s because she’s from the city and all,” Jonathan added. “Too much riding when she’s not used to it.”

  “Reckon,” James agreed.

  “It has nothing to do with being from the city and you both know it,” Tabitha scoffed. Then she proved how well she fit in with them when she added, “It’s the altitude.”

  * * * *

  “I can unsaddle my own horse.” That was, in fact, one of the things both her riding instructor and her father had always insisted upon. If you’re going to ride, then you care for your own mount. Her father had especially been adamant that she not turn into a ‘pampered miss,’ so the protest came naturally when first Jonathan, then James, told her to go up to the house and leave her horse to them.

  “Of course you can. But why wouldn’t you allow us to see to it this once, as a favor?” Jonathan asked.

  “Especially since it’s our fault you’re so exhausted in the first place?” James added, his voice low.

  They’d dismounted close to the saddle barn. There were men about, busy doing myriad things. Tabitha could see one horse being exercised, another being bathed. A pick-up truck seemed to be in the process of being loaded with used straw.

  All round her the sight of industry added to her tiny, fledgling guilt born from the idea of turning over her horse to these men and doing what she longed to do—have a long hot bath and then go to bed for a nap.

  She turned to give in before that guilt grew to unmanageable proportions and noticed a black and white car coming down the lane toward the house.

  “You’ve got company.”

  Both men followed her gaze. Whoever was in the cop car, neither brother seemed displeased by the arrival.

  The driver must have seen them too, because rather than pulling in at the house he headed toward them.

  The man who got out of the car was of average height, angular, and sporting reddish hair beneath his hat. He had an easy grin and a lazy gait. As he reached them, he pulled off his sunglasses.

  “James. Jonathan.” His smile was wide as he turned his attention to Tabitha, who offered her own smile in return. The man might be wearing a sheriff’s deputy’s uniform, but he seemed friendly enough.

  “I like it when I see them together. I don’t have to ask for I. D. to know who I’m talking to.”

  James and Jonathan both laughed. Tabitha felt herself bristling and knew she had to work on her resentment. She would have thought a trained officer of the law could at least see the differences between these two men. My goodness, she could tell the difference and no one had ever accused her of being overly observant.

  Likely in response to the arrival of the cop car, a couple of the hands came forward and ended the discussion on horse tending by relieving all three of them of their mounts. Tabitha turned her attention back to James when he said her name.

  “Tabitha,” he placed his hand on her back, stroked once. “This is a good friend of ours, Derek Hamilton. He’s Deputy Hamilton these days. Derek, Tabitha Lambert.”

  Tabitha offered her hand. For a man of the law the deputy had a limp, clammy handshake.

  “Ms. Lambert.”

  “Deputy.” It took some effort to give the man a friendly smile. She was going to have to work on accepting the fact that, for whatever reason, no one else seemed able to tell James and Jonathan apart.

  “Thought I’d stop by, give you a ‘heads up.’ We’ve had some reports of suspicious activity in the area. People spotted who don’t belong, some unmarked transport trucks, that sort of thing.”

  “You think we’ve got illegals smuggling in the area?” Jonathan asked.

  “Illegal what?” Tabitha wanted to know.

  “People,” James replied.

  “Not sure. There have been rumors about some gang incursions into the northern part of the state here for the last few months. So far, they’ve been only rumors. We don’t see as much of that sort of thing in Nevada as they get in Arizona and California. But we get some, and any rumblings bear investigation.”

  “I’ll check with the men, see if they’ve noticed anything. You don’t think it could be rustlers?” Jonathan asked. To Tabitha he said, “We had some cattle go missing about ten years ago, when the price of beef was high. Finally caught the bastards.”

  “At this point, we have no idea even if anything is really going on, or what it could be. Drugs, people, cattle or horses. Take your pick. So I’ll be taking a few shifts on horseback in the next little while. Just wanted to let you know in case you saw me riding your land and wondered why.”

  “Hell, Derek, you’re always welcome here,” Jonathan said.

  The deputy’s words finally registered with her. “Horses? Someone might be stealing horses? I’ll want to know if that’s what’s happening. That would be a federal matter.”

  When the deputy tilted his head at her comment, James explained, “Tabitha is with the BLM, the Wild Horse and Burro program.”

  “Is that so?” Deputy Hamilton seemed surprised by that information, and Tabitha wondered if he was one of those throw-backs she encountered every once in a while—the kind who believed certain professions were for the major testosterone-makers only.

  “It is.” She looked at Jonathan. “How long until we get that refuge set up and under surveillance?”

  “Refuge?” the deputy asked.

; “The Kellers are designating a portion of their lands to serve as a wild horse refuge. They’re underwriting the cost of having it monitored and maintained, as well. I’m very excited about it. Once it’s set up, you’ll have even more people in the area who can be your eyes and ears, Deputy.”

  “Well, that’s certainly generous of you boys.”

  Tabitha couldn’t contain her smile. Her two strong, manly lovers were blushing! James shot her a look then turned to the deputy.

  “Anything we can do to lend a hand with your investigation, be sure to let us know. In the meantime, we’ll talk to the crew, see if they’ve encountered anything.”

  “Appreciate that. I’d also appreciate that if they report anything you let me know about it right away. Don’t take any actions yourself. If it is something bigger—like drug or people smuggling—we’d want to observe for a time before taking action.”

  “Don’t worry,” Jonathan said. “We’ll leave the hero work to you.”

  “There you go. Boys. Ma’am.”

  He tipped his hat to her then turned and walked back to his car.

  “Is there a lot of crime in this area, then?” she asked as they watched the vehicle drive out of sight.

  “Not really,” James said. “But there’s some.”

  “Being a deputy seems to suit Derek,” Jonathan said as they began to walk toward the house.

  It was late afternoon and the temperature hovered in the high eighties. Tabitha felt the heat, though she was quite aware it didn’t feel anywhere near as hot here in this arid region as it would have back east.

  “It does,” James agreed. “Maybe he’s finally found his place.”

  “So you know him quite well?” she asked, as they mounted the steps.

  “Yeah, all our lives. He’s always been a bit of a loner. Never married. Never even dated much, come to that,” Jonathan held the door open for her. “He worked with us here a few summers, but I don’t think we were ever really close friends. He always seemed to hold himself back, to not quite fit in.”


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